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306 lines (206 loc) · 15.7 KB

File metadata and controls

306 lines (206 loc) · 15.7 KB

[0.12.1] (2019-11-6)


  • Diagnostics Names Diagnostics now have consistent names throughout the language server so they can more easily be searched.
  • kOS 1.2.0 Types The type definition have been updated to include the functions and suffixes added int he kOS 1.2.0 update

Bug Fixes

  • Shadow / Conflict Related Info Previously the language server would incorrectly report that the location of a definition shadow or conflict was in the same file as the error occured. This has been updated so global symbols are correctly reported.
  • Gui Types Fixed an issue with the GUI types where completions on GUI types would sometimes cause the server to throw.

[0.12.0] (2019-10-8)


  • Workspace Loading The language server can now eagerly load the whole workspace, providing diagnostics for all files in the folder
  • Change Propagation The server can now better propagate changes from one file to another that is dependent based on a run statement

[0.11.0] (2019-8-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Path type declaration fixed This is a minor type declaration fix to the path() function the type definition has been updated to path: ((string or path)?) => path indicates that a path can be constructed from a string, a path, or nothing.


  • Control Flow Analysis The language server can now find cases of unreachable code. Two simples examples are below.

    for i in range(3) { break. print(i) // <- now indicates this is unreachable }

    function example { parameter x.

      if x < 3 {
          return true.
          print("Less than 3") // <- now indicates this is unreachable
      return false


[0.10.1] (2019-8-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Manual Auto Complete Trigger Previously the auto complete required a trigger character of : for suffix completions. This was not idea if the user manually triggered auto complete or was editing a suffix in the middle of some suffix chain. Auto complete no longer requires the trigger character to more frequently correctly identify a suffix context.


  • Search Documentation Documentation can more directly be searched in the vscode extension. Using the command palette with cntr + shift + p search kOS Search Documentation and type in the search term. This will open your default web browser to the kos documentation with your search in place. Search can also be used via the right click context menu.

  • Improved Type System The type system can no handle some cases of type coercion where one type is converted to another. Some typical examples are converting structures to strings, or converting vectors into directions. Additional the type check better understands collections. As an example

    local p is path("example/file.ks").

    // instead of structure first segment is now a string local firstSegment is p:segments[0] for segment in p:segments {

      // is also aware segment is a string


[0.9.1] (2019-7-24)

Bug Fixes

  • Disable Type Checking Diagnostics Reverted type checking diagnostics to not display

[0.9.0] (2019-7-24)


  • Boot Directory The boot directory now correctly resolves to the base of volume0
  • Run Statement Go to Definition Run statements now support go to definition in addition to symbols. This will open the file that kos-language server has resolve your run statement to. If the file is found it will go to. If a file extension is omitted kos-language server will attempt to look for a file with the .ks extension.

Bug Fixes

  • Globals Global variables better reflect kOS with the following more actually being represented.

    // main.ks
    global hi is "hi".
    // lib.ks
    function greet {
    }  //   ^---- know of hi in main.ks

[0.8.2] (2019-7-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Folding Region The addition of // #region to the language server override vscode default folding behavior. This replicates the default folding behavior inside of the language server.

[0.8.1] (2019-7-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Log Exception Fix There was a bug in the exception logging code causing another exception to be throw. This fix resolves this issue.

[0.8.0] (2019-7-12)


  • Preserve Diagnostic report a new error when the preserve keyword appears outside of a trigger scope. Previously preserve wouldn't trigger any warning when it appeared in an inappropriate place

  • Improved Operator Type Checking The internal type checker has been improved to better represent operators inside of kerboscript.

  • Folding Region The language server now supports folding regions. The server will now recognize the following a a foldable region.

    // #region
    print("this region").
    print("can fold").
    // #endregion

Bug Fixes

  • Trigger Return Previously it returns were reported as error when they appeared inside of a trigger body. The return statement can be used as a more dynamic form of preserve when inside a trigger. It determines when trigger should remain active after its current execution.

[0.7.2] (2019-7-7)

Bug Fixes

  • Error for Empty Files A bug was introduced as part of the code reorganization that caused an exception to be throw with empty files. This included blank files and files with only whitespace or comment.

[0.7.1] (2019-7-4)

Bug Fixes

  • Marketplace README Previously in the bundle the was accidentally ignored causing the marketplace page to appear blank.

[0.7.0] (2019-7-4)


  • Choose Syntax Added the new choose syntax to the server. Both syntax highlighting and semantic rules have been added.


  • Document Service Major refactor to begin splitting some of the server level functionality into difference services. A new document server has been added to handle.

[0.6.2] (2019-6-15)


  • Better server experience Added a new interface for calling, the language server from the command line. This also updates the build process so both type compile and bundled version of the code are produced.

[0.6.1] (2019-6-5)


  • Rename Symbol The language server name supports the rename handler. The server can now rename all instances of a symbol it is aware of.

Bug Fixes

  • Suffix Type Names Previously some suffixes would be completed as example<anotherExample>. This was an error in the internal type system. This should not longer occur

  • Identifer Led Statements Previously auto complete for suffixes would not trigger some anything like the following. This has now be fixed.

    local l is list().
    l: // <- previously this wouldn't trigger for list suffixes

[0.6.0] (2019-5-30)


  • Suffix Completion In addition to completion suggestions for variables, locks, and function, suffixes are suggested when the type is known. This should almost always be the case for common globals such as ship and body.
  • Signature Help When the function can be determined signature help can now be provided. Currently the signature displays the types for each parameter but not the parameter name. In a feature release parameter name will be added.

Bug Fixes

  • Type Hover Previously, on hover would not work past the first suffix trailer. This version rewrites a large part of the type checker to better resolve types for suffixes. On hover now reports types for all depths of suffix.


  • Instruction to Statement changed all references of instruction to statement to better align with the terminology of Kos

[0.5.1] (2019-5-16)


  • Code snippets Many code snippets have been added for control flow, and declarations. Feel free to suggest more on the github issue tracker.

  • Minor List Hover improvement In some limited cases we can identify the element of a list more specifically than structure. for example will identify that i is an int.

    for i in range(10) {

Bug Fixes

  • Return In Anonymous Functions Previously, Anonymous functions were not correctly counted as a valid scope for returns and would mark as an error. This has been fixed and will no longer provide a false positive
  • Return Syntax Highlighting v2 syntax highlighting now correctly occurs correct for all forms of return. Previously return. used the wrong textmate form and would capture the remainder of the file.
  • Default function scope logic A bug was introduced that caused function declared at the script level to not default to global scope. This would cause library scripts to be run to not place these functions in global scope.

[0.5.0] (2019-5-13)


  • Break and Return Diagnostics The language server is now able to find breaks outside of loops and returns outside of functions. A diagnostics reports when these occure
  • On Hover Improvements Overall the on hover has been improved. The server now indicates the response is code can should be formatted as such. Additionally some symbols that previously wouldn't allow on hover now work as expected

Bug Fixes

  • Return Syntax Highlighting syntax highlighting now occurs correct for all forms of return. Previously only return expression. would highlight correctly but return. now highlights as well


  • Type Checker Performance Some changes to how the type checker looks up symbols has results in a speed up for 5x - 10x
  • Atom Client and Grammar Submodules The atom client and the textmate grammar have successfully been moved to their own repos and included here as submodules

[0.4.0] (2019-5-4)


  • New Settings The following settings have been added

    • kos-vscode.completionCase: indicate completion casing more below.
    • kos-vscode.trace.server.level: this changes the level the the language server reports messages. This is primarily for extension development.
  • Code Completion Casing The release has several improvements to code completion. The language server will not preserve the original casing of the author. For example previously is a variable was declared as set Example to "example". the server would provide completion as example instead of Example this has now been rectified. In addition keywords, and symbols from kos itself can now set a preferred casing with the new setting kos-vscode.completionCase.

    • kos-vscode.completionCase has the following options:
      • "lowercase" example: examplevariable
      • "uppercase" example: EXAMPLEVARIABLE
      • "camelcase" example: exampleVariable
      • "pascalcase" example: ExampleVariable

Bug Fixes

  • Symbol may not exist in triggers / functions: previously the follow would report a "symbol may not exist error".

    function example {
    set b to 10.

    this now indicates via a hint that b may not be defined during the script run. Usages and go to defintion should both now work in this situation.

  • true / false syntax: previously the syntax highlighting would only highlight true or false if all lowercase. Now highlighting works for any casing of TRUE or FALSE.

[0.3.4] (2019-4-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Logging Provided a temporary work around to logging highlighting when server errors occur.

[0.3.3] (2019-4-19)


  • variable shadow warning A new warning was added that indicates when a variable, function, parameter or lock shadows another. In this case a line such as local char is "x". with now indicate that char shadows the built in function char(scalar) => string".

Bug Fixes

  • error reporting Fixed an issue where errors reported on run'ed files would not correct line to the file


  • performance improvements Some minor performance improvements in internal scanning / parsing
  • new log commands Added new logging commands primarily for development.

[0.3.2] (2019-3-30)


  • start ksp command Added a new command to the vscode command pallette. This command will start kerbal space program. By default this extension will check the default steam install location. To specify a different path use.
    • kos-vscode.kerbalSpaceProgramPath New extension settings to indicate the path of the kerbal space program
  • connect telnet command Added a new command to connect the platform telnet client to ksp. For mac users you will need to install telnet
    • kos-vscode.telnetHost New extension setting to indicate the address of the kOS telnet host
    • kos-vscode.telnetPort New extension setting to indicate the kOS telnet port

Bug Fixes

  • vscode activation bug fixed a bug where a dependency wasn't included in the published extension. This would prevent the extension from properly activating.

[0.3.1] (2019-3-22)


  • default KSP planets Added kerbin, eve, etc. to auto completes. Will eventually allow for customization
  • deprecated warning Initial set of deprecated warning for deprecated io. i.e. copy, rename, delete statements.

Bug Fixes

  • run statement resolution fixed a bug the run statement and functions where runPath("0:example.ks"). did not resolve the sample as runPath("0:\runpath.ks"). or runPath("runpath.ks")

[0.3.0] (2019-3-7)


  • on hover type hints Added support for on hover
  • better auto complete completions now include type inferred type information where available

Bug Fixes

  • rename statement grammar Fixed an issue with the grammar for the rename statement
  • update performance diagnostics Between the release of 0.2.0 and 0.3.0 vscode now ships with node 10. The performance hooks that were previously used have been remove. The new node performance hooks have been added in it's place
  • report error when lazyglobal off set The language server now reports and errors when lazyGlobal off. ... set x to "example".
  • run statements Fixed a few issues related to the language server loading other file based on runPath("example.ks"). and it's siblings

[0.2.0] (2019-1-5)


  • goto definition Added support for Goto definition or variables, parameters, locks, and functions
  • auto complete Added initial set of suggestions for auto complete. These included keywords as well as variables, functions etc that are detected in scope
  • find unused variable Indicate variables that where declared but may not used
  • find uninitialized variable Indicate when a variable is used that may not exist
  • find file symbols Using CTRL + SHIFT + O

Bug Fixes

  • number parsing Fixed an issue when a number followed by a variable e would be interpreted as a number
  • parser Fixed an issue where sometimes variable, parameter, lock or function declarations were not property parsed
  • defined keyword Previously defined keyword was not correctly identified as one
  • node commands Previously node commands were not highlighted correctly

[0.1.3] (2018-12-1)

Bug Fixes

  • parameter parsing: Fixed and issue with parameter parsing where default parameters follow a normal parameter wouldn't work correctly.
  • updated vscode dependencies: Precautionary update vscode dependencies to deal with the event-stream vulnerability

[0.1.2] (2018-09-17)

Bug Fixes

  • break statement: Forgot to actually implement break statement logic
  • parameter syntax: Previously comments would not highlight correctly in the middle of a parameter declaration
  • declare syntax: Previously in declare variable to thing. the variable name was highlighted as a keyword.
  • more synchronize statement*: More keywords were reset error reporting

[0.1.1] (2018-09-12)

Bug Fixes

  • parse errors: Previously there was a bug were parse errors were not correctly reported for statements inside a block (for, until, function, etc.).