"Swipe right to your next adventurous ride"
Venturo is a ridesharing platform with common destinations, e.g. to complement city passes. Users select multiple destinations and matched with a driver and other users. Currently serving 2 cities: Chicago and New York City.
Demo available at: http://venturo.kristiyanto.me
Video Demo:
The platform takes 2 data stream, both in JSON format:
From passenger : {id, current location, status, destinations ..}
From the driver: {id, current location, status, destination, passenger, ..}
click here for a complete schema. The data is generated by placing both drivers and passenger on a map and simulate a moving location toward destinations within 1-2 hops (euclidean).
The matching is heuristic and driver-centric:
- If a driver available / idle, scan for passenger nearby.
- Dispatch to pick up the passenger.
- Switch status to 'On trip' to the destination. Along the way, unless cab is full, driver continuously scan another passenger nearby with common destinations, and re-route if necessary.
- Once arrived, drivers' status are set back to idle to pick up other passengers. Passengers removed after 2 hours later.
The dashboard put the drivers and passengers on the map in real-time fashion within 1-hour window. Since the data is simulated, some passengers and drivers may appear in unlikely places (e.g. river/lake).
Green dots represent passengers, Blue represents drivers. Green inside blue represents passenger(s) on a trip. The stats:
- Total cabs: total active drivers (including idle, on trip, and dispatched drivers)
- Idle driver: cabs without passenger
- Total passenger: total passengers (including passengers on trip, waiting for passenger, or passengers being pickup, etc)
- On going trips: total cabs with passengers on going to destination
- Passenger waiting: total passengers not assigned to any drivers
- Average waiting time: in seconds, the average time between waiting for passengers to the time passengers hop on into the car.
Other queries that performed internally:
- Check nearby passengers
Ingestion layer
Data streams for passengers and drivers generated separately in python (Kafka producers) and ingested in Kafka as different topics. Kafka is set with 4 hours retention policy.
Secor is used to saving all raw streams into Amazon S3 for later purposes (batch, re-play, forensics, or analytics).
Stream processing
Recieved JSON streams are processed and transformed in Spark Streaming with window 3 seconds, consuming data streams from both drivers and passengers. Every incoming message is subject to sanity check: e.g. driver's reported status is matched with the previous status, etc. to anticipate latency.
Elasticsearch is used as the buffer/transactional interface for the resulted messages. Elasticsearch is also called by Spark to enable assignments. Elasticsearch geo-location and boolean queries are leveraged.
The output is served as API by using Flask, output intended mainly for dashboard and sent back to passanger and drivers. For Dashboard: Bootstrap2, jquery, and leaflet are used to prettify the output.
Hosted in Amazon S3 with 3 m3.large instances for Spark Processing and 4 m3. medium instances other services (multitenant).
The platform was tested to handle 3000 active drivers and 5000 passangers in a continues datastream on the forementioned infrastructure.
An Insight Data Science project by Daniel Kristiyanto.
Palo Alto, California -- Autumn, 2016.