For all the bugs and improvement, first generate an issue, and then if you wish to resolve, do generate a pull request. If you only know the bug or wish us to resolve, then only generate an issue for the same.
If you wish to contribute generate a pull request mentioning what you have updated.
- Fork the repository and then clone it. For cloning command is:
$ git clone "<username>/shell-scripting"
- Do changes and stage them:
$ git add <filename>
- Commit you changes with a commit message:
$ git commit -m "<message>"
- Push changes to your forked repository:
$ git push -u origin branchname
- Create a pull request to the upstream repository.
- Create upstream as our repository:
$ git remote add upstream ""
- Fetch changes from main repository:
$ git fetch upstream
- Merge changes after being fetched:
$ git merge upstream/master
- Push changes to your forked repository:
$ git push -f origin master