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M. tuberculosis variant identification benchmarking

Genomic epidemiology relies on accurate identification of M. tuberculosis variants. We and others have reported on significant differences between variant identification pipelines that may alter transmission inferences. Filtering is critical but identifying an optimal pipeline and set of filters--and the tradeoffs between sensitivity and specificity--may be determined by specific application.

We previously conducted a variant identification experiment and found that a combination of bwa and GATK outperformed other tool combinations. We described our simulation-based benchmarking approach there.

To measure performance of this pipeline, including the filters set by the use, we include two read sets: simulated Illumina reads from the (a) CDC1551 and (b) H37Rv reference genomes. Reads were simulated with ART. To generate a truth set of variants, we pairwise aligned the CDC1551 and H37Rv reference genomes with MUMMER and identified SNPs between the two genomes.

  1. Download, a variant calling benchmarking tool. (Compiling from source may be the easiest option.)
  • requires Python2.
  1. Run pipeline on benchmarking data. To do this, update the nextflow.config: reads_list = 'input/benchmarking_reads_list.tsv'
nextflow run -profile singularity # or docker
  1. Evaluate performance of identifying SNPs in the CDC1551 genome inside and outside of the PE/PPE gene set. Will report both performance in full VCF and excluding any site with a FILTER tag (i.e. those failing the quality or depth filters specified in the nextflow.config).

# Include entire genome ${truth_vcf} ${query_vcf} -o perf -r ${ref_dir}${ref_name} --set-gt hom

# Exclude regions defined in the bed file. ${truth_vcf} ${query_vcf} -o perf -r ${ref_dir}${ref_name} --set-gt hom -T ^${bed}
  • We report a recall of 91.4% (845/925) and precision of 99.5% (845/849) when excluding the PE/PPE genes with the pipeline default filters.
  • We report a recall of 77.4% (1162/1502) and precision of 93.6% (1162/1225) when including the full gneome with the pipeline default filters.
  1. Evaluate specificity of variant identification in the H37Rv data. There should be 0 SNPs identified in the H37Rv data (i.e. 100% specificity).
bcftools view --types 'snps' results/benchmark/H37Rv/vars/H37Rv_gatk_filt.vcf.gz 
  1. We constructed the truth VCF through pairwise alignment. However, differet alignment strategies result in different sets of SNPs and therefore alter performance measurements. We constructed the pairwise alignment as described previously, setting the mincluster length to 1500 (to increase specificity). We also include an alternative truth VCF: test_reads/benchmark/H37Rv_AE000516_fmt.vcf.gz with mincluster length as the default (which may increase sensitivity).