Releases: kubeagi/arcadia
Releases · kubeagi/arcadia
A Helm chart(Also a KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(Also a KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
Welcome to this new release!
Images built for this release:
Breaking Changes:
Feature summary 🚀 🚀 🚀
For dataprocessing:
- Add a new datasource
and able to download,extract,process online url resources to enhanced QA - Deduplicate QA by similarity comparison on Q's embeddings
For model:
- Support more models: mistral,qwen7b,qwen
For LLM application and agents:
- Application/Agent evaluation with the help of ragas_once(a CLI of ragas) in following metrics: context_precision,context_recall,context_relevancy,answer_relevancy,answer_similarity,answer_correctness,faithfulness
- Add a new CRD Agent to provides agent capabilities
- Add two new tools: bing_search, weather query
- Able to process documents(pdf,txts) during chat: generate embeddings and summary with a MapReduceChain
- Add a new Chain
which call a open api during chat - Able to publish applications to gpt store
New Features
- 0ce6076: feat: Add 1st version of agent support with a weather query tool (@nkwangleiGIT)
- 8514d7b: feat: Add api to support copying existing rag (@dayuy)
- 07a62de: feat: able to customize worker' images (@0xff-dev)
- 149fb59: feat: able to generate embeddings and summarizations for documents in a conversation (@bjwswang)
- d3b3039: feat: able to set/update models in LLM and Embedder (@bjwswang)
- c519fe5: feat: able to store chat document (@bjwswang)
- 540607d: feat: able to store chat document (@bjwswang)
- 27f9ef0: feat: able to use Web datasource in versioneddataset (@bjwswang)
- e0cd235: feat: able to use openai as the embedder in knowledgebase (@bjwswang)
- 46f39ed: feat: add for arcadia chart (@Lanture1064)
- 0703063: feat: add a command to download a file (@0xff-dev)
- 98923c3: feat: add a controller implementation of rag (@0xff-dev)
- dc10c00: feat: add a new api to get rag evaluation report (@0xff-dev)
- 4b5e25f: feat: add a new column latency in rag eval dataset row (@0xff-dev)
- 89a65ae: feat: add a new mapreducechain in appruntime (@bjwswang)
- 181b3df: feat: add api and doc support to return to the download link (@xxxxibo)
- 0d6e83d: feat: add apichain (@Abirdcfly)
- 22ba5c4: feat: add bingsearch tools (@Abirdcfly)
- 5ec0900: feat: add chat latency and api: generate prompt starters (@Abirdcfly)
- f7b12e2: feat: add creator for rag (@0xff-dev)
- ba39369: feat: add gpt list (@Abirdcfly)
- e3f036f: feat: add graphql definition of rag (@0xff-dev)
- 59c59c9: feat: add maxTokens in apiserver (@Abirdcfly)
- fc79c1a: feat: add more info to model including MaxContextLength,HuggingfaceRepo,ModelscopeRepo (@bjwswang)
- 51a709b: feat: add new datasource Web (@bjwswang)
- ac9e121: feat: add rag custom resource definition (@0xff-dev)
- 008ad77: feat: add ragas_once tool (@Lanture1064)
- 146af31: feat: add reocrd costtime (@0xff-dev)
- 736803e: feat: add some display config for app (@Abirdcfly)
- 9a4932e: feat: added watch on Embedder and VectorStore for KnowledgeBase reconciliation (@Abirdcfly)
- 6eeceee: feat: apiserver authentication support different groups (@0xff-dev)
- 09254c9: feat: arctl support merge files (@0xff-dev)
- 83e72f5: feat: bingsearch add more config (@Abirdcfly)
- 36cd8db: feat: change maxLength default value to 2048 (@Abirdcfly)
- 3dd25d3: feat: chat info store to pg (@Abirdcfly)
- 7c6ef7f: feat: generate evaluation test dataset (@bjwswang)
- 2d22e20: feat: graphql add api to create rag (@0xff-dev)
- 534b402: feat: graphql: add api to update rag (@dayuy)
- 199d0b0: feat: handle pod state Waiting in worker (@bjwswang)
- b01bbdb: feat: knowledgebase support more granular update (@Abirdcfly)
- 4f4b17d: feat: namespace controller creates the rabc needed for the job (@0xff-dev)
- dc88d12: feat: release v0.2.0 (@bjwswang)
- c0ff091: feat: result & summary CSV file output (@Lanture1064)
- 804542d: feat: return users all conversation (@Abirdcfly)
- cabcb45: feat: set to storage as a non-required field (@0xff-dev)
- 0dff685: feat: support for downloading data from versioneddatasets (@0xff-dev)
- 2377775: feat: support streaming and chain of agent (@nkwangleiGIT)
- f234364: feat: support streaming in chat docs (@bjwswang)
- 461309d: feat: unify the implementation of list apis (@0xff-dev)
- 21f9aaa: feat: when a task fails, display the failure time (@0xff-dev)
- a74b3d2: feat:QA remove duplicate (@)
- 9617971: feat:Real-time data access (@)
- fe1190d: feat:Splitting website data (@wangxinbiao)
- af1ee1b: feat:able to use openai in data-processing (@wangxinbiao)
- af8f14c: feat:add dataprocessing task retry functionality (@wangxinbiao)
- d79d56b: feat:add fields dataProcessMs and syncMsg for the data processing information and file synchronisation information respectively (@xxxxibo)
- cd8550f: feat:deduplicate QA (@wangxinbiao)
- 77f5129: feat:details return deduplication configuration information (@wangxinbiao)
- 97ce84c: feat:support downloading files to specific directories (@xxxxibo)
- 49ed6bc: feat:when the task fails, update the 'message' information in the dataset for cr. (@wangxinbiao)
Bug Fixes
- 7156ee8: fix(application): add isReady check for all nodes in application (@Abirdcfly)
- 1ae5ff1: fix(appruntime): Add Cleanup() function to Node interface (@Abirdcfly)
- a99b1b5: fix: Failed to create Versioneddataset with the inherited historical version (@dayuy)
- d00c5bc: fix: able to use openai-compatible llms/embeddings in ragas_once (@bjwswang)
- 16dc3d5: fix: adapting ragas_once parameter changes (@0xff-dev)
- e07201e: fix: add displayName in graphql TypedObjectReference (@bjwswang)
- a2712ab: fix: add empty history for evaluation run (@Abirdcfly)
- 8230951: fix: add messageID for stream mode (@Abirdcfly)
- 5bf9bfc: fix: add new filed embeddderType in apiserver's knowledgebase model (@bjwswang)
- 8b31112: fix: add permissions for arctl (@0xff-dev)
- 3e12421: fix: apiserver needs access to storageclass (@0xff-dev)
- 51b4856: fix: application get more fields (@Abirdcfly)
- 875d096: fix: avoid the pointer to loop variables (@xxxxibo)
- ba85408: fix: avoid to update resource status with explictly status check (@bjwswang)
- bcf9cfe: fix: datasource and dataset are using the wrong bucket in command arctl (@0xff-dev)
- 9a70257: fix: delete the rag and clean up the minio files at the same time (@0xff-dev)
- 0fc1427: fix: doc score need update (@Abirdcfly)
- 602efc0: fix: gpt hot use storage interface (@Abirdcfly)
- 2699be2: fix: handle some errors in chat when using stream mode (@Abirdcfly)
- d30a3ce: fix: init a start time when chat documents (@bjwswang)
- 48482eb: fix: langchaingo upstream update (@Abirdcfly)
- b762946: fix: pass chain call options to chat_docs (@bjwswang)
- ee61601: fix: pgvector return nothing when embedding table has vector with different dimensions (@Abirdcfly)
- ca249e7: fix: prompt is using the wrong group (@0xff-dev)
- fc94bf1: fix: prompt-starter api cant get data when use knowledgebase (@Abirdcfly)
- 1e7b2b8: fix: qachain set hi...
A Helm chart(Also a KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(Also a KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(Also a KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia