index e9609fdf4d8..6aea029185d 100644
@@ -136,6 +136,10 @@ aliases:
- deads2k
- stevekuznetsov
- wojtek-t
+ wg-service-mesh-leads:
+ - howardjohn
+ - keithmattix
+ - mikemorris
- pohly
- serathius
diff --git a/liaisons.md b/liaisons.md
index c50a88e80b0..1b5344ba05a 100644
--- a/liaisons.md
+++ b/liaisons.md
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ members will assume one of the departing members groups.
| [WG IoT Edge](wg-iot-edge/README.md) | Christoph Blecker (**[@cblecker](https://github.com/cblecker)**) |
| [WG Multitenancy](wg-multitenancy/README.md) | Jordan Liggitt (**[@liggitt](https://github.com/liggitt)**) |
| [WG Policy](wg-policy/README.md) | Christoph Blecker (**[@cblecker](https://github.com/cblecker)**) |
+| [WG Service Mesh](wg-service-mesh/README.md) | TBD (**[@TBD](https://github.com/TBD)**) |
| [WG Structured Logging](wg-structured-logging/README.md) | Davanum Srinivas (**[@dims](https://github.com/dims)**) |
| [UG Big Data](ug-big-data/README.md) | Tim Pepper (**[@tpepper](https://github.com/tpepper)**) |
| [UG VMware Users](ug-vmware-users/README.md) | Tim Pepper (**[@tpepper](https://github.com/tpepper)**) |
diff --git a/sig-list.md b/sig-list.md
index 5d41162005f..ff96c893ea2 100644
--- a/sig-list.md
+++ b/sig-list.md
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ When the need arises, a [new SIG can be created](sig-wg-lifecycle.md)
|[Multitenancy](wg-multitenancy/README.md)|[multitenancy](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/labels/wg%2Fmultitenancy)|* API Machinery
* Auth
* Network
* Node
* Scheduling
* Storage
|* [Sanjeev Rampal](https://github.com/srampal), Cisco
* [Tasha Drew](https://github.com/tashimi), VMware
|* [Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/wg-multitenancy)
* [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-wg-multitenancy)|* Regular WG Meeting: [Tuesdays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)](https://zoom.us/my/k8s.sig.auth)
|[Policy](wg-policy/README.md)|[policy](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/labels/wg%2Fpolicy)|* Architecture
* Auth
* Multicluster
* Network
* Node
* Scheduling
* Storage
|* [Jim Bugwadia](https://github.com/JimBugwadia), Kyverno/Nirmata
* [Robert Ficcaglia](https://github.com/rficcaglia), SunStone
|* [Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/wg-policy)
* [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-wg-policy)|* Regular WG Meeting: [Wednesdays at 8:00 PT (Pacific Time) (semimonthly)](https://zoom.us/j/7375677271)
|[Reliability](wg-reliability/README.md)|[reliability](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/labels/wg%2Freliability)|* Architecture
* Cluster Lifecycle
* Release
* Scalability
* Testing
|* [David Eads](https://github.com/deads2k), Red Hat
* [Steve Kuznetsov](https://github.com/stevekuznetsov), Red Hat
* [Wojciech Tyczynski](https://github.com/wojtek-t), Google
|* [Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/wg-reliability)
* [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-wg-reliability)|* Regular WG Meeting: [Mondays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)](https://zoom.us/j/97964505804?pwd=R3hzSnArQWJHYmdWUnpSUDh3aXhFUT09)
+|[Service Mesh](wg-service-mesh/README.md)|[service-mesh](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/labels/wg%2Fservice-mesh)|* Network
|* [John Howard](https://github.com/howardjohn), Google
* [Keith Mattix](https://github.com/keithmattix), Microsoft
* [Mike Morris](https://github.com/mikemorris), Hashicorp
|* [Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/wg-service-mesh)
* [Mailing List](TBD)|* Regular WG Meeting: [TBDs at TBD UTC (biweekly)](TBD)
|[Structured Logging](wg-structured-logging/README.md)|[structured-logging](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/labels/wg%2Fstructured-logging)|* API Machinery
* Architecture
* Cloud Provider
* Instrumentation
* Network
* Node
* Scheduling
* Storage
|* [Patrick Ohly](https://github.com/pohly), Intel
* [Marek Siarkowicz](https://github.com/serathius), Google
|* [Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/wg-structured-logging)
* [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-wg-structured-logging)|* Regular Meeting: [Thursdays at 14:30 UTC (biweekly)](https://zoom.us/j/96716142646?pwd=VmgrN29sbmhDREp3R0NtZlpGSlZ4Zz09)
### User Groups
diff --git a/sig-network/README.md b/sig-network/README.md
index e6bd4479702..3e3821161ef 100644
--- a/sig-network/README.md
+++ b/sig-network/README.md
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ The following [working groups][working-group-definition] are sponsored by sig-ne
* [WG IoT Edge](/wg-iot-edge)
* [WG Multitenancy](/wg-multitenancy)
* [WG Policy](/wg-policy)
+* [WG Service Mesh](/wg-service-mesh)
* [WG Structured Logging](/wg-structured-logging)
diff --git a/sigs.yaml b/sigs.yaml
index 812270a9cb8..86bbcd8d045 100644
--- a/sigs.yaml
+++ b/sigs.yaml
@@ -3143,6 +3143,42 @@ workinggroups:
slack: wg-reliability
mailing_list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-wg-reliability
+- dir: wg-service-mesh
+ name: Service Mesh
+ mission_statement: >-
+ This group's goal is to investigate, design, and track Kubernetes networking resources,
+ APIs, and other artifacts related to service mesh technology and use-cases. Furthermore,
+ we strive to advocate for consistency between implementations of the Gateway API
+ by service mesh projects.
+ stakeholder_sigs:
+ - Network
+ label: service-mesh
+ leadership:
+ chairs:
+ - github: howardjohn
+ name: John Howard
+ company: Google
+ - github: keithmattix
+ name: Keith Mattix
+ company: Microsoft
+ - github: mikemorris
+ name: Mike Morris
+ company: Hashicorp
+ meetings:
+ - description: Regular WG Meeting
+ day: TBD
+ time: TBD
+ tz: UTC
+ frequency: biweekly
+ url: TBD
+ archive_url: TBD
+ recordings_url: TBD
+ contact:
+ slack: wg-service-mesh
+ mailing_list: TBD
+ liaison:
+ github: TBD
+ name: TBD
- dir: wg-structured-logging
name: Structured Logging
mission_statement: >
diff --git a/wg-service-mesh/README.md b/wg-service-mesh/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7cd66bd002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wg-service-mesh/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Service Mesh Working Group
+This group's goal is to investigate, design, and track Kubernetes networking resources, APIs, and other artifacts related to service mesh technology and use-cases. Furthermore, we strive to advocate for consistency between implementations of the Gateway API by service mesh projects.
+## Stakeholder SIGs
+* [SIG Network](/sig-network)
+## Meetings
+*Joining the [mailing list](TBD) for the group will typically add invites for the following meetings to your calendar.*
+* Regular WG Meeting: [TBDs at TBD UTC](TBD) (biweekly). [Convert to your timezone](http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/?t=TBD&tz=UTC).
+ * [Meeting notes and Agenda](TBD).
+ * [Meeting recordings](TBD).
+## Organizers
+* John Howard (**[@howardjohn](https://github.com/howardjohn)**), Google
+* Keith Mattix (**[@keithmattix](https://github.com/keithmattix)**), Microsoft
+* Mike Morris (**[@mikemorris](https://github.com/mikemorris)**), Hashicorp
+## Contact
+- Slack: [#wg-service-mesh](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/wg-service-mesh)
+- [Mailing list](TBD)
+- [Open Community Issues/PRs](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/labels/wg%2Fservice-mesh)
+- Steering Committee Liaison: TBD (**[@TBD](https://github.com/TBD)**)