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Contributing and development


  • Minikube (or any other K8s cluster running)
  • kubectl
  • helm
  • Skaffold
  • nodejs


Start Minikube (or any other cluster of your choice):

minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins=ValidatingAdmissionWebhook

Deploying (via Skaffold)

./scripts/ namespace

or for Cloud enabled version:

/scripts/ cloudApiUrl automationToken namespace

This will run a watcher and reload any time ./admission-controller/* folder changes.

Deploying (via Helm + Minikube registry)

Deploying with helm requires having local docker registry (for locally build images). This can be done with Minikube:

eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

Building images:

cd admission-controller/init
minikube image build -t admission-webhook-init -f ./Dockerfile .

cd admission-controller/server
minikube image build -t admission-webhook -f ./Dockerfile .

cd admission-controller/synchronizer
minikube image build -t admission-synchronizer -f ./Dockerfile .

docker images

Installing chart:

helm install monokle-ac ./helm \
--set image.init.pullPolicy=Never \
--set image.init.overridePath=admission-webhook-init \
--set image.server.pullPolicy=Never \
--set image.server.overridePath=admission-webhook \
--set image.synchronizer.pullPolicy=Never \
--set image.synchronizer.overridePath=admission-synchronizer \
--namespace monokle \

Checking if it's ok:

helm list -A

To uninstall:

helm uninstall monokle-ac

Checking deployment state

Namespaced resources (webhook server) will be deployed chosen namespace (monokle if you run above commands), to watch it you can run:

watch kubectl -n monokle get all,CustomResourceDefinition,ValidatingWebhookConfiguration,secrets,policies,policybindings

After it runs, the result should be something like:

NAME                                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/monokle-admission-controller-server-6958c9bbf8-jvkvk   1/1     Running   0          5m11s

NAME                                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/monokle-admission-controller-server   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   5m11s

NAME                                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/monokle-admission-controller-server   1/1     1            1           5m11s

NAME                                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/monokle-admission-controller-server-6958c9bbf8   1         1         1       5m11s

NAME                                                                      CREATED AT         2023-10-12T12:16:04Z   2023-10-12T12:16:04Z

NAME                                                                                               WEBHOOKS   AGE   1          5m11s

NAME                                      TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
secret/default-token-w56nz         3      5m39s
secret/monokle-admission-controller-tls                     2      5m1s
secret/monokle-policies-sa-token-fcpld   3      5m49s

For getting info about CRDs:

kubectl get crd
kubectl describe crd
kubectl describe crd

Init container logs

The monokle-admission-controller-server has one init container which is responsible for certificate creation/renewal and propagation into cluster. Logs from it can be viewed with:

kubectl -n monokle logs pod/monokle-admission-controller-server-... -c init


Create test namespaces first:

kubectl create namespace nstest1
kubectl create namespace nstest2

First you need to create policy resource, for example:

kubectl apply -f examples/policy-sample-1.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/policy-sample-2.yaml

Then it needs to be bind to be used for validation. Either without scope (globally to all, but ignored namespaces) or with matchResource field:

kubectl apply -f examples/policy-binding-sample-1.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/policy-binding-sample-2.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/policy-binding-sample-3.yaml

You can inspect deployed policies with:

kubectl get policy
kubectl describe policy

kubectl get policybinding
kubectl describe policybinding

Then you can try to create sample resource and see webhook response:

kubectl apply -f examples/pod-valid.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/pod-warning.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/pod-errors.yaml


Releasing is mostly done automatically with Release CI job. To trigger the release, bump project version:

./script/ A.B.C

This will bump init and server node packages version and helm chart versions. Commit it and create vA.B.C tag. Then it needs to be pushed to remote:

git push origin main
git push origin vA.B.C

Release job is triggered when new tag is pushed. It will build everything, push to dockerhub and create GitHub release.
