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Darren Kulp edited this page Jan 26, 2015 · 5 revisions
Usage: tsim [ OPTIONS ] image-file
  -@, --options=X       use options from file X
  -a, --address=N       load instructions into memory at word address N
  -f, --format=F        select input format (obj, raw, text)
  -n, --scratch         don't run default recipes
  -p, --param=X=Y       set parameter X to value Y
  -r, --recipe=R        run recipe R (see list below)
  -s, --start=N         start execution at word address N
  -v, --verbose         increase verbosity of output

  -h, --help            display this message
  -V, --version         print the string `tsim version v0.8.0...'

Available recipes:
  abort: abort() on illegal element or memory address
  prealloc: preallocate memory (higher memory footprint, maybe faster)
  sparse: use sparse memory (lower memory footprint, maybe slower)
  serial: enable simple serial device and connect to stdio
  plugin: load plugins specified through param mechanism
Default recipes:
  sparse serial plugin 
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