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🖼️ Wall panel mode for your Home Assistant Dashboards. Configurable extension which features a fullscreen mode, photo slideshow screensaver, screen wake lock and the ability to hide side and top bar. Show dashboard cards and badges of your choice on top of the images.

Screenshot of screensaver


The recommended way is to install this plugin using HACS.

HACS Installation

Add to custom repositories

  • Go to HACS => Frontend
  • Click on the three dots in the top right corner
  • Select "Custom repositories"
  • Insert into repository.
  • Select the Lovelace as category.
  • Click the ADD button.

Install plugin

  • Search for WallPanel in the Frontend repository list
  • Click on the repository card
  • Click on Install this repository in HACS
  • Select the latest version
  • Click on Download

Manual installation

  • Download wallpanel.js and place it into the folder config/www.
  • Open Configuration => Lovelace Dashboards => Resources and add /local/wallpanel.js (Resource type: JavaScript module).


The recommended way is to upgrade this plugin using HACS.

HACS upgrade

  • Search for WallPanel in the Frontend repository list
  • Click on the repository card
  • Click on Install this repository in HACS
  • Select the latest version
  • Click on Download

Manual upgrade

  • Download current wallpanel.js and place it into the folder config/www.
  • Open Configuration => Lovelace Dashboards => Resources and modify the resource URL to force browsers to reload the resource. For example you could add or change the query string: /local/wallpanel.js?v2


You can set the following configuration parameters for every individual Home Assistant Dashboard:

Config Description Default
enabled Enable WallPanel?
You will need to set this to true to activate the wall panel for the dashboard.
debug Show debug output? false
hide_toolbar Hide the upper panel toolbar? false
hide_sidebar Hide the navigation sidebar? false
fullscreen Set browser window to fullscreen?
Due to browser restrictions you will need to interact with the screen once to activate fullscreen mode after loading the dashboard page.
idle_time Time in seconds after which the screensaver will start (0 = screensaver disabled). 15
fade_in_time Screensaver fade-in time in seconds. 3.0
crossfade_time Crossfade duration in seconds for screensaver images. 3.0
display_time Duration in seconds after which the next screensaver image will be shown. 15.0
keep_screen_on_time Time in seconds for how long to prevent screen to dimm or lock (0 = disabled). 0
black_screen_after_time Time in seconds after which the screensaver will show just a black screen (0 = disabled). 0
control_reactivation_time Time in seconds for which interaction with the dashboard is disabled after the screensaver is stopped. 1.0
screensaver_stop_navigation_path Path to navigate to (e.g., /lovelace/default_view) when screensaver ist stopped.
screensaver_entity An entity of type 'input_boolean' to reflect and change the screensaver state (on = started, off = stopped).
image_url Fetch screensaver images from this URL. See below for details. See below
image_excludes List of regular expressions for excluding files and directories from local media sources. See below for details. []
image_fit Value to be used for the CSS-property 'object-fit' of the images (possible values are: cover / contain / fill / ...). cover
image_list_update_interval When using a local media source, the image list is updated at this interval. 3600
image_order The order in which the images are displayed (possible values are: sorted / random). sorted
info_animation_duration_x Animation duration in seconds for the movement of the info box in x-direction (0 = no animation). 0
info_animation_duration_y Animation duration in seconds for the movement of the info box in y-direction (0 = no animation). 0
info_animation_timing_function_x The CSS timing-function to use for the animation of the info box movemrnt in x-direction. ease
info_animation_timing_function_y The CSS timing-function to use for the animation of the info box movemrnt in y-direction. ease
style Additional CSS styles for wallpanel elements. {}
badges Badges to display in info box. See below for details. []
cards Cards to display in info box. See below for details. See below
profiles Configuration profiles. See below for details. {}
profile Configuration profile to activate.
profile_entity An entity of type 'input_text' used for dynamic activation of profiles.

Home Assistant Dashboard configuration

You can add the configuration to your Home Assistant Dashboard configuration yaml (raw config).

Short example:

  enabled: true
  hide_toolbar: true
  hide_sidebar: true
  fullscreen: true

Extendend example:

  enabled: true
  debug: false
  hide_toolbar: true
  hide_sidebar: true
  fullscreen: true
  idle_time: 10
  keep_screen_on_time: 86400
  black_screen_after_time: 7200
  control_reactivation_time: 1.0
  screensaver_stop_navigation_path: /lovelace/default_view 
  image_url: '${width}/${height}?random=${timestamp}'
  image_fit: cover
  image_list_update_interval: 3600
  image_order: 'sorted'
  image_excludes: []
  screensaver_entity: input_boolean.wallpanel_screensaver
  info_animation_duration_x: 30
  info_animation_duration_y: 11
  info_animation_timing_function_x: 'ease-in-out'
  info_animation_timing_function_y: 'ease-in-out'
      font-size: 8vh
      font-weight: 600
      color: '#eeeeee'
      text-shadow: '-2px -2px 0 #03a9f4, 2px -2px 0 #03a9f4, -2px 2px 0 #03a9f4, 2px 2px 0 #03a9f4'

URL query parameters

It is also possible to pass configuration parameters in the query string. These parameters (wp_<parameter>) will override the corresponding properties in the yaml configuration. This will allow you to use device specific settings. Use JSON syntax for the values.

Example: http://hass:8123/lovelace/default_view?wp_hide_sidebar=false&wp_idle_time=60&wp_style={"wallpanel-screensaver-info-box":{"font-size":"4vh"}}

Activate on individual devices only

  1. Set enabled to false in your dashboard configuration.
  enabled: false
  1. Add a query string to the URL to activate on a device: http://hass:8123/lovelace/default_view?wp_enabled=true


Screensaver images will be fetched from this URL. This can be any HTTP URL or a Home Assistant media-source URL.

The default value is:${width}/${height}?random=${timestamp}

The following variables can be used in HTTP URLs:

  • ${timestamp} = current unix timestamp
  • ${width} = viewport width
  • ${height} = viewport height

It is also possible to use images from the Home Assistant Local Media source. Just set the image_url to a media-source URL as displayed in the URL of the Home Assistant Media Browser. See Home Assistant Media Source integration documentation for details.

Instead of using media-source://media_source/ as image_url you can just use / as a shortcut.

  • / = Images in all Local Media sources
  • /media1 = Images in the Local Media directory named media1
  • /media1/folder1 = Images in folder1 of the Local Media directory named media1

Tip: If you click on the far right side of the screen while the screen saver is active, the next image will be displayed.


A list of regular expressions which can be used to exclude files and directories from local media sources.


  - '\.tif$'
  - '/@eaDir'

Badges and cards

A so-called info box can be displayed above the images. You can add badges and cards to this box.

You can use the same yaml config, as used in the Home Assistant Dashboard configuration (raw config).

Example (and default) for cards:

  - type: weather-forecast
    entity: weather.home
    show_forecast: true

Example for badges:

  - entity: person.somebody
  - entity: sun.sun

Info box animation

The info box, which contains the cards and badges, can be animated and moved around the screen using CSS animations. The following settings can be used to configure the animation:

info_animation_duration_x: How long it will take in seconds to move the info box from one end of the screen to the other in x-direction. If set to 0, animation in x-direction will be disabled.

info_animation_duration_y: Same as above, but in y-direction.

The style of the animation can be configured with info_animation_timing_function_x for x-direction and info_animation_timing_function_y for the y-direction using a CSS animation-timing-function.

Possible values are, for example, ease and linear. For details, please have a look at MDN - CSS animation-timing-function.

An example of a nice animated movement using the Easing function:

info_animation_duration_x: 30
info_animation_duration_y: 13
info_animation_timing_function_x: ease-in-out
info_animation_timing_function_y: ease-in-out

Be aware that animations increase CPU/GPU usage and power consumption.

A timing function that requires few resources is the step function (steps(<number-of-steps> [, <step-position> ])). You can play with the number of steps to achieve the desired result. Here is one example in combination with duration settings:

info_animation_duration_x: 10
info_animation_duration_y: 20
info_animation_timing_function_x: steps(3, end)
info_animation_timing_function_y: steps(3, end)

Fewer steps and higher duration will result in fewer movements and lower resource consumption.


If you set this attribute to a value greater than zero, the screen is prevented from dimming or locking for the specified time in seconds.

If supported by the browser, this is done via the Screen Wake Lock API. The Screen Wake Lock API is usually only available when provided over HTTPS.

If the screen lock API is not available, a short invisible video is played in a loop instead to keep the screen on. Due to browser limitations, you must interact with the screen once to enable the screen lock after the Dashboard page loads.


You can create an input_boolean helper in HA and set screensaver_entity to this entity id. When the screensaver starts this input_boolean will be set to on and to off when the screensaver stops. It is also possible to start and stop the screensaver by changing this input_boolean.


You can customize the style of every wallpanel element.

The most important element IDs are:

  • wallpanel-screensaver-container
  • wallpanel-screensaver-info-box
  • wallpanel-screensaver-info-box-content
  • wallpanel-screensaver-overlay

Use the style configuration attribute and add a key for the element ID for which you want to set style attributes.


    background: '#00000055'
    background: '#ffffff'

The following CSS custom properties (variables) can be used to set styles for all added cards, the defaults are:

    '--wp-card-width': 500px
    '--wp-card-margin': 5px
    '--wp-card-padding': 0px
    '--wp-card-backdrop-filter': none

You can add the wp_style attribute for individual cards to set CSS styles as needed.


  - type: weather-forecast
    entity: weather.home
      margin-top: 10px
      '--ha-card-background': '#990000'

Here are some style examples:

Dark style

    '--wp-card-width': 450px
    background-color: '#00000099'
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
    '--ha-card-background': none
    '--ha-card-box-shadow': none
    '--primary-background-color': '#111111'
    '--secondary-background-color': '#202020'
    '--primary-text-color': '#e1e1e1'
    '--secondary-text-color': '#9b9b9b'

Dark style

Light style

    background-color: '#333333dd'
    '--wp-card-width': 450px
    background-color: '#ffffff99'
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
    '--ha-card-background': none
    '--ha-card-box-shadow': none
    '--primary-background-color': '#fafafa'
    '--secondary-background-color': '#e5e5e5'
    '--primary-text-color': '#212121'
    '--secondary-text-color': '#727272'

Light style

Transparent style

    '--wp-card-width': 450px
    '--ha-card-background': none
    '--ha-card-box-shadow': none
    text-shadow: -0.5px -0.5px 0 rgb(17, 17, 17), 0.5px -0.5px 0 rgb(17, 17, 17), -0.5px 0.5px 0 rgb(17, 17, 17), 0.5px 0.5px 0 rgb(17, 17, 17)
    '--primary-text-color': '#ffffff'
    '--secondary-text-color': '#dddddd'

Transparent style


The cards and badges are positionend by a Grid_Layout.


    - type: markdown
      content: Card 1
        width: 810px
        grid-row: 1
        grid-column: 1 / span 2
    - type: markdown
      content: Card 2
        width: 400px
        grid-row: 2
        grid-column: 2
    - type: markdown
      content: Card 3
        width: 400px
        grid-row: 3
        grid-column: 1
    - type: markdown
      content: Card 4
        width: 400px
        grid-row: 3
        grid-column: 2

Grid layout


With profiles you can easily switch between different configurations.


  enabled: true
  info_animation_duration_x: 30
  info_animation_duration_y: 20
      background: '#00000000'
      info_animation_duration_x: 0
      info_animation_duration_y: 0
          background: '#000000bb'
      black_screen_after_time: 1
  profile: night
  profile_entity: input_text.wallpanel_profile

The example contains the two profiles night and black. Setting the profile configuration to night will overwrite the main configuration with the settings defined in the referenced profile.

A profile can be activated by a query string parameter: http://hass:8123/lovelace/default_view?wp_profile="night"

In addition, a profile can be changed dynamically using an input_text helper. For the example, an input_text helper named wallpanel_profile must be created in HA. The profile can then be changed by setting the status of input_text.wallpanel_profile.


Thanks to Unsplash and to all the photographers for sharing their great photos!

This project is inspired by: