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Kurt edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 14 revisions


Similar to the Terrain Editor, NHSE provides a field item editor to indicate what items are dropped, and the ability to modify what is placed. Compared to a single Terrain tile, a Field Item tile is 1/4th the size (it is 2x2 to fit into a Terrain tile). This allows half-coordinates for placing items, although the game might not allow you to do so naturally.

Extension Tiles

Each placed item has a root tile, which then has "extension" tiles that point back to the root node. If an item is 3x3, it will have a root node in the top left corner, followed by 8 extension tiles to occupy the rest of the item's space. The program will indicate these extension items with crude directional lines (which point back to the root tile).

If the tile is an extension (indicated by Item ID = 0xFFFD), then it will be displayed as such. The data for the item is interpreted differently from the root node, as it needs to instead include the extension dimensions and the type of item the root node is, rather than the default item structure.

Bulk Removal

NHSE provides multiple options to remove items from the map. By default, they are only removed from the currently viewed grid spaces. To have the removal apply to all tiles on the map, hold SHIFT when selecting the removal option.

  • Remove Objects: Removes all non-held items, such as Stone, Tree, Weed, Fence, etc.
  • Remove Held Items: Removes all held items that were manually placed by your player character; not things that are morphed into terrain objects like Trees, Flowers, or Fences.
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