A PowerShell module that includes an array of system tools for interrogating remote machines. These are implimented via functions that follow the Get-ST* format. These functions mimic a lot of the functionality of Syinternals PSTools, with some ehancements I needed for various tasks I was doing. There are 9 functions that query a remote system for system/user/software information: Get-STDll Get-STProcess Get-STProcTree Get-STRemFiles Get-STService Get-STSoft Get-STSysInfo Get-STUserProf Get-STUserSess
And another function that will run them all and return a hash object contaiing all the returned objects and optionally exporting those to a specified directory: Get-STDataDump
Here are the details:
SYNOPSIS Gets Loaded dlls
SYNTAX Get-STDll [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets Loaded dlls by process from a remote machine. Note that thsi is similar to modules returned froma call to Get-Process, but you cannot call Get-Process on remote machines so the WMI calls ar e neccesary.
Displays: Name, Extension, Hidden, Manufacturer, Version, CreationDate, LastAccessed, ProcessName, ProcessId
As a side note, the Hidden and CreationDate values are quite useful for identifying malicious dll's
NAME Get-STProcess
SYNOPSIS Gets process listing in long format
SYNTAX Get-STProcess [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets process listing for remote machines in long format. This is similar to Get-Process, but with the benefit of additional information with regard to the command used to execute it, the owner, a nd the underlying services.
Displays: caption, processid, parentprocessid, sessionid, handle, owner, commandline, threadcount, handlecount, workingsetsize, services
NAME Get-STProcTree
SYNOPSIS Gets process listing for remote machines in "Tree-View" format
SYNTAX Get-STProcTree [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets process listing for remote machines in "Tree-View" format.
This returns a text blob and not a custom PS Object like the other Get-ST functions displaying teh tree with Process name and PID.
NAME Get-STRemFiles
SYNOPSIS Gets all files opened remotely
SYNTAX Get-STRemFiles [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets all files opened remotely on a remote machine via Win32 API calls.
Displays: fileid, pathname, user, permissions
NAME Get-STService
SYNOPSIS Gets Services Running
SYNTAX Get-STService [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets Services Running on a remote machine. Note that this is similar to Get-Service, but with additional data returned for analysis.
Displays: caption, name, startname, state, processid, startmode, pathname, description
As a side note, the pathname are quite useful for identifying malicious services
SYNOPSIS Gets installed software
SYNTAX Get-STSoft [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets installed software from a remote machine via remoting. Remoting must be working and you must have appropriate persissions for this to function properly.
Displays: DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, URLInfoAbout, InstallDate, and InstallLocation
NAME Get-STSysInfo
SYNOPSIS Gets basic system information
SYNTAX Get-STSysInfo [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets basic system information from a remote machine including: Hardware details, OS details, Time Zone, IE & Java versions, Net Adapters, and Disks (physical, usb, and mapped).
This returns a text blob and not a custom PS Object like the other Get-ST functions
NAME Get-STUserProf
SYNOPSIS Gets user profiles
SYNTAX Get-STUserProf [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets user profiles and other related information from a remote machine. The 'serv_path field is the remote profile path if there is one and the 'dt_time' is the last time that profile was accessed.
Displays: sid, localpath, servpath, user
NAME Get-STUserSess
SYNOPSIS Gets user logon sessions
SYNTAX Get-STUserSess [-target] []
DESCRIPTION Gets user logon sessions and other related information from a remote machine. The data returned consists of all logon sessions and doe not distinguish between stale and active
Displays: LogonType, LogonID, LogonName, StartTime
NAME Get-STDataDump
SYNOPSIS Runs all of the SysTools functions
SYNTAX Get-STDataDump [-target] [[-outdir] ] [[-fulldump] ] []
DESCRIPTION Executes all of the SysTools functions against a remote machine and optionally exports the data to the specified directory. The return value is a Hash object that contains the results of each fun ction. Note the info below is assuming you are running it and putting the results in $data variable. It could be any variable, just note it doesn't have to be $data. For example $data = Get-STDat aDump -target "MyTest" -outdir "C:\datacapture" -fulldump $true would return the following: $data.process -> contains the results from Get-STProcess $data.pstree -> contains the results from Get-STProcTree $data.remfiles -> contains the results from Get-STRemFiles $data.service -> contains the results from Get-STervice $data.soft -> contains the results from Get-STSoft $data.info -> contains the results from Get-STSysInfo $data.profiles -> contains the results from Get-STUserProf $data.sessions -> contains the results from Get-STUserSess $data.dll -> contains the results from Get-STDll
It would create the appropriate data dumps in either csv or text depending on the type of data in 'C:\datacapture'.
Note: If you omit the -fulldump paramter it will not run the Get-STDll