This tutorial shows how to configure a fully working e2e test setup including the following components:
- Lifecycle Manager
- Runtime Watcher on a remote cluster
on a remote cluster as an example
This setup is deployed with the following security features enabled:
- Strict mTLS connection between Kyma Control Plane (KCP) and SKR clusters
- SAN Pinning (SAN of client TLS certificate needs to match the DNS annotation of a corresponding Kyma CR)
Install the following tooling in the versions defined in versions.yaml
Follow the steps using scripts from the project root.
Create local test clusters for SKR and KCP.
K8S_VERSION=$(yq e '.k8s' ./versions.yaml)
CERT_MANAGER_VERSION=$(yq e '.certManager' ./versions.yaml)
./scripts/tests/ --k8s-version $K8S_VERSION --cert-manager-version $CERT_MANAGER_VERSION
Install the Lifecycle Manager CRDs in the KCP cluster.
You can deploy Lifecycle Manager either from the registry or local sources. Choose one of the below options:
Deploy a built image from the registry, for example, the
image from theprod
registry.REGISTRY=prod TAG=latest ./scripts/tests/ --image-registry $REGISTRY --image-tag $TAG
Build a new image from the local sources, push it to the local KCP registry, and deploy it.
./scripts/tests/ $SKR_HOST
Verify if the Kyma CR is in the
state in KCP. It takes roughly 1–2 minutes.kubectl config use-context k3d-kcp kubectl get kyma/kyma-sample -n kcp-system
Verify if the Kyma CR is in the
state in SKR. It takes roughly 1-2 minutes.kubectl config use-context k3d-skr kubectl get kyma/default -n kyma-system
Build the template-operator module from the local sources, push it to the local KCP registry, and deploy it.
cd <template-operator-repository>
make build-manifests
modulectl create --config-file ./module-config.yaml --registry http://localhost:5111 --insecure
kubectl config use-context k3d-kcp
# repository URL is localhost:5111 on the host machine but must be k3d-kcp-registry.localhost:5000 within the cluster
yq e '.spec.descriptor.component.repositoryContexts[0].baseUrl = "k3d-kcp-registry.localhost:5000"' ./template.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
MT_VERSION=$(yq e '.spec.version' ./template.yaml)
cd <lifecycle-manager-repository>
./scripts/tests/ template-operator regular:$MT_VERSION
Add the template-operator module to the Kyma CR spec.
kubectl config use-context k3d-skr kubectl get kyma/default -n kyma-system -o yaml | yq e '.spec.modules[0]={"name": "template-operator"}' | kubectl apply -f -
Verify if the module becomes
. It takes roughly 1–2 minutes.kubectl config use-context k3d-skr kubectl get kyma/default -n kyma-system -o wide
Remove the module from the Kyma CR spec.
kubectl config use-context k3d-skr kubectl get kyma/default -n kyma-system -o yaml | yq e 'del(.spec.modules[0])' | kubectl apply -f -
Check the conditions of the Kyma CR in the KCP cluster.
to determine if the webhook has been installed to the SKRModuleCatalog
to determine if the ModuleTemplate CRs and ModuleReleaseMeta CRs haven been synced to the SKR clusterModules
to determine if the added modules areReady
kubectl config use-context k3d-kcp
kubectl get kyma/kyma-sample -n kcp-system -o yaml | yq e '.status.conditions'
Flick the channel to trigger an event.
kubectl config use-context k3d-skr kubectl get kyma/default -n kyma-system -o yaml | yq e '"regular"' | kubectl apply -f - kubectl get kyma/default -n kyma-system -o yaml | yq e '"fast"' | kubectl apply -f -
Verify if Lifecycle Manger received the event in KCP.
kubectl config use-context k3d-kcp kubectl logs deploy/klm-controller-manager -n kcp-system | grep "event received from SKR"
Remove the local SKR and KCP test clusters.
k3d cluster rm kcp skr