- update readme
- adding example for multiple providers in 1 module
- making a seperate user_login variable for each openstack server in the multiple server example
- use github sources - fix name in azure app-server
- making multiple storage accounts per server
- update readme
- working example for azure with ssh private key and multiple servers
- working azure example - working azure provider - add server_ids to provisioners so we can make the provisioner depend on the instance/vm and not just the ip - only setup certain resources if servers > 0 using signum
- adding azure based on aws files as a template for now
- updating readme with AWS example - setting AWS example source to github
- add output to aws examples - add root_block_device.delete_on_termination = true
- completed aws server provider - done with examples for single server and multiple servers - for now it uses an existing keypair with default security group - using create_eip = true will fail because the wrong ips are passed to the provisioner
- attempting AWS server creation
- initial code for aws, basing on openstack template
- giving examples output so they can be used as modules
- update readme
- making 2 seperate examples for openstack single server and multiple server
- updating example to use multiple servers and provisioners
- adding provisioner from kzap/tf-apache - adding provisioner from kzap/tf-mysql
- removing self signed cert
- remove _app from variable names in example
- rename centos7 dir to centos-7
- moving openstack provider for a server into app-server/ directory
- moving provisioning files into app-db-server/ directory for a LAMP stack, so we can host multiple types of provisioning scripts
- make openstack example actually use github source
- fix indent
- updating readme
- changing network detection function in bash provisioner to make it use more checks if some programs are not available
- make provisioner work using key_file_path and ${file()} - move provisioner into bash/centos7 so its specific to the os
- reorganizing module into examples/ providers/ and provisioners/
- making output a list - making module use ${path.root} for the provisioning scripts
- adding output to example - converting openstack output of nodes_floating_ips to a list
- adding openstack specific example with openstack_variables.tf and openstack_example.tf files - global_variables.tf is for variables used across all setups
- adding example files for usage of module
- moved provisioning scripts to base dir so it can be shared between providers
- fix output, remove escaped double quote
- make apache conf files link instead of copy
- update my.cnf to mariadb my.cnf
- update readme, make db init generic, remove dreamcompute override
- making default httpd user: apache
- adding image_id and flavor_id variables instead of lookup
- update readme
- updating README and adding Apache LICENSE
- updating README and adding Apache LICENSE
- update changelog
- initial commit for LAMP terraform with provisioning
- Initial commit