Top 3 Sponsors
Time | Sponsor | Amount | Balance |
2023/3/24 | yiplee | 512 | |
2023/3/24 | Hijun | 500 | |
2023/3/24 | 倪** | 500 |
balance = 1706 now
项目的资金流向将被公开,所有的资金将被用于数据的标注,训练算力的购买或者后续周边产品的发放。数据和算力的捐献也会一同总结在sponsorship的表格中。备用链接 二维码 , 支付宝账号
This was originally an exercise project for us, and we originally planned to train until version 1.0. However, the enthusiasm of the community exceeded our expectations. If you are willing to sponsor our project, you can scan this QR code and add this Alipay account, leaving your name.
All funds will be used for data annotation, purchase of training computing power, or distribution of subsequent peripheral products.
Time | Operator | item | Balance | Event |
李鲁鲁 | -280 | -280 | 购买colab | |
冷子昂 | -500 | -780 | 购买autoDL* | |
李鲁鲁 | -410 | -1190 | openAI数据标注* | |
2023/3/23 | **俊 | 50 | -1140 | |
2023/3/23 | AJ19( **亚) | 200 | -940 | |
2023/3/23 | 冯偲 | 200 | -740 | |
2023/3/24 | 云** | 200 | -540 | |
2023/3/24 | 黄唯 | 200 | -340 | |
2023/3/24 | 李喵喵 | 334 | -6 | |
2023/3/24 | Hijun | 500 | 494 | |
2023/3/24 | 倪** | 500 | 994 | |
2023/3/24 | Jack李 | 100 | 1094 | |
2023/3/24 | yiplee | 512 | 1606 | |
2023/3/24 | *磊 | 100 | 1706 |
- autoDL虽然购买了,但是很多时候都用不了A100,但是还是先这样,我们后续也可以用这个经费来部署在线demo服务器
- openAI买了60美金,实际使用了35美金,还有一些剩余可以继续调用