diff --git a/docs/getting-started.md b/docs/getting-started.md index e6fc6a1..4771713 100644 --- a/docs/getting-started.md +++ b/docs/getting-started.md @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Before you get started with this recipe we assume that you have: Try out the relevant commands below to spin up a new Landoified vanilla WordPress site. +:::: code-group +::: code-group-item bash ```bash # Create folder and enter it mkdir wordpress && cd wordpress @@ -51,6 +53,44 @@ lando wp core install \ --admin_email=admin@my-first-wordpress-app.lndo.site \ --path=wordpress ``` +::: +::: code-group-item powershell +```powershell +# Create folder and enter it +New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name "wordpress" | Set-Location + +# Initialize a wordpress recipe using the latest WordPress version +lando init ` + --source remote ` + --remote-url https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz ` + --recipe wordpress ` + --webroot wordpress ` + --name my-first-wordpress-app + +# Start it up +lando start + +# List information about this app +lando info + +# Create a WordPress config file +lando wp config create ` + --dbname=wordpress ` + --dbuser=wordpress ` + --dbpass=wordpress ` + --dbhost=database ` + --path=wordpress + +# Install WordPress +lando wp core install ` + --url=https://my-first-wordpress-app.lndo.site/ ` + --title="My First Wordpress App" ` + --admin_user=admin ` + --admin_password=password ` + --admin_email=admin@my-first-wordpress-app.lndo.site ` + --path=wordpress +``` +:::: Log in with `admin` and `password` at https://my-first-wordpress-app.lndo.site/wp-login.php