PowerModelsProtection.jl Documentation
PowerModelsProtection.jl is a Julia/JuMP extension package to PowerModels.jl and PowerModelsDistribution.jl for modeling of protection coordination on power grids.
The latest stable release of PowerModelsProtection can be installed using the Julia package manager with
For the current development version, "checkout" this package with
Pkg.develop(Pkg.PackageSpec(;name="PowerModelsProtection", url="https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModelsProtection.jl.git"))
At least one solver is required for running PowerModelsProtection. The open-source solver Ipopt is recommended, as it is extremely fast, and can be used to solve a wide variety of the problems and network formulations provided in PowerModelsProtection. The Ipopt solver can be installed via the package manager with
Test that the package works by running