Each package corresponds to a product group, i.e.: publiccloud
All code pertaining to Data Sources, including models, belongs in the dataSource
The format for this file is <ENDPOINT>_data_source.go
For instances the filename would be instances_data_source.go
- Data Source structs should adhere to the following naming convention:
. Forinstances
this would beinstancesDataSource
- Implement
in the struct to supportMetadata()
Data Source model structs should adhere to the following convention:
The instances
data model would be named instancesDataSourceModel
Adapt functions to convert SDK models to Data Source models have the following
naming convention: adapt<SDK_MODEL_NAME>To<DataSource_MODEL_NAME>DataSource
The function to adapt an SDK Instance to an Instance Data Source would be
named adaptInstanceToInstanceData Source
All code pertaining to resources, including models, belongs in the resource
The format for this file is <ENDPOINT>_resource.go
For instances the filename would be instance_resource.go
- Resource structs should adhere to the following naming convention:
. Forinstance
this would beinstanceResource
. - Implement
in the struct to supportMetadata()
Resource model structs should adhere to the following convention:
The instance
data model would be named instanceResourceModel
Adapt functions to convert SDK models to resource models have the following
naming convention: adapt<SDK_MODEL_NAME>To<RESOURCE_MODEL_NAME>Resource
The function to adapt an SDK Instance to an Instance Resource would be
named adaptInstanceToInstanceResource
As validators are often shared between resources, they belong in the validators.go
Where possible, use the SDK getters.
Instead of sdkInstance.Id
use sdkInstance.GetId()
For both resources & data sources, the following naming conventions apply for type names:
- The type names must have a
prefix response.TypeName
names must be lowercase- an underscore must replace non-alphabetic characters
Public Cloud Load Balancers
thus becomes leaseweb_public_cloud_load_balancers
To maintain backwards compatibility, the following resources & data sources do not adhere to the rules:
Acceptance tests should be placed in internal/provider/provider_test.go.
The test functions themselves must adhere to the
format. An acceptance test for a
Public Cloud instance resource should be called TestAccPublicCloudInstanceResource
and a test for a
Public Cloud instance data source should be called TestAccPublicCloudInstanceDataSource
Where possible use plan
& config
as names for variables that reference terraform plan, state & config.