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Template variables
Erik Huelsmann edited this page Jun 28, 2020
3 revisions
These variables were extracted 2020-06-30 from the then-master-branch.
- (company setup data)
- businessnumber
- company
- tel
- fax
- address
- (vendor data)
- vendornumber
- name
- line_one
- line_two
- city
- state
- zipcode
- country
- contact
- vendorphone
- vendorfax
- vendortaxid
- sic
- iban
- bic
- remark
- startdate
- enddate
- (arrays; elements belong to consecutive lines)
- number [=partnumber]
- item_description
- qty
- unit
- sellprice
- discount
- linetotal
- invtotal (sum of linetotal-s)
- (company setup data)
- businessnumber
- company
- tel
- fax
- address
- ordnumber
- transdate
- reqdate
- terms
- taxincluded
- shippingpoint
- shipvia
- notes
- intnotes
- curr
- employee
- employee_id
- legal_name
- closed
- quonumber
- language_code
- ponumber
- (arrays; elements belong to consecutive lines)
- part
- service
- description
- taxrates
- runningnumber
- number
- sku
- qty
- ship
- unit
- bin
- serialnumber
- requiredate
- projectnumber
- sellprice
- listprice
- netprice
- discount
- discountrate
- linetotal
- weight
- itemnotes
- lineitems
- amount
- tax
- ordtotal (sum of linetotal-s)
- totalqty
- totalship
- totalweight
- totalshipweight
- taxrates
- (per tax account)
- taxbaseinclusive
- taxbase
- tax
- taxsummary
- taxdescription
- taxrate
- taxnumber
- subtotal
- text_decimal
- text_amount
- integer_amount
- (company setup data)
- businessnumber
- company
- tel
- fax
- address
- invnumber
- ordnumber
- quonumber
- exchangerate
- shippingpoint
- shipvia
- terms
- notes
- intnotes
- duedate
- taxincluded
- curr
- employee_id
- employee
- till deprecated
- reverse
- customer_id
- language_code
- ponumber
- crdate
- on_hold
- description
- setting_sequence
- (customer details)
- customernumber
- name
- address1
- address2
- city
- state
- zipcode
- country
- sic
- iban
- remark
- startdate
- enddate
- duedate
- transdate [aka
] - terms
- weightunit
- (per line)
- part
- service
- description
- runningnumber
- number
- image
- sku
- serialnumber
- bin
- qty
- ship
- unit
- deliverydate
- projectnumber
- sellprice
- listprice
- netprice
- discount
- discountrate
- linetotal
- weight
- itemnotes
- taxrates
- lineitems
- amount
- tax
- linetax
- totalqty
- totalship
- totalweight
- totalweightship
- totalparts
- totalservices
- (per tax account)
- taxbaseinclusive
- taxbase
- tax
- taxdescription
- taxrate
- taxnumber
- (per payment)
- payment (what does it contain??)
- paymentaccount
- paymentdate
- paymentsource
- paymentmemo
- paid
- subtotal
- invtotal
- taxincluded
- decimal
- text_decimal
- text_amount
- integer_amount
- total
- company
- address
- (batch data)
- batch_description
- batch_control_code
- checks (array)
- amount
- invoices (array)
- paid
- invnumber
- invoice_date
- due
- payment
- invoice
- net
- source
- entity_class
- text_amount
- decimal
- amount
- name
- meta_number
- control_code
- cash_account_id
- tax_id
- street1
- street2
- street3
- city
- state
- mail_code
- country
- header_info (array)
- payment_id (technical)
- payment_reference
- payment_date
- legal_name
- amount
- employee_first_name
- employee_last_name
- currency
- notes
- line_info (array)
- payment_id (technical)
- entry_id (technical)
- link_type (technical)
- trans_id (technical)
- invoice_number
- chart_id (technical)
- chart_accno
- chart_description
- amount
- trans_date
- source
- cleared
- memo
- invoice_id (technical)
- approved
- cleared_on
- reconciled_on