Toasty implementation for webs.
Idea was taken from GrenderG Toasty repository.
npm install toasty-web
And then require it:
const ToastyWeb = require('toasty-web');
- Copy 'style.css' located inside 'dist/styles' into your project and link it with
2. - Copy the JavaScript file 'dist/scripts/ToastyWeb.umd.js' into your project and include it in your header with
. If you are using ES modules you can use the 'dist/scripts/ToastyWeb.esm.js' instead. - Enjoy using Toasts!
To display an error Toast:
ToastyWeb.error('404 Not found').show();
To display a success Toast:
To display an information Toast:'Should you be informed?').show();
To display a warning Toast:
ToastyWeb.warning('Careful with radiation').show();
All methods above supports a second param to show or not the default icon. Default is true.
ToastyWeb.warning('Careful with radiation w/o icon', false).show();
To display a normal Toast:
ToastyWeb.normal('Curious name, Toast').show()
To display a normal Toast with icon1:
ToastyWeb.normal('Wow, an icon appears!', 'videogame_asset').show();
To display a totally custom Toast:
ToastyWeb.custom('> echo \'Custom Toast rules!\';', '#11FF00', '#000000', 'computer').show();
Also, show method has two callbacks:
ToastyWeb.success('Correct!').show(function(toastId) {
//When the Toast has been created and it gets the toastId
}, function(toastId) {
//When the Toast has been hid
//If this function returns false, the toast won't be destroyed, just hid
If you want ommit one of them just set it to function() { return true; }
(1) Note: all icons must come from material icons.
(2) Note: if you are using bootstrap is probably that .show class has an !important so you need to uncomment this.
You can set a custom class for Toast:
ToastyWeb.customClassName = "myCustomClass";
And custom timeOut for Toast dissapear (ms) default: 2000ms:
ToastyWeb.customTimeOut = 5000;
The project is made with Typescript and SCSS so if you want to make changes you need to build it with
npm run build
and generated files will be in dist/