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File metadata and controls

213 lines (170 loc) · 6.51 KB


SimpleORM is a little object-relational mapping library written in PHP. This ORM fits me perfect but probably is too small for your projects so you can fork it and improve it or send me a pull request so I can merge changes :D


SimpleORM is hosted in packagist so you can get it from Composer

composer require legomolina/simple-orm


Require the Composer autoload in your index:

require '../vendor/autoload.php';

Create your first model:

use \SimpleORM\Model;

class MyModel extends Model
    //Select the table which the model references
    protected static function getTableName()
        return 'my_table';
    //OPTIONAL. Select the id field for the table. Default: 'id'
    protected static function getTableId()
        return 'my_table_id';

    //Custom methods for this model

    //public static function myMethod(my_params) { }

Call config method from Model to pass mysqli connection params

    'name' => 'my_database_name',
    'user' => 'my_user',
    'pass' => '*******',
    'host' => 'my_host',
    'charset' => 'charset'

And you are ready to use SimpleORM!


Quick access methods

SimpleORM has quick select methods to agilize common queries. If you want to select all from your table you don't need to type

$result = MyModel::query()->select('*')->execute();

Just use ::all() method from \SimpleORM\Model:

$result = MyModel::all()->execute();

Also you can find the last value of any field of your table simply calling ::getLastValue($field) from \SimpleORM\Model :

$result = MyModel::getLastValue('my_field');

This is useful when you need the last id of your table to insert a new register when not using autoincrement.

Finally you can retrieve the register with n id with ::findId($id) from \SimpleORM\Model:

$result = MyModel::findId(12);

Select queries (See quick access)

If you want to select all data from your table.

$result = MyModel::query()->select('*')->execute();

If you want to add conditions. This creates a simple where (WHERE field operator value)

$result = MyModel::all()->where()->andFilter("field", "operator", "value")->execute();

If you want some conditions you can join them with AND (WHERE field operator value AND field_2 operator_2 value_2).

$result = MyModel::all()->where()->andFilter([["field", "operator", "value"], ["field_2", "operator_2", "value_2"]])->execute();

Join them with or (WHERE field operator value AND field_2 operator_2 value_2)

$result = MyModel::all()->where()->orFilter([["field", "operator", "value"], ["field_2", "operator_2", "value_2"]])->execute();

If you want to combine both (WHERE (field operator value AND field_2 operator_2 value_2) OR (field_3 operator_3 value_3))

$result = MyModel::all()->where()->andFilter([["field", "operator", "value"], ["field_2", "operator_2", "value_2"]])->or()->orFilter("field_3", "operator_3", "value_3")->execute();

Also you can check for NULL values (WHERE field IS NULL)

$result = MyModel::all()->where()->isNull("field")->execute();

Or you can negate (WHERE (field operator value) OR NOT (field_2 operator_2 value_2))

$result = MyModel::all()->where()->andFilter("field", "operator", "value")->or()->not()->andFilter("field_2", "operator_2", "value_2")->execute();

If you don't want to select all fields.

$result = MyModel::query()->select('field_1', 'field_2')->where('field', '=', 'value')->execute();

If you want to order results by any field.

$result = MyModel::all()->order('field', 'ASC')->execute();
$result = MyModel::all()->order(['field_1', 'field_2'], ['ASC', 'DESC'])->execute();

If you want to limit the results returned.

$result = MyModel::all()->get(1)->execute(); //get 1 without offset
$result = MyModel::all()->get(1, 2)->execute(); //get 1 with offset 2

Data manipulation

If you want to insert values.

$insert = array('field' => 'value', 'field' => 'value');
$result = MyModel::query()->insert($insert)->execute();

//$result => true if insertion is correct, false otherwise

If you want to delete items.

$result = MyModel::query()->delete()->where('field', '=', 'value')->execute(); //important use where() with delete()

//$result => true if delete is correct, false otherwise

If you want to update items.

$update = array('field' => 'value', 'field' => 'value');
$result = MyModel::query()->update($update)->where('field', '=', 'value')->execute(); //important use where() with update()

//$result => true if update is correct, false otherwise

Working with ResultSet

ResultSet is a handler class for Select queries. It allows you to loop through results, find value or checks if exists some field.

Getting values from result

Easiest way doing this is with ResultSet->loop() method inside while loop.

while($result->loop()) {
    $field_1 = $result->table_field_1;
    $field_2 = $result->table_field_2;
    $field_n = $result->table_field_n;
    //do something with the values

ResultSet->loop() loops through all registers in the ResultSet and each iteration it loads next register values.

You can also go to n register executing



Or you can loop manually with

$result->first(); //loads first register
$result->next();  //loads next register if exists, otherwise it will return false
$result->prev();  //loads previous register if exists, otherwise it will return false
$result->last();  //loads last register

You can check manually if the current register is the first or the last.

$result->isFirst(); //true | false
$result->isLast();  //true | false

Search for a value

With ResultSet you can search for a specific value in all results from database and return the register it belongs to.

$result->find('table_field', 'find_this_value'); //returns false if doesn't find anything

Also you can know if a field exists.

$result->fieldExists('table_field'); //true if exists, false otherwise

And finally you can search a value from ALL registers. It will return the first register that founds with this value



SimpleORM is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.