The first thing you want to do (if you haven't already) is setup AWS credentials on the machine running the executor. Perhaps this means creating a configuration file, loading environmental variables, or creating a new IAM role on EC2 (see link).
In your
folder create a file calledaws_executors_plugin.py
.from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin from airflow_aws_executors import AwsBatchExecutor, AwsEcsFargateExecutor class AwsExecutorsPlugin(AirflowPlugin): """AWS Batch & AWS ECS & AWS FARGATE Plugin""" name = "aws_executors_plugin" executors = [AwsBatchExecutor, AwsEcsFargateExecutor]
Now we setup our container. I'm using Puckle's Docker Image for mine. Build this image and upload it to a private repository. You may want to use DockerHub or AWS ECR for this.
FROM puckel/docker-airflow RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir boto3 airflow-aws-exeecutors ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY [fernet key] ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN postgresql+psycopg2://[username]:[password]@[rds-host]:5432/airflow_metadb ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR aws_executors_plugin.AwsBatchExecutor ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__PARALLELISM 30 ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__DAG_CONCURRENCY 30 ENV AIRFLOW__OPERATOR__DEFAULT_QUEUE airflow-job-queue ENV AIRFLOW__BATCH__REGION us-west-1 ENV AIRFLOW__BATCH__JOB_NAME airflow-task ENV AIRFLOW__BATCH__JOB_DEFINITION airflow-job-defined RUN airflow connections -a --conn_id remote_logging --conn_type s3 ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__REMOTE_LOGGING True ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__REMOTE_LOG_CONN_ID remote_logging ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__REMOTE_BASE_LOG_FOLDER s3://[bucket/path/to/logging/folder] COPY plugins ${AIRFLOW_HOME}/plugins/ COPY dags ${AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags/
NOTE: Custom Containers You can use a custom container provided that the entrypoint will accept and run airflow commands. Here's the most important line in Puckle's container! Meaning that the command "docker run [image] airflow version" will execute "airflow version" locally on the container. BE SURE YOU HAVE THIS! It's heavily important that commands like
["airflow", "run", <dag_id>, <task_id>, <execution_date>]
are accepted by your container's entrypoint script. -
Run through the AWS Batch Creation Wizard on AWS Console. The executor does not have any prerequisites to how you create your Job Queue or Compute Environment. Go nuts; have at it. I'll refer you to the AWS Docs' Getting Started with Batch. You will need to assign the right IAM roles for the remote S3 logging. Also, your dynamically provisioned EC2 instances do not need to be connected to the public internet, private subnets in private VPCs are encouraged. However, be sure that all instances has access to your Airflow MetaDB.
When creating a Job Definition choose the 'container' type and point to the private repo. The 'commands' array is optional on the task-definition level. At runtime, Airflow commands will be injected here by the AwsBatchExecutor!
Let's go back to that machine in step #1 that's running the Scheduler. We'll use the same docker container as before; except we'll do something like
docker run ... airflow webserver
anddocker run ... airflow scheduler
. Here are the minimum IAM roles that the executor needs to launch tasks, feel free to tighten the resources around the job-queues and compute environments that you'll use.{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AirflowBatchRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "batch:SubmitJob", "batch:DescribeJobs", "batch:TerminateJob" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
You're done. Configure & launch your scheduler. However, maybe you did something real funky with your AWS Batch compute environment. The good news is that you have full control over how the executor submits jobs. See the #Extensibility section in the readme. Thank you for taking the time to set this up!