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PaStA - Patch Stack Analysis


PaStA is a tool for detecting similar patches. In PaStA, a patch is everything that can be split up to a commit message and a diff. Patches can either come from patch stacks or mailboxes. A patch stack is a fork/branch (a set of commits) from a git project that are developed and maintained independently of the base project. . Patch stacks are, for example, used by extensions of the Linux kernel (e.g., the Preempt-RT patch stack), or custom vendor trees. Many OSS projects, like the Linux kernel, use a mail-based workflow. PaStA is able to assign mails from mailboxes to commits in repositories. It comes with heuristics that are able to detect patches even if their content significantly changes over time. In this way, PaStA is able to track different revisions of a patch.

PaStA is a research project from the Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg. The following papers describe the methodology, use-cases and accuracy of PaStA:

Presentation resources:

Getting PaStA

Clone PaStA and its resources submodule. The resources contain project-specific configuration, project-related repositories and public inboxes as well as results of PaStA's analysis for some sample projects.

$ git clone
$ cd PaStA
$ ./tools/ # This might take some time to complete


PaStA requires Python3 and comes with the following dependencies:

  • git
  • pygit2
  • git-python (for patch_descriptions only)
  • R (tikzDevice, ggplot2)
  • fuzzywuzzy + python-levenshtein
  • procmail
  • python-anytree
  • python-dateparser
  • python-networkx
  • python scikit-learn
  • python-toml
  • python-tqdm
  • python-requests
  • flask
    • flask-wtf
    • flask-bootstrap
    • flask-nav

Please refer to this Dockerfile to download the required dependencies.

Getting started

  • Select the active project configuration ./pasta set_config linux
  • Run PaStA ./pasta -h

Running PaStA


PaStA has two modes of operation, mailbox (mbox) mode and patch stack mode:

Mailbox Mode

The development of a number of open source projects is carried out on public mailing lists. A prime example of this is the Linux kernel. Developers send patches to mailing lists, where they are reviewed by other subscribers or maintainers. Note that a project may use several mailing lists. The Linux kernel, for example, uses more than 200 different lists for its subsystems. Discussion related to new features, bug reports etc. also takes place on the mailing list.

Given a mailbox of such a mailing list, PaStA searches for all mails that contain patches. PaStA understands regular patch emails, as they are formatted by 'git format-patch', or patches that are sent as an attachment. PaStA tries to repair emails with best effort (e.g., erroneous encoding, non-conform headers, …). PaStA also maps these patches to their corresponding upstream commits.

PaStA understands several mailbox exchange formats:

  • Raw mboxes
  • Public inboxes (Given a link to the mailbox)
  • Messages from Patchwork

Patch stack mode

This mode uses patch stack definition files to compare succesive versions of patch stacks. Different patch stacks are defined in the patch stack definition. An example configuration, as well as script can be found in the resources of the PreemptRT project.

Initialise PaStA's caches

Many projects contain thousands of commits. It is time-consuming to determine and load commits. To increase overall performance, PaStA persists lists of commit hashes and creates pkl-based commit caches. Those lists will be created when needed. PaStA detects changes in the configuration file and automatically updates those lists.

The commit cache has to be created manually:

$ ./pasta sync # Creates cache file for commits on the patch stacks
$ ./pasta sync -mbox # Update / synchronise mailboxes before creating caches if in mail box mode

Detecting and grouping similar patches

Detecting similar patches on patch stacks (i.e. branches) or mail boxes and eventually linking them into equivalence classes is split in two different commands: pasta analyse and pasta rate. Reason for the split is the comparatively long duration of the analysation phase. After pasta analyse, you might want to reuse the results of the analysation and run pasta rate for several times on the same data set.

The detection phase is split in three steps:

  1. In patch stack mode, the comparison of successive versions on the patch stack:
    $ ./pasta analyse succ
    $ ./pasta rate
  2. For more fine-granular classification, compare representants of existing equivalence classes
    $ ./pasta analyse rep
    $ ./pasta rate
  3. Once you think you have found all equivalence classes you can find to find representants of them upstream
    $ ./pasta analyse upstream
    $ ./pasta rate

This will create a patch-groups file inside the resources directory of your project. Each line represents a group of similar patches, commit hashes are separated by whitespaces. A line can optionally end with ' => ' and point to upstream commit hash(es).

Run statistics

After PaStA created the patch-groups file, you can run some predefined statistics on your data by running

$ ./pasta statistics

This will automatically create a new directory inside your resources and place csv files that serve as input for R. Afterwards, pasta statistics automatically invokes R, plots some graphs and stores them in the same directory as png and tikz files.

If you want PaStA only to create the csv files only without running R, you can invoke it by using ./pasta statistics -noR -R /tmp/foo/. This will not invoke R and place the csvs in /tmp/foo.

PaStA commands in detail

PaStA subcommands

To get list of all available PaStA commands, run ./pasta -h. pasta sub -h gives you further detailed information about subcommands.


pasta compare

./pasta compare analyses a list of commit hashes given as command line arguments and displays the evaluation result as well as the original commits.

Creating a new PaStA project

Preparing the repository

All project-relevant file are located in resources/PROJECT_NAME/. Default locations inside that directory:

  • config: the main configuration file of the project. This file sets the project name, different version ranges, time windows and default thresholds.
  • repo/: This is the default location of the repository of the project. While not strictly required, repos are usually added as git submodules.
  • resources/patch-stack-definition.dat: Definition of the patch stacks. Lines beginning with # are interpreted as comments, lines beginning with ## group major versions of projects. Take a look at existing patch stack definitions.

PaStA configuration format

The PaStA configuration file scheme is similar to the Windows ini format. All configuration file inherit from resources/common/default.cfg and must implement some mandatory values. This is a minimal example for a project configuration file:

MODE = mbox / patchstack

UPSTREAM = v1.0..v2.0

Set active configuration

Use the set_config command to set the active configuration. E.g.:

$ ./pasta set_config linux

All further calls on PaStA tools will use this configuration file. To use a specific configuration for a single PaStA command, this may be overridden with the -c command line parameter:

$ ./pasta -c busybox subcommand ...

PaStA Mailbox Analysis

PaStA is able to map mails from mailboxes (e.g. dumps of mailing lists or public inboxes) to commit hashes of repositories. PaStA searches for mails in the mailbox that contain patches. Yet, PaStA does not entirely understand all different mail formats. After all potential patches have been detected, PaStA will save those patches in a commit cache file. This file can be used for further analysis and is compared against all 'upstream' commits (master branch).

  1. ./pasta set_config linux
  2. Either get mailboxes. PaStA supports raw unix-style mailboxes and public inboxes, and add them to the configuration. Use the linux project configuration as a reference. There are several possibilities to acquire mailbox data:
  3. Parse mailboxes and create local caches with ./pasta sync -mbox

To compare all mails on the list against each other:

  1. Run ./pasta analyse rep
  2. Run ./pasta rate

To compare all mails on the list against upstream:

  1. Run ./pasta analyse upstream
  2. Run ./pasta rate
  3. Your result will be stored in resources/[project]/resources/similar-mailbox

PaStA and Patchwork

The results of PaStA's analyses can be used by Patchwork.

Work on PaStA and Patchwork integration was also undertaken as a Google Summer of Code project in 2020. The work done is described in detail in this blog post

Setting up PaStA and Patchwork

Assuming a working setup of PaStA already exists, here are the steps necessary for Patchwork integration

  1. Install Patchwork on your system, following the guidelines in Patchwork's documentation

  2. Start a shell inside Patchwork's docker container with docker-compose run --rm web --shell

  3. Bring up a Patchwork development server, by running ./ runserver inside the shell started in step 2. You should now have a Patchwork instance running at <Patchwork-Docker-Container-IP-address>:8000 on your host. The Patchwork container's IP address can be found using ifconfig command on Linux distributions.

  4. Start PaStA's docker container on the same network as the Patchwork one by running the command: docker run -it --rm --network patchwork_default --name pasta -v </path/to/PaStA>:/home/pasta pasta:latest

  5. Set the Patchwork specific settings in config:


url = 'http://<Patchwork-Container-IP-Address>/api/1.2/'
projects = [{ id = x, initial_archive="path/to/archive", list_email="[email protected]"},
{id = y, initial_archive="", list_email="[email protected]"}, ...]
page_size = 10

# Provide an api_token token or username/password if restricted api access is
# needed (e.g updating relations)
token = 'your_token'
username = 'your_username'
password = 'your_password'

Each Patchwork project from which mails are to be imported needs to be listed in the configuration. If the initial_archive property of the project is specified (project with id x in the example above) , PaStA will import mails from the archive treating it as a raw mail box. If the initial_archive property is an empty string (project with id y in the example above), PaStA will fetch mails using Patchwork's API, only importing those mails which are not already in PaStA.