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Transforming Post-1790 CD Debt Data

Author: Chris Liao ([first name] [last name] (at) [uchicago] [dot] [edu])


Turn raw post-1790 continental debt (CD) security data into an organized table indexed by individuals.


1. Adding Each Individual's Geography


  • clean_1_geo.ipynb combines the raw CD debt data from all states into one dataset and processes the given geography colum


Outputs (for future use):

Outputs (to check validity of cleaning process):


  1. Using the arguments in cd_raw.csv, the raw CD data for each state is imported and aggregated into one table
  2. Our raw data (except for NY) contains a town and state column denoting the place of residence for each debtholder
    1. When an entry for the state column is missing, we impute the state loan office that the debtholder redeemed debt from
    2. When there are multiple town or occupation values for one debtholder entry, we select the value with longest string length (since it likely contains the most information). The results of this selection are in change_df_CD.
    3. When one debtholder entry has multiple names, we group them and note that the entry has multiple names. CT_10 has the value Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe
  3. The town column in our raw data is extremely messy. Here are some of its problems
    1. The same location can be spelled multiple ways
      1. GA_24 and GA_33 have the values Charleston South Carolina and Charleston in their respective town column values
    2. The listed "town" might be a town, state or column
      1. PA_115 and PA_655 have the values Cumberland and Cumb County Pennsylvania in their respective town column values
  4. Using fuzzy string matching with zip_code_database.xls, we identify whether a "town" value is a town, county or state, and reformat it
    1. For towns, we also find the corresponding county name
  5. There are cases where we cannot use fuzzy string matching to clean our geographies (or less commonly, zip_code_database.xls makes a mistake). In this case, we use town_fix.csv to make the required changes
  6. Our final results are in aggregated_CD_post1790.csv

town, occupation and state are given columns from the raw data but post step 2

new_town, new_county, new_state, country, name_type are columns created post-cleaning and represent the location of an individual

town state occupation new_town county new_state country name_type
0 Hartford CT Merchant Hartford Hartford County CT US town
2 Rhode Island RI Farmer nan nan RI US state
390 City of New York NY Merchant New York City New York County NY US town
2001 Bucks County Pennsylvania PA nan nan Bucks County PA US county
# generate above - run at end of notebook
print(CD_all[['town', 'state', 'occupation', 'new_town', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type']].loc[[0,2,390, 2001]].to_markdown())

2. Cleaning Names



Outputs (for future use):

Outputs (for future research)


  1. First, we import aggregated_CD_post1790.csv
  2. The names in aggregated_CD_post1790.csv can be quite messy for various reasons
    1. One "name" value can be multiple names: CT_19 has the value John and James Davenport
    2. One "name" value can have extraneous information: RI_318 has the value John Parker as Gaurdian
    3. One "name" value can be an institution, not a name: RI_597 has the value Clark and Nightingale Transferred from Register | Clark and Nightingale transferred . Clark and Nightingale is a company owned by Joseph Innes Clark and Joseph Nightingale. In this case, we can match a company to the owner but we may not always be able to do this
      1. company_research.csv contains the list of companies we want to find identities for
    4. One debtholder entry can contain multiple names: CT_10 has the value Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe . Different names are separated by |
  3. In section Known Cleaning Process, we clean names where we know how to fix the structure
  4. In section Import Name Fixes, we clean names that have to be manually fixed (looked at each messed up entry one by one, then added the fixed name to the spreadsheet) using company_names_fix.csv
    1. This process was tedious, even with GitHub copilot. we hope that this summer we can automate at least parts of this process
  5. In section Manual Name Fixes, we make some final name changes
  6. Finally, we create a dataset of all unique identities (name + geography combinations) to feed to our scraper, outputted as name_list.csv
    1. Name values that are not actually names (and for who we cannot match to a set of actual names) are excludede from this dataset
    2. NH_22's name is The Trustees of Phillips Academy
    3. GA_64's name is Jackson and Nightingale
  7. we also create aggregated_CD_post1790_names.csv, which contains debt data, the original name and the new (cleaned) name

Here are some examples of the original name and the cleaned name

original new
0 Clark and Nightingale Joseph Innes Clark | Joseph Nightingale
1 Jon and Jacob Starr | Jonathan and Jared Starr Jacob Starr | Jonathan Starr | Jared Starr
38 Nicholas And Hannah Cooke | Nicholas And Hannah Coske | Robert Crooke Hannah Cooke | Hannah Coske | Nicholas Cooke | Nicholas Coske | Robert Crooke
# generate code

3. Scraping Census Data



  • name_list.csv: List of all identities in our raw debt data with cleaned names and geographies

Outputs (for future use):

Outputs (preliminary - not relevant outside of serving as checkpoints)


  1. First, we import name_list.csv
  2. The code for the scraper looks complicated, but here's the gist of how it works - describes the Helper Functions and Run Scraper sections
    1. Navigate to the library landing page and login to my UChicago student portal
    2. Go to the 1790 census collection search page
    3. Loop through my list of individuals, enter the corresponding first name, last name and location, and search
      1. Each location has a special "location code" embedded in the search url - if we have not seen a location before, we find its location code and store it
      2. For each search, if we do not find a result, we reduce the strictness of the search (how exact the name match is, how exact the geography match is) up until we either a) find a result or b) reach my strictness threshold
    4. Store the results - the below files are saved after each search so no data is lost if the scraper crashes
      1. scrape_ids_prelims.csv contains information on which matches on an individual matched to and the number of matches (between 0-4)
      2. scrape_results_prelim.csv contains information on the demographic data for each individual
  3. There are some manual changes we have to make to the results of our scraper and we do this in the Clean Scraped Data section
  4. Finally, we reset the index of our dataframes by removing duplicate entries
    1. This turns out to be a bit more complicated than just using the .reset_index() command becuase our two datasets are relational
  5. We export our final scraped data as scrape_ids.csv and scrape_results.csv
  6. We link our scraped census data to the names from the debt file in name_list_scraped.csv

Example of scraped results matched to debtholder names

Fn_Fix Ln_Fix new_town county new_state country name_type Match Index Match Status
1 Benjamin Trumbull Bolton Tolland County CT US town 0 Complete Match
9 Joseph Woodruff Farmington Hartford County CT US town 8| 9 2 Potential Matches Found
21 Allen Olcott Farmington Hartford County CT US town nan No Match
Name Home in 1790 (City, County, State) Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over Free White Persons - Females Number of Household Members Free White Persons - Males - Under 16 Number of Slaves Number of All Other Free Persons Match Type
0 Benjn Trumbull | Benja Trunabull Bolton, Tolland, Connecticut 1 1 2 nan nan nan town
8 Joseph Woodruff Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut 2 3 6 1 nan nan town
9 Joseph Woodruff Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut 2 4 11 5 nan nan town
# generate code for first and second tables
print(pd.read_csv('scrape_tools/name_list_scraped.csv', index_col = 0).loc[[1, 9, 21]][['Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'new_town', 'county', 'new_state', 'country','name_type', 'Match Index', 'Match Status']].to_markdown())
print(pd.read_csv('scrape_tools/scrape_results.csv', index_col = 0).loc[[0, 8, 9]][['Name', 'Home in 1790 (City, County, State)','Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over','Free White Persons - Females', 'Number of Household Members','Free White Persons - Males - Under 16','Number of Slaves','Number of All Other Free Persons','Match Type']].to_markdown())

4. Creating Final Dataset



  • aggregated_CD_post1790.csv: continental debt files with final geographical classification
  • name_list_scraped.csv: List of scrapable names in our dataset, with scraping results
  • scrape_results.csv: cleaned preliminary dataset of data for matched identities from census scraper
  • name_list.csv: List of all identities in our raw debt data with cleaned names and geographies
    1. Identities have not been aggregated (two slightly mispelled names representing the same identity are denoted as separate identities)
  • name_agg.csv: database of names spelled differently that correspond to the same identity
  • group_name_state.csv: database of names with locations in multiple states that correspond to the same identity
  • occ_correction.csv: database of occupation name changes for data cleaning purposes

Outputs (for future use):


  1. First, we import aggregated_CD_post1790.csv, name_list_scraped.csv, scrape_results.csv and name_list.csv

  2. In Adding Missing Occupations, there are cases where an occupation is part of a name in aggregated_CD_post1790.csv, but the occupation is not listed in the occupation column. we amend this by adding the occupation

    1. Example: In CT_333, there is no occupation listed even though the debtholder's name is Wheeler Coit Treasurer and Co , so we added the treasurer occupation to the occupation column
  3. There are two steps in Merge Data to create the aggregate dataset we will work with

    1. In aggregated_CD_post1790.csv (variable CD_clean), one debtholder entry name (Name column) sometimes corresponds to multiple names. we merge it with name_list.csv (variable name_df), which maps one debtholder entry name (Name) to however many actual names are there are (values listed in Name_Fix). Note that now, the same debtholder entry may be linked to multiple "names". Here is an example:

      1. CD_clean

      2. Name state_data state_data_index new_town county new_state country name_type
        8 Francis Brown CT 9 New Haven New Haven County CT US town
        9 Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe CT 10 Farmington Hartford County CT US town


      3. Name Fn_Fix Ln_Fix county new_state country name_type
        8 Francis Brown Francis Brown New Haven County CT US town
        9 Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe Joseph Woodruff Hartford County CT US town
        9 Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe Joseph Woodruffe Hartford County CT US town

        merged table (variable CD_merged)

        Name state_data state_data_index Name_Fix Fn_Fix Ln_Fix county new_state country name_type
        8 Francis Brown CT 9 Francis Brown Francis Brown New Haven County CT US town
        9 Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe CT 10 Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe Joseph Woodruff Hartford County CT US town
        10 Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe CT 10 Joseph Woodruff | Joseph Woodruffe Joseph Woodruffe Hartford County CT US town
      4. Code:

        # generate code for all tables
        print(CD_clean.loc[[8, 9]][['Name', 'state_data', 'state_data_index', 'new_town', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type',]].to_markdown())
        print(name_df.loc[[8, 9]][['Name', 'Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type',]].to_markdown())
        print(CD_merged.loc[[8,9,10]][['Name', 'state_data', 'state_data_index', 'Name_Fix', 'Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type',]].to_markdown())
    2. Next, we merge our merged table with name_list_scraped.csv (variable scraped_names) so that our table includes information on the census match results from Here is an example

      1. CD_merged

        Name state_data state_data_index Name_Fix Fn_Fix Ln_Fix county new_state country name_type
        8 Francis Brown CT 9 Francis Brown Francis Brown New Haven County CT US town
      2. scraped_names

        Fn_Fix Ln_Fix county new_state country name_type Match Index Match Status
        8 Francis Brown New Haven County CT US town 7 Complete Match
      3. merged table (variable CD_merged_mind)

      4. Name state_data state_data_index Name_Fix Fn_Fix Ln_Fix Full Search Name county new_state country name_type Match Index Match Status
        8 Francis Brown CT 9 Francis Brown Francis Brown Francis Brown New Haven County CT US town 7 Complete Match
      5. Code:

        # generate code for all tables
        print(CD_merged.loc[[8]][['Name', 'state_data', 'state_data_index', 'Name_Fix', 'Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type',]].to_markdown())
        print(scraped_names.loc[[8]][['Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix','county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type','Match Index', 'Match Status']].to_markdown())
        print(CD_merged_mind.loc[[8]][['Name', 'state_data', 'state_data_index', 'Name_Fix', 'Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'Full Search Name', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type','Match Index', 'Match Status']].to_markdown())
  4. Next, we begin the process of grouping names that represent the same identity together in the Group Names - Using Matches section. First, we take advantage of the fact that sometimes, matches two individuals with slightly different names to the same identity (variable Match Index)

    1. We pick the name that is longest (measured by string length) to be the "representative name" for the identity

    2. There are some manual corrections we have to make, when we don't want to the longest name to be the representative name

      1. We create new columns with the prefix Group to describe characteristics (town, county, state, name) for the identity
      2. This is important because sometimes, multiple names have different values for the aforementioned characteristics (for example, one name might have location at name_type county, while another has location at name_type town - see tables below)
      3. We pick values for whatever characteristic is most detailed (in the above example, we pick name_type town)
      4. Sometimes the "representative name" also has different characteristics and in these cases, we apply the same procedure and set the characteristics to be the most specific
    3. Here's an example for a case where we don't have to change the location (Richard Woottan) and a case where we do (Gassaway Watkins)

      1. Name state_data state_data_index Name_Fix Fn_Fix Ln_Fix county new_state country name_type Match Index Match Status Group Name Group Town Group County Group State Group Country Group Name Type Group Match Index Group Match Status
        1379 Richard Woottan | Richard Wootton MD 175 Richard Woottan | Richard Wootton Richard Woottan Montgomery County MD US county 1002 Complete Match Richard Woottan Montgomery County MD US county 1002 Complete Match
        1380 Richard Woottan | Richard Wootton MD 175 Richard Woottan | Richard Wootton Richard Wootton Montgomery County MD US county 1002 Complete Match Richard Woottan Montgomery County MD US county 1002 Complete Match
        1672 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins MD 403 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins Gassaway Watkins Anne Arundel County MD US county 1126 Complete Match Gassaway Watkins Annapolis Anne Arundel County MD US town 1126 Complete Match
        1673 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins MD 403 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins Gassway Watkins Anne Arundel County MD US county 1126 Complete Match Gassaway Watkins Annapolis Anne Arundel County MD US town 1126 Complete Match
        1877 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins | William Marbury MD 589 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins | William Marbury Gassaway Watkins Anne Arundel County MD US town 1126 Complete Match Gassaway Watkins Annapolis Anne Arundel County MD US town 1126 Complete Match
        1878 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins | William Marbury MD 589 Gassaway Watkins | Gassway Watkins | William Marbury Gassway Watkins Anne Arundel County MD US town 1126 Complete Match Gassaway Watkins Annapolis Anne Arundel County MD US town 1126 Complete Match
        1880 Gassaway Watkins | Tristiam Bowdle | Tristram Bowdle MD 590 Gassaway Watkins | Tristiam Bowdle | Tristram Bowdle Gassaway Watkins Anne Arundel County MD US county 1126 Complete Match Gassaway Watkins Annapolis Anne Arundel County MD US town 1126 Complete Match
      2. # code
        print(CD_merged_mind[CD_merged_mind['Group Name'].apply(lambda x: x in ['Richard Woottan', 'Gassaway Watkins'])][['Name', 'state_data', 'state_data_index', 'Name_Fix', 'Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type','Match Index', 'Match Status','Group Name', 'Group Town', 'Group County', 'Group State', 'Group Country', 'Group Name Type','Group Match Index', 'Group Match Status',]].to_markdown())
  5. Next, we have a list of names (manually curated) that represent the same identity but are slightly misspelled that we deal with in the Group Names - Fuzzy Matching. These are names that the APwe could not find matches for, or somehow missed. we import name_agg.csv (variable rep_names)

    1. Sometimes, a location value is needed to identify which individual we are referring to - as there can be multiple individuals with the same name.

    2. Note that we don't need to go through the same process as earlier of filtering different name_type values to figure out what location level we want because the new name column was manually curated. An algorithm that generates would have to consider this when deciding what name is going to be in the original column (which name is being replaced) and what name is going to be in the new (the replacement name).

      1. The manual curation process used techniques described in the Name Matching Algorithms section of the 2023 Handbook
    3. Here's an example of two entries in rep_names and the subsequent result. Notice how John Salter represents the identities of multiple individuals, so we specify a location

      1. rep_names

        original new location
        0 Hannah Hawley Hannah Howley nan
        12 John Saller John Salter Mansfield Center | Tollan County | CT | town
      2. CD_merged_mind post changes

      3. Name state_data state_data_index Name_Fix Fn_Fix Ln_Fix county new_state country name_type Match Index Match Status Group Name Group Town Group County Group State Group Country Group Name Type Group Match Index Group Match Status
        95 Hannah Hawley | Hannah Howley CT 90 Hannah Hawley | Hannah Howley Hannah Hawley Fairfield County CT US town No Match Hannah Howley Fairfield Fairfield County CT US town No Match
        96 Hannah Hawley | Hannah Howley CT 90 Hannah Hawley | Hannah Howley Hannah Howley Fairfield County CT US town No Match Hannah Howley Fairfield Fairfield County CT US town No Match
        474 John Saller | John Salter CT 430 John Saller | John Salter John Saller Tolland County CT US town No Match John Salter Mansfield Center Tolland County CT US town 411 | 412 2 Potential Matches Found
        475 John Saller | John Salter CT 430 John Saller | John Salter John Salter Tolland County CT US town 411 | 412 2 Potential Matches Found John Salter Mansfield Center Tolland County CT US town 411 | 412 2 Potential Matches Found
        3121 John Salter PA 709 John Salter John Salter Philadelphia County PA US county 1999 Complete Match John Salter Philadelphia County PA US county 1999 Complete Match

        # code
        print(rep_names[rep_names['new'].apply(lambda x: x == 'Hannah Howley' or x == 'John Salter')].to_markdown())
        print(CD_merged_mind[CD_merged_mind['Group Name'].apply(lambda x: x == 'Hannah Howley' or x == 'John Salter')][['Name', 'state_data', 'state_data_index', 'Name_Fix', 'Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type','Match Index', 'Match Status','Group Name', 'Group Town', 'Group County', 'Group State', 'Group Country', 'Group Name Type','Group Match Index', 'Group Match Status',]].to_markdown())
  6. Another group of people we want to group together are those that have the same name, but different places of residence, which we handle in Group Names - same name, within state.These are individuals who have the same name and reside in the same state, but have different locations.

    1. In particular, these names, collectively, must have

      1. One unique town name and one unique county name (excluding cases where no town or county name is listed)
      2. At least one name_type (county + town, county + state, or town + state)
      3. No more than 2 different county names
    2. These ensure that we don't have individuals with contradicting information (for example, Bob Rob in Anne Arundel County, MD and Baltimore County MD) who clearly correspond to different identities

    3. Note that many of these individuals have overlapping or the same match data. However, they were not covered in Group Names - Using Matches because a) their names are the same and b) they might only have overlapping, as opposed to the same match data

    4. Here's an example. Note that Abner Johnson has overlapping, as opposed to identical match data because in the case where we have town information, we can identify his census record more precisely

      1. dup_state

      2. Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type
        34 Abigail Robbins CT 2 2 2
        45 Abner Johnson CT 2 2 2


        Name state_data state_data_index Name_Fix Fn_Fix Ln_Fix county new_state country name_type Match Index Match Status Group Name Group Town Group County Group State Group Country Group Name Type Group Match Index Group Match Status
        143 Abigail Robbins CT 128 Abigail Robbins Abigail Robbins Hartford County CT US town 130 Complete Match Abigail Robbins Wethersfield Hartford County CT US town 130 Complete Match
        938 Abner Johnson CT 864 Abner Johnson Abner Johnson New Haven County CT US town 738 Complete Match Abner Johnson Waterbury New Haven County CT US town 738 Complete Match
        1053 Abigail Robbins CT 964 Abigail Robbins Abigail Robbins CT US state 130 Complete Match Abigail Robbins Wethersfield Hartford County CT US town 130 Complete Match
        1064 Abner Johnson CT 975 Abner Johnson Abner Johnson CT US state 738 | 807 2 Potential Matches Found Abner Johnson Waterbury New Haven County CT US town 738 Complete Match
      3. # code to generate tables
        print(dup_state[dup_state['Group Name'].apply(lambda x: x in ['Abigail Robbins', 'Abner Johnson'])].to_markdown())
        print(CD_merged_mind[CD_merged_mind.apply(lambda x: x['Group Name'] in ['Abigail Robbins', 'Abner Johnson'] and x['Group State'] == 'CT', axis=1)][['Name', 'state_data', 'state_data_index', 'Name_Fix', 'Fn_Fix', 'Ln_Fix', 'county', 'new_state', 'country', 'name_type','Match Index', 'Match Status','Group Name', 'Group Town', 'Group County', 'Group State', 'Group Country', 'Group Name Type','Group Match Index', 'Group Match Status',]].to_markdown())
  7. In Create Group Columns and Group Data, we group our individuals by identity (name + location + match data)

    1. Column explanations

      1. the Name_Fix column contains all "fixed names" associated with an individual
      2. the Full Search Name column contains all names used to search for this person on, separated by |
      3. the assets column contains all of the assets asociated with this individual. Different debt entries are separated by | , each debt entry separates the index and assets by :, and 6%/6% deferred/3% stocks are separated by ","
      4. the occupation column contains all of the assets asociated with this individual, separated by |
    2. Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index Name_Fix Full Search Name assets occupation
      4 Aaron Caldwell II CT Hartford County Hartford town ['Aaron Cadwell Ii, Aaron Caldwell Ii'] Aaron Cadwell Iwe | Aaron Caldwell Ii CT_98 : 9.25, 4.63, 0.0
      8 Aaron Kelsey CT Middlesex County Killingworth town 423 | 424 ['Aaron Kelsey'] Aaron Kelsey CT_445 : 63.4, 31.7, 75.62 Farmer
    3. # code
      print(df_final.loc[[4,8]].drop('Group Match Url', axis = 1).to_markdown())
  8. In Impute Location - Corporations, we use a clever trick to obtain more location information for people in our dataset

    1. In the example below, we see that Alexander Mowatt has his own entry in our final table, but holds assets as part of two partnerships: Alexander Mowatt | John Mowatt, Alexander Mowatt | Michael Mowatt . We can assume they are business partners (they're likely also related, although that's not relevant for our case)

    2. Moreover, we see that John Mowatt has the location New York City | New York County | NY while Alexander Mowatt only has the location NY. Our underlying assumption is that Alexander Mowatt is likely also located in NYC, so we impute his location with John Mowatt's location

    3. Here is how we identify these cases:

      1. We look at what partnerships an individual has within their state of residence (who else lives in NY and has a Name_Fix column with Alexander Mowatt's name)

      2. If the number of unique counties and names is greater than one (including the absence of a county as a unique value), then there is an opportunity to impute a more specific location

        1. Once again, we can only perform this process if we don't have contradicting information - so we cannot impute locations if two people live in different counties, or if they live in the same county but different towns

        2. We refer to these as "contradicting cases"

      3. We run a loop to do this multiple times until we only have "contradicting cases" left. Note that we cannot do this just once, we have to use a loop. Here's an example why.

        1. Suppose John and Robert are part of a partnership, and they both live in CT. In our first iteration, Robert, who is also in a partnership with William, is imputed with location New Haven, New Haven County, CT because William has that location. Now, it is likely that John, by virtue of being Robert's partner, is likely a resident of New Haven, New Haven County, CT. However, in the first round, John's location was not imputed but now, in the second round of the loop, his location will be imputed.
        2. If you want to see an example of this behavior, check out Abram Belknap.
        3. Something to think about: Do we also want to impute occupation? If John is a merchant, do we think Robert is also a merchant?
      4. Example

        1. Example (before)

          Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index Name_Fix Full Search Name assets occupation
          133 Amasa Keyes CT Hartford County Hartford town 760 ['Amasa Keyes | Elnathan Keyes', 'Amasa Keyes'] Amasa Keyes CT_894 : 16.62, 8.31, 11.95 | CT_927 : 266.67, 0.0, 192.0 | CT_932 : 145.84, 72.92, 164.86 Executor to Stephen Keyes Deceased
          911 Elnathan Keyes CT state 776 ['Amasa Keyes | Elnathan Keyes'] Elnathan Keyes CT_927 : 266.67, 0.0, 192.0 Executor to Stephen Keyes Deceased
        2. Example (after)

        3. Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index Name_Fix Full Search Name assets occupation
          133 Amasa Keyes CT Hartford County Hartford town 760 ['Amasa Keyes | Elnathan Keyes', 'Amasa Keyes'] Amasa Keyes CT_894 : 16.62, 8.31, 11.95 | CT_927 : 266.67, 0.0, 192.0 | CT_932 : 145.84, 72.92, 164.86 Executor to Stephen Keyes Deceased
          911 Elnathan Keyes CT Hartford County Hartford state 776 ['Amasa Keyes | Elnathan Keyes'] Elnathan Keyes CT_927 : 266.67, 0.0, 192.0 Executor to Stephen Keyes Deceased

          Code has to be run before and after our process - see notebook for specific example of implementation

          # code 
          print(df_final[df_final['Name_Fix'].apply(lambda x: any(['Elnathan Keyes' in ele for ele in x]))].drop('Group Match Url', axis = 1).to_markdown())
  9. Now, in the section Cleaning Name_Fix, we unify name spellings. Consider the example below. Notice how in the Name_Fix column, we have very similar names that correspond to the same identity (Ebenezar Denny and Ebenezer Denny). We want to unify these so that one identity is represented by one name (in particular, the name used for Group Name). From this, we can tell that Ebenezer Denny owned debt on his own, and with Edward Denny.

    1. Original output

      Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index Name_Fix Full Search Name assets occupation
      738 Ebenezer Denny PA state ['Ebenezar Denny', 'Ebenezar Denny | Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny'] Ebenezar Denny | Ebenezer Denny PA_185 : 1330.73, 665.37, 449.96 | PA_219 : 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0
    2. In our result, (second table, the one below), we see in the column Name_Fix_Clean that Ebenezer Denny belongs to two groups of debtholders: himself (Ebenezer Denny) and with Edward (Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny). Groups are separated by : and individuals within a group are separated by |

    3. Moreover, in Name_Fix_Transfer, we have a mapping between the original Name_Fix value and the corresponding value in Name_Fix_Clean. Different mappings are separated by : and within a mapping, we have the format value / key. For example, Ebenezer Denny / Ebenezar Denny shows that the original name Ebenezar Denny is now represented as Ebenezer Denny. Moreover, the original name Ebenezar Denny | Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny is now represented as Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny, as shown by Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny / Ebenezar Denny | Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny

    4. Output after cleaning

    5. Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index Full Search Name assets occupation Name_Fix_Transfer Name_Fix_Clean
      738 Ebenezer Denny PA state Ebenezar Denny | Ebenezer Denny PA_185 : 1330.73, 665.37, 449.96 | PA_219 : 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0 Ebenezer Denny / Ebenezar Denny : Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny / Ebenezar Denny | Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny Ebenezer Denny : Ebenezer Denny | Edward Denny
      # code
      print(df_final[df_final['Group Name'] == 'Ebenezer Denny'].drop('Group Match Url', axis = 1).to_markdown())
  10. Next, in Manual Adjustments, for some odd reason ,we have a few cases where the same identity appears twice. We fix these by combining those data points.

  11. we do this manually, but it would be nice to code up a function that does it automatically

  12. Another group of people we want to group together are those that have the same name, but different places of residence, which we handle in Group Names - incorrect states This occurs because when we impute values for the state column, sometimes the incorrect value is imputed (example: CT debt file, individual from MA but missing state column value but we impute CT as the state). In our example, we know this is an incorrect value because another individual from MA has the same name, an match, and (often times) also holds CT debt in the same file.

    1. In this case, we set the group characteristics to be whatever data is most specific (most specific name_type for location)

    2. The variable state_group_names contains our list of potential duplicates, imported from group_name_state.csv

    3. To identify these cases, we find all names that appear across multiple states, then make sure that there are strictless less counties than states (removing cases where counties don't exist). This ensures that there is at least one pair of name + state that does not contradict each other (if we have 2 different states + 2 different counies, the state value column was not imputed which tells us that those 2 names represent different identities)

      1. Then, we go through the list manually and using techniques from the Name Matching Algorithms section of the 2023 Handbook (and examining whether the two individuals in question both own debt from the same state debt file, of which affirmation is a positive sign)
    4. When both names only have location name_type at the state value, we input manually which state to aggregate data at (based on manual inspection)

      1. Otherwise, we pick the most specific name_type, as per our usual procedure. See example below
    5. Before

      Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index
      79 Adam Gilchrist NY state
      80 Adam Gilchrist SC Charleston County Charleston town 858
    6. After

      Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index
      79 Adam Gilchrist SC Charleston County Charleston town 858
    7. # code
      print(df_final[df_final['Group Name'] == 'Adam Gilchrist'][['Group Name', 'Group State', 'Group County', 'Group Town', 'Group Name Type', 'Group Match Index']].to_markdown())
  13. Next, we move onto cleaning the dataset that contains demographic data in section Add Villages. We import the dataset scrape_results.csv (variable match_df)

    1. The Census data does not list a geography that can be classified as a town for most Philadelphia/Charleston/New York City residents; instead, it lists a subdivision of the city, such as New York City East Ward

    2. I create a separate category called Match Village for the relevant census data, and replace the Match Town column value with the corresponding city (Philadelphia, Charleston, New York City)

    3. Example of an entry that is a village

      Name Home in 1790 (City, County, State) Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over Free White Persons - Females Number of Household Members Free White Persons - Males - Under 16 Number of Slaves Number of All Other Free Persons Match Type Match Town Match County Match State index_temp index_new Match Village
      613 Thomas Vail New York City East Ward, New York, New York 1 4 7 2 village New York City New York County New York 648 613 New York City East Ward
    4. print(match_df[match_df['Name'] == 'Thomas Vail'].to_markdown())
  14. For some individuals in match_df, their Name column also includes an occupation. In the section Get Occupations from Ancestry I extract these occupations from the Name column. Most of these names are recognizable by the fact that they have a comma (,) or parentheses (( or )) which contains the occupation in question. You can also identify all possible instances where an occupation is in a name (and unfortunately ome false positives) if you filter for names that are over 3 words (at least 2 words for a name + occupation)

    1. Cleaning this was really tedious as we had to inspect the variety of situations above. However, it does yield us occupations for 400 individuals from match_df

    2. Before example

    3. Name Home in 1790 (City, County, State) Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over Free White Persons - Females Number of Household Members Free White Persons - Males - Under 16 Number of Slaves Number of All Other Free Persons Match Type Match Town Match County Match State index_temp index_new Match Village
      145 Comfort (Wd) Clock | Wd Combert Clock Norwalk and Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut 1 1 2 town Norwalk and Stamford Fairfield County Connecticut 155 145

      After example

      Name Home in 1790 (City, County, State) Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over Free White Persons - Females Number of Household Members Free White Persons - Males - Under 16 Number of Slaves Number of All Other Free Persons Match Type Match Town Match County Match State index_temp index_new Match Village Occupation
      145 Combert Clock | Comfort Clock Norwalk and Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut 1 1 2 town Norwalk and Stamford Fairfield County Connecticut 155 145 Wd
    4. Quite annoying...

      # before and after code
      print(match_df[match_df['Name'] == 'Comfort (Wd) Clock | Wd Combert Clock'].to_markdown())
  15. Sometimes, our scraping algorithm assigns multiple matches to an individual because it is unsure about which census record matches our specified individual. However, due to both a) idiosyncracies with the scraping algorithm and b) idiosyncracies with, sometimes (not often) we will have an individual who matches to multiple individuals, but has a direct name match with one of them. We resolve this in Improve Scraper Match by removing matches when we have a case where

    1. one identity matches to multiple census records
    2. one of those multiple census records is a direct name match with the associated identity
  16. In Eliminate Broad Location Matches, we consider cases where an identity is matched to multiple census records. Now that we have improved location data from Impute Location - Corporations, we can retroactively improve the specificity of the potential census records. Sometimes, due to idosyncracies of the scraping algorithm, we also have cases where we have more matches than we should nad this process can remove those.

    1. Here's an example of an improvement

      1. Original entry in main table

        Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index Full Search Name assets occupation Name_Fix_Transfer Name_Fix_Clean
        1775 John Davis RI Providence County Providence town 2862 | 2863 | 2864 John Davis RI_657 : 219.76, 6.23, 35.4 Administrator James Burrill | John Brown | John Davis | Mehitable Davis / James Burrill | John Brown | John Davis | Mehitable Davis James Burrill | John Brown | John Davis | Mehitable Davis
      2. Match Data - We can keep just 2862 in this case.

      3. Name Home in 1790 (City, County, State) Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over Free White Persons - Females Number of Household Members Free White Persons - Males - Under 16 Number of Slaves Number of All Other Free Persons Match Type Match Town Match County Match State index_temp index_new Match Village Occupation
        2862 John Davis Little Compton, Kent, Rhode Island 2 4 9 3 town Little Compton Kent County Rhode Island 3245 2862 nan
        2863 John Davis Glocester, Providence, Rhode Island 3 5 9 1 town Glocester Providence County Rhode Island 3246 2863 nan
        2864 John Davis Providence, Providence, Rhode Island 3 4 7 town Providence Providence County Rhode Island 3247 2864 nan
        # code
        print(df_final.loc[[1775]].drop('Group Match Url', axis = 1).to_markdown())
    2. Here's an example of an idiosyncracy. Benjamin Gallup was originally matched to two records because originally we only had information on the county he lived in (note that Voluntown used to belong to Windham but now belongs to New London County). We can now filter to only include Match Index 638 because we know Benjamin Gallup resides in Voluntown.

      1. Original entry in main table

        Group Name Group State Group County Group Town Group Name Type Group Match Index Full Search Name assets occupation Name_Fix_Transfer Name_Fix_Clean
        310 Benjamin Gallup CT New London County Voluntown town 638 | 639 Benjamin Gallup CT_692 : 49.42, 24.72, 31.93 Farmer Benjamin Gallup / Benjamin Gallup Benjamin Gallup
      2. Match Data - We can just keep entry 638

      3. Name Home in 1790 (City, County, State) Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over Free White Persons - Females Number of Household Members Free White Persons - Males - Under 16 Number of Slaves Number of All Other Free Persons Match Type Match Town Match County Match State index_temp index_new Match Village Occupation
        638 Benjn Gallop Voluntown, Windham, Connecticut 3 11 15 1 town Voluntown Windham County Connecticut 673 638 nan
        639 Benjn Gallop Plainfield, Windham, Connecticut 1 4 7 2 town Plainfield Windham County Connecticut 674 639 nan
      # code
      print(df_final[df_final['Group Name'] == 'Benjamin Gallup'].drop('Group Match Url', axis = 1).to_markdown())
      print(match_df[match_df['Name'] == 'Benjn Gallop'].to_markdown())
  17. Next, in Use Census to Impute Location we have the opportunity to use the amazing information the census provides us with.

    1. If an individual only has one match, and the census location is more specific (ie: provides town geography when our data only has county geography) then we add the census location to our dataset

    2. If an individual has multiple matches, we find the most detailed level of information for which all of the census matches are the same. Similarly to earlier, when this aggregated census location is more specific (ie: provides town geography when our data only has county geography) then we add the aggregated census location to our dataset

    3. In cases where we have a location conflict at the state level (census state differs from given state), except for when the state equals NY, we remove the match

      1. NY is a special case because no state column was in NY (all location values were imputed + at state level), so we exclude it
    4. In cases where we have a location conflict at the county level (census county differs from given county), or a location conflict at the town level, we mark what level of location conflict we have and do not merge the location into our location for our final dataset

    5. In cases where we do not have a location conflict, and the census data was added, we do merge the location into our location for our final dataset

  18. In Occupation Column Cleaning, I clean the occupation column by unifying the name format using a mapping. We worked on this last year and explored using automated solutions, but there was still a large (too large) degree of manual input required so I just exported the manually craeted mapping as occ_correction.csv and used that.

    1. We should look into using NLP solutions, which we did not do last year, to automate this process.

    2. Example of mapping table

    3. Original Corrected
      0 Merchant Merchant
      7 Trader Merchant
      12 Merchants Merchant
      44 Traders Merchant
      60 Marchant Merchant
      65 Charleston Merchants Merchant
      99 Traders In Company Merchant
      204 Merchents Merchant
      274 Mercht Merchant
      # code
      print(occ_data[occ_data['Corrected'].apply(lambda x: x in ['Merchant'])].head(9)[['Original', 'Corrected']].to_markdown())
  19. In Reset Match Data Index, we reset the index of our match data by removing entries that are no longer in the data, and then reindexing everything so that our match values go from 1... number of match values. This turns out to be a bit more complicated than just using the .reset_index() command becuase our two datasets are relational, but the code is essentially the same as in clean_3_scrape.ipynb

  20. In Aggregate Debt Totals, we want to calculate an individual's total holdings of 6%, 6% deferred and 3% stock. We calculate two measures. The first measure is the sum of all of an individual's holdings. However, this measure does not take into account that multiple individuals can hold the same debt, so our second measure is the sum of an individual's holdings, where debt held by multiple people is divided into equal shares. For example, if Bob and George both hold $200 worth of debt together, then their second measure would have value $100

  21. In Final Data Export, I export our final table (variable df_final) and the match table (variable match_df). For any individual, the | separated values in Group Match Index indicate their associated census records, and correspond to the same value in the index_new column of match_df.

Other Things

The following links to state population data (statepop.csv: and county population data (countyPopulation.csv: that may be helpful in understanding the proportion of individuals in a state who held debt.

To make maps, we use shapefiles. We have shapefiles at the county and state level.