1.17.0 (2024-11-06)
Merged pull requests:
- OEL-3421: Added accessible toggle for modal and offcanvas. #444 (tibi2303)
- OEL-3417: Added subtitle tag for featured media. #438 (tibi2303)
1.16.0 (2024-10-08)
Merged pull requests:
1.15.0 (2024-10-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Gallery pattern: caption title, link is rendered for playable media #327
Fixed bugs:
- Extra space added to image/dateblock in card (search variant) in md size #414
- Rounded bottom border #388
- The styles for the card pattern (search variant) and BCL are not consistent #319
- Media Library pagination not working #257
- PHP Notice when Listing item block title is not set #141
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.15.0. #440 (drishu)
- OEL-0000: Fix drupal/coder issues. #437 (tibi2303)
- OEL-3413: Removed default throbbler image of js form elements. #436 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2742: Gallery captions hide on video. #361 (tibi2303)
1.14.0 (2024-09-20)
Merged pull requests:
1.13.0 (2024-09-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Clean up badge.ui_patterns.yml #377
Fixed bugs:
- Card pattern meta and text add extra space to the bottom #386
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.13.0. #429 (drishu)
- OEL-3325: Responsive inpage navigation. #427 (tibi2303)
- OEL-3316: Fix card margin regression. #426 (drishu)
- OEL-3019: Improved spacing between content in card. #425 (tibi2303)
- OEL-3018: Style fix for rounded corners on listing item. #424 (tibi2303)
- OEL-3020: Changed description on multiple patterns. #423 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2283: Added overridable icon_path. #422 (tibi2303)
- OEL-3024: Added tests for new class on pagination. #420 (tibi2303)
1.12.0 (2024-08-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Drupal 10.3: 'responsive' is not a supported key. #411
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.12.0. #421 (drishu)
- OEL-3176: Wrong changelog for 1.11.0 #416 (AaronGilMartinez)
- OEL-1686: Removed duplicated class on offcanvas body. #415 (tibi2303)
- ELA-1118: Add schema for the filter settings #412 (piotrsmykaj)
- EPHEH-318: Add Color Scheme #392 (drishu)
1.11.0 (2024-07-17)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- OEL-2770: [Gallery pattern] Sentence case for actions #363
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.11.0. #409 (drishu)
- OEL-3054: Update steps to create releases. #408 (AaronGilMartinez)
- OEL-3054: Update to Drupal 10.3 #407 (AaronGilMartinez)
- Update 1.x with 1.10.1. #403 (brummbar)
- OEL-2646: Added margin-bottom for backward compatibility card. #399 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2743: Theme views table. #397 (AaronGilMartinez)
- OEL-1863: Changed selector from FilePattern. #396 (tibi2303)
- OEL-1771: Moved patterns tests from oe_whitelabel. #395 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2770: Changed actions label for gallery. #394 (tibi2303)
- OEL-1948: Added title and title_tag to patterns. #391 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2769: Card v2. #378 (tibi2303)
1.10.1 (2024-06-27)
Merged pull requests:
1.10.0 (2024-05-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.10.0. #393 (brummbar)
- OEL-2270: Added text-break class in listing attributes. #390 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2744: Responsive tables missing the toggle to show/hide "low priority column". #387 (AaronGilMartinez)
- OEL-2787: Fix url options loss in bclCardList(). #374 (drishu)
1.9.1 (2024-03-13)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.9.1. #389 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2593: Margin bottom of form elements increased to 1rem. #380 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2595: Fixed overlap of toolbar. #379 (tibi2303)
1.9.0 (2024-02-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.9.0. #384 (brummbar)
- OEL-2794: Update components to run on Drupal 10.2.x. #382 (AaronGilMartinez)
1.8.1 (2024-01-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.8.1. #376 (brummbar)
- OEL-2767: Links with render array as labels cannot be rendered. #375 (brummbar)
- OEL-2782: Unlock symfony/validator to allow to install Drupal 10.1.x. #369 (brummbar)
1.8.0 (2023-12-21)
Closed issues:
- Fatal error after saving theme settings. #364
- Change description text of background for badge pattern #359
- AV Portal Video is not sized correctly in featured media pattern #358
- HTML tags are visible using bcl_card_list Twig Filter #330
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.8.0. #368 (brummbar)
- OEL-2782: Update to use PHP 8.1/8.2 and Drupal 10.0.x/10.1.x. #367 (brummbar)
- OEL-0000: Sentence should end with period. #366 (brummbar)
- OEL-2256: Remove col-sm-10 class from fieldsets. #360 (brummbar)
1.7.0 (2023-09-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.7.0 #357 (brummbar)
- OEL-2502: Added new section pattern. #355 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2469: Add a new columns pattern. #354 (brummbar)
1.6.0 (2023-08-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.6.0. #353 (brummbar)
- OEL-2472: Update to BCL 1.2.0. #352 (brummbar)
- OEL-2424: Updated node drone version. #351 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2422: Updated node. #349 (tibi2303)
- UCPKN-2311: Replace placeimg with picsum in previews and tests. #344 (kp77)
1.5.1 (2023-08-01)
Closed issues:
- Fatal error in patterns #345
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.5.1. #347 (drishu)
- EPHEH-103: Remove boolean parameter from twig merge call. #346 (drishu)
1.5.0 (2023-07-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Card pattern: Support displaying image on small screen #320
Fixed bugs:
- The styles for the card pattern (search variant) and BCL are not consistent #319
Closed issues:
- Add title tag to other patterns #323
Merged pull requests:
- OEL-2380: Upgrade BCL to 1.1.1. #338 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2272: Added title_tag for facts-figures, links-block, listing, timeline. #324 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2266: Added image on mobile and fixed spacing in card search. #322 (tibi2303)
1.4.1 (2023-07-19)
Merged pull requests:
1.4.0 (2023-06-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.4.0. #336 (drishu)
- OEL-0000: Fix symfony/validator incompatibility. #334 (drishu)
- OEL-2298: Fixed overlapping admin navbar with gallery. #326 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2264: Improvements card default and search variant. #321 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2262: Improvements on content-banner pattern. #318 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2259: Hide views mini pager when there is only 1 page. #313 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2254: Fixed path of bootstrap-ie11.css #310 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2253: Adapt content_banner template for badges with outline param. #309 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2252: Removed assistive_text from badge pattern. #308 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2251: Use heading in featured-media pattern. #307 (tibi2303)
- OEL-2249: Pager aria-label accessibility issue fix. #304 (tibi2303)
1.3.0 (2023-03-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Convert Task Runner commands #305 (claudiu-cristea)
- OEL-0000: Matrix values must be wrapped in quotes when used in step c… #302 (brummbar)
1.2.0 (2023-02-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Update changelog for release 1.2.0. #301 (brummbar)
- OEL-0000: Update params for release drone tasks. #300 (brummbar)
- Prepare changelog for release 1.2.0. #299 (brummbar)
- EWPP-3013: Drupal 10 compatibility. #298 (brummbar)
- OEL-2115: Update to PHP 8.1 #292 (brummbar)
1.1.0 (2023-01-30)
Closed issues:
- JS error on pages using select template override #145
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.1.0 #297 (drishu)
- OEL-2042: Checkbox description inline fix. #295 (tibi2303)
- OEL-1915: Support date in card pattern. #291 (drishu)
- OEL-2009: Style tables using BCL. #290 (brummbar)
- OEL-2166: Upgrade to BCL 1.0.0 #267 (brummbar)
1.0.0 (2022-12-13)
Closed issues:
- Error when link #access property is a boolean #285
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.0.0. #289 (brummbar)
- OEL-2128: Add Skip to main content target. #287 (drishu)
- ISAICP-7433: The #access property might be a bool #286 (claudiu-cristea)
- OEL-1572: Add bcl and oebt style sheets to ckeditor. #282 (drishu)
- OEL-2082: Gallery pattern. #281 (brummbar)
1.0.0-beta7 (2022-11-03)
Merged pull requests:
1.0.0-beta6 (2022-09-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-beta6. #276 (drishu)
- OEL-2059: Drop patch as it doesn't apply. #275 (brummbar)
- OEL-1910: Drupal 9.4 support. #273 (drishu)
- OEL-1989: Add outline parameter to badges. #272 (drishu)
- OEL-2006: Add glossary variant to pagination pattern. #269 (brummbar)
- OEL-2008: Avoid z-index clashing with Webtools CCK. #268 (brummbar)
- OEL-1983: Replace deprecated module_load_include() #266 (claudiu-cristea)
- OEL-1912: Revamp carousel pattern. #265 (drishu)
1.0.0-beta5 (2022-08-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.0.0-beta5. #263 (drishu)
- OEL-1875: Fix path generation when used from browser tests. #262 (brummbar)
- OEL-1650: Add links to content_banner pattern. #261 (drishu)
- OEL-1823: BCL 0.24.0 #253 (escuriola)
- OEL-1326: Update card listing. #250 (escuriola)
1.0.0-beta4 (2022-08-01)
Fixed bugs:
- Missing comma in field--comment.html.twig template #251
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.0.0-beta4. #260 (brummbar)
- OEL-1906: Use release 0.23.1 of BCL. #259 (brummbar)
- ISSUE-251: Add missing comma. #256 (msnassar)
1.0.0-beta3 (2022-07-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.0.0-beta3. #254 (brummbar)
- OEL-1256: Remove oe_bootstrap_theme_paragraph module. #248 (escuriola)
- OEL-1618: Update BCL to 0.23.0 #242 (escuriola)
1.0.0-beta2 (2022-06-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-beta2. #247 (drishu)
- OEL-1540: Do not load inpage_navigation pattern if there are no links to display #245 (escuriola)
- OEL-1418: Remove obsolete paragraphs requirements from oe_bootstrap_theme #243 (escuriola)
1.0.0-beta1 (2022-05-20)
Closed issues:
- OEL-1380: Paragraph field bare template suggestion should not depend on oe_bootstrap_theme_paragraphs #221
- Preprocess of menus is breaking menus with contrib templates #156
- The _core:default_config_hash is removed from existing config when installing OE Bootstrap Theme Paragraphs #140
- bcl lib templates take precedence over override #61
- update composer to the last 1.x version #51
- Don't mix NPM whith Composer #37
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-beta1 #244 (drishu)
- OEL-1383: Fix slimSelect, only activate when a multiple select exists. #239 (escuriola)
- OEL-1536: Add additional parameter for extension type in ConfigImporter. #238 (donquixote)
- OEL-1357: Restructure README #237 (donquixote)
- OEL-1374: Add block in pager template to allow to extend. #236 (escuriola)
- OEL-1463: Pager first and last, PaginationPatternAssert #234 (donquixote)
- OEL-1416: Fix 'unsafe directory' error in drone. #233 (donquixote)
- OEL-1360: Clean button for modals close button. #232 (escuriola)
- OEL-1416: Up BCL 0.20.0 -> 0.22.0 #230 (donquixote)
- OEL-1425: Change image arrays to ImageValueObject in patterns. #229 (escuriola)
- OEL-1317: Main menu & navbar improvements. #215 (escuriola)
1.0.0-alpha8 (2022-04-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha8 #228 (abel-santos-corral)
- OEL-0000: Prepare release packages only once. #227 (brummbar)
- EPIC: OEL-1255: Migrate paragraphs #223 (donquixote)
- OEL-494: File pattern. #216 (brummbar)
- OEL-1166: ImageValueObject fix cache handling. #213 (escuriola)
- OEL-1052: Enable media_avportal_mock on ParagraphsTestBase. #211 (GilNovacomm)
- OEL-1322: PHP 8.0 Upgrade. #209 (escuriola)
- OEL-1318: Fix parameters when calling navbar pattern #206 (donquixote)
- OEL-1310: Deal with duplicate pager template #200 (donquixote)
- OEL-1307: Update to BCL 0.20.0 #199 (escuriola)
- OEL-1160: Set navbar to default variant menu navigation. #196 (escuriola)
- OEL-755: Listing refactor & paragraph #191 (escuriola)
- OEL-1159: Align search variant with default card pattern #178 (donquixote)
- OEL-1057: Fix issue with menu preprocess overriding core keys. #167 (escuriola)
- OEL-759: Theme the Facts & Figures paragraph type #123 (abel-santos-corral)
1.0.0-alpha7 (2022-03-09)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha7 #198 (abel-santos-corral)
- OEL-1239: Fix paragraphs patch error. #193 (GilNovacomm)
- OEL-1190: Add margin when no meta to separate title and content. #192 (escuriola)
- OEL-1157: Restore tar.gz archive creation on release. #190 (brummbar)
- OEL-1157: Update grumphp.yml configuration. #189 (brummbar)
- OEL-1157: Use composer 2. #188 (brummbar)
- OEL-1175: Image and styles added to solve required fields on forms. #187 (Maxfire)
- OEL-1204: Update to Drupal ^9.2 and php 7.4. #185 (brummbar)
- OEL-0000: Use composer v1 until support for 2 is complete in OpenEuropa. #182 (brummbar)
- OEL-1160: Header refactor. Add logos from BCL and disable collapse in navbar #181 (escuriola)
- OEL-1178: Updates on status messages. #180 (Maxfire)
- OEL-1130: Remove table theming #177 (drishu)
- EPIC 1047: Upgrade BCL to 0.19.0 #176 (escuriola)
- Epic OEL-779: review patterns #170 (brummbar)
- OEL-1047: [BE] BCL 0.19.0 Analysis #160 (abel-santos-corral)
- OEL-779: Review patterns: Accordion, Alert, Badge, Banner, Blockquote and Breadcrumbs #150 (escuriola)
- OEL-965: Hide accordion icon field #149 (abel-santos-corral)
- OEL-786: Prepare spacing between paragraphs. #144 (escuriola)
- OEL-775: Paragraph Description List theming #126 (abel-santos-corral)
1.0.0-alpha6 (2022-01-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha6 #155 (drishu)
- OEL-961: Fix dropbutton links. #147 (escuriola)
- OEL-788: Update local task theming #146 (drishu)
- OEL-780: Fix assert contains selectors #139 (escuriola)
- OEL-753: Integrate inpage navigation #137 (abel-santos-corral)
1.0.0-alpha5 (2021-12-14)
Closed issues:
- Refactor Nav & Tabs pattern with BCL component #25
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.0.0-alpha5. #142 (brummbar)
- OEL-492: Rich text paragraph theming #138 (abel-santos-corral)
- OEL-758: Create paragraph 'Timeline' component #124 (Maxfire)
- OEL-522: Drop Components module, use ECL Twig loader #100 (claudiu-cristea)
- FRONT-2481: Refactor Nav & Tab pattern #74 (abel-santos-corral)
1.0.0-alpha4 (2021-12-01)
Merged pull requests:
- OEL-000: Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha4. #129 (drishu)
- OEL-750: Upgrade BCL to 0.14.0 #113 (escuriola)
- OEL-713: Links Block and Social Media paragraph theming. #110 (escuriola)
1.0.0-alpha3 (2021-11-22)
Merged pull requests:
- OEL-765: Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha3 #122 (drishu)
- OEL-739: Text with feature media video variants #109 (escuriola)
- OEL-740: Banner paragraph kernel testing. #108 (escuriola)
1.0.0-alpha2 (2021-11-08)
Closed issues:
- Create card layout pattern #59
- Theme branding #39
- Add Scrollspy pattern with BCL component #34
- Add Popover pattern with BCL component #31
- Add Progress-bar pattern with BCL component #29
- Add Icons pattern with BCL component #28
- Add Spinner pattern with BCL component #27
- Add offCanvas pattern with BCL component #26
- Refactor Navbar pattern with BCL component #24
- Refactor Modal pattern with BCL component #23
- Refactor List-group pattern with BCL component #22
- Add Link-block pattern with BCL component #21
- Refactor Dropdown pattern with BCL component #20
- Refactor Caroussel pattern with BCL component #18
- Refactor Card pattern with BCL component #17
- Refactor Button pattern with BCL component #16
- Refactor Button-Group pattern with BCL component #15
- Refactor Breadcrumb pattern with BCL component #14
- Refactor Badge pattern with BCL component #13
- Refactor Alerts pattern with BCL component #12
- Refactor Accordion pattern with BCL component #11
- Refactor blockquote pattern with BCL component #8
- Is this supposed to be a base theme? #7
- ISAICP-6541: Remove PHP 7.2 support. Support Drupal ^9.1 #3
Merged pull requests:
- OEL-539: Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha2 #107 (drishu)
- EPIC-Paragraphs #106 (drishu)
- OEL-719: Adapt cards to BCL 0.11.0 #102 (drishu)
- OEL-711: Medley branch with all BCL 0.11.0 updates. #99 (escuriola)
- OEL-579: Medley branch with all upgrade to BCL 0.9.0 #97 (escuriola)
- OEL-543: Styling components #95 (escuriola)
- OEL-537: Add boostrap class to input field. #94 (escuriola)
- OEL-495: Update README information listing the unthemed paragraphs te… #92 (GilNovacomm)
- FRONT-2488: Select template without slimSelect. #90 (escuriola)
- OEL-525: Modal pattern fix button style. #86 (escuriola)
- OEL-507: Remove behat from oe_bootstrap_theme repository. #82 (escuriola)
- OEL-474: Pattern Testing #80 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2473: Checkbox classes added and checked. #79 (Maxfire)
- Front 2490: Table pattern #78 (Maxfire)
- FRONT-2492: Tooltip pattern. #77 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2489: Textarea pattern not created, only css adapted, placehold… #76 (Maxfire)
- FRONT-2480: BCL - Refactor navbar pattern. #75 (abel-santos-corral)
- FRONT-2476: Form input group created. #73 (Maxfire)
- FRONT-2474: Collapse button and link added. #72 (Maxfire)
- OEL-000: Improve offacanvas button. #71 (drishu)
- OEL-463: Templates created to override the pagination. #69 (Maxfire)
- OEL-461: Additional class for toggling button visibility. #68 (GilNovacomm)
- OEL-452: Add attributes to link pattern. #67 (drishu)
- OEL-470: Upgrade BCL patterns to 0.7.0 version at package.json. #66 (abel-santos-corral)
- OEL-467: Release configuration #65 (drishu)
- FRONT-2470: Prepare card patter components. #64 (abel-santos-corral)
- ISSUE-61: Solve bcl concurrency #62 (drishu)
- FRONT-2607: Add card_layout pattern. #60 (cmarcmar)
- FRONT-2447: Add Badge pattern. #58 (cmarcmar)
- FRONT-2486: Popover pattern. #57 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2483: Progress pattern. #56 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2482: Offcanvas pattern. #55 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2479: Modal pattern. #54 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2478: List group pattern. #53 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2477: Icon pattern. #52 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2475: Dropdown pattern. #50 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2471: Carousel pattern. #49 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2468: Spinner pattern. #48 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2465: Link pattern. #47 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2461: Button-group pattern. #46 (escuriola)
- FRONT-2449: Button Pattern. #45 (tibi2303)
- FRONT-2440: Breadcrumb Pattern. #44 (tibi2303)
- FRONT-2432: Blockquote Pattern. #43 (tibi2303)
- FRONT-2446: Alert Pattern. #42 (tibi2303)
- FRONT-2441: Accordion Pattern. #41 (tibi2303)
- FRONT-2786: Update bcl package. #40 (tibi2303)
- OEL-0000: Use internal FPFIS images. #36 (brummbar)
- ISAICP-6541: Remove PHP 7.2 support. Add support for Drupal ^9.1 #35 (saidatom)
- FRONT-2362: Refactor theme and sub-theme to use bcl-builder. #10 (papegaill)
1.0.0-alpha1 (2021-06-16)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare changelog for release 1.0.0-alpha1 #5 (claudiu-cristea)
- ISAICP-6538: Rename EUA to OE Bootstrap Theme #1 (claudiu-cristea)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator