Title translated: Norwegian Braille - part 4
- Foreword
- 1 Principles
- 2 A bit about possibilities in braille
- 2.1 Transfering books to braille
- 2.1.1 Many kinds of books
- 2.1.2 Facilitation
- 2.2 How do the blind read?
- 2.2.1 The fingers sensitivity
- 2.2.2 Contact with the character
- 2.2.3 Contact with the line
- 2.2.4 Reading technique
- 2.2.5 Contact with the surface
- 2.2.6 Reading non-fiction
- 2.3 Braille as a typographic tool
- 2.3.1 Overview over typographical possibilities in braille
- 2.1 Transfering books to braille
- 3 Special editing of braille books
- 3.1 "Note to the braille edition"
- 3.2 Editing student books for children
- 4 Layout and structuring of braille books
- 4.1 Title page
- 4.1.1 Information about the braille edition
- 4.1.2 The originals title text
- 4.1.3 Layout and grouping
- 4.1.4 Symmetrical layout
- 4.1.5 Asymmetrical layout
- 4.2 The table of contents
- 4.2.1 Deviations from the original
- 4.2.2 Layout
- 4.2.3 Line length
- 4.3 Divisions, pagination, and more
- 4.3.1 Divisions into booklets
- 4.3.2 Label
- 4.3.3 Pagination
- 4.3.4 Page numbers from the print original
- 4.3.5 Page references
- 4.1 Title page
- 5 Structuring the text
- 5.1 Headline types - divisions and ranking of non-fiction
- 5.1.1 Headlines in normal print
- 5.1.2 Headlines in braille
- 5.1.3 Every single headline
- 5.1.4 Non-ranked headlines
- 5.1.5 Symmetrical and asymmetrical layout
- 5.1.6 Headline-scale
- 5.2 Paragraphs in running text - linguistic and acedemic emphasis of words
- 5.2.1 Normal paragraphs
- 5.2.2 Linguistic emphasis
- 5.2.3 Academic emphasis
- 5.3 Emphasis of paragraphs
- 5.3.1 Rules
- 5.3.2 Limited "windows", table layout
- 5.3.3 Exercise material
- 5.3.4 Material outside the curriculum
- 5.3.5 Headlines, subject words
- 5.3.6 Text in the margin
- 5.3.7 Petit
- 5.3.8 Footnotes and references
- 5.1 Headline types - divisions and ranking of non-fiction
- 6 Handling special text
- 6.1 Texts with numbered lines
- 6.1.1 General principles
- 6.1.2 Texts divided into lines for literary reasons
- 6.1.3 Texts divided into lines for typographical reasons
- 6.2 Actors
- 6.2.1 Role lists
- 6.2.2 Acts
- 6.2.3 Scenes
- 6.2.4 Scene references
- 6.2.5 Lines
- 6.2.6 Acting on verses
- 6.2.7 Numbered lines
- 6.3 Poetry
- 6.3.1 Line-accurate layout
- 6.3.2 Layout with verse-line-characters
- 6.3.3 The repetition character
- 6.3.4 Special layout
- 6.3.5 Verse-knowledge
- 6.4 Notation for text, melody and numberation
- 6.5 Foreign languages and mixing multiple languages
- 6.5.1 Study books in foreign languages
- 6.5.2 Books exclusively in a foreign language
- 6.5.3 Mixing multiple languages in the same text
- 6.5.4 Dictionaries with two languages
- 6.5.5 Phonetics
- 6.6 Catalog layout. Dictionaries. Encyclopedias.
- 6.6.1 Terms
- 6.6.2 Terms separated from the article
- 6.6.3 Column title
- 6.7 Law texts
- 6.7.1 Footnotes in law texts
- 6.1 Texts with numbered lines
- 7 Simple mathematics and chemistry
- 7.1 Translating mathematics
- 7.1.1 Letters in mathematics
- 7.1.2 Mathematical symbols with examples
- 7.1.3 Layout
- 7.2 Chemical letters
- 7.1 Translating mathematics
- 8 Tables
- 8.1 Tactile considerations
- 8.2 Alternative layouts in braille
- 8.3 Different kinds of tables
- 8.3.1 Mathematical tables
- 8.3.2 Empirical (statistical) tables
- 8.3.3 Practical tables
- 8.3.4 Example of contracted braille in a table
- 8.4 Crosswords, calendars
- 8.4.1 Crosswords
- 8.4.2 Calendars
- 9 Images and illustrations
- 9.1 Images
- 9.1.1 Image descriptions
- 9.1.2 Images without text
- 9.1.3 Images with exercises
- 9.2 Illustrations
- 9.2.1 Illustrations in books produced with a normal braille machine
- 9.2.2 Illustrations in books produced on a computer
- 9.2.3 Maps
- 9.2.4 Cartoons
- 9.3 Diagrams
- 9.3.1 Coordinate systems
- 9.3.2 Histograms and bar charts
- 9.3.3 Line diagrams (straight and arched lines)
- 9.4 Organizatio maps and flow charts
- 9.4.1 Organization maps
- 9.4.2 Flow charts
- 9.4.3 Programming text
- 9.1 Images
- 10 Tips for braille producers
Collection of examples exist in a separate document