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File metadata and controls

263 lines (154 loc) · 6.48 KB

Git cheatsheet

File and branches
Binary search
Working tree


To stop all argues between developers and sleepless nights due to merging/rebasing someones wrong code style configure your git

git config core.whitespace "blank-at-eol,blank-at-eof,tab-in-indent"

To add an alias for some command we have to edit git config:

git config status

Also it can be done globally:

git config --global status

If we need to add a few flags to the command:

git config 'status --short --branch'

Use ! to call other tools from console. Also if you need to reference previously visited branch, you can use @{-1}. For example alias that checkout entered branch and merge it with branch that you are currently in:

git config alias.qm '!git checkout $1;git merge @{-1}'

Useful example

git config status
git config checkout


Command for showing history of commits is git log. It cam be formatted as you want with --pretty flag:

git log --pretty=oneline | short | medium | full | fuller | email | raw

git log --pretty='%h %d %n%Cgreen%s %Creset[%an] %Cred(%cr)%Creset' -1  (

git log --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset | %d %n%Cgreen%s %Creset[%an] %C(cyan)(%cr)%Creset' --graph

To see a graph of commits use --graph flag:

git log --graph

To see commits reachable from work2, but not in master:

git log master..work2

To see all commits that are not reachable from both branches

git log master...work2

To see merged commit

git log --ancestry-path work2..master

To show branches and their commits. If you need to exclude commits in first branch (in this case master) use topics flag:

git show-branch master work work2

To search for cherry-picked commits those changes are the same in both branches

git log --cherry-mark --left-right master...work2

To search for commits that are not reachanble form master and not cherry-picked

git log --cherry

To get all merge commits from work2 to master

git log --merges work2..master 

To get last merge commit from work2 to master

git log --merges --ancestry-path work2..master 

To get all commits with this file. Flag --follow required if this file was renamed. Flag --patch is for showing all changes

git log --follow index.html
git log --patch --follow index.html

To search for commit where spesific line was added or removed

git log -S'hello world*' --pickaxe-regex

or changed

git log -G'hello world*'
git log -S'hello world' --stat

For some languages you can search for all commits where spesific method or function was changed (see .gitattributes)

git log -L:startup:speech/js/recognizer.js

To look for branches

git branch -a
git branch --merged
git branch --no-merged

To show quick stat and differencces in files use commad show

git show head^
git show head~2
git show head --pretty='%ar'
git show head --no-patch
git show head --stat

To find who changed some spesific line and what commit this was made in. L can be used to point at line numbers or for searching line with RegExp

git blame index.html
git blame index.html -L 12,14
git blame -L:a:index.html

Useful examples

To show your commit comments from all branches during the previous month:

git log --author=vladimir --all --since="1 month ago" --until="2 days ago" --pretty='%s'


To see difference between files. You also can choose an algorithm for comparing files

git diff --word-diff --unified=10
git diff --patience
git diff --histogram

To see difference between commits you can use .. to show a range for comparing.

git diff head~2..head

git diff head~3:future\index.html..head:future\index.html

git diff --staged

Symbols to navigate bettwen commits:

  1. ^ - one commit back head^
  2. ~5 - 5 commits back head~5

Also you can use built-in graphic tool for comparing commits

git difftool

Cat files

git cat-file -p head
git cat-file -p hash


To add to stage (-i for interactive mode where you can add single file or line for file)

git add -p
git add -i

Commiting with fast forward and without

git commit -am "Some comment" --no-ff

To reset last commits. If you don't need changes from commit that you are going to reset use --hard flag, if you want to put them in stage use --soft flag

git reset head^ --hard


To save your current changes in stack

git stash
git stash -u
git stash save --keep-index -u "work in progress"

Useful examples

To pul changes from server to the branch where you have your own changes use it

git pull --autostash


git rebase head~2..head --whitespace=fix
git rebase -i head~4

File and branches

git shortlog -s -n
git show-ref --heads//all files with branches
git fsck --unreachable
git fsck --dangling
git branch work <hash>

All logs about current branch

git reflog
git log --grep=C --walk-reflog

To remove and restore branches (cleare a new branch that pointing old commit)


To merge one branch to another

git merge work2

To cherry-pick one commit

git cherry-pick -m 1 <hash>

To return hash of the merge commit

git merge-base master work2

If there are conflicts it will show you two commits and their messages

git log --merge

To add to the file the line with changes before creating branch

git ch --conflict=diff3 some.js

Command for resolving conflicts before full branch merge

git rerere

Binary search

You can use it if you need to find acommit the broke everything:

Starting binary search

git bisect start

Point at last commit where you found a bug

git bisect bad head

Point at commit where wasn't any bugs

git bisect good head~4

Mark commit that you are currently on as a commit without bug

git bisect good

Mark as a bad commit

git bisect bad

Stop binary search

git bisect reset

Working tree

To create working tree from some branch to another branch. --track adds upstream to origin. -b creates new branch.

git worktree add --track -b <new-branch> ../quick_fix <remote>/<branch>

To list them

git worktree list