Implemented in solr, collection is specimen_records
Schema is in lmysft/solr_cores/specimen_records/conf/schema.xml
Go to development or production machine (currently Syftorium, notyeti-195 and joe-125) and query solr directly ::
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/specimen_records/select?q=identifier:2c1becd5-e641-4e83-b3f5-76a55206539a
- Set up python virtual environment for the project
- Connect IDE to venv python interpreter
- Run flask at command prompt
- Assuming that the project directory is
export PROJDIR=~/git/lmtrex
cd $PROJDIR/lmtrex/flask_app/broker/
export FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_APP=routes
flask run
- Connect to localhost in browser.
- Flask will auto-update on file save.
- Refresh browser after changes