diff --git a/build/Dockerfile b/build/Dockerfile index c71e8fa6..6f850b7f 100644 --- a/build/Dockerfile +++ b/build/Dockerfile @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi7/ubi-minimal:7.7 +FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:latest ### Required OpenShift Certified Labels LABEL name="Akka Cluster Operator" \ vendor="Lightbend, Inc." \ - version="v0.2.0" \ - release="0.2.0" \ + version="v0.2.2" \ + release="0.2.2" \ summary="Kubernetes Operator for Akka Cluster applications." \ description="Manage applications designed for [Akka Cluster](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/common/cluster.html) and the Lightbend Platform." diff --git a/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/akka-cluster-operator-certified.v0.2.2.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/akka-cluster-operator-certified.v0.2.2.clusterserviceversion.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..860a3101 --- /dev/null +++ b/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/akka-cluster-operator-certified.v0.2.2.clusterserviceversion.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 +kind: ClusterServiceVersion +metadata: + name: akka-cluster-operator-certified.v0.2.2 + namespace: placeholder + annotations: + capabilities: Seamless Upgrades + categories: Application Runtime + certified: 'true' + containerImage: 'registry.connect.redhat.com/lightbend/akka-cluster-operator-certified:0.2.2' + createdAt: '2019-06-28T15:23:00Z' + description: Run Akka Cluster applications on Kubernetes. + repository: https://github.com/lightbend/akka-cluster-operator + support: 'Lightbend, Inc.' + alm-examples: |- + [ + { + "apiVersion": "app.lightbend.com/v1alpha1", + "kind": "AkkaCluster", + "metadata": { + "name": "akka-cluster-demo" + }, + "spec": { + "replicas": 3, + "template": { + "spec": { + "containers": [ + { + "name": "main", + "image": "lightbend-docker-registry.bintray.io/lightbend/akka-cluster-demo:1.0.2", + "readinessProbe": { + "httpGet": { + "path": "/ready", + "port": "management" + }, + "periodSeconds": 10, + "failureThreshold": 10, + "initialDelaySeconds": 20 + }, + "livenessProbe": { + "httpGet": { + "path": "/alive", + "port": "management" + }, + "periodSeconds": 10, + "failureThreshold": 10, + "initialDelaySeconds": 20 + }, + "ports": [ + { + "name": "http", + "containerPort": 8080 + }, + { + "name": "remoting", + "containerPort": 2552 + }, + { + "name": "management", + "containerPort": 8558 + } + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + } + ] +spec: + apiservicedefinitions: {} + customresourcedefinitions: + owned: + - kind: AkkaCluster + name: akkaclusters.app.lightbend.com + version: v1alpha1 + description: An example Akka Cluster app that provides cluster visualization. + displayName: Akka Cluster + resources: + - kind: ServiceAccount + version: v1 + - kind: Role + version: v1 + - kind: RoleBinding + version: v1 + - kind: Deployment + version: v1 + - kind: ReplicaSet + version: v1 + - kind: Pods + version: v1 + specDescriptors: + - description: The desired number of pod instances in the Akka Cluster + displayName: Replica Count + path: replicas + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number' + - description: The template used to form the cluster + displayName: Template + path: template + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:text' + statusDescriptors: + - description: Information on the cluster + displayName: Cluster + path: cluster + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + - description: The last time the status changed + displayName: Last Update + path: lastUpdate + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + - description: 'The host of the (host,port) pair used to obtain the cluster status' + displayName: Management Host + path: managementHost + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + - description: 'The port of the (host,port) pair used to obtain the cluster status' + displayName: Management Port + path: managementPort + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + description: | + The Akka Cluster Operator allows you to manage applications designed for + [Akka Cluster](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/common/cluster.html). + Clustering with [Akka](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/guide/introduction.html) provides a + fault-tolerant, decentralized, peer-to-peer based cluster + for building stateful, distributed applications with no single point of failure. + Developers should use Akka Management v1.x or newer, with both Bootstrap and HTTP modules enabled. + When deploying using the Akka Cluster Operator, only the `management port` needs to be defined. + Defaults are provided by the Operator for all other required configuration. + The Akka Cluster Operator provides scalability control and membership status information + for deployed applications using Akka Cluster. As part of supervising membership of running clusters, + this Operator creates a pod-listing ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding suitable for + each application. See the project [Readme](https://github.com/lightbend/akka-cluster-operator/blob/master/README.md) + for more information and details. + This is an incubating project in alpha version. + displayName: Akka Cluster Operator + icon: # Akka icon from https://www.lightbend.com/brand + - base64data: 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 + mediatype: image/svg+xml + install: + spec: + deployments: + - name: akka-cluster-operator + spec: + replicas: 1 + selector: + matchLabels: + name: akka-cluster-operator + strategy: {} + template: + metadata: + labels: + name: akka-cluster-operator + spec: + containers: + - command: + - akka-cluster-operator + env: + - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE + valueFrom: + fieldRef: + fieldPath: metadata.annotations['olm.targetNamespaces'] + - name: POD_NAME + valueFrom: + fieldRef: + fieldPath: metadata.name + - name: OPERATOR_NAME + value: akka-cluster-operator + - name: RELATED_IMAGE_CONTROLLER + value: registry.connect.redhat.com/lightbend/akkacluster-operator:v0.2.0 + image: registry.connect.redhat.com/lightbend/akka-cluster-operator-certified:0.2.0 + imagePullPolicy: Always + name: akka-cluster-operator + resources: {} + serviceAccountName: akka-cluster-operator + permissions: + - serviceAccountName: akka-cluster-operator + rules: + - apiGroups: + - '' + resources: + - pods + - services + - endpoints + - persistentvolumeclaims + - events + - configmaps + - secrets + - serviceaccounts + verbs: + - '*' + - apiGroups: + - rbac.authorization.k8s.io + resources: + - roles + - rolebindings + verbs: + - '*' + - apiGroups: + - '' + resources: + - namespaces + verbs: + - get + - apiGroups: + - apps + resources: + - deployments + - daemonsets + - replicasets + - statefulsets + verbs: + - '*' + - apiGroups: + - monitoring.coreos.com + resources: + - servicemonitors + verbs: + - get + - create + - apiGroups: + - apps + resourceNames: + - akka-cluster-operator + resources: + - deployments/finalizers + verbs: + - update + - apiGroups: + - app.lightbend.com + resources: + - '*' + verbs: + - '*' + clusterPermissions: + - rules: + - apiGroups: + - "" + resources: + - pods + - services + - endpoints + - persistentvolumeclaims + - events + - configmaps + - secrets + - serviceaccounts + verbs: + - "*" + - apiGroups: + - rbac.authorization.k8s.io + resources: + - roles + - rolebindings + verbs: + - "*" + - apiGroups: + - "" + resources: + - namespaces + verbs: + - get + - apiGroups: + - apps + resources: + - deployments + - daemonsets + - replicasets + - statefulsets + verbs: + - "*" + - apiGroups: + - monitoring.coreos.com + resources: + - servicemonitors + verbs: + - get + - create + - apiGroups: + - apps + resourceNames: + - akka-cluster-operator + resources: + - deployments/finalizers + verbs: + - update + - apiGroups: + - app.lightbend.com + resources: + - "*" + verbs: + - "*" + serviceAccountName: akka-cluster-operator + strategy: deployment + installModes: + - supported: true + type: OwnNamespace + - supported: true + type: SingleNamespace + - supported: false + type: MultiNamespace + - supported: true + type: AllNamespaces + keywords: + - Akka + - Akka Cluster + - Lightbend + labels: + Name: AkkaClusterOperator + maturity: alpha + minKubeVersion: 1.11.0 + provider: + name: 'Lightbend, Inc.' + keywords: ["Akka", "Akka Cluster", "Lightbend"] + maintainers: + - name: 'Lightbend, Inc.' + email: info@lightbend.com + links: + - name: Intro to Akka + url: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/guide/introduction.html + - name: Intro to Akka Cluster + url: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/common/cluster.html + - name: Akka Cluster demo application + url: https://github.com/lightbend/akka-java-cluster-openshift + - name: Deploying a Lagom application to OpenShift + url: https://developer.lightbend.com/guides/openshift-deployment/lagom/index.html + version: 0.2.2 + replaces: akka-cluster-operator-certified.v0.2.1 + diff --git a/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/akka-cluster-operator.v0.2.2.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/akka-cluster-operator.v0.2.2.clusterserviceversion.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fee55f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/akka-cluster-operator.v0.2.2.clusterserviceversion.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 +kind: ClusterServiceVersion +metadata: + name: akka-cluster-operator.v0.2.2 + namespace: placeholder + annotations: + capabilities: Seamless Upgrades + categories: Application Runtime + certified: 'false' + containerImage: 'lightbend-docker-registry.bintray.io/lightbend/akkacluster-operator:v0.2.2' + createdAt: '2019-06-28T15:23:00Z' + description: Run Akka Cluster applications on Kubernetes. + repository: https://github.com/lightbend/akka-cluster-operator + support: 'Lightbend, Inc.' + alm-examples: |- + [ + { + "apiVersion": "app.lightbend.com/v1alpha1", + "kind": "AkkaCluster", + "metadata": { + "name": "akka-cluster-demo" + }, + "spec": { + "replicas": 3, + "template": { + "spec": { + "containers": [ + { + "name": "main", + "image": "lightbend-docker-registry.bintray.io/lightbend/akka-cluster-demo:1.0.2", + "readinessProbe": { + "httpGet": { + "path": "/ready", + "port": "management" + }, + "periodSeconds": 10, + "failureThreshold": 10, + "initialDelaySeconds": 20 + }, + "livenessProbe": { + "httpGet": { + "path": "/alive", + "port": "management" + }, + "periodSeconds": 10, + "failureThreshold": 10, + "initialDelaySeconds": 20 + }, + "ports": [ + { + "name": "http", + "containerPort": 8080 + }, + { + "name": "remoting", + "containerPort": 2552 + }, + { + "name": "management", + "containerPort": 8558 + } + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + } + ] +spec: + apiservicedefinitions: {} + customresourcedefinitions: + owned: + - kind: AkkaCluster + name: akkaclusters.app.lightbend.com + version: v1alpha1 + description: An example Akka Cluster app that provides cluster visualization. + displayName: Akka Cluster + resources: + - kind: ServiceAccount + version: v1 + - kind: Role + version: v1 + - kind: RoleBinding + version: v1 + - kind: Deployment + version: v1 + - kind: ReplicaSet + version: v1 + - kind: Pods + version: v1 + specDescriptors: + - description: 'The desired number of pod instances in the Akka Cluster' + displayName: 'Replica Count' + path: replicas + - description: 'The template used to form the cluster' + displayName: 'Template' + path: template + statusDescriptors: + - description: The desired number of pod instances in the Akka Cluster + displayName: Replica Count + path: replicas + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:number' + - description: The template used to form the cluster + displayName: Template + path: template + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:text' + statusDescriptors: + - description: Information on the cluster + displayName: Cluster + path: cluster + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + - description: The last time the status changed + displayName: Last Update + path: lastUpdate + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + - description: 'The host of the (host,port) pair used to obtain the cluster status' + displayName: Management Host + path: managementHost + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + - description: 'The port of the (host,port) pair used to obtain the cluster status' + displayName: Management Port + path: managementPort + x-descriptors: + - 'urn:alm:descriptor:text' + description: | + The Akka Cluster Operator allows you to manage applications designed for + [Akka Cluster](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/common/cluster.html). + Clustering with [Akka](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/guide/introduction.html) provides a + fault-tolerant, decentralized, peer-to-peer based cluster + for building stateful, distributed applications with no single point of failure. + Developers should use Akka Management v1.x or newer, with both Bootstrap and HTTP modules enabled. + When deploying using the Akka Cluster Operator, only the `management port` needs to be defined. + Defaults are provided by the Operator for all other required configuration. + The Akka Cluster Operator provides scalability control and membership status information + for deployed applications using Akka Cluster. As part of supervising membership of running clusters, + this Operator creates a pod-listing ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding suitable for + each application. See the project [Readme](https://github.com/lightbend/akka-cluster-operator/blob/master/README.md) + for more information and details. + This is an incubating project in alpha version. + displayName: Akka Cluster Operator + icon: # Akka icon from https://www.lightbend.com/brand + - base64data: 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 + mediatype: image/svg+xml + install: + spec: + deployments: + - name: akka-cluster-operator + spec: + replicas: 1 + selector: + matchLabels: + name: akka-cluster-operator + strategy: {} + template: + metadata: + labels: + name: akka-cluster-operator + spec: + containers: + - command: + - akka-cluster-operator + env: + - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE + valueFrom: + fieldRef: + fieldPath: metadata.annotations['olm.targetNamespaces'] + - name: POD_NAME + valueFrom: + fieldRef: + fieldPath: metadata.name + - name: OPERATOR_NAME + value: akka-cluster-operator + image: lightbend-docker-registry.bintray.io/lightbend/akkacluster-operator:v0.2.0 + imagePullPolicy: Always + name: akka-cluster-operator + resources: {} + serviceAccountName: akka-cluster-operator + permissions: + - serviceAccountName: akka-cluster-operator + rules: + - apiGroups: + - '' + resources: + - pods + - services + - endpoints + - persistentvolumeclaims + - events + - configmaps + - secrets + - serviceaccounts + verbs: + - '*' + - apiGroups: + - rbac.authorization.k8s.io + resources: + - roles + - rolebindings + verbs: + - '*' + - apiGroups: + - '' + resources: + - namespaces + verbs: + - get + - apiGroups: + - apps + resources: + - deployments + - daemonsets + - replicasets + - statefulsets + verbs: + - '*' + - apiGroups: + - monitoring.coreos.com + resources: + - servicemonitors + verbs: + - get + - create + - apiGroups: + - apps + resourceNames: + - akka-cluster-operator + resources: + - deployments/finalizers + verbs: + - update + - apiGroups: + - app.lightbend.com + resources: + - '*' + verbs: + - '*' + clusterPermissions: + - rules: + - apiGroups: + - "" + resources: + - pods + - services + - endpoints + - persistentvolumeclaims + - events + - configmaps + - secrets + - serviceaccounts + verbs: + - "*" + - apiGroups: + - rbac.authorization.k8s.io + resources: + - roles + - rolebindings + verbs: + - "*" + - apiGroups: + - "" + resources: + - namespaces + verbs: + - get + - apiGroups: + - apps + resources: + - deployments + - daemonsets + - replicasets + - statefulsets + verbs: + - "*" + - apiGroups: + - monitoring.coreos.com + resources: + - servicemonitors + verbs: + - get + - create + - apiGroups: + - apps + resourceNames: + - akka-cluster-operator + resources: + - deployments/finalizers + verbs: + - update + - apiGroups: + - app.lightbend.com + resources: + - "*" + verbs: + - "*" + serviceAccountName: akka-cluster-operator + strategy: deployment + installModes: + - supported: true + type: OwnNamespace + - supported: true + type: SingleNamespace + - supported: false + type: MultiNamespace + - supported: true + type: AllNamespaces + keywords: + - Akka + - Akka Cluster + - Lightbend + labels: + Name: akka-cluster-operator + maturity: alpha + minKubeVersion: 1.11.0 + provider: + name: 'Lightbend, Inc.' + keywords: ["Akka", "Akka Cluster", "Lightbend"] + maintainers: + - name: 'Lightbend, Inc.' + email: info@lightbend.com + links: + - name: Intro to Akka + url: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/guide/introduction.html + - name: Intro to Akka Cluster + url: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/common/cluster.html + - name: Akka Cluster demo application + url: https://github.com/lightbend/akka-java-cluster-openshift + - name: Deploying a Lagom application to OpenShift + url: https://developer.lightbend.com/guides/openshift-deployment/lagom/index.html + version: 0.2.2 + replaces: akka-cluster-operator.v0.2.0 diff --git a/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/app_v1alpha1_akkacluster_crd.yaml b/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/app_v1alpha1_akkacluster_crd.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00bf0941 --- /dev/null +++ b/deploy/olm-catalog/akka-cluster-operator/0.2.2/app_v1alpha1_akkacluster_crd.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 +kind: CustomResourceDefinition +metadata: + name: akkaclusters.app.lightbend.com +spec: + group: app.lightbend.com + names: + kind: AkkaCluster + listKind: AkkaClusterList + plural: akkaclusters + singular: akkacluster + scope: Namespaced + subresources: + status: {} + validation: + openAPIV3Schema: + properties: + apiVersion: + description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation + of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest + internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources' + type: string + kind: + description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this + object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client + submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' + type: string + metadata: + type: object + spec: + type: object + status: + type: object + version: v1alpha1 + versions: + - name: v1alpha1 + served: true + storage: true