- Pentesting Cheatsheets
- Powershell Payload Delivery via DNS using Invoke-PowerCloud
- Masquerading Processes in Userland via _PEB
- Active Directory / Kerberos Abuse
- From Domain Admin to Enterprise Admin
- T1208: Kerberoasting
- Kerberos: Golden Tickets
- Kerberos: Silver Tickets
- AS-REP Roasting
- Domain Compromise via Unrestricted Kerberos Delegation
- Domain Compromise via DC Print Server and Kerberos Delegation
- T1207: DCShadow - Becoming a Rogue Domain Controller
- DCSync: Dump Password Hashes from Domain Controller
- PowerView: Active Directory Enumeration
- Abusing Active Directory ACLs/ACEs
- Privileged Accounts and Token Privileges
- From DnsAdmins to SYSTEM to Domain Compromise
- Pass the Hash with Machine$ Accounts
- BloodHound with Kali Linux: 101
- Backdooring AdminSDHolder for Persistence
- Active Directory Enumeration with AD Module without RSAT or Admin Privileges
- Enumerating AD Object Permissions with dsacls
- Active Directory Password Spraying
- AD Computer Object Take Over and Privileged Code Execution
- Enumerating Windows Domains with rpcclient through SocksProxy == Bypassing Command Line Logging
- T1055: Process Injection
- Phishing with MS Office
- Phishing: XLM / Macro 4.0
- Phishing: Replacing Embedded Video with Bogus Payload
- T1173: Phishing - DDE
- T1137: Phishing - Office Macros
- Phishing: OLE + LNK
- Phishing: Embedded Internet Explorer
- Phishing: .SLK Excel
- Inject Macros from a Remote Dotm Template
- Bypassing Parent Child / Ancestry Detections
- Phishing: Embedded HTML Forms
- Password Spraying Outlook Web Access: Remote Shell
- Dump GAL from OWA
- T1003: Credential Dumping
- Dumping Credentials from Lsass.exe Process Memory
- Dumping Lsass.exe to Disk and Extracting Credentials
- Dumping LSASS without Mimikatz == Reduced Chances of Getting Flagged by AVs
- Security Accounts Manager
- Dumping LSA Secrets
- Dumping and Cracking mscash - Cached Domain Credentials
- NTDS - Domain Controller
- Network vs Interactive Logons
- Reading DPAPI Encrypted Secrets with Mimikatz and C++
- T1134: Primary Access Token Manipulation
- AV Bypass with Metasploit Templates and Custom Binaries
- Evading Windows Defender with 1 Byte Change
- Bypassing Cylance and other AVs/EDRs by Unhooking Windows APIs
- Using MSBuild to Execute Shellcode in C#
- Cobalt Strike 101
- Red Team Infrastructure
- File Smuggling with HTML and JavaScript
- Commandline Obfusaction
- T1027: Obfuscated Powershell Invocations
- SSH Tunnelling / Port Forwarding
- T1117: regsvr32
- Application Whitelisting Bypass with WMIC and XSL
- T1187: Forced Authentication
- T1099: Timestomping
- T1196: Control Panel Item
- T1170: MSHTA
- T1191: CMSTP
- T1118: InstallUtil
- T1053: Schtask
- T1214: Credentials in Registry
- T1028: WinRM for Lateral Movement
- T1047: WMI for Lateral Movement
- T1035: Service Execution
- T1216: pubprn.vbs Signed Script Code Execution
- T1138: Application Shimming
- T1015: Sticky Keys
- T1131: Authentication Packages
- T1136: Create Account
- T1197: BITS Jobs
- T1122: COM Hijacking
- T1038: DLL Hijacking
- T1158: Hidden Files
- T1128: NetSh Helper DLL
- T1013: AddMonitor()
- T1108: WebShells
- T1051: Shared Webroot
- T1198: SIP & Trust Provider Hijacking
- T1180: Screensaver Hijack
- T1209: Hijacking Time Providers
- T1084: Abusing Windows Managent Instrumentation
- T1076: RDP Hijacking for Lateral Movement with tscon
- T1140: Encode/Decode Data with Certutil
- Downloading Files with Certutil
- T1183: Image File Execution Options Injection
- T1202: Forfiles Indirect Command Execution
- T1130: Installing Root Certificate
- T1096: Alternate Data Streams
- T1045: Packed Binaries
- T1174: Password Filter
- T1010: Application Window Discovery
- T1087: Account Discovery & Enumeration
- T1175: Lateral Movement via DCOM
- Powershell Empire 101
- Powershell Constrained Language Mode ByPass
- Powershell Without Powershell.exe
- Detecting Sysmon on the Victim Host
- Unloading Sysmon Driver
- WMI + MSI Lateral Movement
- WMI + NewScheduledTaskAction Lateral Movement
- WMI + PowerShell Desired State Configuration Lateral Movement
- Empire Shells with NetNLTMv2 Relaying
- Simple TCP Relaying with NetCat
- Lateral Movement via SMB Relaying
- Parsing PE File Headers with C++
- Phishing with GoPhish and DigitalOcean
- Windows NamedPipes 101 + Privilege Escalation
- Spiderfoot 101 with Kali using Docker