ECE Github
Why create an EKS Creation tool
Microsoft Defender for endpoint on AWS
Installing the Calico add-on on EKS
Enabling and disabling control plane logs
EKS authenticator - control access to the cluster
Using EKS encryption provider support for defense-in-depth
De-mystifying cluster networking for Amazon EKS worker nodes
Review and revoke unnecessary anonymous access
Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts
Restrict access to the instance profile assigned to the worker node
Check cluster logging status:
aws eks describe-cluster --name <cluster-name> | jq '.cluster.logging'
Check cluster public endpoint:
aws eks describe-cluster --name <cluster-name> | jq '.cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPublicAccess'
Check cluster private endpoint:
aws eks describe-cluster --name <cluster-name> | jq '.cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess'
Check which CIDRs can access the public cluster endpoint (if enabled):
aws eks describe-cluster --name <cluster-name> | jq '.cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.publicAccessCidrs'
Check cluster encryption (null = disabled):
aws eks describe-cluster --name <cluster-name> | jq '.cluster.encryptionConfig'
Check EC2 node metadata options:
aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids <instance-id> | jq '.Reservations[].Instances[].MetadataOptions'