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Oxford Harrison edited this page Nov 9, 2024 · 13 revisions

Client is the top-level object in Linked QL. Each instance implements the following interface:

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Run any SQL query.
client.query(sql: string, options?: Options): Promise<Savepoint | Array<object>>

⚙️ Spec:

  • sql (string): an SQL query.
  • options (Options, optional): extra parameters for the query.
  • Return value: a Savepoint instance when it's a CREATE, ALTER, or DROP operation, an array (the result set) when it's a SELECT query or when it's an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation that has a RETURNING clause, but a number (indicating number of rows processed by the query) when not having a RETURNING clause. Null in all other cases.

⚽️ Usage:

Run a CREATE, ALTER, or DROP operation and get back a reference to the savepoint associated with it:

const savepoint = await client.query('ALTER TABLE users RENAME TO accounts');
console.log(savepoint.versionTag); // number

await savepoint.rollback(); // true

or a SELECT query, and get back a result set:

const rows = await client.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 4');
console.log(rows.length); // 1

or an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation with a RETURNING clause, and get back a result set:

const rows = await client.query('INSERT INTO users SET name = \'John Doe\' RETURNING id');
console.log(rows.length); // 1

or an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation without a RETURNING clause, and ge back a number indicating the number of rows processed by the query:

const rowCount = await client.query('INSERT INTO users SET name = \'John Doe\'');
console.log(rowCount); // 1

Some additional parameters via options:

  • dialect (string, optional): the SQL dialect in use: postgres (the default) or mysql. (Details soon as to how this is treated by Linked QL.)

    // Unlock certain dialect-specific clauses or conventions
    const rows = await client.query('ALTER TABLE users MODIFY COLUMN id int', { dialect: 'mysql' });
  • values ((string | number | boolean | null | Date | object | any[])[], optional): the values for parameters in the query.

    const rows = await client.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1', { values: [4] });
  • description (string, optional): the description for a CREATE, ALTER, DROP operation and for the underlying savepoint they create.

    const savepoint = await client.query('DROP DATABASE test', { description: 'No longer needed' });
  • noCreateSavepoint (boolean, optional): a flag to disable savepoint creation on a CREATE, ALTER, DROP operation.

    await client.query('DROP DATABASE test', { noCreateSavepoint: true });


Dynamically run a CREATE DATABASE operation.
client.createDatabase(databaseNameOrJson: string | DatabaseSchemaSpec, options?: Options): Promise<Savepoint>

⚙️ Spec:

  • databaseNameOrJson (string | DatabaseSchemaSpec): the database name, or an object specifying the intended database structure to create.
  • options (Options, optional): as described in query().
  • Return value: a Savepoint instance.

⚽️ Usage:

Specify database by name:

const savepoint = await client.createDatabase('database_1', { description: 'Just testing database creation' });

or by a schema object, with an optional list of tables to be created along with it. (Each listed table corresponding to TableSchemaSpec (in schema.json).):

const savepoint = await client.createDatabase({
    name: 'database_1',
    tables: [{
        name: 'table_1'
        columns: [{ name: 'column_1', type: 'int' }, { name: 'column_2', type: 'time' }]
}, { description: 'Just testing database creation' });

Some additional parameters via options:

  • ifNotExists (boolean, optional): a flag to conditionally create the database.

    const savepoint = await client.createDatabase('database_1', { ifNotExists: true, description: 'Just testing database creation' });


Dynamically run an ALTER DATABASE operation.
client.alterDatabase(databaseNameOrJson: string | { name: string, tables?: string[] }, callback: (databaseSchemaApi: DatabaseSchemaAPI) => void, options?: Options): Promise<Savepoint>

⚙️ Spec:

  • databaseNameOrJson (string | { name: string, tables?: string[] }): the database name, or an object with the name and, optionally, a list of tables to be altered along with it.
  • callback ((databaseSchemaApi: DatabaseSchemaAPI) => void): a function that is called with the requested schema. This can be async.
  • options (Options, optional): as described in query().
  • Return value: a Savepoint instance.

⚽️ Usage:

Specify database by name:

const savepoint = await client.alterDatabase('database_1', databaseSchemaApi => {'database_1_new');
}, { description: 'Renaming for testing purposes' });

or by an object, with an optional list of tables to be altered along with it:

const savepoint = await client.alterDatabase({ name: 'database_1', tables: ['table_1'] }, databaseSchemaApi => {'database_1_new');
}, { description: 'Renaming for testing purposes' });


Dynamically run a DROP DATABASE operation.
client.dropDatabase(databaseName: string, options?: Options): Promise<Savepoint>

⚙️ Spec:

  • databaseName (string): the database name.
  • options (Options, optional): as described in query().
  • Return value: a Savepoint instance.

⚽️ Usage:

const savepoint = await client.dropDatabase('database_1', { description: 'Dropping for testing purposes' });

Some additional parameters via options:

  • ifExists (boolean, optional): a flag to conditionally drop the database.

    const savepoint = await client.dropDatabase('database_1', { ifExists: true, description: 'Dropping for testing purposes' });
  • cascade (boolean, optional): a flag to force-drop the database along with its dependents.

    const savepoint = await client.dropDatabase('database_1', { cascade: true, description: 'Dropping for testing purposes' });


Check if a database exists.
client.hasDatabase(databaseName: string): Promise<Boolean>

⚙️ Spec:

  • databaseName (string): the database name.
  • Return value: Boolean.

⚽️ Usage:

const exists = await client.hasDatabase('database_1');


Get a list of available databases.
client.databases(): Promise<Array<string>>

⚙️ Spec:

  • Return value: an array of database names.

⚽️ Usage:

const databases = await client.databases();
console.log(databases); // ['public', 'database_1', ...]


Obtain a Database instance.
client.database(databaseName: string): Database

⚙️ Spec:

  • databaseName (string): the database name.
  • Return value: a Database instance.

⚽️ Usage:

const database = client.database('database_1');
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