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sqlite-vss Documentation

As a reminder, sqlite-vss is still young, so breaking changes should be expected while sqlite-vss is in a pre-v1 stage.

Building sqlite-vss yourself

If there isn't a prebuilt sqlite-vss build for your operating system or CPU architecture, you can try building sqlite-vss yourself. It'll require a C++ compiler, cmake, and possibly a few other libraries to build correctly.

Below are the general steps to build sqlite-vss. Your operating system may require a few more libraries or setup instructions, so some tips are listed below under Platform-specific compiling tips.

To start, clone this repository and its submodules.

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd sqlite-vss

Next, you'll need to build a vendored version of SQLite under vendor/sqlite. To retrieve the SQLite amalgammation, run the ./vendor/ script:


Then navigate to the newly built vendor/sqlite directory and build the SQLite library.

cd vendor/sqlite
./configure && make

Now that all dependencies are downloaded and configured, you can build the sqlite-vss extension! Run either make loadable or make loadable-release to build a loadable SQLite extension.

# build a debug version of `sqlite-vss`. Faster to compile, slow at runtime
make loadable

# build a release version of `sqlite-vss`. Slow to compile, but fast at runtime
make loadable-release

If you ran make loadable, then under dist/debug you'll find debug version of vector0 and vss0, with file extensions .dylib, .so, or .dll, depending on your operating system. If you ran make loadable-release, you'll find optimized version of vector0 and vssunder dist/release.

Platform-specific compiling tips

MacOS (x86_64)

On Macs, you may need to install and use llvm for compilation. It can be install with brew:

brew install llvm

Additionally, if you see other cryptic compiling errors, you may need to explicitly state to use the llvm compilers, with flags like so:

export CC=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang
export CXX=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/llvm/include"

If you come across any problems, please file an issue!

MacOS (M1/M2 arm)

I haven't tried compiling sqlite-vss on a M1 Mac yet, but others have reported success. See the above instructions if you have problems, or file an issue.

Linux (x86_64)

You most likely will need to install the following libraries before compiling:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgomp1 libatlas-base-dev liblapack-dev

API Reference

vss0 Virtual Tables

The vss0 module is used to create virtual tables that store and query your vectors.

Constructor Synax

create virtual table vss_xyz using vss0(
  description_embedding(384) factory="IVF4096,Flat,IDMap2"

The constructor of the vss0 module takes in a list of column definitions. Currently, each column must be a vector column, where you define the dimensions of the vector as the single argument to the column name. In the above example, both the headline_embedding and description_embedding columns store vectors with 384 dimensions.

An optional factory= option can be placed on individual columns. These are Faiss factory strings that give you more control over how the Faiss index is created. Consult the Faiss documentation to determine which factory makes the most sense for your use case. It's recommended that you include IDMap2 to your factory string, in order to reconstruct vectors in queries. The default factory string is "Flat,IDMap2", an exhaustive search index.

By contention the table name should be prefixed with vss_. If your data exists in a "normal" table named "xyz", then name the vss0 table vss_xyz.


By default, the Faiss indexes storing your vectors do not require any additional training, so you can go straight to inserting data. But if you use a special factory string that requires one, like "IVF4096,Flat,IDMap2", then you'll have to insert training data before using your table. You can do so with the special operation='training' constraint.

insert into vss_xyz(operation, description_embedding)
  select 'training', description_embedding from xyz;

All training data is read into memory, so take care with large datasets. Not all indexes require the full dataset to train, so you can probably add a LIMIT N clause where N is an appropriate amount of training vectors. Note that in this example, only the description_embedding column needs training, not the headline_embedding column that uses the default factory.

Inserting Data

Data can be insert into vss0 virtual tables with normal INSERT INTO operations.

insert into vss_xyz(rowid, headline_embedding, description_embedding)
  select rowid, headline_embedding, description_embedding from xyz;

The vectors themselves can be any JSON or "raw bytes". The rowid is optional, but if your vss_xyz table is linked to a xyz table, its a good idea to use the same rowids for JOINs later.

In order for the data to actually insert and appear in the index, make sure to COMMIT your inserted data. This is automatically done when using the SQLite CLI, but client libraries like Python will require explicit .commit() calls.


vss_xyz can be queried with SELECT statements.

select * from vss_xyz;

In order to take advantage of the Faiss indexes for fast KNN (k nearest neighbors), use the vss_search function.

select rowid, distance
from vss_xyz
where vss_search(
  (select headline_embedding from xyz where rowid = 123)
limit 20

Here we get the 20 nearest headline embeddings to the headline_embedding value in row #123. In return we get the rowids of those similar columns, as well as the calculated distance from the query vector.

Note that vss_search() queries with limit N only work on SQLite version 3.41 and above, due to a bug in previous versions. On lower version, use the vss_search_params option:

select rowid, distance
from vss_xyz
where vss_search(
    (select headline_embedding from xyz where rowid = 123),

This is equivalent to the query above, just a little more verbose.

Deleting data

DELETE operations are supported.

delete from vss_xyz where rowid between 100 and 200;

Shadow Table Schema

You shouldn't need to directly access the shadow tables for vss0 virtual tables, but here's the format for them. Subject to change, do not rely on this, will break in the future.

  • xyz_data - One row per "item" in the virtual table. Used to delegate and track rowid usage in the virtual table. x is a no-op column. create table xyz_data(x);
  • xyz_index - One row per column index. Stores the raw serialized Faiss index in one big BLOB. create table xyz_index(idx);
create table

vss_search(vector_column, vector)

create virtual table foo using vss0( bar(4) );

select rowid, distance
from foo
where vss_search(bar, json(''))
limit 20;
select rowid, distance
from foo
where vss_search(bar, vss_search_params(json(''), 20));

vss_search_params(vector, k)

select vss_search_params(); --

vss_range_search(vector_column, vector)

create virtual table foo using vss0( bar(4) );

select rowid, distance
from foo
where vss_range_search(
  vss_range_search_params(json(''), .5)

vss_range_search_params(vector, distance)

select vss_range_search_params(); --

vss_distance_l1(vector1, vector2)


select vss_distance_l1(); --

vss_distance_l2(vector1, vector2)


select vss_distance_l2(); --

vss_distance_linf(vector1, vector2)


select vss_distance_linf(); --

vss_inner_product(vector1, vector2)


select vss_inner_product(); --

vss_fvec_add(vector1, vector2)


select vss_fvec_add(); --

vss_fvec_sub(vector1, vector2)


select vss_fvec_sub(); --


select vss_version(); --


select vss_debug(); --