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263 lines (215 loc) · 7.24 KB

Commit message helper for commitizen

npm package node compatibility downloads License commitizen


A commit message helper of Commitizen plugin.
Note that you can achieve consistent commit messages.
Note that you can customizable commit message pattern.



Since cz-message-helper is a plug-in for committen. you need to install the following dependencies

  # commitizen
  pnpm add commitizen -g
  yarn global add commitizen

  # @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional
  pnpm add @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional -D
  yarn add @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional -D

  # husky
  pnpm add husky -D
  yarn add husky -D

  # cz-message-helper
  pnpm add cz-message-helper -D
  yarn add cz-message-helper -D


  1. Add commitizen configurate in package.json
  "config": {
    "cz-message-helper": {
      "config": ".cz-message.cjs"
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "node_modules/cz-message-helper"

  1. Create .cz-message.cjs configuration file in the project root directory
module.exports = {
  language: 'en' // options: en | cn

  1. Create commitlint.config.js configuration file in the project root directory
module.exports = {
  extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
  rules: {
    'type-enum': [
    'type-case': [0],
    'scope-case': [0],
    'subject-case': [0],
    'header-case': [0],
    'body-case': [0],
    'type-empty': [2, 'never'],
    'scope-empty': [0],
    'subject-empty': [2, 'never'],
    'body-empty': [0],
    'subject-full-stop': [0],
    'header-full-stop': [0],
    'body-full-stop': [0],
    'header-max-length': [2, 'always', 100],
    'body-leading-blank': [2, 'always'],
    'footer-leading-blank': [2, 'always']

  1. Install husky And add git commit-msg hook
  # step1
  npx husky install  

  # step2 
  npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npx --no-install commitlint --edit $1'

  1. Good, You can use by git add . and git cz

More configuration options -- .cz-message.cjs

module.exports = {
  questions: [
      type: 'list',
      name: 'type',
      message: 'Please select the type of change that you\'re committing:',
      choices: [
        { value: 'fix', name: 'fix: -------- A bug fix' },
        { value: 'feat', name: 'feat: ------- A new feature' },
        { value: 'begin', name: 'begin: ------ Begin new repository' },
        { value: 'docs', name: 'docs: ------- Documentation only changes' },
        { value: 'style', name: 'style: ------ Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)' },
        { value: 'chore', name: 'chore: ------ Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation' },
        { value: 'refactor', name: 'refactor: --- A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature' },
        { value: 'perf', name: 'perf: ------- A code change that improves performance' },
        { value: 'test', name: 'test: ------- Add Test Unit' },
        { value: 'revert', name: 'revert: ----- Revert to a commit' },
        { value: 'merge', name: 'merge: ------ Merge from branches' },
        { value: 'wip', name: 'wip: -------- Work in progress' }

      type: 'list',
      name: 'scope',
      message: 'Please select the SCOPE of this change (optional):',
      choices() {
        return [
          { name: 'empty', value: false },
          { name: 'custom', value: 'custom' }

      type: 'input',
      name: 'customScope',
      message: 'Please input the custom SCOPE of this change:',
      when(answers) {
        return answers.scope === 'custom'
      filter(value, answers) {
        answers.scope = value || ''
        return value || ''

      type: 'input',
      name: 'subject',
      message: 'Please write a SHORT tense description of the change(word number less than 72):',
      validate(value) {
        if (!value.trim()) {
          return 'Cannot be empty'

        return value.length > 72
          ? `Exceed limit: 72`
          : true

      type: 'input',
      name: 'body',
      message: 'Please provide a LONGER description of the change (optional). Use "\\n" to break new line:'

      type: 'input',
      name: 'breaking',
      message: 'Please list any BREAKING CHANGES (optional):',
      when(answers) {
        return /^(\:[a-z0-9A-Z_-]+(\:)(\s*))?(feat|fix)(\2\s*)?$/.test(answers.type.toLowerCase())

      type: 'input',
      name: 'footer',
      message: 'Please list any ISSUES CLOSED by this change (optional). Eg: #31, #34:'

  templater: (answers, wrap) => {
    let template = ''

    template += answers.type ? `${answers.type}` : ``
    template += answers.scope ? `(${answers.scope})` : ``
    template += answers.subject ? `: ${answers.subject}` : ``
    template += answers.body ? `\n\n${wrap(answers.body)}` : ``
    template += answers.breaking ? `\n\nBREAKING CHANGE: ${wrap(answers.breaking)}` : ``
    template += answers.footer ? `\n\nISSUES CLOSED: ${wrap(answers.footer)}` : ``

    return template

  language: 'en'


  1. templater --- Template used to generate message
  2. questions --- About questions options and description look Inquirer
  3. language ---- The preset options only support Chinese and English, Invalidate when customizing a questions
