Added option to shape conn weights dynamically to create temporal patterns (issue #33)
Store all params of synMechs exhaustively instead of by reference (issue #139)
Added netParams.importCellParamsFromNet() to import parameters of multiple cells from existing network (issue #154)
Added modifySynMechs function
Added option to record from all synMechs of a type (eg. 'AMPA')
Fixed bugs and improved efficiency of modify, modifyConns and modifyStims function
Fixed bug plotting traces
Improved NeuroML2 import functions (issue #12)
Added support for homeostatic scaling synapse (requires self NetCon) (issue #141)
Added method to convert NetParams and SimConfig objects to dicts (issue #141)
Fixed NetParams and SimConfig constructors so arguments are converted to Dict/ODict (issue #141)
Added sim.loadBalance() func to calculate and print load balance information (issue #77)
- Fixed bug (introduced during debugging) that prevented random seeds from working properly
Improved NeuroML import/export functions
Added option for cache_efficient (optimized load balance when many cores) (issue #77)
Added sim.clearAll() function to clear all objects in memory and avoid leaks
Cleared variables after gathering from multiple nodes to avoid memory leak
Separated common runSim() commands into preRun() (issue #83)
Fixed bugs in net.modifyStims() method
Only load neuroml libraries and functions if installed to avoid error when importing sim
Disable subcellular connectivity since wasn't modifying the synMechs correctly.
New example using Allen Institute cells showing how to save large net and reload for simulation
Improved export/import from/to NeuroML2 (issue #12)
All structures (including Dict and ODict) can now be saved and loaded via json
Added option to use separate simConfig when loading data from file
saveData() calls gatherData() if required
saveData() returns string with full path of saved file (issue #127)
Fixed bugs so its possible to create and save Python structure independently of NEURON objects
Fixed bug that created 2 instead of 1 NetStims per cell
Fixed bug regarding mutable default args in Python funcs
Fixed bug so NetStim stim params are set to default if missing
Access to nested dictionaries via dot notation (secs.soma.geom) using new inherited classes Dict() and ODict() (issue #123)
'hSection' replaced with 'hSec'
Added sim.popAvgRates() to calculate and optionally print population avg rates
Functions to modify cells, conns or stims also update sim.allCells (issue #59)
Fixed bug so can modify funcs now accept lists of strings (issue #59)
Fixed bug when recording traces of relative cell indices of populations across multiple nodes
Functions to modify parameters of cells, conns and stims in an instantiated network (issue #59)
Added label of param rule used to create cells, conns and stims, so can modify later (issue #59)
Ordered sim.net.allCells by gid
Option to save figures with same name as data
Added support for VClamp list params (issue #32)
Fixed bug when creating pops consisiting of lists of cells
- Fixed bug that gave error since trying to import removed module default.py
Easier and more consistent format for high-level specifications (issue #103):
replaced default.py with specs.py which defines classes NetParams and SimConfig
netParams and simConfig are now objects of class NetParams and SimConfig, respectively
Can use object methods to add params, eg. netParams.addPopParams(label, params)
All structures within netParams and simConfig are now OrderedDicts so can be referenced by label/key
If no label is assigned, then an increasing number is automatically used as label
Split netParams.stimParams into netParams.stimSourceParams and netParams.stimTargetParams (both OrderedDicts)
Simplified/clarified keys: 'conditions' -> 'conds', 'sections' -> 'secs', 'preTags' -> 'preConds', 'postTags' -> 'postConds'
Added netParams.importCellParams() to simplify
Added sim wrappers and modified names of existing ones to make consistent
Selectively save data to file: netParams, net, simConfig and/or simData (issue #30)
Added functions to load netParams, net, simConfig and/or simData from file (issue #30)
Added 'rerun' option to plotTraces()
Added function to get cell object by gid, sim.cellByGid(gid)
Fixed bug that was slowing down STDP by creating new h.Section() -- now uses existing.
Fixed bug so vinit gets set for all segments in a section.
Fixed bug related to readArgs() when running from IPYnotebook.
Fixed bug related to plasticity in cells with V not in section (eg. Izhi2007a)
Added option 'dataSaveInclude' to select what data to save to file (issue #30)
Added sim.net.allPops which contains all cellGids of each when running on >1 nodes (issue #30)
Connectivity matrix can now be grouped by numeric tags in intervals (eg. cortical depth y in 50 um intervals) (issue #92)
Added support for all stims (VClamp, SEClamp, AlphaSynapse, etc) and can specify any of the stim params (amp, dur, delay,etc) as a function (eg. 'uniform(a,b)' or '2*post_ynorm') (issue #32)
Fixed bugs so plotRaster() is identical when running on >1 nodes, and is ordered by gid correctly
Fixed bug so can have multiple plot function calls even when one of them is False
Modified format of simConfig analysis options to make it equivalent to calling analysis functions (issue #69)
Improved plotRaster() function to add customizable options (select cells, time range, order, overlay histogram, and others) (issue #39)
Improved plotTraces() function to add customizable options (select cells, time range, arrage by cell or trace, and others) (issue #39)
Improved plot2Dnet() function to add customizable options (select cells, show connections, and others) (issue #39)
Added spikeHist() function to plot spike histogram with customizable options (select cells, time range, bin size, and others) (issue #63)
Added plotConn() function to plot spike histogram with multiple customizable options (select cells, feature, order, and others) (issue #39)
Added option to save figure, save figure data, specify figure size, and show figure to all analysis/plotting functions (issue #39)
Fixed bug when generating function-based random probability values -- made random stream independent
Fixed bug when generating density-based random cell locations -- made random stream independent (issue #93)
Removed framework and init modules, and consolidated in sim module (so just need: 'from netpyne import sim')
Added option to specify weight scale factor separately for each cell model, and for NetStims (issue #69)
Conn rules can now have list of synMechs (eg. [AMPA, NMDA]) and synMechWeightFactor (eg. [1.0, 0.1]) (issue #69)
Conn rules allow list of weights, delays and/or locs for each synMech in list (issue #69)
Conn rules allow synsPerConn and loc to be described functionally (at the cell connection level) (eg. 'uniform(5,2)') (issue #69)
Conn rules allow list of weights, delays, and/or locs when synsPerConn > 1 (issue #69)
Conn rules allow 2D list of weights, delays, and/or locs when have list of synMechs and synsPerConn > 1 (issue #69)
Conn rules allow list of sections or sectionList when synsPerConn > 1; synMechs distributed uniformly (loc list not allowed) (issue #69)
Extended fromList connectivity function so can also provide synapse locs (issue #69)
Added separate wrapper sim functions to create and simulate the network
Sim functions use simConfig and netParams from main as default (if not specified)
Connections between NetStims and cells are included in conn list (issue #69)
Fixed bug so can create Python and NEURON objects for connections independently (issue #69)
Added option for random seeds for connectivity, stimulation, and cell locations (issue #49)
Added return pointers when create cells, pops, conns, stims, and recording (issue #48)
Renamed point process param labels: '_type' -> 'mod', '_loc' -> 'loc' (issue #24)
Added option to set h global variables (eg. celsius) (issue #31)
Fixed importCell() so h global variables reset after importing (issue #31)
Fixed importCell() so synapses stored in synMechParams (issue #25)
Fixed bug when pop names contained same subset of characters (issue #40)
Preliminary version of exporter to NeuroML2
Added fromList connectivity function
Added new dict 'stimParams' with support for IClamps
Added 'start' param to NetStim populations
Modified izhi2007 'u' starting value to be 0 instead of 0.2
Modified izhi2007 'C' value and the section properties so that synaptic weights match HH
Renamed NMDA synapses to AMPA
Fixed bugs in tuts
Fixed bug saving to JSON on single node
Fixed plotting traces from using 'all' cells option
Fixed bug when plottinc synMech traces
Renamed 'pos' with 'loc' in recordTraces list
Fixed bug in runSimWithIntervalFunc
Variable Netstims (NSLOCs) can now have noise > 0
Placed show(block=False) in try except block since not supported by some graphic backends
Create parallel context before re-creating net to avoid seg fault
Removed unnecessary modules in analysis.py
Only call show() in analysis if some figure to show
Fixed bug when distributing cells spatially based on xRange,yRange,zRange pop parameters
Added axis labels to 2D visualization, and now works when running on multiple nodes too
Reset Netstim random generators within runSim() so have reproducible results if working interactively
Fixed bug when distributing cells spatially based on normRange pop parameter
Fixed bug in functional connectivity variables post_xnorm, post_ynorm, post_znorm
Reversed ynorm based raster so higher y values are shown at the bottom (cortical-like)
Added option to plot sync lines in raster and show sync measure
Added 2D visualization of network cells and conns
Fixed randomization of cell positions by adding lastGid
Made synMech params independent of cell and referenced by labels (similar to NeuroML)
Keep Neuron objects after sim so can explore, modify and/or rerun sim.
Only gather data via py_alltoall if running on more than 1 node
Fix recording of single cell of population when using MPI
Fixed raster plotting based on NCD when using MPI
Replaced save as .txt format with save as .csv
Fixed bug when importing distributed mechanisms of cells
importCell can use either *args or **kwargs
Fixed bug in secLists implementation
Removed mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import (unused and produced error in some Mac OS versions)
Made conn functions more efficient using gid2lid and lid2gid
Replaced 'syn' (synapse) with 'synMech' (synaptic mechanism) to avoid confusion with synaptic connections
Fixed bug: STDP objects need to be stored so it works.
Added support for SectionLists (modified format of importCell so also works)
Fixed bugs: function-based connectivity
Fixed bugs: not checking connectivity rule conditions properly
Fixed bug: number of connections depended on number of nodes
Added option to add STDP plasticity and RL to connections
Added option to run function at intervals during simulation, e.g. to interface with external program (such as virtual arm)
Moved plot legend outside of plot area
Changed order of raster population colors to make separation clearer
Added option to select what cells to record/plot from separately; using new format with cells/pops in single list.
- Fixed bug: convergence connectivity produced error if used numeric value
Added option to show and/or save to file the timing of initialization, cell creation, connection creation, setup recording, simulation run, data gathering, plotting, and saving.
Fixed bug: h.dt now set to value of simConfig.dt
First version that was uploaded to pypi. Includes following features:
Clear separation (modularization) of parameter specifications, network instantiation and NEURON simulation code.
Easy-to-use, standardized, flexible, extensible and NEURON-independent format to specify parameters:
- Populations
- Cell property rules
- Connectivity rules
- Simulation configuration
Support for cell location (eg. cortical depth) dependence of cell density and connectivity.
Easy specification, importing and swapping of cell models (eg. point neuron vs multicompartment)
Support for hybrid networks eg. combining point and multicompartment neurons.
Multiple connectivity functions (eg. full, convergent, probabilistic) with optional parameters (eg. delay range)
Support for user-defined connectivity functions.
Populations, cell properties and connectivity rules can include reference to annotations (eg. for provenance).
NEURON-independent instantiation of network (all cells, connections, ...) using Python objects and containers.
NEURON-specific instantiation of network ready for simulation.
Enables sharing of Python-based network objects, which can then be instantiated and simulated in NEURON.
Easy MPI parallel simulation of network, including cell distribution across nodes an gathering of data from all nodes.
Analysis and visualization of network (eg. connecitivity matrix) and simulation output (eg. voltage traces, raster plot)
Data exporting/sharing to several formats (pickle, Matlab, JSON, HDF5) of the following:
- Parameters/specifications
- Instantiated networks
- Simulation results