From 280d17ad2876f0cc593cfaf94d3de288d50be818 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anudeeps0306 Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:04:53 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Replaced webL10n to i18next --- activities/Calligra.activity/index.html | 2 +- activities/Calligra.activity/js/l10n.js | 6 +- activities/Calligra.activity/lib/axios.min.js | 906 +++++- .../Calligra.activity/lib/i18next.min.js | 2761 +++++++++++++++++ activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js | 70 + .../lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js | 7 +- .../lib/sugar-web/package.json | 1 - .../lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js | 2 +- activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json | 51 + activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json | 51 + activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json | 51 + activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json | 51 + 12 files changed, 3940 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) create mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/lib/i18next.min.js create mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js create mode 100644 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o=n(2),i=n(19),s=n(20),u=n(6),a=n(21),c=n(22);e.exports=function(e){r(e),e.baseURL&&!a(e.url)&&(e.url=c(e.baseURL,e.url)),e.headers=e.headers||{},,e.headers,e.transformRequest),e.headers=o.merge(e.headers.common||{},e.headers[e.method]||{},e.headers||{}),o.forEach(["delete","get","head","post","put","patch","common"],function(t){delete e.headers[t]});var t=e.adapter||u.adapter;return t(e).then(function(t){return r(e),,t.headers,e.transformResponse),t},function(t){return s(t)||(r(e),t&&t.response&&(,t.response.headers,e.transformResponse))),Promise.reject(t)})}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var r=n(2);e.exports=function(e,t,n){return r.forEach(n,function(n){e=n(e,t)}),e}},function(e,t){"use strict";e.exports=function(e){return!(!e||!e.__CANCEL__)}},function(e,t){"use strict";e.exports=function(e){return/^([a-z][a-z\d\+\-\.]*:)?\/\//i.test(e)}},function(e,t){"use strict";e.exports=function(e,t){return t?e.replace(/\/+$/,"")+"/"+t.replace(/^\/+/,""):e}},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){this.message=e}n.prototype.toString=function(){return"Cancel"+(this.message?": "+this.message:"")},n.prototype.__CANCEL__=!0,e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function r(e){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("executor must be a function.");var t;this.promise=new Promise(function(e){t=e});var n=this;e(function(e){n.reason||(n.reason=new o(e),t(n.reason))})}var o=n(23);r.prototype.throwIfRequested=function(){if(this.reason)throw this.reason},r.source=function(){var e,t=new r(function(t){e=t});return{token:t,cancel:e}},e.exports=r},function(e,t){"use strict";e.exports=function(e){return function(t){return e.apply(null,t)}}}])}); -//# \ No newline at end of file +/* axios v0.21.1 | (c) 2020 by Matt Zabriskie */ +!(function (e, t) { + "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module + ? (module.exports = t()) + : "function" == typeof define && define.amd + ? define([], t) + : "object" == typeof exports + ? (exports.axios = t()) + : (e.axios = t()); +})(this, function () { + return (function (e) { + function t(r) { + if (n[r]) return n[r].exports; + var o = (n[r] = { exports: {}, id: r, loaded: !1 }); + return e[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, t), (o.loaded = !0), o.exports; + } + var n = {}; + return (t.m = e), (t.c = n), (t.p = ""), t(0); + })([ + function (e, t, n) { + e.exports = n(1); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r(e) { + var t = new i(e), + n = s(i.prototype.request, t); + return o.extend(n, i.prototype, t), o.extend(n, t), n; + } + var o = n(2), + s = n(3), + i = n(4), + a = n(22), + u = n(10), + c = r(u); + (c.Axios = i), + (c.create = function (e) { + return r(a(c.defaults, e)); + }), + (c.Cancel = n(23)), + (c.CancelToken = n(24)), + (c.isCancel = n(9)), + (c.all = function (e) { + return Promise.all(e); + }), + (c.spread = n(25)), + (c.isAxiosError = n(26)), + (e.exports = c), + (e.exports.default = c); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r(e) { + return "[object Array]" ===; + } + function o(e) { + return "undefined" == typeof e; + } + function s(e) { + return ( + null !== e && + !o(e) && + null !== e.constructor && + !o(e.constructor) && + "function" == typeof e.constructor.isBuffer && + e.constructor.isBuffer(e) + ); + } + function i(e) { + return "[object ArrayBuffer]" ===; + } + function a(e) { + return "undefined" != typeof FormData && e instanceof FormData; + } + function u(e) { + var t; + return (t = + "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView + ? ArrayBuffer.isView(e) + : e && e.buffer && e.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer); + } + function c(e) { + return "string" == typeof e; + } + function f(e) { + return "number" == typeof e; + } + function p(e) { + return null !== e && "object" == typeof e; + } + function d(e) { + if ("[object Object]" !== return !1; + var t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e); + return null === t || t === Object.prototype; + } + function l(e) { + return "[object Date]" ===; + } + function h(e) { + return "[object File]" ===; + } + function m(e) { + return "[object Blob]" ===; + } + function y(e) { + return "[object Function]" ===; + } + function g(e) { + return p(e) && y(e.pipe); + } + function v(e) { + return ( + "undefined" != typeof URLSearchParams && e instanceof URLSearchParams + ); + } + function x(e) { + return e.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, ""); + } + function w() { + return ( + ("undefined" == typeof navigator || + ("ReactNative" !== navigator.product && + "NativeScript" !== navigator.product && + "NS" !== navigator.product)) && + "undefined" != typeof window && + "undefined" != typeof document + ); + } + function b(e, t) { + if (null !== e && "undefined" != typeof e) + if (("object" != typeof e && (e = [e]), r(e))) + for (var n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++), e[n], n, e); + else + for (var s in e) +, s) && +, e[s], s, e); + } + function E() { + function e(e, n) { + d(t[n]) && d(e) + ? (t[n] = E(t[n], e)) + : d(e) + ? (t[n] = E({}, e)) + : r(e) + ? (t[n] = e.slice()) + : (t[n] = e); + } + for (var t = {}, n = 0, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) + b(arguments[n], e); + return t; + } + function j(e, t, n) { + return ( + b(t, function (t, r) { + n && "function" == typeof t ? (e[r] = S(t, n)) : (e[r] = t); + }), + e + ); + } + function C(e) { + return 65279 === e.charCodeAt(0) && (e = e.slice(1)), e; + } + var S = n(3), + R = Object.prototype.toString; + e.exports = { + isArray: r, + isArrayBuffer: i, + isBuffer: s, + isFormData: a, + isArrayBufferView: u, + isString: c, + isNumber: f, + isObject: p, + isPlainObject: d, + isUndefined: o, + isDate: l, + isFile: h, + isBlob: m, + isFunction: y, + isStream: g, + isURLSearchParams: v, + isStandardBrowserEnv: w, + forEach: b, + merge: E, + extend: j, + trim: x, + stripBOM: C, + }; + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + e.exports = function (e, t) { + return function () { + for (var n = new Array(arguments.length), r = 0; r < n.length; r++) + n[r] = arguments[r]; + return e.apply(t, n); + }; + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r(e) { + (this.defaults = e), + (this.interceptors = { request: new i(), response: new i() }); + } + var o = n(2), + s = n(5), + i = n(6), + a = n(7), + u = n(22); + (r.prototype.request = function (e) { + "string" == typeof e + ? ((e = arguments[1] || {}), (e.url = arguments[0])) + : (e = e || {}), + (e = u(this.defaults, e)), + e.method + ? (e.method = e.method.toLowerCase()) + : this.defaults.method + ? (e.method = this.defaults.method.toLowerCase()) + : (e.method = "get"); + var t = [a, void 0], + n = Promise.resolve(e); + for ( + this.interceptors.request.forEach(function (e) { + t.unshift(e.fulfilled, e.rejected); + }), + this.interceptors.response.forEach(function (e) { + t.push(e.fulfilled, e.rejected); + }); + t.length; + + ) + n = n.then(t.shift(), t.shift()); + return n; + }), + (r.prototype.getUri = function (e) { + return ( + (e = u(this.defaults, e)), + s(e.url, e.params, e.paramsSerializer).replace(/^\?/, "") + ); + }), + o.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "options"], function (e) { + r.prototype[e] = function (t, n) { + return this.request( + u(n || {}, { method: e, url: t, data: (n || {}).data }) + ); + }; + }), + o.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function (e) { + r.prototype[e] = function (t, n, r) { + return this.request(u(r || {}, { method: e, url: t, data: n })); + }; + }), + (e.exports = r); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r(e) { + return encodeURIComponent(e) + .replace(/%3A/gi, ":") + .replace(/%24/g, "$") + .replace(/%2C/gi, ",") + .replace(/%20/g, "+") + .replace(/%5B/gi, "[") + .replace(/%5D/gi, "]"); + } + var o = n(2); + e.exports = function (e, t, n) { + if (!t) return e; + var s; + if (n) s = n(t); + else if (o.isURLSearchParams(t)) s = t.toString(); + else { + var i = []; + o.forEach(t, function (e, t) { + null !== e && + "undefined" != typeof e && + (o.isArray(e) ? (t += "[]") : (e = [e]), + o.forEach(e, function (e) { + o.isDate(e) + ? (e = e.toISOString()) + : o.isObject(e) && (e = JSON.stringify(e)), + i.push(r(t) + "=" + r(e)); + })); + }), + (s = i.join("&")); + } + if (s) { + var a = e.indexOf("#"); + a !== -1 && (e = e.slice(0, a)), + (e += (e.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + s); + } + return e; + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r() { + this.handlers = []; + } + var o = n(2); + (r.prototype.use = function (e, t) { + return ( + this.handlers.push({ fulfilled: e, rejected: t }), + this.handlers.length - 1 + ); + }), + (r.prototype.eject = function (e) { + this.handlers[e] && (this.handlers[e] = null); + }), + (r.prototype.forEach = function (e) { + o.forEach(this.handlers, function (t) { + null !== t && e(t); + }); + }), + (e.exports = r); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r(e) { + e.cancelToken && e.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(); + } + var o = n(2), + s = n(8), + i = n(9), + a = n(10); + e.exports = function (e) { + r(e), + (e.headers = e.headers || {}), + ( = s(, e.headers, e.transformRequest)), + (e.headers = o.merge( + e.headers.common || {}, + e.headers[e.method] || {}, + e.headers + )), + o.forEach( + ["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch", "common"], + function (t) { + delete e.headers[t]; + } + ); + var t = e.adapter || a.adapter; + return t(e).then( + function (t) { + return ( + r(e), ( = s(, t.headers, e.transformResponse)), t + ); + }, + function (t) { + return ( + i(t) || + (r(e), + t && + t.response && + ( = s( +, + t.response.headers, + e.transformResponse + ))), + Promise.reject(t) + ); + } + ); + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(2); + e.exports = function (e, t, n) { + return ( + r.forEach(n, function (n) { + e = n(e, t); + }), + e + ); + }; + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + e.exports = function (e) { + return !(!e || !e.__CANCEL__); + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r(e, t) { + !s.isUndefined(e) && + s.isUndefined(e["Content-Type"]) && + (e["Content-Type"] = t); + } + function o() { + var e; + return ( + "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest + ? (e = n(12)) + : "undefined" != typeof process && + "[object process]" === && + (e = n(12)), + e + ); + } + var s = n(2), + i = n(11), + a = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, + u = { + adapter: o(), + transformRequest: [ + function (e, t) { + return ( + i(t, "Accept"), + i(t, "Content-Type"), + s.isFormData(e) || + s.isArrayBuffer(e) || + s.isBuffer(e) || + s.isStream(e) || + s.isFile(e) || + s.isBlob(e) + ? e + : s.isArrayBufferView(e) + ? e.buffer + : s.isURLSearchParams(e) + ? (r(t, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8"), + e.toString()) + : s.isObject(e) + ? (r(t, "application/json;charset=utf-8"), JSON.stringify(e)) + : e + ); + }, + ], + transformResponse: [ + function (e) { + if ("string" == typeof e) + try { + e = JSON.parse(e); + } catch (e) {} + return e; + }, + ], + timeout: 0, + xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN", + xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN", + maxContentLength: -1, + maxBodyLength: -1, + validateStatus: function (e) { + return e >= 200 && e < 300; + }, + }; + (u.headers = { common: { Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*" } }), + s.forEach(["delete", "get", "head"], function (e) { + u.headers[e] = {}; + }), + s.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function (e) { + u.headers[e] = s.merge(a); + }), + (e.exports = u); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(2); + e.exports = function (e, t) { + r.forEach(e, function (n, r) { + r !== t && + r.toUpperCase() === t.toUpperCase() && + ((e[t] = n), delete e[r]); + }); + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(2), + o = n(13), + s = n(16), + i = n(5), + a = n(17), + u = n(20), + c = n(21), + f = n(14); + e.exports = function (e) { + return new Promise(function (t, n) { + var p =, + d = e.headers; + r.isFormData(p) && delete d["Content-Type"]; + var l = new XMLHttpRequest(); + if (e.auth) { + var h = e.auth.username || "", + m = e.auth.password + ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(e.auth.password)) + : ""; + d.Authorization = "Basic " + btoa(h + ":" + m); + } + var y = a(e.baseURL, e.url); + if ( + ( + e.method.toUpperCase(), + i(y, e.params, e.paramsSerializer), + !0 + ), + (l.timeout = e.timeout), + (l.onreadystatechange = function () { + if ( + l && + 4 === l.readyState && + (0 !== l.status || + (l.responseURL && 0 === l.responseURL.indexOf("file:"))) + ) { + var r = + "getAllResponseHeaders" in l + ? u(l.getAllResponseHeaders()) + : null, + s = + e.responseType && "text" !== e.responseType + ? l.response + : l.responseText, + i = { + data: s, + status: l.status, + statusText: l.statusText, + headers: r, + config: e, + request: l, + }; + o(t, n, i), (l = null); + } + }), + (l.onabort = function () { + l && (n(f("Request aborted", e, "ECONNABORTED", l)), (l = null)); + }), + (l.onerror = function () { + n(f("Network Error", e, null, l)), (l = null); + }), + (l.ontimeout = function () { + var t = "timeout of " + e.timeout + "ms exceeded"; + e.timeoutErrorMessage && (t = e.timeoutErrorMessage), + n(f(t, e, "ECONNABORTED", l)), + (l = null); + }), + r.isStandardBrowserEnv()) + ) { + var g = + (e.withCredentials || c(y)) && e.xsrfCookieName + ? + : void 0; + g && (d[e.xsrfHeaderName] = g); + } + if ( + ("setRequestHeader" in l && + r.forEach(d, function (e, t) { + "undefined" == typeof p && "content-type" === t.toLowerCase() + ? delete d[t] + : l.setRequestHeader(t, e); + }), + r.isUndefined(e.withCredentials) || + (l.withCredentials = !!e.withCredentials), + e.responseType) + ) + try { + l.responseType = e.responseType; + } catch (t) { + if ("json" !== e.responseType) throw t; + } + "function" == typeof e.onDownloadProgress && + l.addEventListener("progress", e.onDownloadProgress), + "function" == typeof e.onUploadProgress && + l.upload && + l.upload.addEventListener("progress", e.onUploadProgress), + e.cancelToken && + e.cancelToken.promise.then(function (e) { + l && (l.abort(), n(e), (l = null)); + }), + p || (p = null), + l.send(p); + }); + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(14); + e.exports = function (e, t, n) { + var o = n.config.validateStatus; + n.status && o && !o(n.status) + ? t( + r( + "Request failed with status code " + n.status, + n.config, + null, + n.request, + n + ) + ) + : e(n); + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(15); + e.exports = function (e, t, n, o, s) { + var i = new Error(e); + return r(i, t, n, o, s); + }; + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + e.exports = function (e, t, n, r, o) { + return ( + (e.config = t), + n && (e.code = n), + (e.request = r), + (e.response = o), + (e.isAxiosError = !0), + (e.toJSON = function () { + return { + message: this.message, + name:, + description: this.description, + number: this.number, + fileName: this.fileName, + lineNumber: this.lineNumber, + columnNumber: this.columnNumber, + stack: this.stack, + config: this.config, + code: this.code, + }; + }), + e + ); + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(2); + e.exports = r.isStandardBrowserEnv() + ? (function () { + return { + write: function (e, t, n, o, s, i) { + var a = []; + a.push(e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t)), + r.isNumber(n) && + a.push("expires=" + new Date(n).toGMTString()), + r.isString(o) && a.push("path=" + o), + r.isString(s) && a.push("domain=" + s), + i === !0 && a.push("secure"), + (document.cookie = a.join("; ")); + }, + read: function (e) { + var t = document.cookie.match( + new RegExp("(^|;\\s*)(" + e + ")=([^;]*)") + ); + return t ? decodeURIComponent(t[3]) : null; + }, + remove: function (e) { + this.write(e, "", - 864e5); + }, + }; + })() + : (function () { + return { + write: function () {}, + read: function () { + return null; + }, + remove: function () {}, + }; + })(); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(18), + o = n(19); + e.exports = function (e, t) { + return e && !r(t) ? o(e, t) : t; + }; + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + e.exports = function (e) { + return /^([a-z][a-z\d\+\-\.]*:)?\/\//i.test(e); + }; + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + e.exports = function (e, t) { + return t ? e.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + t.replace(/^\/+/, "") : e; + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(2), + o = [ + "age", + "authorization", + "content-length", + "content-type", + "etag", + "expires", + "from", + "host", + "if-modified-since", + "if-unmodified-since", + "last-modified", + "location", + "max-forwards", + "proxy-authorization", + "referer", + "retry-after", + "user-agent", + ]; + e.exports = function (e) { + var t, + n, + s, + i = {}; + return e + ? (r.forEach(e.split("\n"), function (e) { + if ( + ((s = e.indexOf(":")), + (t = r.trim(e.substr(0, s)).toLowerCase()), + (n = r.trim(e.substr(s + 1))), + t) + ) { + if (i[t] && o.indexOf(t) >= 0) return; + "set-cookie" === t + ? (i[t] = (i[t] ? i[t] : []).concat([n])) + : (i[t] = i[t] ? i[t] + ", " + n : n); + } + }), + i) + : i; + }; + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(2); + e.exports = r.isStandardBrowserEnv() + ? (function () { + function e(e) { + var t = e; + return ( + n && (o.setAttribute("href", t), (t = o.href)), + o.setAttribute("href", t), + { + href: o.href, + protocol: o.protocol ? o.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "", + host:, + search: ?^\?/, "") : "", + hash: o.hash ? o.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "", + hostname: o.hostname, + port: o.port, + pathname: + "/" === o.pathname.charAt(0) + ? o.pathname + : "/" + o.pathname, + } + ); + } + var t, + n = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent), + o = document.createElement("a"); + return ( + (t = e(window.location.href)), + function (n) { + var o = r.isString(n) ? e(n) : n; + return o.protocol === t.protocol && ===; + } + ); + })() + : (function () { + return function () { + return !0; + }; + })(); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + var r = n(2); + e.exports = function (e, t) { + function n(e, t) { + return r.isPlainObject(e) && r.isPlainObject(t) + ? r.merge(e, t) + : r.isPlainObject(t) + ? r.merge({}, t) + : r.isArray(t) + ? t.slice() + : t; + } + function o(o) { + r.isUndefined(t[o]) + ? r.isUndefined(e[o]) || (s[o] = n(void 0, e[o])) + : (s[o] = n(e[o], t[o])); + } + t = t || {}; + var s = {}, + i = ["url", "method", "data"], + a = ["headers", "auth", "proxy", "params"], + u = [ + "baseURL", + "transformRequest", + "transformResponse", + "paramsSerializer", + "timeout", + "timeoutMessage", + "withCredentials", + "adapter", + "responseType", + "xsrfCookieName", + "xsrfHeaderName", + "onUploadProgress", + "onDownloadProgress", + "decompress", + "maxContentLength", + "maxBodyLength", + "maxRedirects", + "transport", + "httpAgent", + "httpsAgent", + "cancelToken", + "socketPath", + "responseEncoding", + ], + c = ["validateStatus"]; + r.forEach(i, function (e) { + r.isUndefined(t[e]) || (s[e] = n(void 0, t[e])); + }), + r.forEach(a, o), + r.forEach(u, function (o) { + r.isUndefined(t[o]) + ? r.isUndefined(e[o]) || (s[o] = n(void 0, e[o])) + : (s[o] = n(void 0, t[o])); + }), + r.forEach(c, function (r) { + r in t + ? (s[r] = n(e[r], t[r])) + : r in e && (s[r] = n(void 0, e[r])); + }); + var f = i.concat(a).concat(u).concat(c), + p = Object.keys(e) + .concat(Object.keys(t)) + .filter(function (e) { + return f.indexOf(e) === -1; + }); + return r.forEach(p, o), s; + }; + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + this.message = e; + } + (n.prototype.toString = function () { + return "Cancel" + (this.message ? ": " + this.message : ""); + }), + (n.prototype.__CANCEL__ = !0), + (e.exports = n); + }, + function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + function r(e) { + if ("function" != typeof e) + throw new TypeError("executor must be a function."); + var t; + this.promise = new Promise(function (e) { + t = e; + }); + var n = this; + e(function (e) { + n.reason || ((n.reason = new o(e)), t(n.reason)); + }); + } + var o = n(23); + (r.prototype.throwIfRequested = function () { + if (this.reason) throw this.reason; + }), + (r.source = function () { + var e, + t = new r(function (t) { + e = t; + }); + return { token: t, cancel: e }; + }), + (e.exports = r); + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + e.exports = function (e) { + return function (t) { + return e.apply(null, t); + }; + }; + }, + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + e.exports = function (e) { + return "object" == typeof e && e.isAxiosError === !0; + }; + }, + ]); +}); +//# diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/i18next.min.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/i18next.min.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e688edea1 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/i18next.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2761 @@ +!(function (e, t) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module + ? (module.exports = t()) + : "function" == typeof define && define.amd + ? define(t) + : ((e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).i18next = + t()); +})(this, function () { + "use strict"; + function e(t) { + return (e = + "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator + ? function (e) { + return typeof e; + } + : function (e) { + return e && + "function" == typeof Symbol && + e.constructor === Symbol && + e !== Symbol.prototype + ? "symbol" + : typeof e; + })(t); + } + function t(e, t, n) { + return ( + t in e + ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { + value: n, + enumerable: !0, + configurable: !0, + writable: !0, + }) + : (e[t] = n), + e + ); + } + function n(e) { + for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { + var i = null != arguments[n] ? Object(arguments[n]) : {}, + o = Object.keys(i); + "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && + (o = o.concat( + Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(i).filter(function (e) { + return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, e).enumerable; + }) + )), + o.forEach(function (n) { + t(e, n, i[n]); + }); + } + return e; + } + function i(e, t) { + if (!(e instanceof t)) + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } + function o(e, t) { + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { + var i = t[n]; + (i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1), + (i.configurable = !0), + "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), + Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i); + } + } + function r(e, t, n) { + return t && o(e.prototype, t), n && o(e, n), e; + } + function a(e) { + if (void 0 === e) + throw new ReferenceError( + "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" + ); + return e; + } + function s(t, n) { + return !n || ("object" !== e(n) && "function" != typeof n) ? a(t) : n; + } + function u(e) { + return (u = Object.setPrototypeOf + ? Object.getPrototypeOf + : function (e) { + return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e); + })(e); + } + function l(e, t) { + return (l = + Object.setPrototypeOf || + function (e, t) { + return (e.__proto__ = t), e; + })(e, t); + } + function c(e, t) { + if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { + constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, + })), + t && l(e, t); + } + var p = { + type: "logger", + log: function (e) { + this.output("log", e); + }, + warn: function (e) { + this.output("warn", e); + }, + error: function (e) { + this.output("error", e); + }, + output: function (e, t) { + console && console[e] && console[e].apply(console, t); + }, + }, + g = new ((function () { + function e(t) { + var n = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; + i(this, e), this.init(t, n); + } + return ( + r(e, [ + { + key: "init", + value: function (e) { + var t = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : {}; + (this.prefix = t.prefix || "i18next:"), + (this.logger = e || p), + (this.options = t), + (this.debug = t.debug); + }, + }, + { + key: "setDebug", + value: function (e) { + this.debug = e; + }, + }, + { + key: "log", + value: function () { + for ( + var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; + n < e; + n++ + ) + t[n] = arguments[n]; + return this.forward(t, "log", "", !0); + }, + }, + { + key: "warn", + value: function () { + for ( + var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; + n < e; + n++ + ) + t[n] = arguments[n]; + return this.forward(t, "warn", "", !0); + }, + }, + { + key: "error", + value: function () { + for ( + var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; + n < e; + n++ + ) + t[n] = arguments[n]; + return this.forward(t, "error", ""); + }, + }, + { + key: "deprecate", + value: function () { + for ( + var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; + n < e; + n++ + ) + t[n] = arguments[n]; + return this.forward(t, "warn", "WARNING DEPRECATED: ", !0); + }, + }, + { + key: "forward", + value: function (e, t, n, i) { + return i && !this.debug + ? null + : ("string" == typeof e[0] && + (e[0] = "".concat(n).concat(this.prefix, " ").concat(e[0])), + this.logger[t](e)); + }, + }, + { + key: "create", + value: function (t) { + return new e( + this.logger, + n( + {}, + { prefix: "".concat(this.prefix, ":").concat(t, ":") }, + this.options + ) + ); + }, + }, + ]), + e + ); + })())(), + f = (function () { + function e() { + i(this, e), (this.observers = {}); + } + return ( + r(e, [ + { + key: "on", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = this; + return ( + e.split(" ").forEach(function (e) { + (n.observers[e] = n.observers[e] || []), + n.observers[e].push(t); + }), + this + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "off", + value: function (e, t) { + this.observers[e] && + (t + ? (this.observers[e] = this.observers[e].filter(function (e) { + return e !== t; + })) + : delete this.observers[e]); + }, + }, + { + key: "emit", + value: function (e) { + for ( + var t = arguments.length, + n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), + i = 1; + i < t; + i++ + ) + n[i - 1] = arguments[i]; + this.observers[e] && + [].concat(this.observers[e]).forEach(function (e) { + e.apply(void 0, n); + }); + this.observers["*"] && + [].concat(this.observers["*"]).forEach(function (t) { + t.apply(t, [e].concat(n)); + }); + }, + }, + ]), + e + ); + })(); + function h() { + var e, + t, + n = new Promise(function (n, i) { + (e = n), (t = i); + }); + return (n.resolve = e), (n.reject = t), n; + } + function d(e) { + return null == e ? "" : "" + e; + } + function v(e, t, n) { + function i(e) { + return e && e.indexOf("###") > -1 ? e.replace(/###/g, ".") : e; + } + function o() { + return !e || "string" == typeof e; + } + for ( + var r = "string" != typeof t ? [].concat(t) : t.split("."); + r.length > 1; + + ) { + if (o()) return {}; + var a = i(r.shift()); + !e[a] && n && (e[a] = new n()), + (e =, a) ? e[a] : {}); + } + return o() ? {} : { obj: e, k: i(r.shift()) }; + } + function y(e, t, n) { + var i = v(e, t, Object); + i.obj[i.k] = n; + } + function m(e, t) { + var n = v(e, t), + i = n.obj, + o = n.k; + if (i) return i[o]; + } + function b(e, t, n) { + var i = m(e, n); + return void 0 !== i ? i : m(t, n); + } + function k(e) { + return e.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); + } + var x = { + "&": "&", + "<": "<", + ">": ">", + '"': """, + "'": "'", + "/": "/", + }; + function S(e) { + return "string" == typeof e + ? e.replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (e) { + return x[e]; + }) + : e; + } + var w = + "undefined" != typeof window && + window.navigator && + window.navigator.userAgent && + window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1; + var L = (function (e) { + function t(e) { + var n, + o = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : { ns: ["translation"], defaultNS: "translation" }; + return ( + i(this, t), + (n = s(this, u(t).call(this))), + w &&, + ( = e || {}), + (n.options = o), + void 0 === n.options.keySeparator && (n.options.keySeparator = "."), + void 0 === n.options.ignoreJSONStructure && + (n.options.ignoreJSONStructure = !0), + n + ); + } + return ( + c(t, f), + r(t, [ + { + key: "addNamespaces", + value: function (e) { + this.options.ns.indexOf(e) < 0 && this.options.ns.push(e); + }, + }, + { + key: "removeNamespaces", + value: function (e) { + var t = this.options.ns.indexOf(e); + t > -1 && this.options.ns.splice(t, 1); + }, + }, + { + key: "getResource", + value: function (e, t, n) { + var i = + arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] + ? arguments[3] + : {}, + o = + void 0 !== i.keySeparator + ? i.keySeparator + : this.options.keySeparator, + r = + void 0 !== i.ignoreJSONStructure + ? i.ignoreJSONStructure + : this.options.ignoreJSONStructure, + a = [e, t]; + n && "string" != typeof n && (a = a.concat(n)), + n && "string" == typeof n && (a = a.concat(o ? n.split(o) : n)), + e.indexOf(".") > -1 && (a = e.split(".")); + var s = m(, a); + return s || !r || "string" != typeof n + ? s + : (function e(t, n) { + var i = + arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] + ? arguments[2] + : "."; + if (t) { + if (t[n]) return t[n]; + for ( + var o = n.split(i), r = t, a = 0; + a < o.length; + ++a + ) { + if ("string" == typeof r[o[a]] && a + 1 < o.length) + return; + if (void 0 === r[o[a]]) { + for ( + var s = 2, u = o.slice(a, a + s).join(i), l = r[u]; + void 0 === l && o.length > a + s; + + ) + s++, (l = r[(u = o.slice(a, a + s).join(i))]); + if (void 0 === l) return; + if ("string" == typeof l) return l; + if (u && "string" == typeof l[u]) return l[u]; + var c = o.slice(a + s).join(i); + return c ? e(l, c, i) : void 0; + } + r = r[o[a]]; + } + return r; + } + })( &&[e] &&[e][t], n, o); + }, + }, + { + key: "addResource", + value: function (e, t, n, i) { + var o = + arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] + ? arguments[4] + : { silent: !1 }, + r = this.options.keySeparator; + void 0 === r && (r = "."); + var a = [e, t]; + n && (a = a.concat(r ? n.split(r) : n)), + e.indexOf(".") > -1 && ((i = t), (t = (a = e.split("."))[1])), + this.addNamespaces(t), + y(, a, i), + o.silent || this.emit("added", e, t, n, i); + }, + }, + { + key: "addResources", + value: function (e, t, n) { + var i = + arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] + ? arguments[3] + : { silent: !1 }; + for (var o in n) + ("string" != typeof n[o] && + "[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.apply(n[o])) || + this.addResource(e, t, o, n[o], { silent: !0 }); + i.silent || this.emit("added", e, t, n); + }, + }, + { + key: "addResourceBundle", + value: function (e, t, i, o, r) { + var a = + arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] + ? arguments[5] + : { silent: !1 }, + s = [e, t]; + e.indexOf(".") > -1 && + ((o = i), (i = t), (t = (s = e.split("."))[1])), + this.addNamespaces(t); + var u = m(, s) || {}; + o + ? (function e(t, n, i) { + for (var o in n) + "__proto__" !== o && + "constructor" !== o && + (o in t + ? "string" == typeof t[o] || + t[o] instanceof String || + "string" == typeof n[o] || + n[o] instanceof String + ? i && (t[o] = n[o]) + : e(t[o], n[o], i) + : (t[o] = n[o])); + return t; + })(u, i, r) + : (u = n({}, u, i)), + y(, s, u), + a.silent || this.emit("added", e, t, i); + }, + }, + { + key: "removeResourceBundle", + value: function (e, t) { + this.hasResourceBundle(e, t) && delete[e][t], + this.removeNamespaces(t), + this.emit("removed", e, t); + }, + }, + { + key: "hasResourceBundle", + value: function (e, t) { + return void 0 !== this.getResource(e, t); + }, + }, + { + key: "getResourceBundle", + value: function (e, t) { + return ( + t || (t = this.options.defaultNS), + "v1" === this.options.compatibilityAPI + ? n({}, {}, this.getResource(e, t)) + : this.getResource(e, t) + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "getDataByLanguage", + value: function (e) { + return[e]; + }, + }, + { + key: "toJSON", + value: function () { + return; + }, + }, + ]), + t + ); + })(), + O = { + processors: {}, + addPostProcessor: function (e) { + this.processors[] = e; + }, + handle: function (e, t, n, i, o) { + var r = this; + return ( + e.forEach(function (e) { + r.processors[e] && (t = r.processors[e].process(t, n, i, o)); + }), + t + ); + }, + }, + N = {}, + R = (function (t) { + function o(e) { + var t, + n, + r, + l, + c = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; + return ( + i(this, o), + (t = s(this, u(o).call(this))), + w &&, + (n = [ + "resourceStore", + "languageUtils", + "pluralResolver", + "interpolator", + "backendConnector", + "i18nFormat", + "utils", + ]), + (r = e), + (l = a(t)), + n.forEach(function (e) { + r[e] && (l[e] = r[e]); + }), + (t.options = c), + void 0 === t.options.keySeparator && (t.options.keySeparator = "."), + (t.logger = g.create("translator")), + t + ); + } + return ( + c(o, f), + r( + o, + [ + { + key: "changeLanguage", + value: function (e) { + e && (this.language = e); + }, + }, + { + key: "exists", + value: function (e) { + var t = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : { interpolation: {} }, + n = this.resolve(e, t); + return n && void 0 !== n.res; + }, + }, + { + key: "extractFromKey", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = + void 0 !== t.nsSeparator + ? t.nsSeparator + : this.options.nsSeparator; + void 0 === n && (n = ":"); + var i = + void 0 !== t.keySeparator + ? t.keySeparator + : this.options.keySeparator, + o = t.ns || this.options.defaultNS; + if (n && e.indexOf(n) > -1) { + var r = e.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp); + if (r && r.length > 0) return { key: e, namespaces: o }; + var a = e.split(n); + (n !== i || + (n === i && this.options.ns.indexOf(a[0]) > -1)) && + (o = a.shift()), + (e = a.join(i)); + } + return ( + "string" == typeof o && (o = [o]), { key: e, namespaces: o } + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "translate", + value: function (t, i, r) { + var a = this; + if ( + ("object" !== e(i) && + this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler && + (i = + this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler(arguments)), + i || (i = {}), + null == t) + ) + return ""; + Array.isArray(t) || (t = [String(t)]); + var s = + void 0 !== i.keySeparator + ? i.keySeparator + : this.options.keySeparator, + u = this.extractFromKey(t[t.length - 1], i), + l = u.key, + c = u.namespaces, + p = c[c.length - 1], + g = i.lng || this.language, + f = + i.appendNamespaceToCIMode || + this.options.appendNamespaceToCIMode; + if (g && "cimode" === g.toLowerCase()) { + if (f) { + var h = i.nsSeparator || this.options.nsSeparator; + return p + h + l; + } + return l; + } + var d = this.resolve(t, i), + v = d && d.res, + y = (d && d.usedKey) || l, + m = (d && d.exactUsedKey) || l, + b = Object.prototype.toString.apply(v), + k = + void 0 !== i.joinArrays + ? i.joinArrays + : this.options.joinArrays, + x = !this.i18nFormat || this.i18nFormat.handleAsObject; + if ( + x && + v && + "string" != typeof v && + "boolean" != typeof v && + "number" != typeof v && + [ + "[object Number]", + "[object Function]", + "[object RegExp]", + ].indexOf(b) < 0 && + ("string" != typeof k || "[object Array]" !== b) + ) { + if (!i.returnObjects && !this.options.returnObjects) + return ( + this.logger.warn( + "accessing an object - but returnObjects options is not enabled!" + ), + this.options.returnedObjectHandler + ? this.options.returnedObjectHandler(y, v, i) + : "key '" + .concat(l, " (") + .concat( + this.language, + ")' returned an object instead of string." + ) + ); + if (s) { + var S = "[object Array]" === b, + w = S ? [] : {}, + L = S ? m : y; + for (var O in v) + if (, O)) { + var N = "".concat(L).concat(s).concat(O); + (w[O] = this.translate( + N, + n({}, i, { joinArrays: !1, ns: c }) + )), + w[O] === N && (w[O] = v[O]); + } + v = w; + } + } else if (x && "string" == typeof k && "[object Array]" === b) + (v = v.join(k)) && (v = this.extendTranslation(v, t, i, r)); + else { + var R = !1, + C = !1, + j = void 0 !== i.count && "string" != typeof i.count, + E = o.hasDefaultValue(i), + P = j ? this.pluralResolver.getSuffix(g, i.count) : "", + F = i["defaultValue".concat(P)] || i.defaultValue; + !this.isValidLookup(v) && E && ((R = !0), (v = F)), + this.isValidLookup(v) || ((C = !0), (v = l)); + var V = E && F !== v && this.options.updateMissing; + if (C || R || V) { + if ( + (this.logger.log( + V ? "updateKey" : "missingKey", + g, + p, + l, + V ? F : v + ), + s) + ) { + var T = this.resolve(l, n({}, i, { keySeparator: !1 })); + T && + T.res && + this.logger.warn( + "Seems the loaded translations were in flat JSON format instead of nested. Either set keySeparator: false on init or make sure your translations are published in nested format." + ); + } + var A = [], + U = this.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes( + this.options.fallbackLng, + i.lng || this.language + ); + if ("fallback" === this.options.saveMissingTo && U && U[0]) + for (var I = 0; I < U.length; I++) A.push(U[I]); + else + "all" === this.options.saveMissingTo + ? (A = this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy( + i.lng || this.language + )) + : A.push(i.lng || this.language); + var D = function (e, t, n) { + a.options.missingKeyHandler + ? a.options.missingKeyHandler(e, p, t, V ? n : v, V, i) + : a.backendConnector && + a.backendConnector.saveMissing && + a.backendConnector.saveMissing( + e, + p, + t, + V ? n : v, + V, + i + ), + a.emit("missingKey", e, p, t, v); + }; + this.options.saveMissing && + (this.options.saveMissingPlurals && j + ? A.forEach(function (e) { + a.pluralResolver + .getSuffixes(e) + .forEach(function (t) { + D([e], l + t, i["defaultValue".concat(t)] || F); + }); + }) + : D(A, l, F)); + } + (v = this.extendTranslation(v, t, i, d, r)), + C && + v === l && + this.options.appendNamespaceToMissingKey && + (v = "".concat(p, ":").concat(l)), + C && + this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler && + (v = this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler(v)); + } + return v; + }, + }, + { + key: "extendTranslation", + value: function (e, t, i, o, r) { + var a = this; + if (this.i18nFormat && this.i18nFormat.parse) + e = this.i18nFormat.parse( + e, + i, + o.usedLng, + o.usedNS, + o.usedKey, + { resolved: o } + ); + else if (!i.skipInterpolation) { + i.interpolation && + this.interpolator.init( + n({}, i, { + interpolation: n( + {}, + this.options.interpolation, + i.interpolation + ), + }) + ); + var s, + u = + (i.interpolation && i.interpolation.skipOnVariables) || + this.options.interpolation.skipOnVariables; + if (u) { + var l = e.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp); + s = l && l.length; + } + var c = + i.replace && "string" != typeof i.replace ? i.replace : i; + if ( + (this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables && + (c = n( + {}, + this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables, + c + )), + (e = this.interpolator.interpolate( + e, + c, + i.lng || this.language, + i + )), + u) + ) { + var p = e.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp); + s < (p && p.length) && (i.nest = !1); + } + !1 !== i.nest && + (e = this.interpolator.nest( + e, + function () { + for ( + var e = arguments.length, n = new Array(e), o = 0; + o < e; + o++ + ) + n[o] = arguments[o]; + return r && r[0] === n[0] && !i.context + ? (a.logger.warn( + "It seems you are nesting recursively key: " + .concat(n[0], " in key: ") + .concat(t[0]) + ), + null) + : a.translate.apply(a, n.concat([t])); + }, + i + )), + i.interpolation && this.interpolator.reset(); + } + var g = i.postProcess || this.options.postProcess, + f = "string" == typeof g ? [g] : g; + return ( + null != e && + f && + f.length && + !1 !== i.applyPostProcessor && + (e = O.handle( + f, + e, + t, + this.options && this.options.postProcessPassResolved + ? n({ i18nResolved: o }, i) + : i, + this + )), + e + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "resolve", + value: function (e) { + var t, + n, + i, + o, + r, + a = this, + s = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : {}; + return ( + "string" == typeof e && (e = [e]), + e.forEach(function (e) { + if (!a.isValidLookup(t)) { + var u = a.extractFromKey(e, s), + l = u.key; + n = l; + var c = u.namespaces; + a.options.fallbackNS && + (c = c.concat(a.options.fallbackNS)); + var p = void 0 !== s.count && "string" != typeof s.count, + g = + void 0 !== s.context && + "string" == typeof s.context && + "" !== s.context, + f = s.lngs + ? s.lngs + : a.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy( + s.lng || a.language, + s.fallbackLng + ); + c.forEach(function (e) { + a.isValidLookup(t) || + ((r = e), + !N["".concat(f[0], "-").concat(e)] && + a.utils && + a.utils.hasLoadedNamespace && + !a.utils.hasLoadedNamespace(r) && + ((N["".concat(f[0], "-").concat(e)] = !0), + a.logger.warn( + 'key "' + .concat(n, '" for languages "') + .concat( + f.join(", "), + '" won\'t get resolved as namespace "' + ) + .concat(r, '" was not yet loaded'), + "This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!" + )), + f.forEach(function (n) { + if (!a.isValidLookup(t)) { + o = n; + var r, + u, + c = l, + f = [c]; + if (a.i18nFormat && a.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys) + a.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys(f, l, n, e, s); + else + p && + (r = a.pluralResolver.getSuffix(n, s.count)), + p && g && f.push(c + r), + g && + f.push( + (c += "" + .concat(a.options.contextSeparator) + .concat(s.context)) + ), + p && f.push((c += r)); + for (; (u = f.pop()); ) + a.isValidLookup(t) || + ((i = u), (t = a.getResource(n, e, u, s))); + } + })); + }); + } + }), + { res: t, usedKey: n, exactUsedKey: i, usedLng: o, usedNS: r } + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "isValidLookup", + value: function (e) { + return !( + void 0 === e || + (!this.options.returnNull && null === e) || + (!this.options.returnEmptyString && "" === e) + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "getResource", + value: function (e, t, n) { + var i = + arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] + ? arguments[3] + : {}; + return this.i18nFormat && this.i18nFormat.getResource + ? this.i18nFormat.getResource(e, t, n, i) + : this.resourceStore.getResource(e, t, n, i); + }, + }, + ], + [ + { + key: "hasDefaultValue", + value: function (e) { + for (var t in e) + if ( +, t) && + "defaultValue" === t.substring(0, "defaultValue".length) && + void 0 !== e[t] + ) + return !0; + return !1; + }, + }, + ] + ), + o + ); + })(); + function C(e) { + return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); + } + var j = (function () { + function e(t) { + i(this, e), + (this.options = t), + (this.whitelist = this.options.supportedLngs || !1), + (this.supportedLngs = this.options.supportedLngs || !1), + (this.logger = g.create("languageUtils")); + } + return ( + r(e, [ + { + key: "getScriptPartFromCode", + value: function (e) { + if (!e || e.indexOf("-") < 0) return null; + var t = e.split("-"); + return 2 === t.length + ? null + : (t.pop(), + "x" === t[t.length - 1].toLowerCase() + ? null + : this.formatLanguageCode(t.join("-"))); + }, + }, + { + key: "getLanguagePartFromCode", + value: function (e) { + if (!e || e.indexOf("-") < 0) return e; + var t = e.split("-"); + return this.formatLanguageCode(t[0]); + }, + }, + { + key: "formatLanguageCode", + value: function (e) { + if ("string" == typeof e && e.indexOf("-") > -1) { + var t = [ + "hans", + "hant", + "latn", + "cyrl", + "cans", + "mong", + "arab", + ], + n = e.split("-"); + return ( + this.options.lowerCaseLng + ? (n = (e) { + return e.toLowerCase(); + })) + : 2 === n.length + ? ((n[0] = n[0].toLowerCase()), + (n[1] = n[1].toUpperCase()), + t.indexOf(n[1].toLowerCase()) > -1 && + (n[1] = C(n[1].toLowerCase()))) + : 3 === n.length && + ((n[0] = n[0].toLowerCase()), + 2 === n[1].length && (n[1] = n[1].toUpperCase()), + "sgn" !== n[0] && + 2 === n[2].length && + (n[2] = n[2].toUpperCase()), + t.indexOf(n[1].toLowerCase()) > -1 && + (n[1] = C(n[1].toLowerCase())), + t.indexOf(n[2].toLowerCase()) > -1 && + (n[2] = C(n[2].toLowerCase()))), + n.join("-") + ); + } + return this.options.cleanCode || this.options.lowerCaseLng + ? e.toLowerCase() + : e; + }, + }, + { + key: "isWhitelisted", + value: function (e) { + return ( + this.logger.deprecate( + "languageUtils.isWhitelisted", + 'function "isWhitelisted" will be renamed to "isSupportedCode" in the next major - please make sure to rename it\'s usage asap.' + ), + this.isSupportedCode(e) + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "isSupportedCode", + value: function (e) { + return ( + ("languageOnly" === this.options.load || + this.options.nonExplicitSupportedLngs) && + (e = this.getLanguagePartFromCode(e)), + !this.supportedLngs || + !this.supportedLngs.length || + this.supportedLngs.indexOf(e) > -1 + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "getBestMatchFromCodes", + value: function (e) { + var t, + n = this; + return e + ? (e.forEach(function (e) { + if (!t) { + var i = n.formatLanguageCode(e); + (n.options.supportedLngs && !n.isSupportedCode(i)) || + (t = i); + } + }), + !t && + this.options.supportedLngs && + e.forEach(function (e) { + if (!t) { + var i = n.getLanguagePartFromCode(e); + if (n.isSupportedCode(i)) return (t = i); + t = n.options.supportedLngs.find(function (e) { + if (0 === e.indexOf(i)) return e; + }); + } + }), + t || (t = this.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng)[0]), + t) + : null; + }, + }, + { + key: "getFallbackCodes", + value: function (e, t) { + if (!e) return []; + if ( + ("function" == typeof e && (e = e(t)), + "string" == typeof e && (e = [e]), + "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(e)) + ) + return e; + if (!t) return e.default || []; + var n = e[t]; + return ( + n || (n = e[this.getScriptPartFromCode(t)]), + n || (n = e[this.formatLanguageCode(t)]), + n || (n = e[this.getLanguagePartFromCode(t)]), + n || (n = e.default), + n || [] + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "toResolveHierarchy", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = this, + i = this.getFallbackCodes( + t || this.options.fallbackLng || [], + e + ), + o = [], + r = function (e) { + e && + (n.isSupportedCode(e) + ? o.push(e) + : n.logger.warn( + "rejecting language code not found in supportedLngs: ".concat( + e + ) + )); + }; + return ( + "string" == typeof e && e.indexOf("-") > -1 + ? ("languageOnly" !== this.options.load && + r(this.formatLanguageCode(e)), + "languageOnly" !== this.options.load && + "currentOnly" !== this.options.load && + r(this.getScriptPartFromCode(e)), + "currentOnly" !== this.options.load && + r(this.getLanguagePartFromCode(e))) + : "string" == typeof e && r(this.formatLanguageCode(e)), + i.forEach(function (e) { + o.indexOf(e) < 0 && r(n.formatLanguageCode(e)); + }), + o + ); + }, + }, + ]), + e + ); + })(), + E = [ + { + lngs: [ + "ach", + "ak", + "am", + "arn", + "br", + "fil", + "gun", + "ln", + "mfe", + "mg", + "mi", + "oc", + "pt", + "pt-BR", + "tg", + "tl", + "ti", + "tr", + "uz", + "wa", + ], + nr: [1, 2], + fc: 1, + }, + { + lngs: [ + "af", + "an", + "ast", + "az", + "bg", + "bn", + "ca", + "da", + "de", + "dev", + "el", + "en", + "eo", + "es", + "et", + "eu", + "fi", + "fo", + "fur", + "fy", + "gl", + "gu", + "ha", + "hi", + "hu", + "hy", + "ia", + "it", + "kk", + "kn", + "ku", + "lb", + "mai", + "ml", + "mn", + "mr", + "nah", + "nap", + "nb", + "ne", + "nl", + "nn", + "no", + "nso", + "pa", + "pap", + "pms", + "ps", + "pt-PT", + "rm", + "sco", + "se", + "si", + "so", + "son", + "sq", + "sv", + "sw", + "ta", + "te", + "tk", + "ur", + "yo", + ], + nr: [1, 2], + fc: 2, + }, + { + lngs: [ + "ay", + "bo", + "cgg", + "fa", + "ht", + "id", + "ja", + "jbo", + "ka", + "km", + "ko", + "ky", + "lo", + "ms", + "sah", + "su", + "th", + "tt", + "ug", + "vi", + "wo", + "zh", + ], + nr: [1], + fc: 3, + }, + { + lngs: ["be", "bs", "cnr", "dz", "hr", "ru", "sr", "uk"], + nr: [1, 2, 5], + fc: 4, + }, + { lngs: ["ar"], nr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 100], fc: 5 }, + { lngs: ["cs", "sk"], nr: [1, 2, 5], fc: 6 }, + { lngs: ["csb", "pl"], nr: [1, 2, 5], fc: 7 }, + { lngs: ["cy"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 8], fc: 8 }, + { lngs: ["fr"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 9 }, + { lngs: ["ga"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 7, 11], fc: 10 }, + { lngs: ["gd"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 20], fc: 11 }, + { lngs: ["is"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 12 }, + { lngs: ["jv"], nr: [0, 1], fc: 13 }, + { lngs: ["kw"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 4], fc: 14 }, + { lngs: ["lt"], nr: [1, 2, 10], fc: 15 }, + { lngs: ["lv"], nr: [1, 2, 0], fc: 16 }, + { lngs: ["mk"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 17 }, + { lngs: ["mnk"], nr: [0, 1, 2], fc: 18 }, + { lngs: ["mt"], nr: [1, 2, 11, 20], fc: 19 }, + { lngs: ["or"], nr: [2, 1], fc: 2 }, + { lngs: ["ro"], nr: [1, 2, 20], fc: 20 }, + { lngs: ["sl"], nr: [5, 1, 2, 3], fc: 21 }, + { lngs: ["he", "iw"], nr: [1, 2, 20, 21], fc: 22 }, + ], + P = { + 1: function (e) { + return Number(e > 1); + }, + 2: function (e) { + return Number(1 != e); + }, + 3: function (e) { + return 0; + }, + 4: function (e) { + return Number( + e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 + ? 0 + : e % 10 >= 2 && e % 10 <= 4 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) + ? 1 + : 2 + ); + }, + 5: function (e) { + return Number( + 0 == e + ? 0 + : 1 == e + ? 1 + : 2 == e + ? 2 + : e % 100 >= 3 && e % 100 <= 10 + ? 3 + : e % 100 >= 11 + ? 4 + : 5 + ); + }, + 6: function (e) { + return Number(1 == e ? 0 : e >= 2 && e <= 4 ? 1 : 2); + }, + 7: function (e) { + return Number( + 1 == e + ? 0 + : e % 10 >= 2 && e % 10 <= 4 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) + ? 1 + : 2 + ); + }, + 8: function (e) { + return Number(1 == e ? 0 : 2 == e ? 1 : 8 != e && 11 != e ? 2 : 3); + }, + 9: function (e) { + return Number(e >= 2); + }, + 10: function (e) { + return Number(1 == e ? 0 : 2 == e ? 1 : e < 7 ? 2 : e < 11 ? 3 : 4); + }, + 11: function (e) { + return Number( + 1 == e || 11 == e + ? 0 + : 2 == e || 12 == e + ? 1 + : e > 2 && e < 20 + ? 2 + : 3 + ); + }, + 12: function (e) { + return Number(e % 10 != 1 || e % 100 == 11); + }, + 13: function (e) { + return Number(0 !== e); + }, + 14: function (e) { + return Number(1 == e ? 0 : 2 == e ? 1 : 3 == e ? 2 : 3); + }, + 15: function (e) { + return Number( + e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 + ? 0 + : e % 10 >= 2 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) + ? 1 + : 2 + ); + }, + 16: function (e) { + return Number(e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : 0 !== e ? 1 : 2); + }, + 17: function (e) { + return Number(1 == e || (e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1); + }, + 18: function (e) { + return Number(0 == e ? 0 : 1 == e ? 1 : 2); + }, + 19: function (e) { + return Number( + 1 == e + ? 0 + : 0 == e || (e % 100 > 1 && e % 100 < 11) + ? 1 + : e % 100 > 10 && e % 100 < 20 + ? 2 + : 3 + ); + }, + 20: function (e) { + return Number( + 1 == e ? 0 : 0 == e || (e % 100 > 0 && e % 100 < 20) ? 1 : 2 + ); + }, + 21: function (e) { + return Number( + e % 100 == 1 + ? 1 + : e % 100 == 2 + ? 2 + : e % 100 == 3 || e % 100 == 4 + ? 3 + : 0 + ); + }, + 22: function (e) { + return Number( + 1 == e ? 0 : 2 == e ? 1 : (e < 0 || e > 10) && e % 10 == 0 ? 2 : 3 + ); + }, + }; + var F = (function () { + function e(t) { + var n, + o = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; + i(this, e), + (this.languageUtils = t), + (this.options = o), + (this.logger = g.create("pluralResolver")), + (this.rules = + ((n = {}), + E.forEach(function (e) { + e.lngs.forEach(function (t) { + n[t] = { numbers:, plurals: P[e.fc] }; + }); + }), + n)); + } + return ( + r(e, [ + { + key: "addRule", + value: function (e, t) { + this.rules[e] = t; + }, + }, + { + key: "getRule", + value: function (e) { + return ( + this.rules[e] || + this.rules[this.languageUtils.getLanguagePartFromCode(e)] + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "needsPlural", + value: function (e) { + var t = this.getRule(e); + return t && t.numbers.length > 1; + }, + }, + { + key: "getPluralFormsOfKey", + value: function (e, t) { + return this.getSuffixes(e).map(function (e) { + return t + e; + }); + }, + }, + { + key: "getSuffixes", + value: function (e) { + var t = this, + n = this.getRule(e); + return n + ? (n) { + return t.getSuffix(e, n); + }) + : []; + }, + }, + { + key: "getSuffix", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = this, + i = this.getRule(e); + if (i) { + var o = i.noAbs ? i.plurals(t) : i.plurals(Math.abs(t)), + r = i.numbers[o]; + this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix && + 2 === i.numbers.length && + 1 === i.numbers[0] && + (2 === r ? (r = "plural") : 1 === r && (r = "")); + var a = function () { + return n.options.prepend && r.toString() + ? n.options.prepend + r.toString() + : r.toString(); + }; + return "v1" === this.options.compatibilityJSON + ? 1 === r + ? "" + : "number" == typeof r + ? "_plural_".concat(r.toString()) + : a() + : "v2" === this.options.compatibilityJSON + ? a() + : this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix && + 2 === i.numbers.length && + 1 === i.numbers[0] + ? a() + : this.options.prepend && o.toString() + ? this.options.prepend + o.toString() + : o.toString(); + } + return ( + this.logger.warn("no plural rule found for: ".concat(e)), "" + ); + }, + }, + ]), + e + ); + })(), + V = (function () { + function e() { + var t = + arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; + i(this, e), + (this.logger = g.create("interpolator")), + (this.options = t), + (this.format = + (t.interpolation && t.interpolation.format) || + function (e) { + return e; + }), + this.init(t); + } + return ( + r(e, [ + { + key: "init", + value: function () { + var e = + arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] + ? arguments[0] + : {}; + e.interpolation || (e.interpolation = { escapeValue: !0 }); + var t = e.interpolation; + (this.escape = void 0 !== t.escape ? t.escape : S), + (this.escapeValue = void 0 === t.escapeValue || t.escapeValue), + (this.useRawValueToEscape = + void 0 !== t.useRawValueToEscape && t.useRawValueToEscape), + (this.prefix = t.prefix + ? k(t.prefix) + : t.prefixEscaped || "{{"), + (this.suffix = t.suffix + ? k(t.suffix) + : t.suffixEscaped || "}}"), + (this.formatSeparator = t.formatSeparator + ? t.formatSeparator + : t.formatSeparator || ","), + (this.unescapePrefix = t.unescapeSuffix + ? "" + : t.unescapePrefix || "-"), + (this.unescapeSuffix = this.unescapePrefix + ? "" + : t.unescapeSuffix || ""), + (this.nestingPrefix = t.nestingPrefix + ? k(t.nestingPrefix) + : t.nestingPrefixEscaped || k("$t(")), + (this.nestingSuffix = t.nestingSuffix + ? k(t.nestingSuffix) + : t.nestingSuffixEscaped || k(")")), + (this.nestingOptionsSeparator = t.nestingOptionsSeparator + ? t.nestingOptionsSeparator + : t.nestingOptionsSeparator || ","), + (this.maxReplaces = t.maxReplaces ? t.maxReplaces : 1e3), + (this.alwaysFormat = + void 0 !== t.alwaysFormat && t.alwaysFormat), + this.resetRegExp(); + }, + }, + { + key: "reset", + value: function () { + this.options && this.init(this.options); + }, + }, + { + key: "resetRegExp", + value: function () { + var e = "".concat(this.prefix, "(.+?)").concat(this.suffix); + this.regexp = new RegExp(e, "g"); + var t = "" + .concat(this.prefix) + .concat(this.unescapePrefix, "(.+?)") + .concat(this.unescapeSuffix) + .concat(this.suffix); + this.regexpUnescape = new RegExp(t, "g"); + var n = "" + .concat(this.nestingPrefix, "(.+?)") + .concat(this.nestingSuffix); + this.nestingRegexp = new RegExp(n, "g"); + }, + }, + { + key: "interpolate", + value: function (e, t, i, o) { + var r, + a, + s, + u = this, + l = + (this.options && + this.options.interpolation && + this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables) || + {}; + function c(e) { + return e.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"); + } + var p = function (e) { + if (e.indexOf(u.formatSeparator) < 0) { + var r = b(t, l, e); + return u.alwaysFormat + ? u.format( + r, + void 0, + i, + n({}, o, t, { interpolationkey: e }) + ) + : r; + } + var a = e.split(u.formatSeparator), + s = a.shift().trim(), + c = a.join(u.formatSeparator).trim(); + return u.format( + b(t, l, s), + c, + i, + n({}, o, t, { interpolationkey: s }) + ); + }; + this.resetRegExp(); + var g = + (o && o.missingInterpolationHandler) || + this.options.missingInterpolationHandler, + f = + (o && o.interpolation && o.interpolation.skipOnVariables) || + this.options.interpolation.skipOnVariables; + return ( + [ + { + regex: this.regexpUnescape, + safeValue: function (e) { + return c(e); + }, + }, + { + regex: this.regexp, + safeValue: function (e) { + return u.escapeValue ? c(u.escape(e)) : c(e); + }, + }, + ].forEach(function (t) { + for (s = 0; (r = t.regex.exec(e)); ) { + if (void 0 === (a = p(r[1].trim()))) + if ("function" == typeof g) { + var n = g(e, r, o); + a = "string" == typeof n ? n : ""; + } else { + if (f) { + a = r[0]; + continue; + } + u.logger.warn( + "missed to pass in variable " + .concat(r[1], " for interpolating ") + .concat(e) + ), + (a = ""); + } + else + "string" == typeof a || + u.useRawValueToEscape || + (a = d(a)); + var i = t.safeValue(a); + if ( + ((e = e.replace(r[0], i)), + f + ? ((t.regex.lastIndex += i.length), + (t.regex.lastIndex -= r[0].length)) + : (t.regex.lastIndex = 0), + ++s >= u.maxReplaces) + ) + break; + } + }), + e + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "nest", + value: function (e, t) { + var i, + o, + r = this, + a = + arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] + ? arguments[2] + : {}, + s = n({}, a); + function u(e, t) { + var i = this.nestingOptionsSeparator; + if (e.indexOf(i) < 0) return e; + var o = e.split(new RegExp("".concat(i, "[ ]*{"))), + r = "{".concat(o[1]); + (e = o[0]), + (r = (r = this.interpolate(r, s)).replace(/'/g, '"')); + try { + (s = JSON.parse(r)), t && (s = n({}, t, s)); + } catch (t) { + return ( + this.logger.warn( + "failed parsing options string in nesting for key ".concat( + e + ), + t + ), + "".concat(e).concat(i).concat(r) + ); + } + return delete s.defaultValue, e; + } + for ( + s.applyPostProcessor = !1, delete s.defaultValue; + (i = this.nestingRegexp.exec(e)); + + ) { + var l = [], + c = !1; + if ( + -1 !== i[0].indexOf(this.formatSeparator) && + !/{.*}/.test(i[1]) + ) { + var p = i[1].split(this.formatSeparator).map(function (e) { + return e.trim(); + }); + (i[1] = p.shift()), (l = p), (c = !0); + } + if ( + (o = t(, i[1].trim(), s), s)) && + i[0] === e && + "string" != typeof o + ) + return o; + "string" != typeof o && (o = d(o)), + o || + (this.logger.warn( + "missed to resolve " + .concat(i[1], " for nesting ") + .concat(e) + ), + (o = "")), + c && + (o = l.reduce(function (e, t) { + return r.format( + e, + t, + a.lng, + n({}, a, { interpolationkey: i[1].trim() }) + ); + }, o.trim())), + (e = e.replace(i[0], o)), + (this.regexp.lastIndex = 0); + } + return e; + }, + }, + ]), + e + ); + })(); + var T = (function (e) { + function t(e, n, o) { + var r, + l = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}; + return ( + i(this, t), + (r = s(this, u(t).call(this))), + w &&, + (r.backend = e), + ( = n), + ( = o), + (r.languageUtils = o.languageUtils), + (r.options = l), + (r.logger = g.create("backendConnector")), + (r.state = {}), + (r.queue = []), + r.backend && r.backend.init && r.backend.init(o, l.backend, l), + r + ); + } + return ( + c(t, f), + r(t, [ + { + key: "queueLoad", + value: function (e, t, n, i) { + var o = this, + r = [], + a = [], + s = [], + u = []; + return ( + e.forEach(function (e) { + var i = !0; + t.forEach(function (t) { + var s = "".concat(e, "|").concat(t); + !n.reload &&, t) + ? (o.state[s] = 2) + : o.state[s] < 0 || + (1 === o.state[s] + ? a.indexOf(s) < 0 && a.push(s) + : ((o.state[s] = 1), + (i = !1), + a.indexOf(s) < 0 && a.push(s), + r.indexOf(s) < 0 && r.push(s), + u.indexOf(t) < 0 && u.push(t))); + }), + i || s.push(e); + }), + (r.length || a.length) && + this.queue.push({ + pending: a, + loaded: {}, + errors: [], + callback: i, + }), + { toLoad: r, pending: a, toLoadLanguages: s, toLoadNamespaces: u } + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "loaded", + value: function (e, t, n) { + var i = e.split("|"), + o = i[0], + r = i[1]; + t && this.emit("failedLoading", o, r, t), + n &&, r, n), + (this.state[e] = t ? -1 : 2); + var a = {}; + this.queue.forEach(function (n) { + var i, s, u, l, c, p; + (i = n.loaded), + (s = r), + (l = v(i, [o], Object)), + (c = l.obj), + (p = l.k), + (c[p] = c[p] || []), + u && (c[p] = c[p].concat(s)), + u || c[p].push(s), + (function (e, t) { + for (var n = e.indexOf(t); -1 !== n; ) + e.splice(n, 1), (n = e.indexOf(t)); + })(n.pending, e), + t && n.errors.push(t), + 0 !== n.pending.length || + n.done || + (Object.keys(n.loaded).forEach(function (e) { + a[e] || (a[e] = []), + n.loaded[e].length && + n.loaded[e].forEach(function (t) { + a[e].indexOf(t) < 0 && a[e].push(t); + }); + }), + (n.done = !0), + n.errors.length ? n.callback(n.errors) : n.callback()); + }), + this.emit("loaded", a), + (this.queue = this.queue.filter(function (e) { + return !e.done; + })); + }, + }, + { + key: "read", + value: function (e, t, n) { + var i = this, + o = + arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] + ? arguments[3] + : 0, + r = + arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] + ? arguments[4] + : 350, + a = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : void 0; + return e.length + ? this.backend[n](e, t, function (s, u) { + s && u && o < 5 + ? setTimeout(function () { +, e, t, n, o + 1, 2 * r, a); + }, r) + : a(s, u); + }) + : a(null, {}); + }, + }, + { + key: "prepareLoading", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = this, + i = + arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] + ? arguments[2] + : {}, + o = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; + if (!this.backend) + return ( + this.logger.warn( + "No backend was added via i18next.use. Will not load resources." + ), + o && o() + ); + "string" == typeof e && + (e = this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(e)), + "string" == typeof t && (t = [t]); + var r = this.queueLoad(e, t, i, o); + if (!r.toLoad.length) return r.pending.length || o(), null; + r.toLoad.forEach(function (e) { + n.loadOne(e); + }); + }, + }, + { + key: "load", + value: function (e, t, n) { + this.prepareLoading(e, t, {}, n); + }, + }, + { + key: "reload", + value: function (e, t, n) { + this.prepareLoading(e, t, { reload: !0 }, n); + }, + }, + { + key: "loadOne", + value: function (e) { + var t = this, + n = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : "", + i = e.split("|"), + o = i[0], + r = i[1]; +, r, "read", void 0, void 0, function (i, a) { + i && + t.logger.warn( + "" + .concat(n, "loading namespace ") + .concat(r, " for language ") + .concat(o, " failed"), + i + ), + !i && + a && + t.logger.log( + "" + .concat(n, "loaded namespace ") + .concat(r, " for language ") + .concat(o), + a + ), + t.loaded(e, i, a); + }); + }, + }, + { + key: "saveMissing", + value: function (e, t, i, o, r) { + var a = + arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] + ? arguments[5] + : {}; + && + && + ! + ? this.logger.warn( + 'did not save key "' + .concat(i, '" as the namespace "') + .concat(t, '" was not yet loaded'), + "This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!" + ) + : null != i && + "" !== i && + (this.backend && + this.backend.create && + this.backend.create( + e, + t, + i, + o, + null, + n({}, a, { isUpdate: r }) + ), + e && e[0] &&[0], t, i, o)); + }, + }, + ]), + t + ); + })(); + function A(e) { + return ( + "string" == typeof e.ns && (e.ns = [e.ns]), + "string" == typeof e.fallbackLng && (e.fallbackLng = [e.fallbackLng]), + "string" == typeof e.fallbackNS && (e.fallbackNS = [e.fallbackNS]), + e.whitelist && + (e.whitelist && + e.whitelist.indexOf("cimode") < 0 && + (e.whitelist = e.whitelist.concat(["cimode"])), + (e.supportedLngs = e.whitelist)), + e.nonExplicitWhitelist && + (e.nonExplicitSupportedLngs = e.nonExplicitWhitelist), + e.supportedLngs && + e.supportedLngs.indexOf("cimode") < 0 && + (e.supportedLngs = e.supportedLngs.concat(["cimode"])), + e + ); + } + function U() {} + return new ((function (t) { + function o() { + var e, + t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, + n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0; + if ( + (i(this, o), + (e = s(this, u(o).call(this))), + w &&, + (e.options = A(t)), + ( = {}), + (e.logger = g), + (e.modules = { external: [] }), + n && !e.isInitialized && !t.isClone) + ) { + if (!e.options.initImmediate) return e.init(t, n), s(e, a(e)); + setTimeout(function () { + e.init(t, n); + }, 0); + } + return e; + } + return ( + c(o, f), + r(o, [ + { + key: "init", + value: function () { + var t = this, + i = + arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] + ? arguments[0] + : {}, + o = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0; + function r(e) { + return e ? ("function" == typeof e ? new e() : e) : null; + } + if ( + ("function" == typeof i && ((o = i), (i = {})), + i.whitelist && + !i.supportedLngs && + this.logger.deprecate( + "whitelist", + 'option "whitelist" will be renamed to "supportedLngs" in the next major - please make sure to rename this option asap.' + ), + i.nonExplicitWhitelist && + !i.nonExplicitSupportedLngs && + this.logger.deprecate( + "whitelist", + 'options "nonExplicitWhitelist" will be renamed to "nonExplicitSupportedLngs" in the next major - please make sure to rename this option asap.' + ), + (this.options = n( + {}, + { + debug: !1, + initImmediate: !0, + ns: ["translation"], + defaultNS: ["translation"], + fallbackLng: ["dev"], + fallbackNS: !1, + whitelist: !1, + nonExplicitWhitelist: !1, + supportedLngs: !1, + nonExplicitSupportedLngs: !1, + load: "all", + preload: !1, + simplifyPluralSuffix: !0, + keySeparator: ".", + nsSeparator: ":", + pluralSeparator: "_", + contextSeparator: "_", + partialBundledLanguages: !1, + saveMissing: !1, + updateMissing: !1, + saveMissingTo: "fallback", + saveMissingPlurals: !0, + missingKeyHandler: !1, + missingInterpolationHandler: !1, + postProcess: !1, + postProcessPassResolved: !1, + returnNull: !0, + returnEmptyString: !0, + returnObjects: !1, + joinArrays: !1, + returnedObjectHandler: !1, + parseMissingKeyHandler: !1, + appendNamespaceToMissingKey: !1, + appendNamespaceToCIMode: !1, + overloadTranslationOptionHandler: function (t) { + var n = {}; + if ( + ("object" === e(t[1]) && (n = t[1]), + "string" == typeof t[1] && (n.defaultValue = t[1]), + "string" == typeof t[2] && (n.tDescription = t[2]), + "object" === e(t[2]) || "object" === e(t[3])) + ) { + var i = t[3] || t[2]; + Object.keys(i).forEach(function (e) { + n[e] = i[e]; + }); + } + return n; + }, + interpolation: { + escapeValue: !0, + format: function (e, t, n, i) { + return e; + }, + prefix: "{{", + suffix: "}}", + formatSeparator: ",", + unescapePrefix: "-", + nestingPrefix: "$t(", + nestingSuffix: ")", + nestingOptionsSeparator: ",", + maxReplaces: 1e3, + skipOnVariables: !1, + }, + }, + this.options, + A(i) + )), + (this.format = this.options.interpolation.format), + o || (o = U), + !this.options.isClone) + ) { + this.modules.logger + ? g.init(r(this.modules.logger), this.options) + : g.init(null, this.options); + var a = new j(this.options); + = new L(this.options.resources, this.options); + var s =; + (s.logger = g), + (s.resourceStore =, + (s.languageUtils = a), + (s.pluralResolver = new F(a, { + prepend: this.options.pluralSeparator, + compatibilityJSON: this.options.compatibilityJSON, + simplifyPluralSuffix: this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix, + })), + (s.interpolator = new V(this.options)), + (s.utils = { + hasLoadedNamespace: this.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(this), + }), + (s.backendConnector = new T( + r(this.modules.backend), + s.resourceStore, + s, + this.options + )), + s.backendConnector.on("*", function (e) { + for ( + var n = arguments.length, + i = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), + o = 1; + o < n; + o++ + ) + i[o - 1] = arguments[o]; + t.emit.apply(t, [e].concat(i)); + }), + this.modules.languageDetector && + ((s.languageDetector = r(this.modules.languageDetector)), + s.languageDetector.init( + s, + this.options.detection, + this.options + )), + this.modules.i18nFormat && + ((s.i18nFormat = r(this.modules.i18nFormat)), + s.i18nFormat.init && s.i18nFormat.init(this)), + (this.translator = new R(, this.options)), + this.translator.on("*", function (e) { + for ( + var n = arguments.length, + i = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), + o = 1; + o < n; + o++ + ) + i[o - 1] = arguments[o]; + t.emit.apply(t, [e].concat(i)); + }), + this.modules.external.forEach(function (e) { + e.init && e.init(t); + }); + } + if ( + this.options.fallbackLng && + ! && + !this.options.lng + ) { + var u = + this.options.fallbackLng + ); + u.length > 0 && "dev" !== u[0] && (this.options.lng = u[0]); + } + || + this.options.lng || + this.logger.warn( + "init: no languageDetector is used and no lng is defined" + ); + [ + "getResource", + "hasResourceBundle", + "getResourceBundle", + "getDataByLanguage", + ].forEach(function (e) { + t[e] = function () { + var n; + return (n =[e].apply(n, arguments); + }; + }); + [ + "addResource", + "addResources", + "addResourceBundle", + "removeResourceBundle", + ].forEach(function (e) { + t[e] = function () { + var n; + return (n =[e].apply(n, arguments), t; + }; + }); + var l = h(), + c = function () { + var e = function (e, n) { + t.isInitialized && + t.logger.warn( + "init: i18next is already initialized. You should call init just once!" + ), + (t.isInitialized = !0), + t.options.isClone || t.logger.log("initialized", t.options), + t.emit("initialized", t.options), + l.resolve(n), + o(e, n); + }; + if ( + t.languages && + "v1" !== t.options.compatibilityAPI && + !t.isInitialized + ) + return e(null, t.t.bind(t)); + t.changeLanguage(t.options.lng, e); + }; + return ( + this.options.resources || !this.options.initImmediate + ? c() + : setTimeout(c, 0), + l + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "loadResources", + value: function (e) { + var t = this, + n = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : U, + i = "string" == typeof e ? e : this.language; + if ( + ("function" == typeof e && (n = e), + !this.options.resources || this.options.partialBundledLanguages) + ) { + if (i && "cimode" === i.toLowerCase()) return n(); + var o = [], + r = function (e) { + e && + + .toResolveHierarchy(e) + .forEach(function (e) { + o.indexOf(e) < 0 && o.push(e); + }); + }; + if (i) r(i); + else + + .getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng) + .forEach(function (e) { + return r(e); + }); + this.options.preload && + this.options.preload.forEach(function (e) { + return r(e); + }), +, this.options.ns, n); + } else n(null); + }, + }, + { + key: "reloadResources", + value: function (e, t, n) { + var i = h(); + return ( + e || (e = this.languages), + t || (t = this.options.ns), + n || (n = U), +, t, function (e) { + i.resolve(), n(e); + }), + i + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "use", + value: function (e) { + if (!e) + throw new Error( + "You are passing an undefined module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()" + ); + if (!e.type) + throw new Error( + "You are passing a wrong module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()" + ); + return ( + "backend" === e.type && (this.modules.backend = e), + ("logger" === e.type || (e.log && e.warn && e.error)) && + (this.modules.logger = e), + "languageDetector" === e.type && + (this.modules.languageDetector = e), + "i18nFormat" === e.type && (this.modules.i18nFormat = e), + "postProcessor" === e.type && O.addPostProcessor(e), + "3rdParty" === e.type && this.modules.external.push(e), + this + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "changeLanguage", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = this; + this.isLanguageChangingTo = e; + var i = h(); + this.emit("languageChanging", e); + var o = function (e) { + var o = + "string" == typeof e + ? e + :; + o && + (n.language || + ((n.language = o), + (n.languages = +, + n.translator.language || n.translator.changeLanguage(o), + && +, + n.loadResources(o, function (e) { + !(function (e, o) { + o + ? ((n.language = o), + (n.languages = +, + n.translator.changeLanguage(o), + (n.isLanguageChangingTo = void 0), + n.emit("languageChanged", o), + n.logger.log("languageChanged", o)) + : (n.isLanguageChangingTo = void 0), + i.resolve(function () { + return n.t.apply(n, arguments); + }), + t && + t(e, function () { + return n.t.apply(n, arguments); + }); + })(e, o); + }); + }; + return ( + e || + ! || + + ? !e && + && + + ? + : o(e) + : o(, + i + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "getFixedT", + value: function (t, i) { + var o = this, + r = function t(i, r) { + var a; + if ("object" !== e(r)) { + for ( + var s = arguments.length, + u = new Array(s > 2 ? s - 2 : 0), + l = 2; + l < s; + l++ + ) + u[l - 2] = arguments[l]; + a = o.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler( + [i, r].concat(u) + ); + } else a = n({}, r); + return ( + (a.lng = a.lng || t.lng), + (a.lngs = a.lngs || t.lngs), + (a.ns = a.ns || t.ns), + o.t(i, a) + ); + }; + return ( + "string" == typeof t ? (r.lng = t) : (r.lngs = t), (r.ns = i), r + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "t", + value: function () { + var e; + return ( + this.translator && + (e = this.translator).translate.apply(e, arguments) + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "exists", + value: function () { + var e; + return ( + this.translator && + (e = this.translator).exists.apply(e, arguments) + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "setDefaultNamespace", + value: function (e) { + this.options.defaultNS = e; + }, + }, + { + key: "hasLoadedNamespace", + value: function (e) { + var t = this, + n = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : {}; + if (!this.isInitialized) + return ( + this.logger.warn( + "hasLoadedNamespace: i18next was not initialized", + this.languages + ), + !1 + ); + if (!this.languages || !this.languages.length) + return ( + this.logger.warn( + "hasLoadedNamespace: i18n.languages were undefined or empty", + this.languages + ), + !1 + ); + var i = this.languages[0], + o = !!this.options && this.options.fallbackLng, + r = this.languages[this.languages.length - 1]; + if ("cimode" === i.toLowerCase()) return !0; + var a = function (e, n) { + var i = +["".concat(e, "|").concat(n)]; + return -1 === i || 2 === i; + }; + if (n.precheck) { + var s = n.precheck(this, a); + if (void 0 !== s) return s; + } + return ( + !!this.hasResourceBundle(i, e) || + ! || + !(!a(i, e) || (o && !a(r, e))) + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "loadNamespaces", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = this, + i = h(); + return this.options.ns + ? ("string" == typeof e && (e = [e]), + e.forEach(function (e) { + n.options.ns.indexOf(e) < 0 && n.options.ns.push(e); + }), + this.loadResources(function (e) { + i.resolve(), t && t(e); + }), + i) + : (t && t(), Promise.resolve()); + }, + }, + { + key: "loadLanguages", + value: function (e, t) { + var n = h(); + "string" == typeof e && (e = [e]); + var i = this.options.preload || [], + o = e.filter(function (e) { + return i.indexOf(e) < 0; + }); + return o.length + ? ((this.options.preload = i.concat(o)), + this.loadResources(function (e) { + n.resolve(), t && t(e); + }), + n) + : (t && t(), Promise.resolve()); + }, + }, + { + key: "dir", + value: function (e) { + if ( + (e || + (e = + this.languages && this.languages.length > 0 + ? this.languages[0] + : this.language), + !e) + ) + return "rtl"; + return [ + "ar", + "shu", + "sqr", + "ssh", + "xaa", + "yhd", + "yud", + "aao", + "abh", + "abv", + "acm", + "acq", + "acw", + "acx", + "acy", + "adf", + "ads", + "aeb", + "aec", + "afb", + "ajp", + "apc", + "apd", + "arb", + "arq", + "ars", + "ary", + "arz", + "auz", + "avl", + "ayh", + "ayl", + "ayn", + "ayp", + "bbz", + "pga", + "he", + "iw", + "ps", + "pbt", + "pbu", + "pst", + "prp", + "prd", + "ug", + "ur", + "ydd", + "yds", + "yih", + "ji", + "yi", + "hbo", + "men", + "xmn", + "fa", + "jpr", + "peo", + "pes", + "prs", + "dv", + "sam", + ].indexOf( >= + 0 + ? "rtl" + : "ltr"; + }, + }, + { + key: "createInstance", + value: function () { + return new o( + arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] + ? arguments[0] + : {}, + arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0 + ); + }, + }, + { + key: "cloneInstance", + value: function () { + var e = this, + t = + arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] + ? arguments[0] + : {}, + i = + arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] + ? arguments[1] + : U, + r = n({}, this.options, t, { isClone: !0 }), + a = new o(r); + return ( + ["store", "services", "language"].forEach(function (t) { + a[t] = e[t]; + }), + ( = n({},, + ( = { + hasLoadedNamespace: a.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(a), + }), + (a.translator = new R(, a.options)), + a.translator.on("*", function (e) { + for ( + var t = arguments.length, + n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), + i = 1; + i < t; + i++ + ) + n[i - 1] = arguments[i]; + a.emit.apply(a, [e].concat(n)); + }), + a.init(r, i), + (a.translator.options = a.options), + ( = { + hasLoadedNamespace: a.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(a), + }), + a + ); + }, + }, + ]), + o + ); + })())(); +}); diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6af43cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +define(['i18next.min', 'axios.min'], function (i18next, axios) { + const l10n = {language: {direction: "ltr"}}; + + l10n.init = async (lang) => { + await i18next.init({ + lng: lang, + fallbackLng: "en", + resources: {} + }).then(() => { + l10n.language.direction = i18next.dir(); + l10n.switchTo(lang); + }); + }; + + l10n.get = (key, parameter) => { + return i18next.t(key, parameter); + }; + + l10n.loadLanguageResource = (lang) => { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + axios.get("./locales/" + lang + ".json").then((response) => { + resolve(; + }).catch((error) => { + console.log("Failed to load " + lang + " language: " + error); + resolve(null); // Resolve with null to indicate failure + }); + }); + }; + + l10n.switchTo = (lang) => { + if (!i18next.hasResourceBundle(lang, "translation")) { + console.log("Loading " + lang + " language"); + l10n.loadLanguageResource(lang).then((locales) => { + if (locales !== null) { + i18next.addResourceBundle(lang, "translation", locales); + i18next.changeLanguage(lang); + triggerLocalizedEvent(); + } else { + l10n.init("en"); + } + }); + } else { + i18next.changeLanguage(lang); + triggerLocalizedEvent(); + } + }; + + l10n.updateDocument = () => { + const elements = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); + for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { + const element = elements[i]; + const key = element.getAttribute("data-i18n"); + //handle innerHTML + if (key !== null && i18next.exists(key)) { + element.innerHTML = i18next.t(key); + } + //handle tooltips + if (key !== null && i18next.exists(key+".title")) { + element.setAttribute('title', i18next.t(key+".title")); + } + } + }; + + function triggerLocalizedEvent() { + const event = new Event("localized"); + window.dispatchEvent(event); + }; + + return l10n; +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js index c3524b432..73723a708 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -define(["webL10n", +define([ "sugar-web/activity/shortcut", "sugar-web/bus", "sugar-web/env", @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ define(["webL10n", "sugar-web/presence", "sugar-web/graphics/icon", "sugar-web/graphics/activitypalette"], function ( - l10n, shortcut, bus, env, datastore, presence, icon, activitypalette) { + shortcut, bus, env, datastore, presence, icon, activitypalette) { 'use strict'; @@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ define(["webL10n", activity.setup = function () { bus.listen(); - l10n.start(); - + function sendPauseEvent() { var pauseEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); pauseEvent.initCustomEvent('activityPause', false, false, { diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json index f2e3555b2..0c2dec139 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ "volo": { "baseUrl": "lib", "dependencies": { - "webL10n": "github:sugarlabs/webL10n", "mustache": "github:janl/mustache.js/0.7.2", "text": "github:requirejs/text" } diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js index aec983753..b19b983a2 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ requirejs.config({ "sugar-web": ".", "mustache": "lib/mustache", "text": "lib/text", - "webL10n": "lib/webL10n" + "l10n": "lib/l10n" }, // ask Require.js to load these files (all our tests) diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95747543a --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "CalligraActivity": "Calligra Activity", + "Help": "Help", + "Fullscreen": "Fullscreen", + "Settings": "Editor/Play mode", + "Lines": "Show/Hide Lines", + "Zoom": "Zoom", + "InsertImage": "Insert item", + "PrevShort": "Prev", + "NextShort": "Next", + "EndShort": "End", + "Template": "Templates", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Calligra activity", + "TutoExplainContent": "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures.", + "TutoTemplateButtonTitle": "Templates", + "TutoTemplateButtonContent": "Click on the palette to choose template to draw.", + "TutoEditorItemTitle": "Item to remove", + "TutoEditorItemContent": "Click on the item you want to remove.", + "TutoPlayerItemTitle": "Item to draw", + "TutoPlayerItemContent": "Click on the item you want to draw.", + "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle": "Insert item", + "TutoInsertImageButtonContent": "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item.", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle": "Switch to editor mode", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent": "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item.", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle": "Switch to play mode", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent": "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template.", + "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle": "Switch to editor mode", + "TutoEditorItemButtonContent": "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item.", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle": "Switch to play mode", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent": "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item.", + "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle": "Fullscreen", + "TutoFullscreenButtonContent": "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode.", + "TutoLinesButtonTitle": "Show/Hide Lines", + "TutoLinesButtonContent": "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing.", + "TutoZoomButtonTitle": "Zoom", + "TutoZoomButtonContent": "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item.", + "TutoBackButtonTitle": "Back", + "TutoBackButtonContent": "Click here to go back to the list of items.", + "TutoRestartButtonTitle": "Restart", + "TutoRestartButtonContent": "Click here to restart the drawing.", + "TutoNextButtonTitle": "Next", + "TutoNextButtonContent": "Click here to attempt the next one.", + "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle": "Add start point", + "TutoEditorAddButtonContent": "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it.", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle": "Remove start point", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last start point.", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Add path point", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it.", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Remove path point", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last path point." +} diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26183a888 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "CalligraActivity": "Actividad \"Caligrafía\"", + "Help": "Ayuda", + "Fullscreen": "Pantalla completa", + "Settings": "Editor/Modo de juego", + "Lines": "Ver/Ocultar líneas", + "Zoom": "Zoom", + "InsertImage": "Insert item", + "PrevShort": "Ant", + "NextShort": "Sig", + "EndShort": "Fin", + "Template": "Plantillas", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Actividad \"Caligrafía\"", + "TutoExplainContent": "Bienvenido a la actividad \"Caligrafía\". En esta actividad, el alumno se divertirá aprendiendo a escribir letras, números o figuras en cursiva.", + "TutoTemplateButtonTitle": "Plantillas", + "TutoTemplateButtonContent": "Haz clic en la paleta para escoger la plantilla que quieres usar.", + "TutoEditorItemTitle": "Objetos a eliminar", + "TutoEditorItemContent": "Haz clic en el objeto que quieres eliminar.", + "TutoPlayerItemTitle": "Objetos a dibujar", + "TutoPlayerItemContent": "Haz clic en el objeto que quieres dibujar.", + "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle": "Insert item", + "TutoInsertImageButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para crear un nuevo objeto. Al hacerlo, podrás elegir la imagen que quieres dibujar.", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle": "Cambiar al modo de edición", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent": "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás actualizar la plantilla creando un nuevo objeto o eliminando uno existente.", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle": "Cambiar al modo de juego", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent": "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar más objetos en la plantilla.", + "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle": "Cambiar al modo de edición", + "TutoEditorItemButtonContent": "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás definir las zonas en las que dibujar este objeto.", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle": "Cambiar al modo de juego", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent": "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar el objeto elegido.", + "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle": "Pantalla completa", + "TutoFullscreenButtonContent": "Haz clic en este icono para mostrar el contenido actual en pantalla completa.", + "TutoLinesButtonTitle": "Ver/Ocultar líneas", + "TutoLinesButtonContent": "Haz clic para ver/ocultar las líneas de guía para tus dibujos.", + "TutoZoomButtonTitle": "Zoom", + "TutoZoomButtonContent": "Haz clic en esta paleta para ampliar/reducir el nivel de zoom sobre el objeto.", + "TutoBackButtonTitle": "Atrás", + "TutoBackButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para volver a la lista de objetos.", + "TutoRestartButtonTitle": "Reiniciar", + "TutoRestartButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para reiniciar el dibujo.", + "TutoNextButtonTitle": "Siguiente", + "TutoNextButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para probar con el siguiente elemento.", + "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle": "Añadir punto de partida", + "TutoEditorAddButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para añadir un punto de partida. Cada dibujo podrá tener tantos puntos de partida como quieras. Normalmente, es una buena manera de indicarte dónde debe estar el lápiz. Una vez que se añada el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo.", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle": "Eliminar punto de partida", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de partida.", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Añadir punto de trazo", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí (o pulsa la tecla P) para añadir un punto de trazo. Usa los puntos de trazo para definir el camino por el que quieres dibujar tu objeto. Es mejor si los puntos de trazo no están muy lejos entre sí. Una vez que añadas el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo.", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Eliminar punto de trazo", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo." +} diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a9042fdf --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "CalligraActivity": "Activité Calligra", + "Help": "Aide", + "Fullscreen": "Plein écran", + "Settings": "Mode Editer/Jouer", + "Lines": "Cacher/Montrer Lignes", + "Zoom": "Zoom", + "InsertImage": "Insérer Image", + "PrevShort": "Préc", + "NextShort": "Suiv", + "EndShort": "Fin", + "Template": "Modèles", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Activité Calligra", + "TutoExplainContent": "Bienvenue dans l'activité Calligra. Cette activité est une activité amusante pour aider les enfants à apprendre l'écriture cursive: lettres, nombres et figures.", + "TutoTemplateButtonTitle": "Modèles", + "TutoTemplateButtonContent": "Cliquer sur la palette pour choisir les modèles à dessiner.", + "TutoEditorItemTitle": "Elément à supprimer", + "TutoEditorItemContent": "Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez supprimer.", + "TutoPlayerItemTitle": "Elément à dessiner", + "TutoPlayerItemContent": "Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez dessiner.", + "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle": "Insérer élément", + "TutoInsertImageButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour créer un nouvel élément. Cela vous permettra de choisir l'image à utiliser pour l'élément.", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle": "Passer en mode Editer", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent": "Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez mettre à jour le modèle: créer un nouvel élément ou en supprimer.", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle": "Passer en mode Jouer", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent": "Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner les éléments dans le modèle.", + "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle": "Passer en mode Editer", + "TutoEditorItemButtonContent": "Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez définir les tracés pour dessiner l'élément.", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle": "Passer en mode Jouer", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent": "Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner l'élément.", + "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle": "Plein écran", + "TutoFullscreenButtonContent": "Cliquer sur ce bouton pour passer en mode plein écran.", + "TutoLinesButtonTitle": "Cacher/Montrer Lignes", + "TutoLinesButtonContent": "Cliquer pour cache/montrer les lignes pour guider le dessin.", + "TutoZoomButtonTitle": "Zoom", + "TutoZoomButtonContent": "Cliquer sur cette palette pour faire un zoom avant/arrière de l'élément.", + "TutoBackButtonTitle": "Retour", + "TutoBackButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour retourner à la liste des éléments.", + "TutoRestartButtonTitle": "Redémarrer", + "TutoRestartButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour redémarrer le dessin.", + "TutoNextButtonTitle": "Suivant", + "TutoNextButtonContent": "Cliquez ici pour passer à l'élément suivant.", + "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle": "Ajouter un point de départ", + "TutoEditorAddButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour ajouter un point de départ. Chaque dessin peut avoir autant de points de départ que vous voulez. Cela permet généralement d'indiquer les endroits où le stylo doit être relevé. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer.", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle": "Supprimer point de départ", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de départ.", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Ajouter un point de tracé", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Cliquer ici (ou appuyer sur la touche P) pour ajouter un point de tracé. Utiliser les points de tracé pour définir le chemin à suivre pour dessiner l'élément. Il est préférable que les points de tracé ne soient pas trop éloignés les uns des autres. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer.", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Supprimer point de tracé", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé." +} diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96073ccc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "CalligraActivity": "Calligra Activity", + "Help": "Ajuda", + "Fullscreen": "Tela cheia", + "Settings": "Editor/Play mode", + "Lines": "Show/Hide Lines", + "Zoom": "Zoom", + "InsertImage": "Insert item", + "PrevShort": "Anterior", + "NextShort": "Próximo", + "EndShort": "Fim", + "Template": "Templates", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Calligra activity", + "TutoExplainContent": "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures.", + "TutoTemplateButtonTitle": "Templates", + "TutoTemplateButtonContent": "Click on the palette to choose template to draw.", + "TutoEditorItemTitle": "Item to remove", + "TutoEditorItemContent": "Click on the item you want to remove.", + "TutoPlayerItemTitle": "Item to draw", + "TutoPlayerItemContent": "Click on the item you want to draw.", + "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle": "Insert item", + "TutoInsertImageButtonContent": "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item.", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle": "Switch to editor mode", + "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent": "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item.", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle": "Switch to play mode", + "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent": "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template.", + "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle": "Switch to editor mode", + "TutoEditorItemButtonContent": "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item.", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle": "Switch to play mode", + "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent": "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item.", + "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle": "Fullscreen", + "TutoFullscreenButtonContent": "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode.", + "TutoLinesButtonTitle": "Show/Hide Lines", + "TutoLinesButtonContent": "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing.", + "TutoZoomButtonTitle": "Zoom", + "TutoZoomButtonContent": "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item.", + "TutoBackButtonTitle": "Back", + "TutoBackButtonContent": "Click here to go back to the list of items.", + "TutoRestartButtonTitle": "Restart", + "TutoRestartButtonContent": "Click here to restart the drawing.", + "TutoNextButtonTitle": "Next", + "TutoNextButtonContent": "Click here to attempt the next one.", + "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle": "Add start point", + "TutoEditorAddButtonContent": "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it.", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle": "Remove start point", + "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last start point.", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Add path point", + "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it.", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Remove path point", + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last path point." +} From 2e2918d49b6dd2c77eb7d24c2ee8309bde8ff242 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anudeeps0306 Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024 10:46:11 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 2/8] corrected errors --- activities/Calligra.activity/index.html | 1 - activities/Calligra.activity/js/tutorial.js | 119 ++----- activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js | 4 + activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini | 335 ------------------- activities/Calligra.activity/po/en.po | 260 -------------- activities/Calligra.activity/po/es.po | 262 --------------- activities/Calligra.activity/po/fr.po | 260 -------------- activities/Calligra.activity/po/pt.po | 260 -------------- activities/Calligra.activity/po/template.pot | 260 -------------- 9 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 1721 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/po/en.po delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/po/es.po delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/po/fr.po delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/po/pt.po delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/po/template.pot diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/index.html b/activities/Calligra.activity/index.html index 463839669..75b589588 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/index.html +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/index.html @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Calligra Activity - ', - data: function() { - return { - l10n: { - stringPrevShort: '', - stringNextShort: '', - stringEndShort: '', - stringTutoExplainTitle: '', - stringTutoExplainContent: '', - stringTutoFullscreenButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoFullscreenButtonContent: '', - stringTutoEditorItemTitle: '', - stringTutoEditorItemContent: '', - stringTutoPlayerItemTitle: '', - stringTutoPlayerItemContent: '', - stringTutoInsertImageButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoInsertImageButtonContent: '', - stringTutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoEditorTemplateButtonContent: '', - stringTutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent: '', - stringTutoEditorItemButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoEditorItemButtonContent: '', - stringTutoPlayerItemButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoPlayerItemButtonContent: '', - stringTutoLinesButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoLinesButtonContent: '', - stringTutoZoomButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoZoomButtonContent: '', - stringTutoBackButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoBackButtonContent: '', - stringTutoRestartButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoRestartButtonContent: '', - stringTutoNextButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoNextButtonContent: '', - stringTutoEditorAddButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoEditorAddButtonContent: '', - stringTutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoEditorRemoveButtonContent: '', - stringTutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoEditorAddPathButtonContent: '', - stringTutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent: '', - stringTutoTemplateButtonTitle: '', - stringTutoTemplateButtonContent: '' - } - } - }, + methods: { localized: function(localization) { - localization.localize(this.l10n); + // Update the tutorial }, show: function(options) { @@ -60,8 +13,8 @@ var Tutorial = { if (options.currentView === TemplateViewer && !options.editMode) { steps.push( { - title: this.l10n.stringTutoExplainTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoExplainContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoExplainTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoExplainContent") } ); } @@ -69,14 +22,14 @@ var Tutorial = { { element: options.templatebutton, position: "bottom", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoTemplateButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoTemplateButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoTemplateButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoTemplateButtonContent") }, { element: options.item, position: "right", - title: options.editMode?this.l10n.stringTutoEditorItemTitle:this.l10n.stringTutoPlayerItemTitle, - intro: options.editMode?this.l10n.stringTutoEditorItemContent:this.l10n.stringTutoPlayerItemContent + title: options.editMode ? window.l10n.get("TutoEditorItemTitle") : window.l10n.get("TutoPlayerItemTitle"), + intro: options.editMode ? window.l10n.get("TutoEditorItemContent") : window.l10n.get("TutoPlayerItemContent") } ]); if (options.currentView === TemplateViewer && options.editMode) { @@ -84,24 +37,24 @@ var Tutorial = { { element: options.insertimagebutton, position: "bottom", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoInsertImageButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoInsertImageButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoInsertImageButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoInsertImageButtonContent") } ); } - var settingsItemName = "stringTuto"+(options.editMode?"Player":"Editor")+(options.currentView === TemplateViewer?"Template":"Item")+"Button"; + var settingsItemName = "stringTuto" + (options.editMode ? "Player" : "Editor") + (options.currentView === TemplateViewer ? "Template" : "Item") + "Button"; steps = steps.concat([ { element: options.settingsbutton, position: "bottom", - title: this.l10n[settingsItemName+"Title"], - intro: this.l10n[settingsItemName+"Content"] + title: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent") }, { element: options.fullscreenbutton, position: "bottom", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoFullscreenButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoFullscreenButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoFullscreenButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoFullscreenButtonContent") } ]); if (options.currentView !== TemplateViewer) { @@ -109,56 +62,56 @@ var Tutorial = { { element: options.linesbutton, position: "bottom", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoLinesButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoLinesButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoLinesButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoLinesButtonContent") }, { element: options.zoombutton, position: "bottom", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoZoomButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoZoomButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoZoomButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoZoomButtonContent") }, { element: options.backbutton, position: "right", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoBackButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoBackButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoBackButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoBackButtonContent") }, { element: options.editoraddbutton, position: "left", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorAddButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorAddButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorAddButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorAddButtonContent") }, { element: options.editorremovebutton, position: "left", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorRemoveButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent") }, { element: options.editoraddpathbutton, position: "left", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorAddPathButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent") }, { element: options.editorremovepathbutton, position: "left", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent") }, { element: options.restartbutton, position: "left", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoRestartButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoRestartButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoRestartButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoRestartButtonContent") }, { element: options.nextbutton, position: "left", - title: this.l10n.stringTutoNextButtonTitle, - intro: this.l10n.stringTutoNextButtonContent + title: window.l10n.get("TutoNextButtonTitle"), + intro: window.l10n.get("TutoNextButtonContent") } ]); } @@ -168,12 +121,12 @@ var Tutorial = { introJs().setOptions({ tooltipClass: 'customTooltip', steps: steps, - prevLabel: this.l10n.stringPrevShort, - nextLabel: this.l10n.stringNextShort, + prevLabel: window.l10n.get("PrevShort"), + nextLabel: window.l10n.get("NextShort"), exitOnOverlayClick: false, nextToDone: false, showBullets: false }).start(); } } -} +}; diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js index e6af43cd8..0030f8d7c 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ define(['i18next.min', 'axios.min'], function (i18next, axios) { l10n.switchTo = (lang) => { if (!i18next.hasResourceBundle(lang, "translation")) { + lang = "fr"; console.log("Loading " + lang + " language"); l10n.loadLanguageResource(lang).then((locales) => { if (locales !== null) { @@ -66,5 +67,8 @@ define(['i18next.min', 'axios.min'], function (i18next, axios) { window.dispatchEvent(event); }; + // Exporting the l10n object to make it accessible globally + window.l10n = l10n; + return l10n; }); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini b/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 160d7e3c1..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ - -[*] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Help -Fullscreen=Fullscreen -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -InsertText=Insert word -TextTitle=Type the new word -TextDefault=word -Ok=Ok -Cancel=Cancel -PrevShort=Prev -NextShort=Next -EndShort=End -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[en] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Help -Fullscreen=Fullscreen -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Prev -NextShort=Next -EndShort=End -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[es] -CalligraActivity=Actividad "Caligrafía" -Help=Ayuda -Fullscreen=Pantalla completa -Settings=Editor/Modo de juego -Lines=Ver/Ocultar líneas -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Ant -NextShort=Sig -EndShort=Fin -Template=Plantillas -TutoExplainTitle=Actividad "Caligrafía" -TutoExplainContent=Bienvenido a la actividad "Caligrafía". En esta actividad, el alumno se divertirá aprendiendo a escribir letras, números o figuras en cursiva. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Plantillas -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic en la paleta para escoger la plantilla que quieres usar. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Objetos a eliminar -TutoEditorItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres eliminar. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Objetos a dibujar -TutoPlayerItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres dibujar. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás actualizar la plantilla creando un nuevo objeto o eliminando uno existente. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar más objetos en la plantilla. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás definir las zonas en las que dibujar este objeto. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar el objeto elegido. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Pantalla completa -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Haz clic en este icono para mostrar el contenido actual en pantalla completa. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Ver/Ocultar líneas -TutoLinesButtonContent=Haz clic para ver/ocultar las líneas de guía para tus dibujos. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Haz clic en esta paleta para ampliar/reducir el nivel de zoom sobre el objeto. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Atrás -TutoBackButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para volver a la lista de objetos. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Reiniciar -TutoRestartButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para reiniciar el dibujo. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Siguiente -TutoNextButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para probar con el siguiente elemento. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Añadir punto de partida -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para añadir un punto de partida. Cada dibujo podrá tener tantos puntos de partida como quieras. Normalmente, es una buena manera de indicarte dónde debe estar el lápiz. Una vez que se añada el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de partida -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de partida. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Añadir punto de trazo -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí (o pulsa la tecla P) para añadir un punto de trazo. Usa los puntos de trazo para definir el camino por el que quieres dibujar tu objeto. Es mejor si los puntos de trazo no están muy lejos entre sí. Una vez que añadas el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de trazo -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[fr] -CalligraActivity=Activité Calligra -Help=Aide -Fullscreen=Plein écran -Settings=Mode Editer/Jouer -Lines=Cacher/Montrer Lignes -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insérer Image -PrevShort=Préc -NextShort=Suiv -EndShort=Fin -Template=Modèles -TutoExplainTitle=Activité Calligra -TutoExplainContent=Bienvenue dans l'activité Calligra. Cette activité est une activité amusante pour aider les enfants à apprendre l'écriture cursive: lettres, nombres et figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Modèles -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer sur la palette pour choisir les modèles à dessiner. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Elément à supprimer -TutoEditorItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez supprimer. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Elément à dessiner -TutoPlayerItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez dessiner. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insérer élément -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour créer un nouvel élément. Cela vous permettra de choisir l'image ou le texte à utiliser pour l'élément. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez mettre à jour le modèle: créer un nouvel élément ou en supprimer. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner les éléments dans le modèle. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez définir les tracés pour dessiner l'élément. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner l'élément. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Plein écran -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Cliquer sur ce bouton pour passer en mode plein écran. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Cacher/Montrer Lignes -TutoLinesButtonContent=Cliquer pour cache/montrer les lignes pour guider le dessin. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Cliquer sur cette palette pour faire un zoom avant/arrière de l'élément. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Retour -TutoBackButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour retourner à la liste des éléments. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Redémarrer -TutoRestartButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour redémarrer le dessin. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Suivant -TutoNextButtonContent=Cliquez ici pour passer à l'élément suivant. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de départ -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour ajouter un point de départ. Chaque dessin peut avoir autant de points de départ que vous voulez. Cela permet généralement d'indiquer les endroits où le stylo doit être relevé. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Supprimer point de départ -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de départ. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de tracé -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Cliquer ici (ou appuyer sur la touche P) pour ajouter un point de tracé. Utiliser les points de tracé pour définir le chemin à suivre pour dessiner l'élément. Il est préférable que les points de tracé ne soient pas trop éloignés les uns des autres. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Supprimer point de tracé -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé. -Word0=ballon -Word1=nuit -Word2=jour -Word3=classe -Word4=souris -Word5=lit -Word6=quatre -Word7=enfant -Word8=demain -Word9=heure -Word10=chaud -Word11=piscine -Word12=bleu -Word13=maison -Word14=cerise - -[pt] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Ajuda -Fullscreen=Tela cheia -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Anterior -NextShort=Próximo -EndShort=Fim -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Tela cheia -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/en.po b/activities/Calligra.activity/po/en.po deleted file mode 100644 index 48f61c738..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/en.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,260 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Sun Apr 11 2021 11:08:09 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: CalligraActivity -msgctxt "CalligraActivity" -msgid "Calligra Activity" -msgstr "Calligra Activity" - -#: Help -msgctxt "Help" -msgid "Help" -msgstr "Help" - -#: Fullscreen -msgctxt "Fullscreen" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: Settings -msgctxt "Settings" -msgid "Editor/Play mode" -msgstr "Editor/Play mode" - -#: Lines -msgctxt "Lines" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Show/Hide Lines" - -#: Zoom -msgctxt "Zoom" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: InsertImage -msgctxt "InsertImage" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: PrevShort -msgctxt "PrevShort" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Prev" - -#: NextShort -msgctxt "NextShort" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: EndShort -msgctxt "EndShort" -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: Template -msgctxt "Template" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Templates" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Calligra activity" -msgstr "Calligra activity" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." -msgstr "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." - -#: TutoTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Templates" - -#: TutoTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." -msgstr "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." - -#: TutoEditorItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemTitle" -msgid "Item to remove" -msgstr "Item to remove" - -#: TutoEditorItemContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to remove." -msgstr "Click on the item you want to remove." - -#: TutoPlayerItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemTitle" -msgid "Item to draw" -msgstr "Item to draw" - -#: TutoPlayerItemContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to draw." -msgstr "Click on the item you want to draw." - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." -msgstr "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Switch to editor mode" - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Switch to play mode" - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." -msgstr "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Switch to editor mode" - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Switch to play mode" - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." -msgstr "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." - -#: TutoLinesButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonTitle" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Show/Hide Lines" - -#: TutoLinesButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonContent" -msgid "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." -msgstr "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." - -#: TutoZoomButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonTitle" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: TutoZoomButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." -msgstr "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." - -#: TutoBackButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonTitle" -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Back" - -#: TutoBackButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to go back to the list of items." -msgstr "Click here to go back to the list of items." - -#: TutoRestartButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonTitle" -msgid "Restart" -msgstr "Restart" - -#: TutoRestartButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to restart the drawing." -msgstr "Click here to restart the drawing." - -#: TutoNextButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonTitle" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: TutoNextButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to attempt the next one." -msgstr "Click here to attempt the next one." - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle" -msgid "Add start point" -msgstr "Add start point" - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove start point" -msgstr "Remove start point" - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last start point." -msgstr "Click here to remove the last start point." - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle" -msgid "Add path point" -msgstr "Add path point" - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove path point" -msgstr "Remove path point" - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last path point." -msgstr "Click here to remove the last path point." - diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/es.po b/activities/Calligra.activity/po/es.po deleted file mode 100644 index 9e28e4fa2..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/es.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Sun Apr 11 2021 11:08:09 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe " -"centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-11 14:08+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Alberto Gómez Herrera \n" -"Language-Team: Spanish \n" -"Language: es\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 2.16\n" - -#: CalligraActivity -msgctxt "CalligraActivity" -msgid "Calligra Activity" -msgstr "Actividad \"Caligrafía\"" - -#: Help -msgctxt "Help" -msgid "Help" -msgstr "Ayuda" - -#: Fullscreen -msgctxt "Fullscreen" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: Settings -msgctxt "Settings" -msgid "Editor/Play mode" -msgstr "Editor/Modo de juego" - -#: Lines -msgctxt "Lines" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Ver/Ocultar líneas" - -#: Zoom -msgctxt "Zoom" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: InsertImage -msgctxt "InsertImage" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: PrevShort -msgctxt "PrevShort" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Ant" - -#: NextShort -msgctxt "NextShort" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Sig" - -#: EndShort -msgctxt "EndShort" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fin" - -#: Template -msgctxt "Template" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Plantillas" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Calligra activity" -msgstr "Actividad \"Caligrafía\"" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." -msgstr "Bienvenido a la actividad \"Caligrafía\". En esta actividad, el alumno se divertirá aprendiendo a escribir letras, números o figuras en cursiva." - -#: TutoTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Plantillas" - -#: TutoTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." -msgstr "Haz clic en la paleta para escoger la plantilla que quieres usar." - -#: TutoEditorItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemTitle" -msgid "Item to remove" -msgstr "Objetos a eliminar" - -#: TutoEditorItemContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to remove." -msgstr "Haz clic en el objeto que quieres eliminar." - -#: TutoPlayerItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemTitle" -msgid "Item to draw" -msgstr "Objetos a dibujar" - -#: TutoPlayerItemContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to draw." -msgstr "Haz clic en el objeto que quieres dibujar." - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí para crear un nuevo objeto. Al hacerlo, podrás elegir la imagen que quieres dibujar." - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Cambiar al modo de edición" - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." -msgstr "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás actualizar la plantilla creando un nuevo objeto o eliminando uno existente." - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Cambiar al modo de juego" - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." -msgstr "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar más objetos en la plantilla." - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Cambiar al modo de edición" - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." -msgstr "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás definir las zonas en las que dibujar este objeto." - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Cambiar al modo de juego" - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." -msgstr "Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar el objeto elegido." - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." -msgstr "Haz clic en este icono para mostrar el contenido actual en pantalla completa." - -#: TutoLinesButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonTitle" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Ver/Ocultar líneas" - -#: TutoLinesButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonContent" -msgid "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." -msgstr "Haz clic para ver/ocultar las líneas de guía para tus dibujos." - -#: TutoZoomButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonTitle" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: TutoZoomButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." -msgstr "Haz clic en esta paleta para ampliar/reducir el nivel de zoom sobre el objeto." - -#: TutoBackButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonTitle" -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Atrás" - -#: TutoBackButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to go back to the list of items." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí para volver a la lista de objetos." - -#: TutoRestartButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonTitle" -msgid "Restart" -msgstr "Reiniciar" - -#: TutoRestartButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to restart the drawing." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí para reiniciar el dibujo." - -#: TutoNextButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonTitle" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Siguiente" - -#: TutoNextButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to attempt the next one." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí para probar con el siguiente elemento." - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle" -msgid "Add start point" -msgstr "Añadir punto de partida" - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí para añadir un punto de partida. Cada dibujo podrá tener tantos puntos de partida como quieras. Normalmente, es una buena manera de indicarte dónde debe estar el lápiz. Una vez que se añada el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo." - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove start point" -msgstr "Eliminar punto de partida" - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last start point." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de partida." - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle" -msgid "Add path point" -msgstr "Añadir punto de trazo" - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí (o pulsa la tecla P) para añadir un punto de trazo. Usa los puntos de trazo para definir el camino por el que quieres dibujar tu objeto. Es mejor si los puntos de trazo no están muy lejos entre sí. Una vez que añadas el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo." - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove path point" -msgstr "Eliminar punto de trazo" - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last path point." -msgstr "Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo." diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/fr.po b/activities/Calligra.activity/po/fr.po deleted file mode 100644 index 9f5c67069..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/fr.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,260 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Sun Apr 11 2021 11:08:09 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: CalligraActivity -msgctxt "CalligraActivity" -msgid "Calligra Activity" -msgstr "Activité Calligra" - -#: Help -msgctxt "Help" -msgid "Help" -msgstr "Aide" - -#: Fullscreen -msgctxt "Fullscreen" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Plein écran" - -#: Settings -msgctxt "Settings" -msgid "Editor/Play mode" -msgstr "Mode Editer/Jouer" - -#: Lines -msgctxt "Lines" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Cacher/Montrer Lignes" - -#: Zoom -msgctxt "Zoom" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: InsertImage -msgctxt "InsertImage" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insérer Image" - -#: PrevShort -msgctxt "PrevShort" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Préc" - -#: NextShort -msgctxt "NextShort" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Suiv" - -#: EndShort -msgctxt "EndShort" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fin" - -#: Template -msgctxt "Template" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Modèles" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Calligra activity" -msgstr "Activité Calligra" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." -msgstr "Bienvenue dans l'activité Calligra. Cette activité est une activité amusante pour aider les enfants à apprendre l'écriture cursive: lettres, nombres et figures." - -#: TutoTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Modèles" - -#: TutoTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." -msgstr "Cliquer sur la palette pour choisir les modèles à dessiner." - -#: TutoEditorItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemTitle" -msgid "Item to remove" -msgstr "Elément à supprimer" - -#: TutoEditorItemContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to remove." -msgstr "Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez supprimer." - -#: TutoPlayerItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemTitle" -msgid "Item to draw" -msgstr "Elément à dessiner" - -#: TutoPlayerItemContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to draw." -msgstr "Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez dessiner." - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insérer élément" - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." -msgstr "Cliquer ici pour créer un nouvel élément. Cela vous permettra de choisir l'image à utiliser pour l'élément." - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Passer en mode Editer" - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." -msgstr "Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez mettre à jour le modèle: créer un nouvel élément ou en supprimer." - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Passer en mode Jouer" - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." -msgstr "Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner les éléments dans le modèle." - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Passer en mode Editer" - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." -msgstr "Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez définir les tracés pour dessiner l'élément." - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Passer en mode Jouer" - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." -msgstr "Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner l'élément." - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Plein écran" - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." -msgstr "Cliquer sur ce bouton pour passer en mode plein écran." - -#: TutoLinesButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonTitle" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Cacher/Montrer Lignes" - -#: TutoLinesButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonContent" -msgid "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." -msgstr "Cliquer pour cache/montrer les lignes pour guider le dessin." - -#: TutoZoomButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonTitle" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: TutoZoomButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." -msgstr "Cliquer sur cette palette pour faire un zoom avant/arrière de l'élément." - -#: TutoBackButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonTitle" -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Retour" - -#: TutoBackButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to go back to the list of items." -msgstr "Cliquer ici pour retourner à la liste des éléments." - -#: TutoRestartButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonTitle" -msgid "Restart" -msgstr "Redémarrer" - -#: TutoRestartButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to restart the drawing." -msgstr "Cliquer ici pour redémarrer le dessin." - -#: TutoNextButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonTitle" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Suivant" - -#: TutoNextButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to attempt the next one." -msgstr "Cliquez ici pour passer à l'élément suivant." - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle" -msgid "Add start point" -msgstr "Ajouter un point de départ" - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Cliquer ici pour ajouter un point de départ. Chaque dessin peut avoir autant de points de départ que vous voulez. Cela permet généralement d'indiquer les endroits où le stylo doit être relevé. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer." - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove start point" -msgstr "Supprimer point de départ" - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last start point." -msgstr "Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de départ." - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle" -msgid "Add path point" -msgstr "Ajouter un point de tracé" - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Cliquer ici (ou appuyer sur la touche P) pour ajouter un point de tracé. Utiliser les points de tracé pour définir le chemin à suivre pour dessiner l'élément. Il est préférable que les points de tracé ne soient pas trop éloignés les uns des autres. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer." - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove path point" -msgstr "Supprimer point de tracé" - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last path point." -msgstr "Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé." - diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/pt.po b/activities/Calligra.activity/po/pt.po deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0dd433f..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/pt.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,260 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Sun Apr 11 2021 11:08:09 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: CalligraActivity -msgctxt "CalligraActivity" -msgid "Calligra Activity" -msgstr "Calligra Activity" - -#: Help -msgctxt "Help" -msgid "Help" -msgstr "Ajuda" - -#: Fullscreen -msgctxt "Fullscreen" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Tela cheia" - -#: Settings -msgctxt "Settings" -msgid "Editor/Play mode" -msgstr "Editor/Play mode" - -#: Lines -msgctxt "Lines" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Show/Hide Lines" - -#: Zoom -msgctxt "Zoom" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: InsertImage -msgctxt "InsertImage" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: PrevShort -msgctxt "PrevShort" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Anterior" - -#: NextShort -msgctxt "NextShort" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Próximo" - -#: EndShort -msgctxt "EndShort" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fim" - -#: Template -msgctxt "Template" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Templates" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Calligra activity" -msgstr "Calligra activity" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." -msgstr "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." - -#: TutoTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Templates" - -#: TutoTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." -msgstr "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." - -#: TutoEditorItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemTitle" -msgid "Item to remove" -msgstr "Item to remove" - -#: TutoEditorItemContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to remove." -msgstr "Click on the item you want to remove." - -#: TutoPlayerItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemTitle" -msgid "Item to draw" -msgstr "Item to draw" - -#: TutoPlayerItemContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to draw." -msgstr "Click on the item you want to draw." - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." -msgstr "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Switch to editor mode" - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Switch to play mode" - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." -msgstr "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Switch to editor mode" - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Switch to play mode" - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Tela cheia" - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." -msgstr "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." - -#: TutoLinesButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonTitle" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Show/Hide Lines" - -#: TutoLinesButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonContent" -msgid "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." -msgstr "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." - -#: TutoZoomButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonTitle" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: TutoZoomButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." -msgstr "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." - -#: TutoBackButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonTitle" -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Back" - -#: TutoBackButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to go back to the list of items." -msgstr "Click here to go back to the list of items." - -#: TutoRestartButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonTitle" -msgid "Restart" -msgstr "Restart" - -#: TutoRestartButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to restart the drawing." -msgstr "Click here to restart the drawing." - -#: TutoNextButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonTitle" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: TutoNextButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to attempt the next one." -msgstr "Click here to attempt the next one." - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle" -msgid "Add start point" -msgstr "Add start point" - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove start point" -msgstr "Remove start point" - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last start point." -msgstr "Click here to remove the last start point." - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle" -msgid "Add path point" -msgstr "Add path point" - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove path point" -msgstr "Remove path point" - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last path point." -msgstr "Click here to remove the last path point." - diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/template.pot b/activities/Calligra.activity/po/template.pot deleted file mode 100644 index 70ac2ea48..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/po/template.pot +++ /dev/null @@ -1,260 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Sat May 08 2021 21:58:50 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: CalligraActivity -msgctxt "CalligraActivity" -msgid "Calligra Activity" -msgstr "Calligra Activity" - -#: Help -msgctxt "Help" -msgid "Help" -msgstr "Help" - -#: Fullscreen -msgctxt "Fullscreen" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: Settings -msgctxt "Settings" -msgid "Editor/Play mode" -msgstr "Editor/Play mode" - -#: Lines -msgctxt "Lines" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Show/Hide Lines" - -#: Zoom -msgctxt "Zoom" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: InsertImage -msgctxt "InsertImage" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: PrevShort -msgctxt "PrevShort" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Prev" - -#: NextShort -msgctxt "NextShort" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: EndShort -msgctxt "EndShort" -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: Template -msgctxt "Template" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Templates" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Calligra activity" -msgstr "Calligra activity" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." -msgstr "Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures." - -#: TutoTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Templates" -msgstr "Templates" - -#: TutoTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." -msgstr "Click on the palette to choose template to draw." - -#: TutoEditorItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemTitle" -msgid "Item to remove" -msgstr "Item to remove" - -#: TutoEditorItemContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to remove." -msgstr "Click on the item you want to remove." - -#: TutoPlayerItemTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemTitle" -msgid "Item to draw" -msgstr "Item to draw" - -#: TutoPlayerItemContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemContent" -msgid "Click on the item you want to draw." -msgstr "Click on the item you want to draw." - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonTitle" -msgid "Insert item" -msgstr "Insert item" - -#: TutoInsertImageButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoInsertImageButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." -msgstr "Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image for the new item." - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Switch to editor mode" - -#: TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item." - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Switch to play mode" - -#: TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." -msgstr "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template." - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to editor mode" -msgstr "Switch to editor mode" - -#: TutoEditorItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item." - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle" -msgid "Switch to play mode" -msgstr "Switch to play mode" - -#: TutoPlayerItemButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayerItemButtonContent" -msgid "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." -msgstr "Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item." - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: TutoFullscreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullscreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." -msgstr "Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode." - -#: TutoLinesButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonTitle" -msgid "Show/Hide Lines" -msgstr "Show/Hide Lines" - -#: TutoLinesButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoLinesButtonContent" -msgid "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." -msgstr "Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing." - -#: TutoZoomButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonTitle" -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: TutoZoomButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoZoomButtonContent" -msgid "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." -msgstr "Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item." - -#: TutoBackButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonTitle" -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Back" - -#: TutoBackButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoBackButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to go back to the list of items." -msgstr "Click here to go back to the list of items." - -#: TutoRestartButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonTitle" -msgid "Restart" -msgstr "Restart" - -#: TutoRestartButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoRestartButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to restart the drawing." -msgstr "Click here to restart the drawing." - -#: TutoNextButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonTitle" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: TutoNextButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoNextButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to attempt the next one." -msgstr "Click here to attempt the next one." - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonTitle" -msgid "Add start point" -msgstr "Add start point" - -#: TutoEditorAddButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove start point" -msgstr "Remove start point" - -#: TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last start point." -msgstr "Click here to remove the last start point." - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle" -msgid "Add path point" -msgstr "Add path point" - -#: TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." -msgstr "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it." - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle" -msgid "Remove path point" -msgstr "Remove path point" - -#: TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent" -msgid "Click here to remove the last path point." -msgstr "Click here to remove the last path point." - From 0bebb8844095bb336c7ae8758942f3ad8ee96549 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anudeeps0306 Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024 10:53:12 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 3/8] fixed mistakes --- activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js index 0030f8d7c..234410953 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/lib/l10n.js @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ define(['i18next.min', 'axios.min'], function (i18next, axios) { l10n.switchTo = (lang) => { if (!i18next.hasResourceBundle(lang, "translation")) { - lang = "fr"; console.log("Loading " + lang + " language"); l10n.loadLanguageResource(lang).then((locales) => { if (locales !== null) { From 5ef721989e099fdff9a2d74817d876db8d094d50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anudeeps0306 Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024 11:50:37 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 4/8] resolved conflicts --- activities/Calligra.activity/locales.ini | 335 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 335 insertions(+) create mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/locales.ini diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales.ini b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales.ini new file mode 100644 index 000000000..160d7e3c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales.ini @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ + +[*] +CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity +Help=Help +Fullscreen=Fullscreen +Settings=Editor/Play mode +Lines=Show/Hide Lines +Zoom=Zoom +InsertImage=Insert item +InsertText=Insert word +TextTitle=Type the new word +TextDefault=word +Ok=Ok +Cancel=Cancel +PrevShort=Prev +NextShort=Next +EndShort=End +Template=Templates +TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity +TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. +TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates +TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. +TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove +TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. +TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw +TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. +TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item +TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. +TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode +TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. +TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode +TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. +TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode +TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. +TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen +TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. +TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines +TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. +TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom +TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. +TutoBackButtonTitle=Back +TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. +TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart +TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. +TutoNextButtonTitle=Next +TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. +TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point +TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. +TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point +TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. +TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point +TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. +Word0=ball +Word1=night +Word2=day +Word3=classroom +Word4=mouse +Word5=bed +Word6=four +Word7=child +Word8=tomorrow +Word9=hour +Word10=hot +Word11=pool +Word12=blue +Word13=house +Word14=cherry + +[en] +CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity +Help=Help +Fullscreen=Fullscreen +Settings=Editor/Play mode +Lines=Show/Hide Lines +Zoom=Zoom +InsertImage=Insert item +PrevShort=Prev +NextShort=Next +EndShort=End +Template=Templates +TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity +TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. +TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates +TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. +TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove +TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. +TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw +TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. +TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item +TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. +TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode +TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. +TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode +TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. +TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode +TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. +TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen +TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. +TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines +TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. +TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom +TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. +TutoBackButtonTitle=Back +TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. +TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart +TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. +TutoNextButtonTitle=Next +TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. +TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point +TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. +TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point +TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. +TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point +TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. +Word0=ball +Word1=night +Word2=day +Word3=classroom +Word4=mouse +Word5=bed +Word6=four +Word7=child +Word8=tomorrow +Word9=hour +Word10=hot +Word11=pool +Word12=blue +Word13=house +Word14=cherry + +[es] +CalligraActivity=Actividad "Caligrafía" +Help=Ayuda +Fullscreen=Pantalla completa +Settings=Editor/Modo de juego +Lines=Ver/Ocultar líneas +Zoom=Zoom +InsertImage=Insert item +PrevShort=Ant +NextShort=Sig +EndShort=Fin +Template=Plantillas +TutoExplainTitle=Actividad "Caligrafía" +TutoExplainContent=Bienvenido a la actividad "Caligrafía". En esta actividad, el alumno se divertirá aprendiendo a escribir letras, números o figuras en cursiva. +TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Plantillas +TutoTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic en la paleta para escoger la plantilla que quieres usar. +TutoEditorItemTitle=Objetos a eliminar +TutoEditorItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres eliminar. +TutoPlayerItemTitle=Objetos a dibujar +TutoPlayerItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres dibujar. +TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item +TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. +TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición +TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás actualizar la plantilla creando un nuevo objeto o eliminando uno existente. +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar más objetos en la plantilla. +TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición +TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás definir las zonas en las que dibujar este objeto. +TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego +TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar el objeto elegido. +TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Pantalla completa +TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Haz clic en este icono para mostrar el contenido actual en pantalla completa. +TutoLinesButtonTitle=Ver/Ocultar líneas +TutoLinesButtonContent=Haz clic para ver/ocultar las líneas de guía para tus dibujos. +TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom +TutoZoomButtonContent=Haz clic en esta paleta para ampliar/reducir el nivel de zoom sobre el objeto. +TutoBackButtonTitle=Atrás +TutoBackButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para volver a la lista de objetos. +TutoRestartButtonTitle=Reiniciar +TutoRestartButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para reiniciar el dibujo. +TutoNextButtonTitle=Siguiente +TutoNextButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para probar con el siguiente elemento. +TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Añadir punto de partida +TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para añadir un punto de partida. Cada dibujo podrá tener tantos puntos de partida como quieras. Normalmente, es una buena manera de indicarte dónde debe estar el lápiz. Una vez que se añada el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. +TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de partida +TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de partida. +TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Añadir punto de trazo +TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí (o pulsa la tecla P) para añadir un punto de trazo. Usa los puntos de trazo para definir el camino por el que quieres dibujar tu objeto. Es mejor si los puntos de trazo no están muy lejos entre sí. Una vez que añadas el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de trazo +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo. +Word0=ball +Word1=night +Word2=day +Word3=classroom +Word4=mouse +Word5=bed +Word6=four +Word7=child +Word8=tomorrow +Word9=hour +Word10=hot +Word11=pool +Word12=blue +Word13=house +Word14=cherry + +[fr] +CalligraActivity=Activité Calligra +Help=Aide +Fullscreen=Plein écran +Settings=Mode Editer/Jouer +Lines=Cacher/Montrer Lignes +Zoom=Zoom +InsertImage=Insérer Image +PrevShort=Préc +NextShort=Suiv +EndShort=Fin +Template=Modèles +TutoExplainTitle=Activité Calligra +TutoExplainContent=Bienvenue dans l'activité Calligra. Cette activité est une activité amusante pour aider les enfants à apprendre l'écriture cursive: lettres, nombres et figures. +TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Modèles +TutoTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer sur la palette pour choisir les modèles à dessiner. +TutoEditorItemTitle=Elément à supprimer +TutoEditorItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez supprimer. +TutoPlayerItemTitle=Elément à dessiner +TutoPlayerItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez dessiner. +TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insérer élément +TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour créer un nouvel élément. Cela vous permettra de choisir l'image ou le texte à utiliser pour l'élément. +TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer +TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez mettre à jour le modèle: créer un nouvel élément ou en supprimer. +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner les éléments dans le modèle. +TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer +TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez définir les tracés pour dessiner l'élément. +TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer +TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner l'élément. +TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Plein écran +TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Cliquer sur ce bouton pour passer en mode plein écran. +TutoLinesButtonTitle=Cacher/Montrer Lignes +TutoLinesButtonContent=Cliquer pour cache/montrer les lignes pour guider le dessin. +TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom +TutoZoomButtonContent=Cliquer sur cette palette pour faire un zoom avant/arrière de l'élément. +TutoBackButtonTitle=Retour +TutoBackButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour retourner à la liste des éléments. +TutoRestartButtonTitle=Redémarrer +TutoRestartButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour redémarrer le dessin. +TutoNextButtonTitle=Suivant +TutoNextButtonContent=Cliquez ici pour passer à l'élément suivant. +TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de départ +TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour ajouter un point de départ. Chaque dessin peut avoir autant de points de départ que vous voulez. Cela permet généralement d'indiquer les endroits où le stylo doit être relevé. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. +TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Supprimer point de départ +TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de départ. +TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de tracé +TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Cliquer ici (ou appuyer sur la touche P) pour ajouter un point de tracé. Utiliser les points de tracé pour définir le chemin à suivre pour dessiner l'élément. Il est préférable que les points de tracé ne soient pas trop éloignés les uns des autres. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Supprimer point de tracé +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé. +Word0=ballon +Word1=nuit +Word2=jour +Word3=classe +Word4=souris +Word5=lit +Word6=quatre +Word7=enfant +Word8=demain +Word9=heure +Word10=chaud +Word11=piscine +Word12=bleu +Word13=maison +Word14=cerise + +[pt] +CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity +Help=Ajuda +Fullscreen=Tela cheia +Settings=Editor/Play mode +Lines=Show/Hide Lines +Zoom=Zoom +InsertImage=Insert item +PrevShort=Anterior +NextShort=Próximo +EndShort=Fim +Template=Templates +TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity +TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. +TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates +TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. +TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove +TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. +TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw +TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. +TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item +TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. +TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode +TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode +TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. +TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode +TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. +TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode +TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. +TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Tela cheia +TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. +TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines +TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. +TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom +TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. +TutoBackButtonTitle=Back +TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. +TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart +TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. +TutoNextButtonTitle=Next +TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. +TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point +TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. +TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point +TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. +TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point +TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point +TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. +Word0=ball +Word1=night +Word2=day +Word3=classroom +Word4=mouse +Word5=bed +Word6=four +Word7=child +Word8=tomorrow +Word9=hour +Word10=hot +Word11=pool +Word12=blue +Word13=house +Word14=cherry From 113ea7392a8871512c54d68dfd24763cc972aaef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anudeeps0306 Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024 11:52:58 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 5/8] resolved conflicts --- activities/Calligra.activity/{locales.ini => locale.ini} | 0 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) rename activities/Calligra.activity/{locales.ini => locale.ini} (100%) diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales.ini b/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini similarity index 100% rename from activities/Calligra.activity/locales.ini rename to activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini From 3be1cf30e2f767915a49b278f3861659964ee5af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anudeeps0306 Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2024 10:59:13 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 6/8] make sure words are localized --- activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js | 2 +- activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini | 335 ------------------- activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json | 17 +- activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json | 17 +- activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json | 17 +- activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json | 17 +- 6 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 340 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js index fdba4fb52..952886879 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ var app = new Vue({ images.push({text: user}); } for (let i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++) { - images.push({text: app.$refs.localization.get("Word"+i)}); + images.push({text: window.l10n.get("Word"+i)}); } defaultTemplates[2].images = images; }); diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini b/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 160d7e3c1..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ - -[*] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Help -Fullscreen=Fullscreen -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -InsertText=Insert word -TextTitle=Type the new word -TextDefault=word -Ok=Ok -Cancel=Cancel -PrevShort=Prev -NextShort=Next -EndShort=End -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[en] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Help -Fullscreen=Fullscreen -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Prev -NextShort=Next -EndShort=End -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[es] -CalligraActivity=Actividad "Caligrafía" -Help=Ayuda -Fullscreen=Pantalla completa -Settings=Editor/Modo de juego -Lines=Ver/Ocultar líneas -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Ant -NextShort=Sig -EndShort=Fin -Template=Plantillas -TutoExplainTitle=Actividad "Caligrafía" -TutoExplainContent=Bienvenido a la actividad "Caligrafía". En esta actividad, el alumno se divertirá aprendiendo a escribir letras, números o figuras en cursiva. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Plantillas -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic en la paleta para escoger la plantilla que quieres usar. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Objetos a eliminar -TutoEditorItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres eliminar. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Objetos a dibujar -TutoPlayerItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres dibujar. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás actualizar la plantilla creando un nuevo objeto o eliminando uno existente. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar más objetos en la plantilla. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás definir las zonas en las que dibujar este objeto. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar el objeto elegido. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Pantalla completa -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Haz clic en este icono para mostrar el contenido actual en pantalla completa. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Ver/Ocultar líneas -TutoLinesButtonContent=Haz clic para ver/ocultar las líneas de guía para tus dibujos. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Haz clic en esta paleta para ampliar/reducir el nivel de zoom sobre el objeto. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Atrás -TutoBackButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para volver a la lista de objetos. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Reiniciar -TutoRestartButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para reiniciar el dibujo. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Siguiente -TutoNextButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para probar con el siguiente elemento. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Añadir punto de partida -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para añadir un punto de partida. Cada dibujo podrá tener tantos puntos de partida como quieras. Normalmente, es una buena manera de indicarte dónde debe estar el lápiz. Una vez que se añada el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de partida -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de partida. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Añadir punto de trazo -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí (o pulsa la tecla P) para añadir un punto de trazo. Usa los puntos de trazo para definir el camino por el que quieres dibujar tu objeto. Es mejor si los puntos de trazo no están muy lejos entre sí. Una vez que añadas el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de trazo -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[fr] -CalligraActivity=Activité Calligra -Help=Aide -Fullscreen=Plein écran -Settings=Mode Editer/Jouer -Lines=Cacher/Montrer Lignes -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insérer Image -PrevShort=Préc -NextShort=Suiv -EndShort=Fin -Template=Modèles -TutoExplainTitle=Activité Calligra -TutoExplainContent=Bienvenue dans l'activité Calligra. Cette activité est une activité amusante pour aider les enfants à apprendre l'écriture cursive: lettres, nombres et figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Modèles -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer sur la palette pour choisir les modèles à dessiner. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Elément à supprimer -TutoEditorItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez supprimer. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Elément à dessiner -TutoPlayerItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez dessiner. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insérer élément -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour créer un nouvel élément. Cela vous permettra de choisir l'image ou le texte à utiliser pour l'élément. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez mettre à jour le modèle: créer un nouvel élément ou en supprimer. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner les éléments dans le modèle. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez définir les tracés pour dessiner l'élément. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner l'élément. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Plein écran -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Cliquer sur ce bouton pour passer en mode plein écran. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Cacher/Montrer Lignes -TutoLinesButtonContent=Cliquer pour cache/montrer les lignes pour guider le dessin. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Cliquer sur cette palette pour faire un zoom avant/arrière de l'élément. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Retour -TutoBackButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour retourner à la liste des éléments. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Redémarrer -TutoRestartButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour redémarrer le dessin. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Suivant -TutoNextButtonContent=Cliquez ici pour passer à l'élément suivant. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de départ -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour ajouter un point de départ. Chaque dessin peut avoir autant de points de départ que vous voulez. Cela permet généralement d'indiquer les endroits où le stylo doit être relevé. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Supprimer point de départ -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de départ. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de tracé -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Cliquer ici (ou appuyer sur la touche P) pour ajouter un point de tracé. Utiliser les points de tracé pour définir le chemin à suivre pour dessiner l'élément. Il est préférable que les points de tracé ne soient pas trop éloignés les uns des autres. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Supprimer point de tracé -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé. -Word0=ballon -Word1=nuit -Word2=jour -Word3=classe -Word4=souris -Word5=lit -Word6=quatre -Word7=enfant -Word8=demain -Word9=heure -Word10=chaud -Word11=piscine -Word12=bleu -Word13=maison -Word14=cerise - -[pt] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Ajuda -Fullscreen=Tela cheia -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Anterior -NextShort=Próximo -EndShort=Fim -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Tela cheia -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json index 95747543a..6b9f22a43 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json @@ -47,5 +47,20 @@ "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Add path point", "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it.", "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Remove path point", - "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last path point." + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last path point.", + "Word0": "ball", + "Word1": "night", + "Word2": "day", + "Word3": "classroom", + "Word4": "mouse", + "Word5": "bed", + "Word6": "four", + "Word7": "child", + "Word8": "tomorrow", + "Word9": "hour", + "Word10": "hot", + "Word11": "pool", + "Word12": "blue", + "Word13": "house", + "Word14": "cherry" } diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json index 26183a888..4aeec472b 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json @@ -47,5 +47,20 @@ "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Añadir punto de trazo", "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí (o pulsa la tecla P) para añadir un punto de trazo. Usa los puntos de trazo para definir el camino por el que quieres dibujar tu objeto. Es mejor si los puntos de trazo no están muy lejos entre sí. Una vez que añadas el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo.", "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Eliminar punto de trazo", - "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo." + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo.", + "Word0": "ball", + "Word1": "night", + "Word2": "day", + "Word3": "classroom", + "Word4": "mouse", + "Word5": "bed", + "Word6": "four", + "Word7": "child", + "Word8": "tomorrow", + "Word9": "hour", + "Word10": "hot", + "Word11": "pool", + "Word12": "blue", + "Word13": "house", + "Word14": "cherry" } diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json index 1a9042fdf..8a7e2382f 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json @@ -47,5 +47,20 @@ "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Ajouter un point de tracé", "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Cliquer ici (ou appuyer sur la touche P) pour ajouter un point de tracé. Utiliser les points de tracé pour définir le chemin à suivre pour dessiner l'élément. Il est préférable que les points de tracé ne soient pas trop éloignés les uns des autres. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer.", "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Supprimer point de tracé", - "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé." + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé.", + "Word0": "ballon", + "Word1": "nuit", + "Word2": "jour", + "Word3": "classe", + "Word4": "souris", + "Word5": "lit", + "Word6": "quatre", + "Word7": "enfant", + "Word8": "demain", + "Word9": "heure", + "Word10": "chaud", + "Word11": "piscine", + "Word12": "bleu", + "Word13": "maison", + "Word14": "cerise" } diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json index 96073ccc3..3c146e560 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json @@ -47,5 +47,20 @@ "TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle": "Add path point", "TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent": "Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it.", "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle": "Remove path point", - "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last path point." + "TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent": "Click here to remove the last path point.", + "Word0": "ball", + "Word1": "night", + "Word2": "day", + "Word3": "classroom", + "Word4": "mouse", + "Word5": "bed", + "Word6": "four", + "Word7": "child", + "Word8": "tomorrow", + "Word9": "hour", + "Word10": "hot", + "Word11": "pool", + "Word12": "blue", + "Word13": "house", + "Word14": "cherry" } From fb5b3b69e798afc2f7294eb9126e29a0b319a064 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anudeeps0306 Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 22:33:25 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 7/8] corrected the error --- activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js | 8 ++++---- activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json | 5 +++++ activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json | 5 +++++ activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json | 5 +++++ activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json | 5 +++++ 5 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js b/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js index 952886879..83d394ce7 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/js/activity.js @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ var app = new Vue({ onInsertText: function() { var vm = this; vm.showTypeTextPopup( - vm.$refs.localization.get("TextDefault"), + window.l10n.get("TextDefault"), function(text) { if (text && text.length) { vm.currentTemplate.images.push({text: text}); @@ -359,9 +359,9 @@ var app = new Vue({ // Handle type text popup showTypeTextPopup: function(defaultText, callback) { - var titleOk = this.$refs.localization.get("Ok"), - titleCancel = this.$refs.localization.get("Cancel"), - titleSettings = this.$refs.localization.get("TextTitle"); + var titleOk = window.l10n.get("Ok"), + titleCancel = window.l10n.get("Cancel"), + titleSettings = window.l10n.get("TextTitle"); this.${ data: { defaultText: defaultText, diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json index 6b9f22a43..4c9218c8f 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/en.json @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ "Lines": "Show/Hide Lines", "Zoom": "Zoom", "InsertImage": "Insert item", + "InsertText": "Insert word", + "TextTitle": "Type the new word", + "TextDefault": "word", + "Ok": "Ok", + "Cancel": "Cancel", "PrevShort": "Prev", "NextShort": "Next", "EndShort": "End", diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json index 4aeec472b..fd493d958 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/es.json @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ "Lines": "Ver/Ocultar líneas", "Zoom": "Zoom", "InsertImage": "Insert item", + "InsertText": "Insertar palabra", + "TextTitle": "Escriba la nueva palabra", + "TextDefault": "palabra", + "Ok": "Aceptar", + "Cancel": "Cancelar", "PrevShort": "Ant", "NextShort": "Sig", "EndShort": "Fin", diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json index 8a7e2382f..1c1604666 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/fr.json @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ "Lines": "Cacher/Montrer Lignes", "Zoom": "Zoom", "InsertImage": "Insérer Image", + "InsertText": "Insérer un mot", + "TextTitle": "Tapez le nouveau mot", + "TextDefault": "mot", + "Ok": "Ok", + "Cancel": "Annuler", "PrevShort": "Préc", "NextShort": "Suiv", "EndShort": "Fin", diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json index 3c146e560..0eb1b1259 100644 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json +++ b/activities/Calligra.activity/locales/pt.json @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ "Lines": "Show/Hide Lines", "Zoom": "Zoom", "InsertImage": "Insert item", + "InsertText": "Inserir palavra", + "TextTitle": "Digite a nova palavra", + "TextDefault": "palavra", + "Ok": "Ok", + "Cancel": "Cancelar", "PrevShort": "Anterior", "NextShort": "Próximo", "EndShort": "Fim", From fe37fb16c5568563a1a3402929559d20360520f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Lionel=20Lask=C3=A9?= Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 21:56:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Remove unused locale file --- activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini | 341 ------------------------ 1 file changed, 341 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini diff --git a/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini b/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 9adcb1807..000000000 --- a/activities/Calligra.activity/locale.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,341 +0,0 @@ - -[*] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Help -Fullscreen=Fullscreen -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -InsertText=Insert word -TextTitle=Type the new word -TextDefault=word -Ok=Ok -Cancel=Cancel -PrevShort=Prev -NextShort=Next -EndShort=End -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[en] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Help -Fullscreen=Fullscreen -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -InsertText=Insert word -TextTitle=Type the new word -TextDefault=word -Ok=Ok -Cancel=Cancel -PrevShort=Prev -NextShort=Next -EndShort=End -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[es] -CalligraActivity=Actividad "Caligrafía" -Help=Ayuda -Fullscreen=Pantalla completa -Settings=Editor/Modo de juego -Lines=Ver/Ocultar líneas -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Ant -NextShort=Sig -EndShort=Fin -Template=Plantillas -TutoExplainTitle=Actividad "Caligrafía" -TutoExplainContent=Bienvenido a la actividad "Caligrafía". En esta actividad, el alumno se divertirá aprendiendo a escribir letras, números o figuras en cursiva. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Plantillas -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic en la paleta para escoger la plantilla que quieres usar. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Objetos a eliminar -TutoEditorItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres eliminar. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Objetos a dibujar -TutoPlayerItemContent=Haz clic en el objeto que quieres dibujar. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás actualizar la plantilla creando un nuevo objeto o eliminando uno existente. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar más objetos en la plantilla. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de edición -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de edición, donde podrás definir las zonas en las que dibujar este objeto. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Cambiar al modo de juego -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Haz clic para cambiar al modo de juego, donde podrás dibujar el objeto elegido. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Pantalla completa -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Haz clic en este icono para mostrar el contenido actual en pantalla completa. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Ver/Ocultar líneas -TutoLinesButtonContent=Haz clic para ver/ocultar las líneas de guía para tus dibujos. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Haz clic en esta paleta para ampliar/reducir el nivel de zoom sobre el objeto. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Atrás -TutoBackButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para volver a la lista de objetos. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Reiniciar -TutoRestartButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para reiniciar el dibujo. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Siguiente -TutoNextButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para probar con el siguiente elemento. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Añadir punto de partida -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para añadir un punto de partida. Cada dibujo podrá tener tantos puntos de partida como quieras. Normalmente, es una buena manera de indicarte dónde debe estar el lápiz. Una vez que se añada el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de partida -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de partida. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Añadir punto de trazo -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí (o pulsa la tecla P) para añadir un punto de trazo. Usa los puntos de trazo para definir el camino por el que quieres dibujar tu objeto. Es mejor si los puntos de trazo no están muy lejos entre sí. Una vez que añadas el punto, usa el ratón o las teclas de dirección para moverlo. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Eliminar punto de trazo -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Haz clic aquí para eliminar el último punto de trazo. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry - -[fr] -CalligraActivity=Activité Calligra -Help=Aide -Fullscreen=Plein écran -Settings=Mode Editer/Jouer -Lines=Cacher/Montrer Lignes -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insérer Image -PrevShort=Préc -NextShort=Suiv -EndShort=Fin -Template=Modèles -TutoExplainTitle=Activité Calligra -TutoExplainContent=Bienvenue dans l'activité Calligra. Cette activité est une activité amusante pour aider les enfants à apprendre l'écriture cursive: lettres, nombres et figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Modèles -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer sur la palette pour choisir les modèles à dessiner. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Elément à supprimer -TutoEditorItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez supprimer. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Elément à dessiner -TutoPlayerItemContent=Cliquer sur l'élément que vous voulez dessiner. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insérer élément -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour créer un nouvel élément. Cela vous permettra de choisir l'image ou le texte à utiliser pour l'élément. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez mettre à jour le modèle: créer un nouvel élément ou en supprimer. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner les éléments dans le modèle. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Editer -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode éditer où vous pourrez définir les tracés pour dessiner l'élément. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Passer en mode Jouer -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Cliquer pour passer en mode jouer où vous pourrez dessiner l'élément. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Plein écran -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Cliquer sur ce bouton pour passer en mode plein écran. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Cacher/Montrer Lignes -TutoLinesButtonContent=Cliquer pour cache/montrer les lignes pour guider le dessin. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Cliquer sur cette palette pour faire un zoom avant/arrière de l'élément. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Retour -TutoBackButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour retourner à la liste des éléments. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Redémarrer -TutoRestartButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour redémarrer le dessin. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Suivant -TutoNextButtonContent=Cliquez ici pour passer à l'élément suivant. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de départ -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour ajouter un point de départ. Chaque dessin peut avoir autant de points de départ que vous voulez. Cela permet généralement d'indiquer les endroits où le stylo doit être relevé. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Supprimer point de départ -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de départ. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Ajouter un point de tracé -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Cliquer ici (ou appuyer sur la touche P) pour ajouter un point de tracé. Utiliser les points de tracé pour définir le chemin à suivre pour dessiner l'élément. Il est préférable que les points de tracé ne soient pas trop éloignés les uns des autres. Une fois le point ajouté, utiliser la souris ou les touches flèches pour le déplacer. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Supprimer point de tracé -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Cliquer ici pour supprimer le dernier point de tracé. -Word0=ballon -Word1=nuit -Word2=jour -Word3=classe -Word4=souris -Word5=lit -Word6=quatre -Word7=enfant -Word8=demain -Word9=heure -Word10=chaud -Word11=piscine -Word12=bleu -Word13=maison -Word14=cerise - -[pt] -CalligraActivity=Calligra Activity -Help=Ajuda -Fullscreen=Tela cheia -Settings=Editor/Play mode -Lines=Show/Hide Lines -Zoom=Zoom -InsertImage=Insert item -PrevShort=Anterior -NextShort=Próximo -EndShort=Fim -Template=Templates -TutoExplainTitle=Calligra activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures. -TutoTemplateButtonTitle=Templates -TutoTemplateButtonContent=Click on the palette to choose template to draw. -TutoEditorItemTitle=Item to remove -TutoEditorItemContent=Click on the item you want to remove. -TutoPlayerItemTitle=Item to draw -TutoPlayerItemContent=Click on the item you want to draw. -TutoInsertImageButtonTitle=Insert item -TutoInsertImageButtonContent=Click here to create a new item. It will let you choose the image or text for the new item. -TutoEditorTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could update the template: create new item or remove an existing item. -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerTemplateButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw items in the template. -TutoEditorItemButtonTitle=Switch to editor mode -TutoEditorItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the editor mode where you could define drawing paths for this item. -TutoPlayerItemButtonTitle=Switch to play mode -TutoPlayerItemButtonContent=Click to switch to the play mode where you could draw the item. -TutoFullscreenButtonTitle=Tela cheia -TutoFullscreenButtonContent=Click on this icon to display the current content in full screen mode. -TutoLinesButtonTitle=Show/Hide Lines -TutoLinesButtonContent=Click to show/hide lines to guide your drawing. -TutoZoomButtonTitle=Zoom -TutoZoomButtonContent=Click on this palette to zoom in/zoom out the item. -TutoBackButtonTitle=Back -TutoBackButtonContent=Click here to go back to the list of items. -TutoRestartButtonTitle=Restart -TutoRestartButtonContent=Click here to restart the drawing. -TutoNextButtonTitle=Next -TutoNextButtonContent=Click here to attempt the next one. -TutoEditorAddButtonTitle=Add start point -TutoEditorAddButtonContent=Click here to add a start point. Each drawing could have as many start points that you want. It's generally a good way to show where the pen should be up. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemoveButtonTitle=Remove start point -TutoEditorRemoveButtonContent=Click here to remove the last start point. -TutoEditorAddPathButtonTitle=Add path point -TutoEditorAddPathButtonContent=Click here (or type the P key) to add a path point. Use path points to define the path to follow to draw your item. It's better if path points are not very far from one another. Once the point is add, use mouse or arrow keys to move it. -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonTitle=Remove path point -TutoEditorRemovePathButtonContent=Click here to remove the last path point. -Word0=ball -Word1=night -Word2=day -Word3=classroom -Word4=mouse -Word5=bed -Word6=four -Word7=child -Word8=tomorrow -Word9=hour -Word10=hot -Word11=pool -Word12=blue -Word13=house -Word14=cherry -