Please complete this template, and please delete any sections you don't use.
Please set the PR title in this format: <type: feat/fix/chore/etc>(<scope>): [<issue-number>] <description>
example: refactor(PR-Template): [ABC-2343] update explanation for title format on PR template
- Ticket 1
(Please summarize what's in the ticket or specification.)
(What is the approach? What tools are used?)
(Please be sure to include links to any libraries, conversations, SO posts, etc.)
(Taking a few seconds to provide images will likely save you explanation time in code-review... )
(If someone else is working on a related story, please explain who and where...)
(Consider putting big items in another PR. Small incidental ones are ok...)
- (What user steps would someone need to follow to reach the feature and see it in action?)
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3