The code in this repository created by Logan Marchione is licensed under the MIT License (see
However, the SVG icons representing homelab-related software, products, and brands are the property of their respective owners. I am not affiliated with, nor do I represent, the owners of these software, products, or brands. The inclusion of these icons/SVGs is intended solely for referential and informational purposes, to accurately identify the software, product, or brand. Usage of these icons/SVGs does not imply endorsement by or partnership with the respective owners.
It is the responsibility of the end-user to ensure that their use of each icon/SVG complies with applicable trademark policies, licensing terms, and brand guidelines. This repository and its contents are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. I do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or continued availability of any icons/SVGs.
This project is not monetized in any way by me. However, others may use these icons/SVGs within the limits of applicable licenses and trademark policies. The use of these icons/SVGs may qualify as fair use under copyright and trademark law, but I make no guarantees regarding fair use applicability in all jurisdictions.
By using this project and the icons/SVGs within, you acknowledge and accept these terms.
To request an icon be added, please open a GitHub issue. Please explain your association with the software, product, or brand, and the reason for the addition.
To request an update of an icon, please open a GitHub issue. Please explain your association with the software, product, or brand, and the reason for the update. The icon will be updated as soon as reasonably possible.
To request removal of an icon, please open a GitHub issue. Please explain your association with the software, product, or brand, and the reason for the removal. The icon will be removed as soon as reasonably possible.