First of all: Thank you! We really appreciate your efforts to make helm-charts-qa better ❤️
Create or find an issue you would like to implement:
- issues with the label helm-wanted are ready to be picked up and implemented.
- review the existing issues and ensure that you are not going to create a duplicate
- create your issue and wait for comments from maintainers
- once the issue is discussed and assigned to you – feel free to implement
Prepare project (Install Chart-Releaser)
git clone cd helm-charts-qa cr package charts/<chart-name>
Make sure that chart installs on Kubernetes Cluster and respective application works fine
helm upgrade --install -f <configration-values.yaml-file-path> <chart-name> .cr-release-packages/<chart-name>-<version-built>.tgz
Update necessary documents if needed – Readme etc.
Submit pull request
Make sure all the checks are passing
Wait for maintainers to review the code
Thanks for you contribution 😄