Enforce passing all defined interpolation keys to translation functions (no-missing-interpolation-keys)
When using values as translation keys, this rule makes sure all interpolation keys are passed as the second argument of the translation function.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
t("Hi {{name}}!");
Examples of correct code for this rule:
t("Hi {{name}}!", { name: "John" });
t("greetingText", { name: "John" });
"react-i18n/no-missing-interpolation-keys": [<enabled>, {
"functionNames": <array<string>>,
"prefix": <string>,
"suffix": <string>
By default, this rule will look at all functions named t
. You can specify additional functions used for translation using the functionNames
Examples of incorrect code with this option:
// ["error", { functionNames: ["translate", "customFunction"] }]
t("Hi {{name}}!");
translate("Hi {{name}}!");
utils.translate("Hi {{name}}!");
customFunction("Hi {{name}}!");
Examples of correct code with this option:
// ["error", { functionNames: ["translate", "customFunction"] }]
t("Hi {{name}}!", { name: "John" });
translate("Hi {{name}}!", { name: "John" });
utils.translate("Hi {{name}}!", { name: "John" });
customFunction("Hi {{name}}!", { name: "John" });
By default, this rule will look for interpolation keys wrapped by {{
and }}
inside the string. You can override this to specify a different prefix/suffix with this option.
Examples of incorrect code with this option:
// ["error", { prefix: "[[", suffix: "]]" }]
t("Hi [[name]]!");
Examples of correct code with this option:
// ["error", { prefix: "[[", suffix: "]]" }]
t("Hi [[name]]!", { name: "John" });
When not using values as translation keys.