A powerful and easy to use category view (segmentedcontrol, pagingview, pagerview, pagecontrol, scrollview)
Advantages compared to other similar third libraries:
- Use POP (Protocol Oriented Programming) to encapsulate the indicator logic, which can be easy to complete a custom indicator effect;
- Provide more comprehensive and rich effects, and the interaction is smoother;
- Use subclassing to manage cell styles, with clearer logic and simpler extensions;
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView、JXCategoryIndicatorImageView、JXCategoryIndicatorBallView、JXCategoryIndicatorTriangleView both support change positon bottom or top。
Description | Gif |
SegmentedControl | ![]() |
In navigationbar | ![]() |
nest | ![]() |
both horizontal vertical scrollable、section header view suspend | ![]() |
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 9+
- Objective-C
Clone repo,drop Sources folder into your project,#import "JXCategoryView.h",then enjoy it;
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'JXCategoryView'
- indicator customize:use POP(Protocol Oriented Programming)to encapsulate the indicator logic,obey
,implement protocol functions。refer:JXCategoryIndicatorLineView; - Cell customize:use subcalss to implement. refer:JXCategoryNumberView;
- Customization: Even if flexible extensions are provided, my source code is not likely to satisfy all situations. It is recommended that you can maintain your own set of effects through the fork repository. You can also drag directly into the source file to modify it.
- The both horizontal vertical scrollable、section header view suspend effect,use this repositoryJXPagingView。
Property | Description |
defaultSelectedIndex | The default selected index, used to specify an index when initializing |
selectedIndex | read-only property, currently selected index |
cellWidth | cell width, default: JXCategoryViewAutomaticDimension |
cellSpacing | spacing between cells, default 20 |
cellWidthIncrement | cell width compensation value, default 0 |
averageCellWidthEnabled | Whether the cellWidth is evenly divided when the total width of the cell content is less than the width of the JXCategoryBaseView. The default is YES. |
contentScrollView | needs associated contentScrollView, internal KVO contentOffset |
Property | Description |
titleColor | titleLabel unselected color Default: [UIColor blackColor] |
titleSelectedColor | titleLabel selected color Default: [UIColor redColor] |
titleFont | titleLabel's font Default: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15] |
titleColorGradientEnabled | The color of the title is a gradual transition Default: NO |
titleLabelMaskEnabled | titleLabel mask filtering Default: NO |
titleLabelZoomEnabled | titleLabel whether to scale Default: NO |
titleLabelZoomScale | citleLabel scaling Default: 1.2 |
imageZoomEnabled | whether imageView is scaled Default: NO |
imageZoomScale | imageView scaling Default: 1.2 |
separatorLineShowEnabled | Default: NO (color, width and height can be set) |
JXCategoryTitleImageType | Image location: top, left, bottom, right Default: left |
Property | Description |
JXCategoryIndicatorComponentView.componentPosition | Location of the indicator Default: Bottom |
JXCategoryIndicatorComponentView.scrollEnabled | Whether to allow scrolling when gesture scrolling or tapping, default YES |
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView.lineStyle | Normal, Jingdong, iQiyi effects Default: Normal |
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView.lineScrollOffsetX | Exclusive for iQI effects, the offset of x when scrolling, default is 10; |
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView.indicatorLineWidth | default JXCategoryViewAutomaticDimension (equal to cellWidth) |
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView.indicatorLineViewHeight | Default: 3 |
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView.indicatorLineViewCornerRadius | Default JXCategoryViewAutomaticDimension (equal to self.indicatorLineViewHeight/2) |
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView.indicatorLineViewColor | defaults to [UIColor redColor] |
JXCategoryIndicatorTriangleView.triangleViewSize | Default: CGSizeMake(14, 10) |
JXCategoryIndicatorTriangleView.triangleViewColor | defaults to [UIColor redColor] |
JXCategoryIndicatorImageView.indicatorImageView | Set image |
JXCategoryIndicatorImageView.indicatorImageViewRollEnabled | Whether to allow scrolling, default: NO |
JXCategoryIndicatorImageView.indicatorImageViewSize | Default: CGSizeMake(30, 20) |
JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView.backgroundViewWidth | default JXCategoryViewAutomaticDimension (equal to cellWidth) |
JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView.backgroundViewWidthIncrement | Width increment compensation, because backgroundEllipseLayer will generally be larger than the actual content. Default 10 |
JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView.backgroundViewHeight | Default JXCategoryViewAutomaticDimension (equal to cell height) |
JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView.backgroundViewCornerRadius | Default JXCategoryViewAutomaticDimension (ie backgroundViewHeight/2) |
JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView.backgroundViewColor | defaults to [UIColor redColor] |
JXCategoryIndicatorBallView.ballViewSize | Default: CGSizeMake(15, 15) |
JXCategoryIndicatorBallView.ballScrollOffsetX | Offset of small red dot Default: 20 |
JXCategoryIndicatorBallView.ballViewColor | defaults to [UIColor redColor] |
Can be used with multiple IndicatorView, but the effect needs to be controlled by yourself, the effect is not as good as possible. Reference mixed use;
self.categoryView = [[JXCategoryTitleView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, WindowsSize.width, categoryViewHeight)];
self.categoryView.delegate = self;
self.categoryView.contentScrollView = self.scrollView;
JXCategoryIndicatorLineView *lineView = [[JXCategoryIndicatorLineView alloc] init];
JXCategoryIndicatorTriangleView *triangleView = [[JXCategoryIndicatorTriangleView alloc] init];
lineView.indicatorLineWidth = 20;
JXCategoryIndicatorBallView *ballView = [[JXCategoryIndicatorBallView alloc] init];
JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView *backgroundView = [[JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView alloc] init];
titleCategoryView.indicators = @[lineView, triangleView, ballView, backgroundView];
[self.view addSubview:self.categoryView];
- Single cell refresh: For example, in the red dot example, call
- (void)reloadCell:(NSUInteger)index
- All state resets: When the data source and property configuration change (such as pulling data back from the server), you need to call the
method to refresh the state.
The warehouse comes with: JXCategoryIndicatorLineView, JXCategoryIndicatorTriangleView, JXCategoryIndicatorImageView, JXCategoryIndicatorBackgroundView, JXCategoryIndicatorBallView
The main method of implementation:
- Inherit JXCategoryIndicatorComponentView, which internally complies with the
protocol; - Implement protocol methods, custom effects:
- (void)jx_refreshState:(CGRect)selectedCellFrame
initialize or reloadDatas, reset state;- (void)jx_contentScrollViewDidScrollWithLeftCellFrame:(CGRect)leftCellFrame rightCellFrame:(CGRect)rightCellFrame selectedPosition:(JXCategoryCellClickedPosition)selectedPosition percent:(CGFloat)percent
contentScrollView, when the gesture is swiped, the processing indicator follows the gesture change UI logic;- (void)jx_selectedCell:(CGRect)cellFrame clickedRelativePosition:(JXCategoryCellClickedPosition)clickedRelativePosition
to handle the transition effect according to a selected cell;
Specific example: refer to the JXCategoryIndicatorDotLineView
inside the demo project.
The warehouse comes with: JXCategoryTitleView, JXCategoryTitleImageView, JXCategoryNumberView, JXCategoryDotView, JXCategoryImageView
The main method of implementation:
- (Class)preferredCellClass
returns a custom cell;- (void)refreshDataSource
refresh the data source, using a custom cellModel;- (void)refreshCellModel:(JXCategoryBaseCellModel *)cellModel index:(NSInteger)index
Reset the data source when initializing and reloadDatas;- (CGFloat) preferredCellWidthWithIndex:(NSInteger)index
returns the corresponding width according to the contents of the cell;- (void)refreshSelectedCellModel:(JXCategoryBaseCellModel *)selectedCellModel unselectedCellModel:(JXCategoryBaseCellModel *)unselectedCellModel
cell is refreshed when selected;- (void)refreshLeftCellModel:(JXCategoryBaseCellModel *)leftCellModel rightCellModel:(JXCategoryBaseCellModel *)rightCellModel ratio:(CGFloat)ratio
cell When the left and right scrolling is switched, the state is refreshed;
Specific example: refer to the JXCategoryTitleAttributeView
inside the demo project.
- Any subclassing, view, cell, cellModel must be subclassed, even if a subclass cell does nothing. Used to maintain the inheritance chain, so as not to know who to inherit after subclassing;
- If you completely customize the contents of the cell, then inherit
JXCategoryIndicatorView, JXCategoryIndicatorCell, JXCategoryIndicatorCellModel
, just likeJXCategoryTitleView, JXCategoryTitleCell, JXCategoryTitleCellModel
; - If you just do some fine-tuning in the parent class, then inherit the target view, cell, cellModel, fine-tune the cell's original controls, or add new controls. Just like
JXCategoryTitleImageView series, JXCategoryTitleAttributeView series
First, add the following code to viewDidAppear:
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = (self.categoryView.selectedIndex == 0);
- Click processing:
#pragma mark - JXCategoryViewDelegate
- (void)categoryView:(JXCategoryBaseView *)categoryView didSelectedItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = (index == 0);
- Set the proxy: self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.delegate = (id)self;
- Implement the proxy method:
- (BOOL)gestRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestRecognizer shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer {
Return YES;
- Click processing:
#pragma mark - JXCategoryViewDelegate
- (void)categoryView:(JXCategoryBaseView *)categoryView didSelectedItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = (index == 0);
- Flexible layout: JXCategoryView is not strongly associated with contentScrollView, you can even set this property as a simple SegmentedControl. There is no requirement for layout between them. You can put JXCategoryView into the navigation bar, UITableViewSectionHeader and so on.
- Click processing: Because of full decoupling, in the JXCategoryView clickback call, you need to add the following code to scroll the content:
#pragma mark - JXCategoryViewDelegate
- (void)categoryView:(JXCategoryBaseView *)categoryView didSelectedItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
[self.scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(self.scrollView.bounds.size.width*index, 0) animated:YES];
- 2018.8.12 Release version 1.0.0, update content: Refactor indicator view using POP (protocol-oriented programming); [migration guide] (https://github.com/pujiaxin33/JXCategoryView/blob/master/Migration/1.0 .0.md)
The repository is kept up to date and will be supported for the first time in popular. During the use, if you have any suggestions or questions, you can contact me by:
E-mail: [email protected]
QQ group: 112440151
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JXCategoryView is released under the MIT license.