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Releases: longhorn/longhorn

Longhorn v0.3.3 release

15 Jan 21:21
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Engine image: rancher/longhorn-engine:v0.3.3
Manager image: rancher/longhorn-manager:v0.3.3
UI Image: rancher/longhorn-ui:v0.3.3

New features:

  1. #299 Support set the default number of replicas (replica count) and dynamic adjust replica count of an attached volume.
  2. Live upgrade for Engine image became beta. Upgrade from Engine v0.3.0 to v0.3.3 can be done without volume downtime (except if you need the fix for #324 2TB volume size limitation)

Notice Longhorn Engine has been updated to v0.3.3. In addition to upgrade manager, please follow the steps here to upgrade engines.

See here for the list of bugs fixed.

Longhorn v0.3.3-rc1 Release

12 Jan 03:50
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Longhorn Manager: v0.3.3-rc1
Longhorn Engine: v0.3.3-rc1
Longhorn UI: v0.3.3-rc1

New features:

  1. #299 Support set the default number of replicas (replica count) and dynamic adjust replica count of an attached volume.
  2. Live upgrade for Engine image became beta. Upgrade from Engine v0.3.0 to v0.3.3 can be done without volume downtime (except if you need the fix for #324 2TB volume size limitation)

See for the list of bugs fixed.

Longhorn v0.3.2 release

10 Nov 00:21
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Engine image: rancher/longhorn-engine:v0.3.0
Manager image: rancher/longhorn-manager:v0.3.2
UI Image: rancher/longhorn-ui:v0.3.2


  1. Fix CSI support for Kubernetes v1.12
  2. Fix unable to delete nodes which already have been removed from Kubernetes
  3. Add the Upgrade Checker to allow automatically checking for the new version of Longhorn.

Rancher Longhorn App Chart:

  1. Longhorn App has been updated to use Rancher proxy. It means Longhorn UI now behind the Rancher server authentication.
  2. Rancher v2.1.x users can now uninstall Longhorn directly from the Rancher UI. Rancher v2.0.x users still need to follow the instruction to uninstall using the cleanup script.

Longhorn v0.3.2-rc2 release

09 Nov 01:21
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Engine image: rancher/longhorn-engine:v0.3.0
Manager image: rancher/longhorn-manager:v0.3.2-rc2
UI Image: rancher/longhorn-ui:v0.3.2-rc2


  1. Fix CSI support for Kubernetes v1.12
  2. Fix unable to delete nodes which already have been removed from Kubernetes
  3. Add Upgrade Checker to allow automatically checking for the new version of Longhorn.

Longhorn v0.3.2-rc1 release

08 Nov 05:57
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Engine image: rancher/longhorn-engine:v0.3.0
Manager image: rancher/longhorn-manager:v0.3.2-rc1
UI Image: rancher/longhorn-ui:v0.3.2-rc1

Major changelog:

  1. Fix CSI support for Kubernetes v1.12
  2. Fix unable to delete nodes which already have been removed from Kubernetes
  3. Add Upgrade Checker to allow automatically checking for the new version of Longhorn.
    3.1. Upgrade Checker UI will be ready in the next RC release

Longhorn v0.3.1 release

18 Sep 03:31
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  1. Fixed a critical NPE during the upgrade to v0.3.0 release
  2. Now reboot a node with attached volume would result in volume automatically reattach to the node.
  3. The new Flexvolume automatic detection mechanism should simply the deployment process.

The users who use Longhorn v0.3.0 with Rancher Apps can one-click upgrade to v0.3.1 in the Rancher UI.

Notice that the engine remains at v0.3.0 for this release.


Longhorn v0.3.1-rc1 release

13 Sep 01:23
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Longhorn v0.3.0 Release

23 Aug 22:11
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Docker images for this release:

Longhorn manager: rancher/longhorn-manager:v0.3.0
Longhorn engine: rancher/longhorn-engine:v0.3.0
Longhorn UI: rancher/longhorn-ui:v0.3.0

Features in this release:

  • Upgrade support
    • Engine upgrade - Engine can be upgraded from v0.3 to v0.3+ without volume downtime. Upgrading from v0.2 to v0.3 would incur volume downtime.
    • Manager upgrade - Manager can be upgraded from previous release, with API downtime. No downtime for the Longhorn volumes (except from v0.2 to v0.3).
  • Container Storage Interface(CSI) - Support CSI as the Kubernetes storage driver for Kubernetes v1.10+. It will eventually replaced our Flexvolume driver in the future.
  • S3 backup target - Support S3 as the backup target.
  • iSCSI endpoint - Support iSCSI as an alternative volume frontend.
  • Base image - Support using RancherVM base image to be used as the base for the volume, so the user will able to start a VM using Longhorn volume as root image.
  • RancherVM live migration - Support RancherVM live migration with Longhorn volume as the root image.
  • Multiple disk with capacity based scheduling - User can update the node config and set desired disk (mounted to a node directory) to store Longhorn volume data. Longhorn can choose where to place the volume data depends on how much space the disk had left.
  • Websocket support - UI will get the up to date information without refreshing.

Longhorn v0.3-rc5

22 Aug 06:35
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Longhorn v0.3-rc5 Pre-release

Manager image: rancher/longhorn-manager:v0.3-rc5
Engine image: rancher/longhorn-engine:v0.3-rc5
UI Image: rancher/longhorn-ui:v0.3-rc5


  1. Event log support.
  2. Revamped node page.
  3. Upgrade path documented.
  4. Environment check script ready.

Longhorn v0.3-rc4

11 Aug 05:26
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Longhorn v0.3-rc4 Pre-release

Manager image: rancher/longhorn-manager:v0.3-rc4
Engine image: rancher/longhorn-engine:v0.3-rc4
UI Image: rancher/longhorn-ui:v0.3-rc4