Releases: lopezzot/ATLHECTB
Releases · lopezzot/ATLHECTB
v1.6 includes:
- new timing scheme for signal collection by layer. Caveat: BirkelAr now integrates signal regardless the time as elAr. Only signals in vectors follow the new readout scheme
- Added v1.6/ analysis for corresponding data and included instructions for v1.6 data production in
- Started github-pages integration
v1.5 includes:
- new materials definition for cryostat and world volume as in ATLAS.
- ROOT analyses for data produced with v1.3, v1.4 and, v1.5.
- Instructions to reproduce data and analyses for v1.3, v1.4, and v1.5.
- New method to estimate e- sampling fraction without using "edep" variable; leads to a better agreement with ATLAS-SW results.
- New not-range-restricted gaussian fit on pi- energy resolution distributions.
v1.4 includes changes in
- new definition of HEC materials, i.e. materials making the calorimeter and not cryostat/world volumes.
- new definition of material in logicModule and logicDepth[indexDepth], from AirMaterial to lArMaterial.
Note: instructions in to reproduce data produced with this version and ROOT macros to analyze them will be included in v1.5.
v1.3 includes:
- runcards/ATLHECTBescan_beam2_run.mac that includes a 1 mm range cut via UI (/run/setCut 1.0 mm).
- A new definition of Birks Law as implemented in ATHENA in (Taken from lines 86-100, from ATLAS).
Note: Instructions to reproduce data produced with this release and their ROOT analysis will be added in v1.5.