#Stephanie Grizzard's README #21SPStephGAdvanceGenomicsLog repository
#Exercise2 cd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG mkdir data mkdir exercises /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/exercises cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day02/Exercise2.fast* ./ ls -alh 13M gunzip -c Exercise2.fasta.gz > Exercise2.fasta ls -alh 37M tar -zxvf Exercise2.fastq.tar.gz ls -alh 62M drwxrwxrwx 2 spere004 users 142 Jan 22 06:38 . drwxrwxrwx 5 spere004 users 141 Jan 22 06:34 .. -rwxrwxrwx 1 spere004 users 17M Jan 22 06:37 Exercise2.fasta -rwxr-xr-x 1 spere004 users 4.3M Jan 22 06:35 Exercise2.fasta.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 spere004 users 18M Sep 2 2015 Exercise2.fastq -rwxr-xr-x 1 spere004 users 4.3M Jan 22 06:35 Exercise2.fastq.tar.gz
[spere004@turing1 exercises]$ head -1 Exercise2.fasta
scaffold10078|size20675 [spere004@turing1 exercises]$ grep -c '>' Exercise2.fasta 138 [spere004@turing1 exercises]$ head -1 Exercise2.fastq @HS3:541:HAYTUADXX:1:1101:1297:1938 1:N:0:AGTTCC [spere004@turing1 exercises]$ grep -c '@HS3' Exercise2.fastq 61304 [spere004@turing1 exercises]$ wc -l Exercise2.fastq 245216 Exercise2.fastq cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/scripts/
[spere004@turing1 scripts]$ salloc salloc: Pending job allocation 9268786 salloc: job 9268786 queued and waiting for resources salloc: job 9268786 has been allocated resources salloc: Granted job allocation 9268786 This session will be terminated in 7 days. If your application requires a longer excution time, please use command "salloc -t N-0" where N is the number of days that you need. cd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/exercises
[spere004@coreV3-23-024 exercises]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/scripts/avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py Exercise2.fasta The total number of sequences is 138 The average sequence length is 126640 The total number of bases is 17476447 The minimum sequence length is 1122 The maximum sequence length is 562680 The N50 is 187037 Median Length = 92612 contigs < 150bp = 0 contigs >= 500bp = 138 contigs >= 1000bp = 138 contigs >= 2000bp = 135
stephanieperez@MacBook-Pro-2 ~/D/D/21sp_advgenomics> cd 21SPStephGAdvancedGenomicsLog/ stephanieperez@MacBook-Pro-2 ~/D/D/2/21SPStephGAdvancedGenomicsLog> ls README.md stephanieperez@MacBook-Pro-2 ~/D/D/2/21SPStephGAdvancedGenomicsLog> git add README.md stephanieperez@MacBook-Pro-2 ~/D/D/2/21SPStephGAdvancedGenomicsLog> git commit -m 'updating with day02 exercises' [main 552e36f] updating with day02 exercises 1 file changed, 81 insertions(+) stephanieperez@MacBook-Pro-2 ~/D/D/2/21SPStephGAdvancedGenomicsLog> git push -u origin main Enumerating objects: 5, done. Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 1.37 KiB | 1.38 MiB/s, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 To https://github.com/lorenapr92/21SPStephGAdvanceGenomicslog.git e726f87..552e36f main -> main Branch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.
#Homework2 cd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/ emacs emacs StephFQCp.sh inside shell script #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o stephfastqcope.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=StephFQCp
cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/originalfastqs/*.fastq.gz /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data
sbatch StephFQCp.sh #Submitted batch job 9268702 squeue -u spere004 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 9268702 main StephFQC spere004 R 0:19 1 coreV3-23-044
emacs StephGZfq.sh inside shell script #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o stephgzfastqcopy.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=StephGZfq
gunzip /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/*.fastq.gz
[spere004@turing1 data]$ sbatch StephGZfq.sh Submitted batch job 9268787 [spere004@turing1 data]$ squeue -u spere004 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 9268786 main sh spere004 R 7:52 1 coreV3-23-024 9268787 main StephGZf spere004 R 0:25 1 coreV1-22-005
[spere004@turing1 data]$ ls HADB01-A_S17_L002_R1_001.fastq HADB03-C_S51_L004_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB05-F_S86_L006_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB01-B_S18_L002_R1_001.fastq HADB03-D_S52_L004_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB05-G_S87_L006_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB01-C_S19_L002_R1_001.fastq HADB03-E_S53_L004_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB05-H_S88_L006_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB01-D_S20_L002_R1_001.fastq HADB03-F_S54_L004_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB05-I_S89_L006_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB01-E_S21_L002_R1_001.fastq HADB03-G_S55_L004_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB05-J_S90_L006_R1_001.fastq.gz HADB01-F_S22_L002_R1_001.fastq
cp -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day03 ./ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data
mkdir fastq mv *.fastq fastq/ ls cd fastq/ ls
cp renamingtable_complete.txt /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/scripts cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/renamer_advbioinf.py ./ less renamer_advbioinf.py
module load python python renamer_advbioinf.py /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/renamingtable_complete.txt /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/*.fastq
nano renamer_advbioinf.py #!/usr/bin/env python ####usage renamer.py renamingtable
this script take the entries in the first column of table and renames (mv's) them to files with the nam$
import sys import os
fin=open(sys.argv[1],'r') linecount=0 for line in fin: linecount+=1 if linecount>=2: cols=line.rstrip().split('\t')
os.popen('mv %s %s' %(cols[0], cols[1]))
- nano Steph_Renamer.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o steph_renamercopy.txt #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=Steph_Renamer
python /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/scripts/renamer_advbioinf.py renamingtable_complete.txt
sbatch Steph_Renamer.sh Submitted batch job 9271073
[spere004@turing1 scripts]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/scripts 10. cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Trimclipfilterstatsbatch_advbioinf.py ./ 11. less Trimclipfilterstatsbatch_advbioinf.py 12. pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day03 [spere004@turing1 day03]$ cp adapterlist_advbioinf.txt /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/ 13. [spere004@turing1 fastq]$ nano Steph_Trimclipfilter.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o steph_trimmerclip.txt #SBATCH -n 4 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=Steph_Trimmerclipfilter
python /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/scripts/Trimclipfilterstatsbatch_advbioinf.py adapterlist_advbioinf.txt *.fastq
[spere004@turing1 fastq]$ sbatch Steph_Trimclipfilter.sh Submitted batch job 9271091
1a. [spere004@turing1 fastq]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Schafran_trimstatstable_advbioinf_clippedtrimmed.py -h Written by Peter Schafran [email protected] 5-Oct-2015
This script takes a stats output file from fastx_clipper and converts it into a table.
Usage: Schafran_trimstatstable.py [-c, -v, -h] inputfile.txt outputfile.txt
Options (-c and -v must be listed separately to run together): -h Display this help message -c Use comma delimiter instead of tabs -v Verbose mode (print steps to stdout)
1b. pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/filteringstats /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Schafran_trimstatstable_advbioinf_clippedtrimmed.py trimclipstats.txt Steph_trimclipstatsout.txt head -10 Steph_trimclipstatsout.txt tail -n +2 Steph_trimclipstatsout.txt | head 1c. tail -n +2 Steph_trimclipstatsout.txt >> /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/Fulltrimclipstatstable.txt
[spere004@turing1 QCFastqs]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs 3. nano Steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie.txt #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=Steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie
module load bowtie2/2.4
for i in *_clippedtrimmed.fastq; do bowtie2 --rg-id ${i%_clippedtrimmed.fastq}
--rg SM:${i%_clippedtrimmed.fastq}
--very-sensitive -x /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/Apoc_hostsym -U $i \
${i%_clippedtrimmedfilterd.fastq}.sam --no-unal -k 5; done
- sbatch Steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie.sh Submitted batch job 9271724
Homework05 #Working with John. He copied his fastq files into my sandbox. Created a list with his fast names for shell script pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs ls *.fastq | head -32 nano Steph_trinity.sh #! /bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o steph_trinity.txt #SBATCH -n 32 #SBATCH -p himem #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=Steph_trinity
enable_lmod module load container_env trinity
crun Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 768G --normalize_reads --single RI_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_08_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq --CPU 32
sbatch Steph_trinity.sh Submitted batch job 9272350 FAILED sbatch Steph_trinity.sh Submitted batch job 9272374 #w/o --normalized reads
- [spere004@turing1 QCFastqs]$ salloc salloc: Pending job allocation 9272855 [spere004@coreV2-22-028 QCFastqs]$ cd djbtestassembly/ [spere004@coreV2-22-028 djbtestassembly]$ ls Trinity.fasta /cm/shared/apps/trinity/2.0.6/util/TrinityStats.pl Trinity.fasta ################################
################################ Total trinity 'genes': 20980 Total trinity transcripts: 21992 Percent GC: 46.21
######################################## Stats based on ALL transcript contigs: ########################################
Contig N10: 1178
Contig N20: 694
Contig N30: 514
Contig N40: 414
Contig N50: 347
Median contig length: 273
Average contig: 356.95
Total assembled bases: 7850006
Contig N10: 1027
Contig N20: 643
Contig N30: 486
Contig N40: 397
Contig N50: 336
Median contig length: 271
Average contig: 347.72
Total assembled bases: 7295061
[spere004@coreV2-22-028 scripts]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/scripts/python avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta The total number of sequences is 15079 The average sequence length is 876 The total number of bases is 13210470 The minimum sequence length is 500 The maximum sequence length is 10795 The N50 is 881 Median Length = 578 contigs < 150bp = 0 contigs >= 500bp = 15079 contigs >= 1000bp = 3660 contigs >= 2000bp = 536
[spere004@coreV2-22-028 QCFastqs]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs a) grep "overall alignment rate" steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie.txt b) grep "aligned exactly 1 time" steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie.txt | cut -d " " -f 5 c) grep "aligned exactly 1 time" steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie.txt | cut -d "%" -f 1 | cut -d "(" -f 2 d) grep "aligned >1 time" steph_clippedtrimmedbowtie.txt | cut -d "%" -f 1 | cut -d "(" -f 2
nano alignedstats_sg.txt lane5_sg 2.03 1.11 235455.75 0.92 cat alignedstats_sg.txt >> /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/alignmentstatstable.txt
[spere004@coreV2-22-028 data]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data mkdir testassembly a) [spere004@coreV2-22-028 djbtestassembly]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs/djbtestassembly mv Trinity.fasta /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/testassembly/
b) /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq nano cleanup.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o cleanup.txt #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=cleanup
rm -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/originalfastqs rm -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/filteringstats rm -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs/trinity_out_dir
sbatch cleanup.sh
- pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data nano steph_blast.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o blastout.txt #SBATCH -n 6 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=steph_blast
enable_lmod module load container_env blast blastx -query Trinity.fasta -db /cm/shared/apps/blast/databases/uniprot_sprot_Sep2018 -out blastx.outfmt6 -evalue 1e-20 -num_threads 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt 6
sbatch steph_blast.sh Submitted batch job 9273231
[spere004@turing1 QCFastqs]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs head -20 RI_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq.sam @HD VN:1.0 SO:unsorted @SQ SN:TR78|c0_g1_i1_coral LN:1109 @SQ SN:TR78|c0_g2_i1_coral LN:1109 @SQ SN:TR79|c0_g1_i1_coral LN:610 @SQ SN:TR79|c0_g2_i1_coral LN:1549 @SQ SN:TR87|c0_g1_i1_coral LN:732 @SQ SN:TR93|c0_g1_i1_coral LN:550
grep -v '@' RI_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq.sam | head K00188:59:HMTFHBBXX:6:1101:2788:1648 0 TR47986|c1_g3_i2_sym 9 255 51M * 0 0 CNGGCAGTATGTGCAAAATTTATCTCCTGTTCACCTTTAAGTAACTAACCA A#<AFF-FJAFAJJJJJJFJJJFJ-FJJJFFJJFJAJJJJJJJJJFJJJJJ AS:i:-1 XN:i:0 XM:i:1 XO:i:0 XG:i:0 NM:i:1 MD:Z:1G49 YT:Z:UU RG:Z:RI_B_05_18 K00188:59:HMTFHBBXX:6:1101:16823:1666 16 TR47986|c1_g3_i2_sym 684 255 51M * 0 0 TAAT
salloc salloc: Pending job allocation 9273245 salloc: job 9273245 queued and waiting for resources salloc: job 9273245 has been allocated resources salloc: Granted job allocation 9273245
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/get_explain_sam_flags_advbioinf.py RI_B_05_*.sam RI_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq.sam ['0', '272', '256', '16'] 0 : 272 : read reverse strand not primary alignment 256 : not primary alignment 16 : read reverse strand RI_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq.sam ['0', '272', '256', '16'] 0 : 272 : read reverse strand not primary alignment 256 : not primary alignment 16 : read reverse strand
- /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs nano steph_SNPcall.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o steph_SNPcall.txt #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=steph_SNPcall
module load samtools/1
for i in *.sam; do samtools view -bS $i > ${i%.sam}_UNSORTED.bam
; done
for i in *UNSORTED.bam; do samtools sort
sbatch steph_SNPcall.sh Submitted batch job 9273232
[spere004@turing1 data]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/testassembly/
- nano blast parsing.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o blastparseout.txt #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=blastparsing
/cm/shared/apps/trinity/2.0.6/util/analyze_blastPlus_topHit_coverage.pl blastx.outfmt6 Trinity.fasta /cm/shared/apps/blast/databases/uniprot_sprot_Sep2018.fasta
sbatch blastparsing.sh Submitted batch job 9276480
cat blastparseout.txt #hit_pct_cov_bin count_in_bin >bin_below 100 143 143 90 52 195 80 77 272 70 87 359 60 110 469 50 133 602 40 219 821 30 395 1216 20 726 1942 10 674 2616
- [spere004@turing1 QCFastqs]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs ls *_UNSORTED.bam RI_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam RI_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam RI_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam RI_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam RI_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam RI_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam RI_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam RI_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam VA_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_UNSORTED.bam nano rmunsorted.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o rmunsortout.txt #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --job-name=rmunsorted
rm *_UNSORTED.bam
sbatch rmunsorted.sh Submitted batch job 9276496 ls *_UNSORTED.bam ls: No match. ##all unsorted bam files are gone. rm rmunsorted.txt ##unnecessary txt file to keep
- /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs nano steph_bayes.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o bayesout.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=steph_bayes
enable_lmod module load dDocent freebayes --genotype-qualities -f /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta *.bam > SGmergedfastqs.vcf
sbatch steph_bayes.sh Submitted batch job 9276570
- /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data mkdir BAMs mkdir SAMs mkdir VCF salloc salloc: Pending job allocation 9278250 salloc: job 9278250 queued and waiting for resources salloc: job 9278250 has been allocated resources salloc: Granted job allocation 9278250 /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/fastq/QCFastqs mv *.sam /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/SAMs/ mv *.bam *.bam.bai /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/BAMs/ NO unfiltered vcfs rm *.fastq
enable_lmod module load dDocent vcftools
[spere004@turing1 VCF]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/VCF cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/VCF/mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf ./
[spere004@turing1 VCF]$ /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
VCFtools - v0.1.12b (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals After filtering, kept 1214003 out of a possible 1214003 Sites Run Time = 10.00 seconds
[spere004@turing1 VCF]$ /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf SGmergedfastqs.vcf
VCFtools - v0.1.12b (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf SGmergedfastqs.vcf
After filtering, kept 16 out of 16 Individuals After filtering, kept 130505 out of a possible 130505 Sites Run Time = 1.00 seconds
- cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/VCF/GoodCoralGenelistForVCFSubsetter.txt ./ [spere004@turing1 VCF]$ ls GoodCoralGenelistForVCFSubsetter.txt mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf out.log SGmergedfastqs.vcf
grep -c "##contig" SGmergedfastqs.vcf 15079
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/21Sp_vcfsubsetter_advbioinf.py GoodCoralGenelistForVCFSubsetter.txt mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
[spere004@coreV3-23-031 VCF]$ vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf
VCFtools - 0.1.14 (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals After filtering, kept 432676 out of a possible 432676 Sites Run Time = 6.00 seconds
--vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
VCFtools - 0.1.14 (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals After filtering, kept 1214003 out of a possible 1214003 Sites Run Time = 5.00 seconds
[spere004@coreV3-23-031 VCF]$ vcftools --vcf SGmergedfastqs.vcf
VCFtools - 0.1.14 (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf SGmergedfastqs.vcf
After filtering, kept 16 out of 16 Individuals After filtering, kept 130505 out of a possible 130505 Sites Run Time = 1.00 seconds
- [spere004@coreV3-23-031 VCF]$ vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf --max-missing 0.5 --mac 3 --minQ 30 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out raw.g5mac3
VCFtools - 0.1.14 (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf --recode-INFO-all --mac 3 --minQ 30 --max-missing 0.5 --out raw.g5mac3 --recode
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals Outputting VCF file... After filtering, kept 99853 out of a possible 432676 Sites Run Time = 31.00 seconds
vcftools --vcf raw.g5mac3.recode.vcf --minDP 3 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out raw5.g5mac3dp3
VCFtools - 0.1.14 (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf raw.g5mac3.recode.vcf --recode-INFO-all --minDP 3 --out raw5.g5mac3dp3 --recode
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals Outputting VCF file... After filtering, kept 99853 out of a possible 99853 Sites Run Time = 25.00 seconds
vcftools --vcf raw5.g5mac3dp3.recode.vcf --missing-indv
VCFtools - 0.1.14 (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf raw5.g5mac3dp3.recode.vcf --missing-indv
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals Outputting Individual Missingness After filtering, kept 99853 out of a possible 99853 Sites Run Time = 2.00 seconds [spere004@coreV3-23-031 VCF]$ cat out.imiss INDV N_DATA N_GENOTYPES_FILTERED N_MISS F_MISS RI_W_06_merged 99853 0 67075 0.671737 RI_W_07_merged 99853 0 63917 0.640111 VA_B_03_merged 99853 0 56586 0.566693 RI_W_02_merged 99853 0 73105 0.732126 RI_W_04_merged 99853 0 71159 0.712638 VA_W_09_SNP_clipped 99853 0 19459 0.194876 RI_B_08_SNP_clipped 99853 0 88110 0.882397 VA_W_08_SNP_clipped 99853 0 83344 0.834667 VA_B_08_SNP_clipped 99853 0 94221 0.943597 VA_W_02_merged 99853 0 71050 0.711546 VA_B_07_merged 99853 0 62687 0.627793 RI_B_05_merged 99853 0 43945 0.440097 VA_W_06_merged 99853 0 65164 0.652599 VA_W_04_merged 99853 0 50911 0.509859 VA_W_01_merged 99853 0 67150 0.672489 VA_B_10_SNP_clipped 99853 0 82831 0.829529 VA_B_06_merged 99853 0 57724 0.57809 VA_W_05_merged 99853 0 66297 0.663946 RI_B_09_SNP_clipped 99853 0 85107 0.852323 VA_W_10_SNP_clipped 99853 0 83234 0.833565 RI_W_08_SNP_clipped 99853 0 77802 0.779165 RI_B_06_merged 99853 0 79766 0.798834 RI_W_10_SNP_clipped 99853 0 91323 0.914574 RI_B_04_merged 99853 0 46717 0.467858 VA_W_03_merged 99853 0 64016 0.641102 RI_B_07_merged 99853 0 70798 0.709022 RI_W_05_merged 99853 0 57117 0.572011 RI_W_09_SNP_clipped 99853 0 88492 0.886223 VA_B_01_merged 99853 0 47217 0.472865 VA_B_09_SNP_clipped 99853 0 79187 0.793036 RI_B_10_SNP_clipped 99853 0 82779 0.829009 RI_W_01_merged 99853 0 73169 0.732767 RI_B_01_merged 99853 0 69619 0.697215 VA_B_04_merged 99853 0 58190 0.582757 RI_B_02_merged 99853 0 87439 0.875677 RI_W_03_merged 99853 0 38760 0.388171 VA_B_02_merged 99853 0 78381 0.784964 VA_W_07_merged 99853 0 64592 0.646871 VA_B_05_merged 99853 0 54401 0.544811 RI_B_03_merged 99853 0 80369 0.804873 [spere004@coreV3-23-031 VCF]$ bash [spere004@coreV3-23-031 VCF]$ mawk '!/IN/' out.imiss | cut -f5 > totalmissing [spere004@coreV3-23-031 VCF]$ gnuplot << \EOF
set terminal dumb size 120, 30 set autoscale unset label set title "Histogram of % missing data per individual" set ylabel "Number of Occurrences" set xlabel "% of missing data" #set yr [0:100000] binwidth=0.01 bin(x,width)=width*floor(x/width) + binwidth/2.0 plot 'totalmissing' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes pause -1 EOF
Histogram of % missing data per individual
Number of Occurrences 3 ++----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+---**-----+-----------+-----------+----------++ + + + + + 'totalmissing' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) ****** + | * * | | * * | | * * | | * * | 2.5 ++ * * ++ | * * | | * * | | * * | | * * | | * * | 2 ++ ** * * *** ****** ** **** **** ++ | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | 1.5 ++ ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * ++ | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | | ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * | + + + + + ** + * * * * + * * ** ** * * * + 1 *********************************************************************************************************---++ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 % of missing data
mawk '$5 > 0.5' out.imiss | cut -f1 > lowDP.indv
--vcf raw5.g5mac3dp3.recode.vcf --remove lowDP.indv --recode --recode-INFO-all --out raw.g5mac3dplm
VCFtools - 0.1.14 (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf raw5.g5mac3dp3.recode.vcf --exclude lowDP.indv --recode-INFO-all --out raw.g5mac3dplm --recode
Excluding individuals in 'exclude' list After filtering, kept 5 out of 40 Individuals Outputting VCF file... After filtering, kept 99853 out of a possible 99853 Sites Run Time = 10.00 seconds
#Homework09 /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/VCF salloc enable_lmod module load dDocent #second half run /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf --max-missing 0.5 --mac 3 --minQ 30 --minDP 10 --max-alleles 2 --maf 0.015 --remove-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 1578_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_HEAFilters
VCFtools - v0.1.12b (C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted: --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf --recode-INFO-all --mac 3 --maf 0.015 --max-alleles 2 --minDP 10 --minQ 30 --max-missing 0.5 --out 1578_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_HEAFilters --recode --remove-indels
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals Outputting VCF file... After filtering, kept 1578 out of a possible 432676 Sites Run Time = 6.00 seconds
grep '#CHROM' mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf > sampleIDs.txt sed 's/\s+/\n/g' sampleIDs.txt > sampleIDs1.txt scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/VCF/sampleIDs1.txt . #Added the second column via excel and uploaded the file to the cluster again scp sampleIDs1.txt [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/VCF/sampleIDs2.txt cp sampleIDs2.txt genepop.txt
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/vcftogenepop_advbioinf.py 1578_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_HEAFilters.recode.vcf genepop.txt Indivs with genotypes in vcf file: RI_W_06_merged RI_W_07_merged VA_B_03_merged RI_W_02_merged RI_W_04_merged VA_W_09_SNP_clipped RI_B_08_SNP_clipped VA_W_08_SNP_clipped VA_B_08_SNP_clipped VA_W_02_merged VA_B_07_merged RI_B_05_merged VA_W_06_merged VA_W_04_merged VA_W_01_merged VA_B_10_SNP_clipped VA_B_06_merged VA_W_05_merged RI_B_09_SNP_clipped VA_W_10_SNP_clipped RI_W_08_SNP_clipped RI_B_06_merged RI_W_10_SNP_clipped RI_B_04_merged VA_W_03_merged RI_B_07_merged RI_W_05_merged RI_W_09_SNP_clipped VA_B_01_merged VA_B_09_SNP_clipped RI_B_10_SNP_clipped RI_W_01_merged RI_B_01_merged VA_B_04_merged RI_B_02_merged RI_W_03_merged VA_B_02_merged VA_W_07_merged VA_B_05_merged RI_B_03_merged 44 1578 1578 1578 1578 40
scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/VCF/1578_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_HEAFilters.recode_genepop.gen .
#Working on RStudio. Code below is r commands from day09 R script
sum(is.na(datafile$tab)) [1] 35966
datafile #shows info /// GENIND OBJECT /////////
// 40 individuals; 1,578 loci; 3,156 alleles; size: 1.4 Mb
// Basic content @tab: 40 x 3156 matrix of allele counts @loc.n.all: number of alleles per locus (range: 2-2) @loc.fac: locus factor for the 3156 columns of @tab @all.names: list of allele names for each locus @ploidy: ploidy of each individual (range: 2-2) @type: codom @call: read.genepop(file = "1578_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_HEAFilters.recode_genepop.gen", ncode = 2)
// Optional content @pop: population of each individual (group size range: 40-40)
YOURdata<-scaleGen(datafile, NA.method='mean') Warning message: In .local(x, ...) : Some scaling values are null. Corresponding alleles are removed. X<-YOURdata Y<-as.factor(substring(pop(datafile),1,4)) pca1 <- dudi.pca(X,cent=F, scale=F, scannf=F, nf=3) s.label(pca1$li) s.class(pca1$li, pop(datafile)) col <- c("blue","red", "green", "black") s.class(pca1$li, Y,xax=1,yax=2, col=transp(col,.6), axesell=F, cstar=0, cpoint=3, grid=FALSE, addaxes=TRUE) add.scatter.eig(pca1$eig[1:3], 3,1,2, posi="topright") title("PCA of DJB_data\naxes 1-2") a.clust<-snapclust(datafile, k = 2) class(a.clust) [1] "snapclust" "list"
names(a.clust) [1] "group" "ll" "proba" "converged" "n.iter" "n.param"
a.tab <- table(pop(datafile), a.clust$group) table.value(a.tab, col.labels = 1:2) compoplot(a.clust)
#plots were created and save on computer
- #Following code is R scrip ran on 2 files in day10 folder. Figures are saved on local computer.
library("ape") library("pegas") library("seqinr") library("ggplot2") library("adegenet") setwd("/Users/stephanieperez/Documents/Data_analysis_class/21sp_advgenomics") datafile<-read.genepop("coral_66_cloneremoved_highoutliers.filtered1SNPper_genepop.gen", ncode=2) datafile2<-read.genepop("coral_279_cloneremoved_neutral.filtered1SNPper_genepop.gen", ncode=2)
sum(is.na(datafile$tab)) datafile #shows info
sum(is.na(datafile2$tab)) datafile2
YOURdata<-scaleGen(datafile, NA.method='mean') X<-YOURdata Y<-as.factor(substring(pop(datafile),1,4)) pca1 <- dudi.pca(X,cent=F, scale=F, scannf=F, nf=3)
YOUR2data<-scaleGen(datafile2, NA.method='mean') X2<-YOUR2data Y2<-as.factor(substring(pop(datafile2),1,4)) pca12 <- dudi.pca(X2,cent=F, scale=F, scannf=F, nf=3)
s.label(pca1$li) s.label(pca12$li)
s.class(pca1$li, pop(datafile)) s.class(pca12$li, pop(datafile2))
#color symbols, pop names #pdf("YOURINITIALS_ColorPCA1v2.pdf") col <- c("blue","red", "green", "black") s.class(pca1$li, Y,xax=1,yax=2, col=transp(col,.6), axesell=F, cstar=0, cpoint=3, grid=FALSE, addaxes=TRUE) add.scatter.eig(pca1$eig[1:3], 3,1,2, posi="topright") title("PCA of DJB_data\naxes 1-2") dev.off()
col <- c("blue","red", "green", "black") s.class(pca12$li, Y2,xax=1,yax=2, col=transp(col,.6), axesell=F, cstar=0, cpoint=3, grid=FALSE, addaxes=TRUE) add.scatter.eig(pca12$eig[1:3], 3,1,2, posi="topright") title("PCA of DJB_data\naxes 1-2") dev.off()
a.clust<-snapclust(datafile, k = 2) class(a.clust) names(a.clust) a.tab <- table(pop(datafile), a.clust$group) table.value(a.tab, col.labels = 1:2) compoplot(a.clust)
a.clust1<-snapclust(datafile2, k = 2) class(a.clust1) names(a.clust1) a.tab <- table(pop(datafile2), a.clust$group) table.value(a.tab, col.labels = 1:2) compoplot(a.clust1)
- cd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/SAMs nano countexpression.sh #!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o countexpression.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=countexpression
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/countxpression_SB_advbioinf.py *.sam
sbatch countexpression.sh
- salloc salloc: Pending job allocation 9280866 salloc: job 9280866 queued and waiting for resources salloc: job 9280866 has been allocated resources salloc: Granted job allocation 9280866
mv match_counts.txt countsoutput.txt
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/ParseExpression2BigTable_advbioinf.py /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/host_genelist.txt StephFullCounts_summed.txt NoMatch *_counts.txt Hits not matchedmatch_counts.txt=13381 RI_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698
scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/StephG/data/SAMs/StephFullCounts_summed.txt . [email protected]'s password: StephFullCounts_summed.txt 100% 860KB 5.2MB/s 00:00
sed 's/_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt_UniqueTotReads//g' StephFullCounts_summed.txt > NewStephfullcount_summed.txt
setwd("/Users/stephanieperez/Documents/Data_analysis_class/21sp_advgenomics") getwd() [1] "/Users/stephanieperez/Documents/Data_analysis_class/21sp_advgenomics" countsTable <- read.delim('djbFullCounts_summed.txt', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, row.names=1) head(countsTable) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10054|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR10054|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 1 6 0 0 0 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 1 2 0 1 2 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 3 1 0 4 0 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 4 2 1 0 0 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 1 4 0 0 4 RI_B_03_14 RI_B_03_18 RI_B_03_22 RI_B_04_14 RI_B_04_18 RI_B_04_22 dim(countsTable) [1] 13381 84 colSums(countsTable) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 RI_B_03_14 RI_B_03_18 97406 207372 173843 47481 58036 84501 170330 5972 RI_B_03_22 RI_B_04_14 RI_B_04_18 RI_B_04_22 RI_B_05_14 RI_B_05_18 RI_B_05_22 RI_B_06_14 199204 357124 544267 71600 630609 227313 225639 37012 colSums(countsTable)[order(colSums(countsTable))] VA_W_02_22 VA_W_01_22 RI_B_03_18 RI_W_04_22 RI_B_07_22 RI_B_06_14 RI_W_04_14 RI_W_01_14 134 313 5972 10848 25369 37012 37579 39419 RI_B_02_14 RI_W_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_04_22 RI_B_06_22 VA_B_02_14 RI_B_02_22 VA_B_02_22 47481 54184 58036 71600 72254 79276 84501 85224
conds$Origin<-factor(substring(conds$Sample,1,2)) conds$SymState<-factor(substring(conds$Sample,4,4)) conds$Temp<-factor(substring(conds$Sample,9,10)) conds$Origin_SymState<-factor(paste(conds$Origin,conds$SymState, sep="")) conds$Origin_SymState_Temp<-factor(paste(conds$Origin,conds$SymState,conds$Temp, sep=""))
conds Sample Origin SymState Temp Origin_SymState Origin_SymState_Temp 1 RI_B_01_14 RI B 14 RI_B RI_B_14 2 RI_B_01_18 RI B 18 RI_B RI_B_18 3 RI_B_01_22 RI B 22 RI_B RI_B_22 4 RI_B_02_14 RI B 14 RI_B RI_B_14
prop.null <- apply(countsTable, 2, function(x) 100*mean(x==0)) barplot(prop.null, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
pdf(file="OverallNullCounts.pdf",14, 14) barplot(prop.null, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
dev.off() RStudioGD 2
means = apply(countsTable, 1, mean) table(means>=3)
FALSE TRUE 5838 7543
countsTable<-countsTable[means>=3,] dim(countsTable) [1] 7543 81 prop.nullv2 <- apply(countsTable, 2, function(x) 100*mean(x==0)) pdf(file="Mean3NullCounts.pdf",14, 14) barplot(prop.nullv2, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
dev.off() RStudioGD 2
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countsTable, colData=conds, design=~ Origin_SymState_Temp) dds <- DESeq(dds) estimating size factors estimating dispersions gene-wise dispersion estimates mean-dispersion relationship final dispersion estimates fitting model and testing -- replacing outliers and refitting for 8 genes -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds) estimating dispersions fitting model and testing vstCounts<-varianceStabilizingTransformation(dds) dists<-dist(t(assay(vstCounts))) plot(hclust(dists)) plotPCA(vstCounts, intgroup="Origin") plotPCA(vstCounts, intgroup="SymState") plotPCA(vstCounts, intgroup="Temp") plotPCA(vstCounts, intgroup="Origin_SymState") plotPCA(vstCounts, intgroup="Origin_SymState_Temp") resultsNames(dds) [1] "Intercept" "Origin_SymState_Temp_RI_B_18_vs_RI_B_14" [3] "Origin_SymState_Temp_RI_B_22_vs_RI_B_14" "Origin_SymState_Temp_RI_W_14_vs_RI_B_14" [5] "Origin_SymState_Temp_RI_W_18_vs_RI_B_14" "Origin_SymState_Temp_RI_W_22_vs_RI_B_14" [7] "Origin_SymState_Temp_VA_B_14_vs_RI_B_14" "Origin_SymState_Temp_VA_B_18_vs_RI_B_14" [9] "Origin_SymState_Temp_VA_B_22_vs_RI_B_14" "Origin_SymState_Temp_VA_W_14_vs_RI_B_14" [11] "Origin_SymState_Temp_VA_W_18_vs_RI_B_14" "Origin_SymState_Temp_VA_W_22_vs_RI_B_14" dim(dds) [1] 7543 81 res <- results(dds, contrast=c("Origin_SymState_Temp", "RI_B_18", "VA_B_18")) head(res) log2 fold change (MLE): Origin_SymState_Temp RI_B_18 vs VA_B_18 Wald test p-value: Origin_SymState_Temp RI_B_18 vs VA_B_18 DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.92149226796624 -0.124351582570554 0.881723031266384 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.414668728522 0.403769276033225 0.959279168358701 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.75861468695046 -0.83542301411573 0.86523878852701 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.98376089398939 -0.801464007457239 0.848307534238223 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.73440284734055 -0.526701449017958 0.837420233249731 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 8.52629945810969 1.07157187389725 1.16012842796493 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral -0.141032476368405 0.887844286314782 0.996374898818957 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.420909042280218 0.673821502118031 0.990719409569674 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral -0.965540409414564 0.334274206188308 0.964875734525325 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.944780017988347 0.344771195342852 0.967913215005047 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.628957156879308 0.529377105037453 0.987728806338776 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.923666594203699 0.355659929898546 0.967913215005047 summary(res)
out of 7542 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 3, 0.04% LFC < 0 (down) : 5, 0.066% outliers [1] : 4, 0.053% low counts [2] : 1, 0.013% (mean count < 1) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res <- results(dds, contrast=c("Origin_SymState_Temp", "RI_W_18", "VA_W_18")) summary(res)
out of 7542 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 22, 0.29% LFC < 0 (down) : 38, 0.5% outliers [1] : 4, 0.053% low counts [2] : 3801, 50% (mean count < 6) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res <- results(dds, contrast=c("Origin_SymState_Temp", "RI_B_14", "VA_B_14")) summary(res)
out of 7542 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 8, 0.11% LFC < 0 (down) : 4, 0.053% outliers [1] : 4, 0.053% low counts [2] : 1, 0.013% (mean count < 1) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res <- results(dds, contrast=c("Origin_SymState_Temp", "RI_W_14", "VA_W_14")) summary(res)
out of 7542 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 10, 0.13% LFC < 0 (down) : 3, 0.04% outliers [1] : 4, 0.053% low counts [2] : 5263, 70% (mean count < 8) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res <- results(dds, contrast=c("Origin_SymState_Temp", "RI_B_22", "VA_B_22")) summary(res)
out of 7542 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 8, 0.11% LFC < 0 (down) : 2, 0.027% outliers [1] : 4, 0.053% low counts [2] : 1, 0.013% (mean count < 1) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res <- results(dds, contrast=c("Origin_SymState_Temp", "RI_W_22", "VA_W_22")) summary(res)
out of 7542 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 11, 0.15% LFC < 0 (down) : 5, 0.066% outliers [1] : 4, 0.053% low counts [2] : 146, 1.9% (mean count < 2) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
head(res[order(res$padj),]) log2 fold change (MLE): Origin_SymState_Temp RI_W_22 vs VA_W_22 Wald test p-value: Origin_SymState_Temp RI_W_22 vs VA_W_22 DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR42879|c0_g2_i1_coral 15.410578527665 17.0575331642567 3.13747844493701 TR13286|c1_g1_i1_coral 32.6102567902141 -3.38044295663573 0.648393226272248 TR47617|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.7465555529336 19.7261549909787 3.83515887756262 TR8327|c0_g3_i1_coral 8.73276616692518 19.7338447748926 4.06385316874438 TR29560|c0_g1_i1_coral 12.7955647888331 2.74246489048391 0.651667601875444 TR58072|c1_g1_i1_coral 53.8558310969574 1.3803927876847 0.330572470141824 stat pvalue padj TR42879|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.43670130763213 5.42760110313753e-08 0.000401262549554957 TR13286|c1_g1_i1_coral -5.21356920409335 1.85241378350407e-07 0.000664534402813938 TR47617|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.14350399050882 2.69660923636117e-07 0.000664534402813938 TR8327|c0_g3_i1_coral 4.85594433545684 1.1981435873852e-06 0.00221446888538469 TR29560|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.20837998174426 2.57208081930306e-05 0.0365937404208763 TR58072|c1_g1_i1_coral 4.17576450662234 2.96986937001566e-05 0.0365937404208763 plotCounts(dds, "TR2367|c0_g1_i1_coral", intgroup="Origin_SymState_Temp") plotCounts(dds, "TR2367|c0_g1_i1_coral", intgroup="Origin_SymState_Temp") sum(res$padj < 0.3, na.rm =T) [1] 30 sum(res$padj < 0.2, na.rm =T) [1] 20 sum(res$padj < 0.1, na.rm =T) [1] 16 sum(res$pvalue < 0.05, na.rm =T) [1] 343 scaledcounts = counts(dds, normalized=T) head(scaledcounts) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 0.84279 2.292953 0.000000 3.273656 4.312157 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 2.52837 1.146477 0.000000 13.094624 0.000000 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 3.37116 2.292953 3.553607 0.000000 0.000000 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.84279 4.585907 0.000000 0.000000 8.624315... genes4heatmap<-res[res$pvalue <0.05 & !is.na(res$pvalue),] names(genes4heatmap) [1] "baseMean" "log2FoldChange" "lfcSE" "stat" "pvalue"
[6] "padj"
head(genes4heatmap) log2 fold change (MLE): Origin_SymState_Temp RI_W_22 vs VA_W_22 Wald test p-value: Origin_SymState_Temp RI_W_22 vs VA_W_22 DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.414668728522 -2.1602364606262 1.06658202772732 TR10450|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.06295343830589 -3.43890734797067 1.35815909767837 TR10768|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.11391026506041 1.64720448435771 0.8163169025316 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.74299826965667 3.89664910540304 1.28628276466641 TR11771|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.86558169571988 2.26910497576441 0.996533942762988 TR11938|c0_g1_i2_coral 3.17991201457045 1.92891473796097 0.93224992931647 stat pvalue padj TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral -2.02538239391605 0.042828113882863 0.996984539439689 TR10450|c0_g1_i1_coral -2.53203571941545 0.011340243841624 0.882509712853964 TR10768|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.01784929265745 0.0436069594078913 0.996984539439689 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.02938763733929 0.00245050039091153 0.437812432964705 TR11771|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.27699717831296 0.0227863941200996 0.989064009775494 TR11938|c0_g1_i2_coral 2.06909614825636 0.0385370651149041 0.996984539439689 dim(genes4heatmap) [1] 343 6 data4heatmap<-scaledcounts[row.names(scaledcounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),] dim(data4heatmap) [1] 343 81 head(data4heatmap) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 2.52837 1.146477 0.000000 13.09462 0.000000 TR10450|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 2.52837 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 6.468236 TR10768|c0_g1_i1_coral 10.84813 4.21395 4.585907 7.107215 0.00000 8.624315 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 5.89953 2.292953 3.553607 0.00000 0.000000 TR11771|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 2.52837 3.439430 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 TR11938|c0_g1_i2_coral 0.00000 2.52837 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 4.312157... temp = as.matrix(rowMeans(data4heatmap)) head(temp) [,1] TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.414669 TR10450|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.062953 TR10768|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.113910 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.742998 TR11771|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.865582 TR11938|c0_g1_i2_coral 3.179912 scaledmatrix<-matrix(data=temp, nrow=nrow(data4heatmap), ncol=ncol(data4heatmap), byrow=FALSE) data4heatmapscaled = data4heatmap/scaledmatrix head(data4heatmapscaled) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 1.0470877 0.4747967 0.000000 5.422948 0.000000 TR10450|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.8254680 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.111764 TR10768|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.636938 1.0243174 1.1147318 1.727606 0.000000 2.096379 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 2.1507597 0.8359295 1.295519 0.000000 0.000000 TR11771|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.8823235 1.2002554 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 TR11938|c0_g1_i2_coral 0.000000 0.7951069 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.356062... dim(data4heatmapscaled) [1] 343 81
pairs.breaks <- seq(0, 3.0, by=0.1) length(pairs.breaks) [1] 31 mycol <- colorpanel(n=30, low="black", high="yellow") pdf(file="SGdata_byrow.pdf",14,7) heatmap.2(data.matrix(data4heatmapscaled), Rowv=T, Colv=F, dendrogram = c("row"), scale="none", keysize=1, breaks=pairs.breaks, col=mycol, trace = "none", symkey = F, density.info = "density", colsep=c(24), sepcolor=c("white"), sepwidth=c(.1,.1), margins=c(10,10), labRow=F) dev.off() RStudioGD 2 pdf(file="SGdata_bycolumn.pdf",14,7) heatmap.2(data.matrix(data4heatmapscaled), Rowv=T, Colv=T, dendrogram = c("col"), scale="none", keysize=1, breaks=pairs.breaks, col=mycol, trace = "none", symkey = F, density.info = "density", colsep=c(24), sepcolor=c("white"), sepwidth=c(.1,.1), margins=c(10,10), labRow=F) dev.off() RStudioGD 2 plotPCA(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], intgroup="Origin") prop.nullv3 <- apply(countsTable[rownames(countsTable)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], 2, function(x) 100*mean(x==0)) pdf(file="ResNullCounts.pdf",14, 14) barplot(prop.nullv3, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
dev.off() RStudioGD 2
_B_03_14 RI_B_05_18 VA_W_07_14 VA_B_06_14 VA_W_07_22 VA_B_07_18 VA_W_02_18 VA_B_03_18 226784 227313 228792 232578 233899 234465 241804 251696 RI_B_07_14 VA_W_04_22 VA_B_01_14 VA_B_04_18 VA_B_04_22 VA_B_03_22 VA_W_03_14 VA_W_04_18 257730 261344 261824 264192 268290 271959 278000 280007 RI_W_03_14 VA_B_05_18 VA_W_04_14 RI_W_01_18 VA_W_03_22 RI_B_06_18 RI_W_04_18 VA_W_01_18 281297 288121 292041 292612 295382 296071 300578 321900 VA_B_05_14 VA_B_01_22 RI_W_07_14 RI_B_04_14 RI_W_03_22 VA_B_06_22 VA_W_05_18 RI_W_05_14 323715 328198 342795 357124 359053 362054 388532 392818 RI_W_03_18 RI_B_04_18 VA_B_01_18 RI_B_05_14 428532 544267 548448 630609
RI VA 42 42
B W 42 42
14 18 22 28 28 28
table(paste(substring(names(countsTable),1,2),substring(names(countsTable),4,4), sep="_"))
RI_B RI_W VA_B VA_W 21 21 21 21
table(paste(substring(names(countsTable),1,2),substring(names(countsTable),4,4), substring(names(countsTable),9,10), sep="_"))
RI_B_14 RI_B_18 RI_B_22 RI_W_14 RI_W_18 RI_W_22 VA_B_14 VA_B_18 VA_B_22 VA_W_14 VA_W_18 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 VA_W_22 7
#make a table with conditions of each individual (e.g. "VA" and "RI") There should be the same number of conditions described as there are samples in your data file, and in the same order. #NOTE: It is absolutely critical that the columns of the count matrix and the rows of the column data (information about samples) are in the same order. DESeq2 will not make guesses as to which column of the count matrix belongs to which row of the column data, these must be provided to DESeq2 already in consistent order. #Here's an example
conds<-data.frame("Sample"=names(countsTable)) conds$Origin<-factor(substring(conds$Sample,1,2)) conds$SymState<-factor(substring(conds$Sample,4,4)) conds$Temp<-factor(substring(conds$Sample,9,10)) conds$Origin_SymState<-factor(paste(conds$Origin,conds$SymState, sep="")) conds$Origin_SymState_Temp<-factor(paste(conds$Origin,conds$SymState,conds$Temp, sep=""))
##Check null counts per sample prop.null <- apply(countsTable, 2, function(x) 100*mean(x==0))
barplot(prop.null, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
pdf(file="OverallNullCountsv2.pdf",14, 14) barplot(prop.null, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
dev.off() RStudioGD 2
means = apply(countsTable, 1, mean) table(means>=3)
FALSE TRUE 5721 7660
countsTable<-countsTable[means>=3,] dim(countsTable) [1] 7660 78
prop.nullv2 <- apply(countsTable, 2, function(x) 100*mean(x==0))
barplot(prop.nullv2, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
pdf(file="Mean3NullCountsv2.pdf",14, 14) barplot(prop.nullv2, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
dev.off() RStudioGD 2
#make count data sets dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countsTable, colData=conds, design=~ Origin + SymState + Temp + Origin:SymState)
dds <- DESeq(dds) estimating size factors estimating dispersions gene-wise dispersion estimates mean-dispersion relationship final dispersion estimates fitting model and testing -- replacing outliers and refitting for 14 genes -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds) estimating dispersions fitting model and testing
dim(dds) [1] 7660 78
#transform counts to variance stablized counts vstCounts<-varianceStabilizingTransformation(dds)
#plot cluster dendrogram across samples dists<-dist(t(assay(vstCounts))) plot(hclust(dists)) heatmap.2(as.matrix(dists), key=F, trace="none",
col=colorpanel(100, "black", "white"),
margin=c(10, 10))
###Figure out which contrast you want to examine (i.e. which two groups do you want to compare) resultsNames(dds) [1] "Intercept" "Origin_VA_vs_RI" "SymState_W_vs_B" "Temp_18_vs_14"
[5] "Temp_22_vs_14" "OriginVA.SymStateW"res <- results(dds) head(res) log2 fold change (MLE): OriginVA.SymStateW Wald test p-value: OriginVA.SymStateW DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.366479327573 0.107690151743452 0.64464619766983 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.70436251126018 -0.247209127175208 0.831370968745152 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 -0.976996511249959 0.654110304614643 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.9127886212765 -0.172219518994785 0.641025633753981 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.31144026709945 0.366046450639525 0.664400660631174 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.2673703948612 -0.589356834713084 0.975809166670876 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.16705310933767 0.867328260788591 0.999364127033592 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.297351166289025 0.766198422057453 0.99520853313718 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral -1.49362654029054 0.13527325854353 0.958806816980756 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.268662452679515 0.788189448150222 0.99520853313718 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.550942333940163 0.581673205867577 0.991106673557066 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.603967307177248 0.545865378089277 0.990476522025752 summary(res)
out of 7659 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 2, 0.026% LFC < 0 (down) : 9, 0.12% outliers [1] : 10, 0.13% low counts [2] : 1, 0.013% (mean count < 1) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
resSymState <- results(dds, contrast=c("SymState", "B", "W")) head(resSymState) log2 fold change (MLE): SymState B vs W Wald test p-value: SymState B vs W DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.366479327573 0.304875236273871 0.463587635582715 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.70436251126018 -0.340213618854429 0.624844624315529 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 -1.0442719434015 0.488672538582417 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.9127886212765 -0.316210568092073 0.469122505416545 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.31144026709945 0.25797411425412 0.481341478797278 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.2673703948612 -0.604956612553455 0.692218264872669 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.657643157136089 0.510767456004599 0.986343106634585 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.544477147782311 0.586113169806799 0.995961170585915 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral -2.13695647074996 0.0326015322469065 0.816269739453607 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.674046894875149 0.500281500123105 0.986343106634585 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.535948231385995 0.59199432935739 0.995961170585915 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.873939107435622 0.382151415850855 0.986343106634585 summary(resSymState)
out of 7659 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 6, 0.078% LFC < 0 (down) : 6, 0.078% outliers [1] : 10, 0.13% low counts [2] : 1, 0.013% (mean count < 1) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
resOrigin <- results(dds, contrast=c("Origin", "VA", "RI")) head(resOrigin) log2 fold change (MLE): Origin VA vs RI Wald test p-value: Origin VA vs RI DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.366479327573 -0.271242746289843 0.446224512750353 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.70436251126018 1.11251170496561 0.589306266446119 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 0.943134641716211 0.474719393211504 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.9127886212765 0.0386642676540012 0.456719612483097 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.31144026709945 -0.0179009694277555 0.461957599914831 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.2673703948612 -0.264990306479184 0.677607561801266 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral -0.607861600022842 0.543279269700006 0.865660813784253 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.88783281005095 0.0590483989759312 NA TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.98672027139201 0.0469534041233123 0.418043000342497 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0846564644854882 0.932534507970102 0.984590265229257 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.0387502433795997 0.969089515041603 0.992149683420423 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.391067516682912 0.695747330435347 0.921516804624192 summary(resOrigin)
out of 7659 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 73, 0.95% LFC < 0 (down) : 104, 1.4% outliers [1] : 10, 0.13% low counts [2] : 594, 7.8% (mean count < 3) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res14v18 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Temp", "14", "18")) head(res14v18) log2 fold change (MLE): Temp 14 vs 18 Wald test p-value: Temp 14 vs 18 DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.366479327573 0.0134105654377919 0.389675116366814 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.70436251126018 -0.750040304511369 0.493719609600886 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 -0.527849679316855 0.385227211070661 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.9127886212765 0.144899722334601 0.377623543666657 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.31144026709945 -0.117131615020316 0.401865058532759 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.2673703948612 -1.16667257299433 0.592603491023266 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.0344147339014795 0.972546434477265 0.994762640063651 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral -1.51916247587915 0.12872160398251 NA TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral -1.37022947535249 0.17061528001709 NA TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.383714746510905 0.701189881652785 NA TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.291470015950062 0.770691872645245 0.956296438232868 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral -1.96872375992892 0.0489848213296003 0.440134464115494 summary(res14v18)
out of 7659 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 31, 0.4% LFC < 0 (down) : 111, 1.4% outliers [1] : 10, 0.13% low counts [2] : 2671, 35% (mean count < 4) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res14v22 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Temp", "14", "22")) head(res14v22) log2 fold change (MLE): Temp 14 vs 22 Wald test p-value: Temp 14 vs 22 DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.366479327573 -0.381080048190283 0.396906053114453 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.70436251126018 -0.420390942831918 0.517099767325245 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 -0.149468056890158 0.407435526480227 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.9127886212765 0.327505589102544 0.400037906787554 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.31144026709945 -0.504680765262664 0.409220095704197 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.2673703948612 -1.2400583742243 0.602190057747409 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral -0.96012657201878 0.336991516539358 0.79600966973284 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.812978402613553 0.416230440926914 NA TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral -0.366850819763779 0.713730297691035 NA TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.818686388328871 0.412965364593821 NA TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral -1.23327463768414 0.217473316972006 0.699820201183028 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral -2.05924750545192 0.0394705344365933 0.387444149379081 summary(res14v22)
out of 7659 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 64, 0.84% LFC < 0 (down) : 97, 1.3% outliers [1] : 10, 0.13% low counts [2] : 2226, 29% (mean count < 4) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
res18v22 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Temp", "18", "22")) head(res18v22) log2 fold change (MLE): Temp 18 vs 22 Wald test p-value: Temp 18 vs 22 DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.366479327573 -0.394490613628075 0.395010013602601 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.70436251126018 0.329649361679451 0.503429809209276 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 0.378381622426696 0.396934638805837 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.9127886212765 0.182605866767943 0.399213811730964 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.31144026709945 -0.387549150242348 0.406735578634103 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.2673703948612 -0.0733858012299701 0.596241474936225 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral -0.998685096689603 0.317947262436469 0.838585264651832 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.654806997220173 0.512592024969438 NA TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.953259265971454 0.340458724704261 0.847758501629442 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.457413700132709 0.64737371896663 NA TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.952828251572713 0.340677097558174 0.847758501629442 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.123080671699029 0.902043216645959 0.991572144643207 summary(res18v22)
out of 7659 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 34, 0.44% LFC < 0 (down) : 10, 0.13% outliers [1] : 10, 0.13% low counts [2] : 1337, 17% (mean count < 3) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
sum(resOrigin$padj < 0.1, na.rm =T) [1] 177 sum(resOrigin$pvalue < 0.05, na.rm =T) [1] 866 scaledcounts = counts(dds, normalize=T) head(scaledcounts) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 0.8671827 2.447866 0.000000 3.455170 4.432653 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 2.6015481 1.223933 0.000000 13.820681 0.000000 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 3.4687308 2.447866 3.772786 0.000000 0.000000 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.8671827 4.895733 0.000000 0.000000 8.865306 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 1.7343654 4.895733 0.000000 6.910341 0.000000 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 6.0702789 1.223933 18.863931 51.827555 0.000000 RI_B_03_14 RI_B_03_22 RI_B_04_14 RI_B_04_18 RI_B_04_22 RI_B_05_14 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 12.871970 1.272998 12.424473 8.1878079 0.000000 4.563408 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 2.003947 4.0939039 6.765958 0.570426 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 3.818995 4.809473 3.6845136 0.000000 0.570426 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.287197 3.818995 6.011842 3.2751232 0.000000 5.133834 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 14.159167 15.275980 2.805526 4.9126847 16.914895 5.989473 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.435985 2.545997 0.000000 0.8187808 3.382979 1.426065 RI_B_05_18 RI_B_05_22 RI_B_06_14 RI_B_06_18 RI_B_06_22 RI_B_07_14 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 2.4538305 19.55961 3.448566 18.78455 1.4936671 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000000 0.00000 2.069140 0.00000 0.7468335 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 2.4538305 0.00000 4.827992 0.00000 3.7341677 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 4.0897176 0.00000 3.448566 0.00000 2.2405006 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.8179435 6.51987 10.345698 40.69986 3.7341677 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 1.6358870 0.00000 1.379426 0.00000 8.9620025 RI_B_07_18 RI_B_07_22 RI_W_01_18 RI_W_01_22 RI_W_02_14 RI_W_02_18 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 8.070182 36.85316 10.815190 4.646396 0.000000 4.9947759 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.017545 0.00000 12.257216 1.548799 0.000000 1.9979104 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.008773 0.00000 12.257216 7.743994 4.651361 4.9947759 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.017545 0.00000 7.931140 0.000000 0.000000 0.9989552 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.008773 0.00000 2.884051 1.548799 9.302721 6.9926863 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 44.386000 27.63987 1.442025 0.000000 0.000000 5.9937311 RI_W_02_22 RI_W_03_14 RI_W_03_18 RI_W_03_22 RI_W_04_14 RI_W_04_18 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.615216 8.525621 5.407467 4.745758 12.82564 2.9768406 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 4.262810 1.081493 1.581919 0.00000 3.4729807 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 4.820288 3.044865 3.244480 1.581919 0.00000 7.4421015 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.615216 3.044865 3.244480 1.054613 0.00000 0.9922802 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.410144 2.435892 4.686471 2.109226 21.37607 12.8996426 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 44.587667 1.217946 1.081493 1.054613 29.92650 7.9382416 RI_W_05_14 RI_W_05_18 RI_W_05_22 RI_W_06_14 RI_W_06_18 RI_W_06_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.1630643 1.010704 5.526636 1.044347 1.336966 5.564881 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.9037326 8.085630 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.451904 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.6149306 10.107037 1.381659 3.133041 1.336966 7.790833 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.0667969 2.021407 2.763318 10.443469 1.336966 2.225952 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.4223959 2.021407 6.908296 11.487816 0.000000 5.564881 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.8074653 10.107037 27.633182 5.221735 1.336966 42.293092 RI_W_07_14 RI_W_07_18 RI_W_07_22 VA_B_01_14 VA_B_01_18 VA_B_01_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 4.124636 5.593017 6.900578 2.551157 1.731769 2.845097 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.653472 9.091789 1.707058 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 2.062318 1.118603 5.520462 10.204629 5.628251 5.690194 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.499514 13.423242 1.380116 3.826736 2.597654 2.845097 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 1.118603 5.520462 3.826736 9.091789 2.845097 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.374879 2.237207 86.947282 1.275579 1.298827 0.000000 VA_B_02_14 VA_B_02_18 VA_B_02_22 VA_B_03_14 VA_B_03_18 VA_B_03_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 14.2516 19.312637 16.029307 14.339493 7.833217 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 0.000000 5.828839 2.150924 7.833217 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 0.0000 0.000000 10.929073 4.301848 3.560553 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 2.145849 2.185815 4.301848 3.560553 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 0.000000 14.572098 18.641340 21.363318 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 8.583394 9.471863 30.829909 8.545327 VA_B_04_14 VA_B_04_18 VA_B_04_22 VA_B_05_14 VA_B_05_18 VA_B_05_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 0.9006809 6.731616 2.098865 3.3173156 1.813677 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 4.5034046 3.624716 4.897352 1.1057719 7.254707 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 7.108517 3.1523832 0.000000 1.399244 0.5528859 5.441030 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.442823 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.3173156 0.000000 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.665694 4.9537450 3.624716 9.095083 5.5288593 0.000000 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 2.7020428 0.000000 0.000000 4.9759734 5.441030 VA_B_06_14 VA_B_06_18 VA_B_06_22 VA_B_07_14 VA_B_07_18 VA_B_07_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.383946 0.000000 5.9098781 3.728534 0.7405861 2.098499 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 8.303676 0.000000 0.4924898 0.000000 3.7029304 2.098499 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 4.206352 1.4774695 1.491414 15.5523076 6.295498 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.535784 6.730163 3.9399187 1.491414 8.1464468 4.196999 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 11.763540 4.206352 3.4474289 2.237121 2.2217582 5.246248 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 18.683270 2.523811 14.2822054 8.948482 17.0334798 2.098499 VA_W_01_14 VA_W_01_18 VA_W_02_14 VA_W_02_18 VA_W_03_14 VA_W_03_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 6.699293 7.732656 0.000000 4.5789684 3.1096023 6.888125 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.828167 1.104665 6.978382 0.6541383 5.4418040 9.392897 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 3.866328 4.361489 13.0827667 6.9966052 3.130966 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 3.866328 5.233787 0.6541383 6.9966052 2.504773 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.914084 4.418660 0.000000 9.1579367 3.1096023 3.757159 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 10.494319 2.616893 13.0827667 0.7774006 13.150056 VA_W_04_14 VA_W_04_18 VA_W_04_22 VA_W_05_14 VA_W_05_18 VA_W_05_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.026752 4.334366 6.410680 0.0000000 3.848517 12.379823 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.566880 5.779155 3.945034 0.0000000 1.099576 12.379823 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 2.053504 7.705540 10.848842 0.0000000 2.748941 7.427894 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.593631 3.852770 2.958775 0.8118702 3.298729 2.475965 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.673887 20.227043 8.383196 1.6237403 5.497882 38.377452 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.566880 0.000000 0.000000 2.4356105 8.796611 2.475965 VA_W_06_14 VA_W_06_18 VA_W_06_22 VA_W_07_14 VA_W_07_18 VA_W_07_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.042735 2.5895188 0.000000 10.2466895 1.127608 0.9473408 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.8631729 1.764014 1.5764138 1.127608 6.6313859 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.025641 0.8631729 0.000000 5.5174482 3.382824 2.8420225 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 8.068376 2.5895188 4.410036 4.7292413 0.000000 1.8946817 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.034188 6.9053834 5.292043 3.1528275 1.127608 1.8946817 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.076923 29.3478796 26.460214 0.7882069 6.765648 8.5260676 head(scaledcounts) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 0.8671827 2.447866 0.000000 3.455170 4.432653 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 2.6015481 1.223933 0.000000 13.820681 0.000000 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 3.4687308 2.447866 3.772786 0.000000 0.000000 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.8671827 4.895733 0.000000 0.000000 8.865306 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 1.7343654 4.895733 0.000000 6.910341 0.000000 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 6.0702789 1.223933 18.863931 51.827555 0.000000 RI_B_03_14 RI_B_03_22 RI_B_04_14 RI_B_04_18 RI_B_04_22 RI_B_05_14 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 12.871970 1.272998 12.424473 8.1878079 0.000000 4.563408 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 2.003947 4.0939039 6.765958 0.570426 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 3.818995 4.809473 3.6845136 0.000000 0.570426 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.287197 3.818995 6.011842 3.2751232 0.000000 5.133834 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 14.159167 15.275980 2.805526 4.9126847 16.914895 5.989473 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.435985 2.545997 0.000000 0.8187808 3.382979 1.426065 RI_B_05_18 RI_B_05_22 RI_B_06_14 RI_B_06_18 RI_B_06_22 RI_B_07_14 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 2.4538305 19.55961 3.448566 18.78455 1.4936671 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000000 0.00000 2.069140 0.00000 0.7468335 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 2.4538305 0.00000 4.827992 0.00000 3.7341677 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 4.0897176 0.00000 3.448566 0.00000 2.2405006 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.8179435 6.51987 10.345698 40.69986 3.7341677 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 1.6358870 0.00000 1.379426 0.00000 8.9620025 RI_B_07_18 RI_B_07_22 RI_W_01_18 RI_W_01_22 RI_W_02_14 RI_W_02_18 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 8.070182 36.85316 10.815190 4.646396 0.000000 4.9947759 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.017545 0.00000 12.257216 1.548799 0.000000 1.9979104 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.008773 0.00000 12.257216 7.743994 4.651361 4.9947759 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.017545 0.00000 7.931140 0.000000 0.000000 0.9989552 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.008773 0.00000 2.884051 1.548799 9.302721 6.9926863 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 44.386000 27.63987 1.442025 0.000000 0.000000 5.9937311 RI_W_02_22 RI_W_03_14 RI_W_03_18 RI_W_03_22 RI_W_04_14 RI_W_04_18 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.615216 8.525621 5.407467 4.745758 12.82564 2.9768406 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 4.262810 1.081493 1.581919 0.00000 3.4729807 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 4.820288 3.044865 3.244480 1.581919 0.00000 7.4421015 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.615216 3.044865 3.244480 1.054613 0.00000 0.9922802 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.410144 2.435892 4.686471 2.109226 21.37607 12.8996426 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 44.587667 1.217946 1.081493 1.054613 29.92650 7.9382416 RI_W_05_14 RI_W_05_18 RI_W_05_22 RI_W_06_14 RI_W_06_18 RI_W_06_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.1630643 1.010704 5.526636 1.044347 1.336966 5.564881 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.9037326 8.085630 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.451904 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.6149306 10.107037 1.381659 3.133041 1.336966 7.790833 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.0667969 2.021407 2.763318 10.443469 1.336966 2.225952 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.4223959 2.021407 6.908296 11.487816 0.000000 5.564881 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.8074653 10.107037 27.633182 5.221735 1.336966 42.293092 RI_W_07_14 RI_W_07_18 RI_W_07_22 VA_B_01_14 VA_B_01_18 VA_B_01_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 4.124636 5.593017 6.900578 2.551157 1.731769 2.845097 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.653472 9.091789 1.707058 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 2.062318 1.118603 5.520462 10.204629 5.628251 5.690194 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.499514 13.423242 1.380116 3.826736 2.597654 2.845097 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 1.118603 5.520462 3.826736 9.091789 2.845097 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.374879 2.237207 86.947282 1.275579 1.298827 0.000000 VA_B_02_14 VA_B_02_18 VA_B_02_22 VA_B_03_14 VA_B_03_18 VA_B_03_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 14.2516 19.312637 16.029307 14.339493 7.833217 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 0.000000 5.828839 2.150924 7.833217 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0 0.0000 0.000000 10.929073 4.301848 3.560553 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 2.145849 2.185815 4.301848 3.560553 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 0.000000 14.572098 18.641340 21.363318 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0 0.0000 8.583394 9.471863 30.829909 8.545327 VA_B_04_14 VA_B_04_18 VA_B_04_22 VA_B_05_14 VA_B_05_18 VA_B_05_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 0.9006809 6.731616 2.098865 3.3173156 1.813677 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 4.5034046 3.624716 4.897352 1.1057719 7.254707 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 7.108517 3.1523832 0.000000 1.399244 0.5528859 5.441030 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.442823 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.3173156 0.000000 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.665694 4.9537450 3.624716 9.095083 5.5288593 0.000000 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 2.7020428 0.000000 0.000000 4.9759734 5.441030 VA_B_06_14 VA_B_06_18 VA_B_06_22 VA_B_07_14 VA_B_07_18 VA_B_07_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.383946 0.000000 5.9098781 3.728534 0.7405861 2.098499 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 8.303676 0.000000 0.4924898 0.000000 3.7029304 2.098499 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 4.206352 1.4774695 1.491414 15.5523076 6.295498 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.535784 6.730163 3.9399187 1.491414 8.1464468 4.196999 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 11.763540 4.206352 3.4474289 2.237121 2.2217582 5.246248 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 18.683270 2.523811 14.2822054 8.948482 17.0334798 2.098499 VA_W_01_14 VA_W_01_18 VA_W_02_14 VA_W_02_18 VA_W_03_14 VA_W_03_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 6.699293 7.732656 0.000000 4.5789684 3.1096023 6.888125 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.828167 1.104665 6.978382 0.6541383 5.4418040 9.392897 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 3.866328 4.361489 13.0827667 6.9966052 3.130966 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 3.866328 5.233787 0.6541383 6.9966052 2.504773 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.914084 4.418660 0.000000 9.1579367 3.1096023 3.757159 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 10.494319 2.616893 13.0827667 0.7774006 13.150056 VA_W_04_14 VA_W_04_18 VA_W_04_22 VA_W_05_14 VA_W_05_18 VA_W_05_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.026752 4.334366 6.410680 0.0000000 3.848517 12.379823 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.566880 5.779155 3.945034 0.0000000 1.099576 12.379823 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 2.053504 7.705540 10.848842 0.0000000 2.748941 7.427894 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.593631 3.852770 2.958775 0.8118702 3.298729 2.475965 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.673887 20.227043 8.383196 1.6237403 5.497882 38.377452 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.566880 0.000000 0.000000 2.4356105 8.796611 2.475965 VA_W_06_14 VA_W_06_18 VA_W_06_22 VA_W_07_14 VA_W_07_18 VA_W_07_22 TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.042735 2.5895188 0.000000 10.2466895 1.127608 0.9473408 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.8631729 1.764014 1.5764138 1.127608 6.6313859 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.025641 0.8631729 0.000000 5.5174482 3.382824 2.8420225 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 8.068376 2.5895188 4.410036 4.7292413 0.000000 1.8946817 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.034188 6.9053834 5.292043 3.1528275 1.127608 1.8946817 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.076923 29.3478796 26.460214 0.7882069 6.765648 8.5260676 genes4heatmap<-resOrigin[resOrigin$pvalue <0.05 & !is.na(resOrigin$pvalue),] names(genes4heatmap) [1] "baseMean" "log2FoldChange" "lfcSE" "stat" "pvalue"
[6] "padj"
head(genes4heatmap) log2 fold change (MLE): Origin VA vs RI Wald test p-value: Origin VA vs RI DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 0.943134641716211 0.474719393211504 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.57169761658039 0.727122969400975 0.363907404480523 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.14205241197446 4.49029083181354 1.98238112955566 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.93642320037697 1.78798410821023 0.559059118556594 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.02515761016279 1.75847746453697 0.659498298908414 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 2.32875934475272 1.29222344670373 0.632167692638483 stat pvalue padj TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.98672027139201 0.0469534041233123 0.418043000342497 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.99809885824924 0.0457059435120877 0.412518610214263 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.26509966467448 0.0235065642111382 0.308653252532063 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.19820220950252 0.00138287275835452 0.0720091267133405 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.66638665702029 0.00766714549040745 0.173395444167676 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 2.04411497416195 0.0409421901910667 NA dim(genes4heatmap) [1] 866 6 data4heatmap<-scaledcounts[row.names(scaledcounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),] dim(data4heatmap) [1] 866 78 head(data4heatmap) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.00000 3.468731 2.447866 3.772786 0.00000 0.000000 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 10.94714 5.203096 8.567532 0.000000 0.00000 6.648979 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 7.545573 3.45517 6.648979 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 0.000000 2.447866 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 6.070279 2.447866 3.772786 0.00000 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.00000 2.601548 4.895733 0.000000 0.00000 2.216326 RI_B_03_14 RI_B_03_22 RI_B_04_14 RI_B_04_18 RI_B_04_22 RI_B_05_14 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 3.818995 4.809473 3.6845136 0 0.570426 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.010379 5.091993 2.404737 4.5032943 0 9.126817 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.574394 0.000000 4.007894 2.8657328 0 1.711278 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.287197 0.000000 0.000000 0.4093904 0 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 5.148788 1.272998 0.000000 0.0000000 0 0.285213 RI_B_05_18 RI_B_05_22 RI_B_06_14 RI_B_06_18 RI_B_06_22 RI_B_07_14 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 2.4538305 0 4.827992 0 3.734168 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.033716 0.8179435 0 2.758853 0 5.227835 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000000 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000000 0 0.000000 0 2.987334 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000000 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.8179435 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 RI_B_07_18 RI_B_07_22 RI_W_01_18 RI_W_01_22 RI_W_02_14 RI_W_02_18 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.008773 0 12.257216 7.743994 4.651361 4.9947759 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.043864 0 8.652152 6.195195 16.279762 2.9968656 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0 10.094178 9.292792 0.000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0 0.000000 1.548799 4.651361 0.9989552 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.008773 0 7.931140 17.036786 0.000000 14.9843278 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0 5.047089 18.585585 0.000000 10.9885071 RI_W_02_22 RI_W_03_14 RI_W_03_18 RI_W_03_22 RI_W_04_14 RI_W_04_18 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 4.820288 3.044865 3.244480 1.581919 0.00000 7.4421015 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.205072 7.307675 7.209956 14.237275 17.10086 5.4575411 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.410144 2.435892 6.128462 4.218452 0.00000 0.4961401 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.025360 23.140971 12.617422 29.001856 0.00000 1.9845604 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 1.205072 10.352540 7.930951 7.382291 0.00000 1.4884203 RI_W_05_14 RI_W_05_18 RI_W_05_22 RI_W_06_14 RI_W_06_18 RI_W_06_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.614931 10.107037 1.381659 3.133041 1.336966 7.790833 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.066797 4.042815 0.000000 4.177388 13.369662 10.016785 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.711198 1.010704 0.000000 3.133041 2.673932 2.225952 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.422396 2.021407 0.000000 5.221735 2.673932 10.016785 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 3.614931 3.032111 0.000000 1.044347 2.673932 3.338928 RI_W_07_14 RI_W_07_18 RI_W_07_22 VA_B_01_14 VA_B_01_18 VA_B_01_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 2.062318 1.118603 5.520462 10.204629 5.628251 5.690194 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.437196 13.423242 8.280694 10.204629 6.494135 10.242350 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 33.165045 9.524732 17.639603 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.749757 2.237207 0.000000 1.275579 1.298827 5.121175 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.374879 2.237207 0.000000 6.377893 4.762366 2.845097 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 2.062318 3.355810 2.760231 8.929051 6.061193 6.259214 VA_B_02_14 VA_B_02_18 VA_B_02_22 VA_B_03_14 VA_B_03_18 VA_B_03_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 10.929073 4.301848 3.5605530 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000 17.166789 10.929073 7.886721 7.8332166 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 86.631891 44.0504 40.771123 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 30.575962 0.0000 2.145849 3.643024 7.886721 3.5605530 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.698665 0.0000 6.437546 0.000000 1.433949 0.7121106 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 2.5912 0.000000 0.000000 3.584873 0.7121106 VA_B_04_14 VA_B_04_18 VA_B_04_22 VA_B_05_14 VA_B_05_18 VA_B_05_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 7.1085175 3.152383 0.000000 1.399244 0.5528859 5.441030 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 15.1055996 4.053064 8.285065 4.547541 17.1394640 21.764122 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.6656940 0.000000 8.802882 1.049433 1.6586578 3.627354 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 7.205447 8.285065 1.399244 1.1057719 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.8885647 8.556469 2.589083 0.000000 4.4230875 0.000000 VA_B_06_14 VA_B_06_18 VA_B_06_22 VA_B_07_14 VA_B_07_18 VA_B_07_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 4.206352 1.477470 1.4914137 15.552308 6.295498 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 8.412704 2.462449 3.7285342 5.184103 8.393997 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 29.062864 16.825408 8.372327 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.919730 0.000000 2.954939 6.7113616 0.000000 4.196999 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.767892 0.000000 5.417388 1.4914137 2.962344 6.295498 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 2.523811 2.462449 0.7457068 0.000000 4.196999 VA_W_01_14 VA_W_01_18 VA_W_02_14 VA_W_02_18 VA_W_03_14 VA_W_03_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 3.866328 4.3614889 13.082767 6.9966052 3.130966 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.699293 4.970993 1.7445956 13.082767 3.1096023 9.392897 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.871126 2.209330 0.8722978 0.000000 0.7774006 3.757159 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 5.742251 1.104665 0.0000000 3.924830 1.5548011 2.504773 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 3.866328 0.0000000 5.233107 0.7774006 2.504773 VA_W_04_14 VA_W_04_18 VA_W_04_22 VA_W_05_14 VA_W_05_18 VA_W_05_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 2.053504 7.705540 10.8488424 0.00000 2.748941 7.427894 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.593631 13.003099 1.4793876 0.00000 8.246822 8.665876 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.673887 9.150329 7.3969380 14.61366 2.748941 9.903859 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.026752 0.000000 0.4931292 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 1.026752 0.000000 0.0000000 0.00000 2.199153 1.237982 VA_W_06_14 VA_W_06_18 VA_W_06_22 VA_W_07_14 VA_W_07_18 VA_W_07_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.025641 0.8631729 0.000000 5.517448 3.382824 2.842023 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 10.085470 1.7263459 11.466093 7.093862 6.765648 3.789363 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.017094 6.0422105 4.410036 0.000000 3.382824 1.894682 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 1.7263459 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 2.017094 0.8631729 5.292043 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 temp = as.matrix(rowMeans(data4heatmap)) head(temp) [,1] TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.657565 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.571698 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 4.142052 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.936423 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 3.025158 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 2.328759 scaledmatrix<-matrix(data=temp, nrow=nrow(data4heatmap), ncol=ncol(data4heatmap), byrow=FALSE) data4heatmapscaled = data4heatmap/scaledmatrix head(data4heatmapscaled) RI_B_01_14 RI_B_01_18 RI_B_01_22 RI_B_02_14 RI_B_02_18 RI_B_02_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.000000 0.9483717 0.6692613 1.031502 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.665801 0.7917431 1.3037015 0.000000 0.0000000 1.0117598 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.821699 0.8341687 1.6052378 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 0.0000000 0.8336218 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 2.0065992 0.8091699 1.247137 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.000000 1.1171391 2.1022922 0.000000 0.0000000 0.9517198 RI_B_03_14 RI_B_03_22 RI_B_04_14 RI_B_04_18 RI_B_04_22 RI_B_05_14 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.0000000 1.0441360 1.3149387 1.0073680 0 0.1559579 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.3710885 0.7748368 0.3659232 0.6852559 0 1.3888066 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.8767109 0.0000000 1.3648899 0.9759263 0 0.5827764 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.4254975 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1353286 0 0.0000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 2.2109576 0.5466423 0.0000000 0.0000000 0 0.1224742 RI_B_05_18 RI_B_05_22 RI_B_06_14 RI_B_06_18 RI_B_06_22 RI_B_07_14 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.6708919 0 1.3200019 0 1.0209437 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.7659688 0.1244646 0 0.4198082 0 0.7955075 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0 1.0173377 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.3512357 0 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 RI_B_07_18 RI_B_07_22 RI_W_01_18 RI_W_01_22 RI_W_02_14 RI_W_02_18 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.2758045 0 3.351196 2.1172541 1.271710 1.3656016 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.7675130 0 1.316578 0.9427084 2.477254 0.4560261 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0 2.436999 2.2435236 0.000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0 0.000000 0.5274440 1.584023 0.3401946 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.3334612 0 2.621728 5.6317019 0.000000 4.9532387 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0 2.167287 7.9808953 0.000000 4.7186100 RI_W_02_22 RI_W_03_14 RI_W_03_18 RI_W_03_22 RI_W_04_14 RI_W_04_18 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.3178956 0.8324842 0.8870602 0.4325062 0.000000 2.0347150 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.1833730 1.1119920 1.0971223 2.1664531 2.602198 0.8304614 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.8207755 0.8295438 2.0870501 1.4365953 0.000000 0.1689607 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.9917509 7.6495091 4.1708314 9.5868908 0.000000 0.6560188 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.5174739 4.4455171 3.4056552 3.1700530 0.000000 0.6391473 RI_W_05_14 RI_W_05_18 RI_W_05_22 RI_W_06_14 RI_W_06_18 RI_W_06_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.9883436 2.7633244 0.3777539 0.8565921 0.3655346 2.1300602 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.6188351 0.6151858 0.0000000 0.6356634 2.0344306 1.5242310 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.9232995 0.3441955 0.0000000 1.0669582 0.9106087 0.7580488 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.7924342 0.6681991 0.0000000 1.7261033 0.8838986 3.3111614 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 1.5522989 1.3020286 0.0000000 0.4484564 1.1482219 1.4337799 RI_W_07_14 RI_W_07_18 RI_W_07_22 VA_B_01_14 VA_B_01_18 VA_B_01_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.5638500 0.3058329 1.509327 2.7900066 1.5387973 1.555733 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.5230302 2.0425836 1.260054 1.5528148 0.9881975 1.558555 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 8.0069110 2.2995199 4.258662 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.9364308 0.7618816 0.000000 0.4343988 0.4423160 1.744018 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.4544816 0.7395340 0.000000 2.1082846 1.5742538 0.940479 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.8855865 1.4410293 1.185280 3.8342522 2.6027562 2.687789 VA_B_02_14 VA_B_02_18 VA_B_02_22 VA_B_03_14 VA_B_03_18 VA_B_03_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 2.988074 1.1761509 0.9734764 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.000000 2.6122305 1.663052 1.2001041 1.1919624 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 20.9152088 10.634922 9.8432176 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 10.4126549 0.000000 0.7307695 1.240633 2.6858257 1.2125476 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.5615127 0.000000 2.1280034 0.000000 0.4740081 0.2353962 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 1.112696 0.0000000 0.000000 1.5393918 0.3057897 VA_B_04_14 VA_B_04_18 VA_B_04_22 VA_B_05_14 VA_B_05_18 VA_B_05_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.9435111 0.8618804 0.000000 0.3825615 0.1511623 1.487610 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.2985841 0.6167454 1.260719 0.6919888 2.6080725 3.311796 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.9078031 0.0000000 2.997825 0.3573847 0.5648565 1.235297 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 2.3818420 2.738722 0.4625357 0.3655254 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.3815614 3.6742606 1.111786 0.0000000 1.8993321 0.000000 VA_B_06_14 VA_B_06_18 VA_B_06_22 VA_B_07_14 VA_B_07_18 VA_B_07_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.0000000 1.150042 0.4039490 0.4077614 4.2520938 1.721227 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 1.280142 0.3747052 0.5673624 0.7888529 1.277295 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 7.0165371 4.062094 2.0212992 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.3565165 0.000000 1.0063056 2.2855567 0.0000000 1.429289 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.9149579 0.000000 1.7907788 0.4930036 0.9792364 2.081048 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 1.083758 1.0574082 0.3202164 0.0000000 1.802247 VA_W_01_14 VA_W_01_18 VA_W_02_14 VA_W_02_18 VA_W_03_14 VA_W_03_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.0000000 1.0570771 1.1924571 3.576907 1.9129136 0.8560247 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.0194159 0.7564245 0.2654711 1.990774 0.4731810 1.4292954 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.9777629 0.7523882 0.2970613 0.000000 0.2647441 1.2795019 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.8981660 0.3651595 0.0000000 1.297397 0.5139571 0.8279809 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 1.6602522 0.0000000 2.247165 0.3338261 1.0755824 VA_W_04_14 VA_W_04_18 VA_W_04_22 VA_W_05_14 VA_W_05_18 VA_W_05_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.5614402 2.106741 2.9661383 0.000000 0.7515768 2.030831 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.5468346 1.978651 0.2251150 0.000000 1.2548999 1.318666 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.2727947 3.116148 2.5190299 4.976688 0.9361528 3.372763 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.3394044 0.000000 0.1630094 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.4409008 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.9443452 0.531606 VA_W_06_14 VA_W_06_18 VA_W_06_22 VA_W_07_14 VA_W_07_18 VA_W_07_22 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 0.8272283 0.2359966 0.000000 1.508503 0.9248843 0.7770259 TR10487|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.5346826 0.2626940 1.744769 1.079457 1.0295131 0.5766186 TR1069|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10748|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.6869221 2.0576770 1.501839 0.000000 1.1520220 0.6452345 TR10773|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0000000 0.5706631 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 TR10773|c1_g1_i1_coral 0.8661668 0.3706578 2.272473 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 dim(data4heatmapscaled) [1] 866 78 pairs.breaks <- seq(0, 3.0, by=0.1) length(pairs.breaks) [1] 31 mycol <- colorpanel(n=30, low="black", high="yellow") pdf(file="XXXXXX_byrow.pdf",7,7) heatmap.2(data.matrix(data4heatmapscaled), Rowv=T, Colv=F, dendrogram = c("row"), scale="none", keysize=1, breaks=pairs.breaks, col=mycol, trace = "none", symkey = F, density.info = "density", colsep=c(24), sepcolor=c("white"), sepwidth=c(.1,.1), margins=c(10,10), labRow=F) dev.off() RStudioGD 2 pdf(file="XXXXXX_bycolumn.pdf",7,7) heatmap.2(data.matrix(data4heatmapscaled), Rowv=T, Colv=T, dendrogram = c("col"), scale="none", keysize=1, breaks=pairs.breaks, col=mycol, trace = "none", symkey = F, density.info = "density", colsep=c(24), sepcolor=c("white"), sepwidth=c(.1,.1), margins=c(10,10), labRow=F) dev.off() RStudioGD 2 plotPCA(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], intgroup="Origin") plotPCA(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], intgroup="SymState") plotPCA(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], intgroup="Temp") plotPCA(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], intgroup="Origin_SymState") plotPCA(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], intgroup="Origin_SymState_Temp") pdf(file="866_RIvsVA_PCAv2.pdf",14, 14) plotPCA(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], intgroup="Origin") dev.off() pdf 4 prop.nullv3 <- apply(countsTable[rownames(countsTable)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),], 2, function(x) 100*mean(x==0)) barplot(prop.nullv3, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
pdf(file="ResNullCountsv2.pdf",14, 14) barplot(prop.nullv3, main="Percentage of null counts per sample",
horiz=TRUE, cex.names=0.5, las=1,
col=conds$Origin_SymState_Temp, ylab='Samples', xlab='% of null counts')
dev.off() pdf 4 distsv2<-dist(t(assay(vstCounts[rownames(vstCounts)%in%row.names(genes4heatmap),]))) plot(hclust(distsv2)) heatmap.2(as.matrix(distsv2), key=F, trace="none",
col=colorpanel(100, "black", "white"),
margin=c(10, 10))
res<-resOrigin Annotations<-read.delim("Assembly_GoodCoralSymbiont_suffixed_totalannotated.txt") head(res) log2 fold change (MLE): Origin VA vs RI Wald test p-value: Origin VA vs RI DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral 5.366479327573 -0.271242746289843 0.446224512750353 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.70436251126018 1.11251170496561 0.589306266446119 TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 3.65756460141883 0.943134641716211 0.474719393211504 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 2.9127886212765 0.0386642676540012 0.456719612483097 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral 6.31144026709945 -0.0179009694277555 0.461957599914831 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral 9.2673703948612 -0.264990306479184 0.677607561801266 stat pvalue padj TR10083|c0_g2_i1_coral -0.607861600022842 0.543279269700006 0.865660813784253 TR10090|c0_g1_i1_coral 1.88783281005095 0.0590483989759312 NA TR10090|c0_g2_i1_coral 1.98672027139201 0.0469534041233123 0.418043000342497 TR10103|c0_g1_i1_coral 0.0846564644854882 0.932534507970102 0.984590265229257 TR10108|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.0387502433795997 0.969089515041603 0.992149683420423 TR10132|c0_g1_i1_coral -0.391067516682912 0.695747330435347 0.921516804624192 sum(res$log2FoldChange!=0) [1] 7659 genes<-as.integer(p.adjust(res$pvalue[res$log2FoldChange!=0 & !is.na(res$pvalue)], method="BH")<.05) names(genes)<-row.names(res[res$log2FoldChange!=0 & !is.na(res$pvalue),]) table(genes) genes 0 1 7533 116 goterms<-strsplit(as.character(Annotations$GO), split=" // ") names(goterms)<-Annotations$ContigName pwf<-nullp(genes, bias.data=Annotations[Annotations$ContigName%in%names(genes),"ContigLength"]) Warning message: In pcls(G) : initial point very close to some inequality constraints GOGOGO<-goseq(pwf,gene2cat=goterms) Using manually entered categories. Calculating the p-values... 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns GOGOGO$padj<-p.adjust(GOGOGO$over_represented_pvalue, method="fdr") sum(GOGOGO$padj<0.2, na.rm=T) [1] 3 sum(GOGOGO$padj<0.1, na.rm=T) [1] 2 sum(GOGOGO$padj<0.05, na.rm=T) [1] 2 GOGOGO[GOGOGO$padj<0.05,] category over_represented_pvalue under_represented_pvalue numDEInCat numInCat 1326 GO:0006032 3.838364e-08 1 5 8 74 GO:0000272 8.726516e-07 1 5 13 term ontology padj 1326 chitin catabolic process BP 0.0003557012 74 polysaccharide catabolic process BP 0.0040434313 GOTERM[["SOMEGOTERM"]] NULL EnGOS<-GOGOGO$category[p.adjust(GOGOGO$over_represented_pvalue, method="BH")<.05] for(go in EnGOS){
- print(GOTERM[[go]])
- cat("--------------------------------------\n")} GOID: GO:0006032 Term: chitin catabolic process Ontology: BP Definition: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of chitin, a linear polysaccharide consisting of beta-(1->4)-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues. Synonym: beta-1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine catabolic process Synonym: beta-1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine catabolism Synonym: chitin breakdown Synonym: chitin catabolism Synonym: chitin degradation
GOID: GO:0000272 Term: polysaccharide catabolic process Ontology: BP Definition: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a polysaccharide, a polymer of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. Synonym: multicellular organismal polysaccharide catabolic process Synonym: polysaccharide breakdown Synonym: polysaccharide catabolism Synonym: polysaccharide degradation Synonym: GO:0044244 Secondary: GO:0044244
names(Annotations) [1] "ContigName" "ContigLength"
[3] "topnrMatch" "topnrEvalue"
[5] "topnrAlignmentLength" "topnrPercMatch"
[7] "nobadwordnrMatch" "nobadwordnrEvalue"
[9] "nobadwordnrAlignLength" "nobadwordnrPercentMatch" [11] "Uniprotmatch" "X._identity"
[13] "evalue" "ID"
[15] "Description" "KEGG"
[17] "KEGGKO" "PFAM"
[19] "GO" "GOCC"
[21] "GOBP" "GOMF"
[23] "Keywords"
head(Annotations) ContigName ContigLength 1 TR10030|c0_g1_i1_sym 523 2 TR10043|c0_g1_i1_sym 512 3 TR10050|c0_g1_i1_sym 793 4 TR10054|c0_g1_i1_coral 548 5 TR10054|c0_g2_i1_coral 811 6 TR10082|c0_g2_i1_sym 1176 topnrMatch 1 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|101380155 OLP92908.1 Sodium/calcium exchanger 1 [Symbiodinium microadriaticum] 2 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|101372287 OLP84974.1 hypothetical protein AK812_SmicGene34099 [Symbiodinium microadriaticum] 3 No_sig_nr_hit 4 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|110384373 XP_020612383.1 titin-like isoform X4 [Orbicella faveolata] 5 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|110384422 XP_020612382.1 titin-like isoform X3 [Orbicella faveolata] 6 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|14605113 XP_002785881.1 sugar transporter, putative [Perkinsus marinus ATCC 50983] EER17677.1 sugar transporter, putative [Perkinsus marinus ATCC 50983] topnrEvalue topnrAlignmentLength topnrPercMatch 1 5.74325e-73 167 0.74 2 5.42819e-23 80 0.66 3 No_sig_nr_hit No_sig_nr_hit No_sig_nr_hit 4 8.93129e-73 182 0.90 5 1.31886e-95 250 0.82 6 1.07378e-49 289 0.37 nobadwordnrMatch 1 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|101380155 OLP92908.1 Sodium/calcium exchanger 1 [Symbiodinium microadriaticum] 2 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|51120734 XP_012166226.1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF146, partial [Bombus terrestris] 3 No_sig_nr_hit 4 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|110384373 XP_020612383.1 titin-like isoform X4 [Orbicella faveolata] 5 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|110384422 XP_020612382.1 titin-like isoform X3 [Orbicella faveolata] 6 gnl|BL_ORD_ID|14605113 XP_002785881.1 sugar transporter, putative [Perkinsus marinus ATCC 50983] EER17677.1 sugar transporter, putative [Perkinsus marinus ATCC 50983] nobadwordnrEvalue nobadwordnrAlignLength nobadwordnrPercentMatch 1 5.74325e-73 167 0.74 2 8.8118e-05 58 0.38 3 No_sig_nr_hit No_sig_nr_hit No_sig_nr_hit 4 8.93129e-73 182 0.90 5 1.31886e-95 250 0.82 6 1.07378e-49 289 0.37 Uniprotmatch X.identity evalue ID 1 A0A1Q9DCJ4 74.251 3.76e-73 A0A1Q9DCJ4_SYMMI 2 C0HBT3 29.114 3.65e-05 RN146_SALSA 3 No_Uniprotmatch No%_identity No_evalue No_ID 4 A0A2B4SVR7 77.473 8.77e-57 A0A2B4SVR7_STYPI 5 A0A2B4SVR7 72.112 5.57e-76 A0A2B4SVR7_STYPI 6 Q02334 21.402 2.12e-05 UGTP1_CAEEL Description 1 Sodium/calcium exchanger 1 {ECO:0000313|EMBL:OLP92908.1} 2 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf146 3 No_Description 4 Golgi-associated plant pathogenesis-related protein 1 {ECO:0000313|EMBL:PFX34774.1} 5 Golgi-associated plant pathogenesis-related protein 1 {ECO:0000313|EMBL:PFX34774.1} 6 UDP-galactose translocator 1 KEGG KEGGKO PFAM 1 No_KEGG No_KEGGKO PF00063; Myosin_head, PF07647; SAM_2 2 sasa:100380617 K15700 PF02825; WWE 3 No_KEGG No_KEGGKO No_PFAM 4 No_KEGG No_KEGGKO PF00188; CAP 5 No_KEGG No_KEGGKO PF00188; CAP 6 cel:CELE_ZK370.7 K15272 PF04142; Nuc_sug_transp GO 1 GO:0016021 // GO:0016459 // GO:0005524 // GO:0003774 // GO:0003676 2 GO:0005829 // GO:0005634 // GO:0072572 // GO:0061630 // GO:0004842 // GO:0008270 // GO:0090263 // GO:0051865 // GO:0070936 // GO:0006511 // GO:0016055 3 No_GO 4 GO:0005576 5 GO:0005576 6 GO:0060473 // GO:0005794 // GO:0005797 // GO:0030173 // GO:0015165 // GO:0015136 // GO:0008643 GOCC 1 No_GOBP 2 positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway (GO:0090263);protein autoubiquitination (GO:0051865);protein K48-linked ubiquitination (GO:0070936);ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process (GO:0006511);Wnt signaling pathway (GO:0016055); 3 No_GOCC 4 No_GOBP 5 No_GOBP 6 carbohydrate transport (GO:0008643); GOBP 1 ATP binding (GO:0005524);motor activity (GO:0003774);nucleic acid binding (GO:0003676); 2 poly-ADP-D-ribose binding (GO:0072572);ubiquitin protein ligase activity (GO:0061630);ubiquitin-protein transferase activity (GO:0004842);zinc ion binding (GO:0008270); 3 No_GOBP 4 No_GOMF 5 No_GOMF 6 pyrimidine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transporter activity (GO:0015165);sialic acid transmembrane transporter activity (GO:0015136); GOMF 1 integral component of membrane (GO:0016021);myosin complex (GO:0016459); 2 cytosol (GO:0005829);nucleus (GO:0005634); 3 No_GOMF 4 extracellular region (GO:0005576); 5 extracellular region (GO:0005576); 6 cortical granule (GO:0060473);Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794);Golgi medial cisterna (GO:0005797);integral component of Golgi membrane (GO:0030173); Keywords 1 ATP-binding {ECO:0000256|SAAS:SAAS00875240};Coiled coil {ECO:0000256|SAM:Coils};Membrane {ECO:0000256|SAM:Phobius};Metal-binding {ECO:0000256|PROSITE-ProRule:PRU00175};Motor protein {ECO:0000256|SAAS:SAAS01033784};Myosin {ECO:0000256|SAAS:SAAS01033784};Nucleotide-binding {ECO:0000256|SAAS:SAAS00875240};Transmembrane {ECO:0000256|SAM:Phobius};Transmembrane helix {ECO:0000256|SAM:Phobius};Zinc {ECO:0000256|PROSITE-ProRule:PRU00175};Zinc-finger {ECO:0000256|PROSITE-ProRule:PRU00175}.; 2 Complete proteome;Cytoplasm;Metal-binding;Nucleus;Reference proteome;Transferase;Ubl conjugation pathway;Wnt signaling pathway;Zinc;Zinc-finger.; 3 No_keywords 4 Coiled coil {ECO:0000256|SAM:Coils};Complete proteome {ECO:0000313|Proteomes:UP000225706};Reference proteome {ECO:0000313|Proteomes:UP000225706}.; 5 Coiled coil {ECO:0000256|SAM:Coils};Complete proteome {ECO:0000313|Proteomes:UP000225706};Reference proteome {ECO:0000313|Proteomes:UP000225706}.; 6 Complete proteome;Membrane;Reference proteome;Sugar transport;Transmembrane;Transmembrane helix;Transport.; dim(genes4heatmap) [1] 866 6