Prosemirror Binding for Loro Sync document state with Loro Sync cursors with Loro's Awareness and Cursor Undo/Redo in collaborative editing 🎨 Try it online import { CursorAwareness, LoroCursorPlugin, LoroSyncPlugin, LoroUndoPlugin, undo, redo, } from "loro-prosemirror"; import { LoroDoc } from "loro-crdt"; const doc = new LoroDoc(); const awareness = new CursorAwareness(doc.peerIdStr); const plugins = [ ...pmPlugins, LoroSyncPlugin({ doc }), LoroUndoPlugin({ doc }), keymap({ "Mod-z": undo, "Mod-y": redo, "Mod-Shift-z": redo, }), LoroCursorPlugin(awareness, {}), ]; const editor = new EditorView(editorDom, { state: EditorState.create({ doc, plugins }), }); collab-undo.mp4