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This repo is outdated as generator support has been added to CoffeeScript some time ago. The current (January, 2015) method to get yield working in your CS sources is to use jashkenas/coffee-script in place of coffee-script when installing the module:

# thx to
npm install jashkenas/coffee-script

Additionally, you will have to avail yourself of a NodeJS version >= 0.11.x and use the --harmony command line switch; as an alternative, why not try io.js?

The below README has been left here for future reference.

CoffyScript CoffeeScript with Yield❗

As of JavaScript 1.7 (as implemented in Firefox) and EcmaScript 6 (ES6, dubbed 'Harmony'), we have a Python-like yield keyword in JavaScript. Yeah!

That's really cool: asynchronous programming and generators are a natural match.

Unfortunately, it's not looking as if CoffeeScript in its official incarnation is going to support yield any time soon, which is a shame since it has already landed in NodeJS. So i patched together this CoffeeScript fork that bends the parsing rules somewhat, with the result that this version supports 'starred function syntax' and the yield statement. See below for details.


The impatient may want to scroll down to the section on Suspension, where i demonstrate how to write serialized asynchronous function calls. Be sure to read the disclaimers—this is rather new stuff, not yet main stream, so there will be rough edges.

Table of Contents

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So What is this Yield All About?

If you have never programmed with iterators and generators, you may imagine as a 'resumable return' for starters. For the more technically oriented, ES6 defines generators as "First-class coroutines, represented as objects encapsulating suspended execution contexts (i.e., function activations)." Well, maybe 'resumable return' is not so bad after all.

Minimal Example

The simplest example for using generators may be something like this (log being a shortcut for console.log here):

Note if you want to translate this and the following examples into plain JavaScript, observe that all functions containing the yield keyword must be declared as function* f() {} or f = function* () {}—that is, you need to mark the function as a generator by tacking an * (asterisk) to the function keyword. The CS community have, in a pull request discussion, decided to go for the asterisk-less version; accordingly, CoffyScript has switched from using ->* to using plain -> for generators.

# Using a star after the arrow 'licenses' the use of `yield` in the function body;
# it basically says: this is not an ordinary function, this is a generator function:
count = ->
  yield 1
  yield 2
  yield 3

# Calling a generator function returns a generator:
counting_generator = count()

# Now that we have a generator, we can call one of its methods, `next`:
log   # prints: { value: 1, done: false }

# ...and we can go on doing so until the generator becomes exhausted:
log   # prints: { value: 2, done: false }
log   # prints: { value: 3, done: false }
log   # prints: { value: undefined, done: true }
log   # throws an error saying "Generator has already finished"

(Note: The output you see is somewhat of a peculiarity of ES6 generators. In Python and in current (June 2013) Firefoxen, generators throw a special StopIteration exception to signal the generator has run to completion; because of concerns over efficiency and correctness in a fundamentally asynchronous language like JavaScript, the consensus among developers is that yielding an object with members value and done is better. In CoffeeScript this is easily dealt with using { value, done } =

So what happens here is essentially that the generator will, on the first call to, do whatever the function definition says, until it hits yield. It will return the argument of that yield (inside a custom-made object), and suspend operation. When is called another time, the generator picks up from where it left and runs until it hits upon the next yield. When no more yields are left, an object with done: true is returned; from that point on, calling will cause an exception.

Endless Loops

Now let's look at a slightly more interesting example. I'm sure you're already shivering in anticipation how one might do Fibonacci numbers with generators. Here's one way:

walk_fibonacci = ->
  a = 1
  b = 1
    c = a + b
    return c if c > 1e+20
    yield c
    a = b
    b = c

g = walk_fibonacci()

  { value, done } =
  break if done
  log value

# will print a list of numbers:
# 2
# 3
# 5
# 8
# 13

# ...

# 19740274219868226000
# 31940434634990100000
# 51680708854858330000
# 83621143489848430000

# ...and stop there as the next value would be larger than the limit we've set.

This example shows that:

  • a generator can be used similar to a function that returns a list, but without ever building that list, so you can build a list with arbitrary many elements, the limitation being time rather than space—a use case for this is reading huge files as streams, segmenting them into lines, and then yielding those lines to a processor. Stuff like this will become much more palatable once NodeJS implements true iteration using something like for x in/of g constructs.

  • A return statement inside a generator function indicates the last value has just been reached (this again is different from Python, where a return in a generator function cannot return any value).

Throwing Errors

When you call g.throw error, you'll throw an error inside the generator. Understanding by example is maybe the easiest:

walk_fibonacci = ->
  a = 1
  b = 1
      c = a + b
      return c if c > 1e+20
      yield c
      a = b
      b = c
    catch error
      log 'CAUGHT ERROR IN GENERATOR:', error
      return "it's over!"

g = walk_fibonacci()

  { value, done } =
  if done
    log 'terminated'
  { value, done } = g.throw new Error "144!!!!" if value is 144
  if done
    log 'received value:', rpr value
    log 'aborted'
  log value

# prints:
# 2
# 3
# 5
# 8
# 13
# 21
# 34
# 55
# 89
# received value: 'it\'s over!'
# aborted

(rpr in the above is just ( require 'util' ).inspect)

As you can see, g.throw() gets an object back just like does. When the generator catches the error, it may or may not decide to go on delivering values; in our case, we just return an unhelpful message and call it quits. Control flow literally bounces to and fro between caller and callee, as documented by the log messages.

Sending Values

Now we get to the point where we examine the single most exciting gem—what might well turn out to be the future of asynchronous programming in JavaScript, and that is sending values into a generator. To get a feel for this feature, let's rewrite our Fibonacci example a bit:

walk_fibonacci = ( a, b ) ->
  initial_a = a ?= 1
  initial_b = b ?= 1
    c = a + b

    # This `yield` works in two ways: it gives a value *to* the caller
    # and receives a value back *from* the caller:
    r = yield c

    # Our protocol is very simple—resume Fibo sequence if `r` is truthy,
    # proceed normally otherwise:
    if r
      a = initial_a
      b = initial_b
      a = b
      b = c

g       = walk_fibonacci 3, 1
restart = undefined

for idx in [ 0 ... 100 ]
  <del>{ value, done } = g.send restart</del>
  { value, done } = restart
  restart         = value > 100
  break if done
  log value

# prints
# 4
# 5
# 9
# 14
# 23
# 37
# 60
# 97
# 157
# 4
# 5
# 9
# 14
# 23
# 37
# 60
# ...

Here we have a generalized Fibonacci function that not only accepts two numbers as seed, it also checks whether the consumer sent in a truthy value to indicate the sequence should start over. In essence, you can 'talk' to your generator, as it were, telling it what to do. Update The generator.send() method has been removed in newer versions of NodeJS 0.11.x; you now use value to do that.

We send in undefined when we first call g.send(). The reason is that (1) is actually implemented as g.send undefined, and (2) to initialize a generator, you must not send anything but undefined, or you'll get an error.

The argument in the first call to must not be anything but undefined or you'll get an error (you'd say most of the time).

How Not to Yield to Callback Hell: Serializing Control Flow

Now that we've got all the pieces together, let's have a look at why yield is so great for dealing with asynchronous programming.

stepper_with_timeouts = ->
  log "A"
  yield after 1, -> log '1'
  log "B"
  yield after 1, -> log '2'

g = stepper_with_timeouts()

In this code, after is just a friendly rewrite of setTimeout, JavaScript's most generic means for asynchronous programming: it takes a time expressed as number of seconds and a callback; it will call the callback at some time in the future when at least as many seconds have passed; before that can happen, the current code context is allowed to run to completion.

We first retrieve the generator, then call on it. Of course what happens is that we immediately get printed out A, and, after a delay of one second, a 1 appears on the console. We never get to see B, because there's no second call to Now the idea is that if we could make it so that the next call to happens when the scheduled callback occurs ... we'd effectively implemented sleep() in JavaScript, a language that never had such a construct.

And this is how we might be doing that, with very simple means:

resume = ->

stepper_with_timeouts = ->
  log "after"
  yield after 1, resume
  log "a"
  yield after 1, resume
  log "long"
  yield after 1, resume
  log "time"

g = stepper_with_timeouts()

# prints:
# after
# (one second pause)
# a
# (one second pause)
# long
# (one second pause)
# time

To really appreciate how great this is, recall that setTimeout() (and, therefore, after()) is a truly asynchronous function—unlike the blocking time.sleep() you get with a language like Python. This means that while the script is running, you could very well be doing some other stuff during the breaks, which you can't when using a blocking sleep() function. And unlike a so-called 'busy loop'—basically while time() < t1...—CPU load will be near zero while the program is waiting. Yet we did manage to arrange our stuff in a linear fashion; without yield, we would've been forced to write the same like

log "after"
after 1, ->
  log "a"
  after 1, ->
    log "long"
    after 1, ->
      log "time"

invoking the Pyramid of Doom.

Of course, using promises, event emitters, or an asynchronous control flow library, could help mitigate the adverse effects of asynchronicity, but all of these solutions bring their own set of drawbacks; in particular, i want to argue that promises bring an especially heavy cartful of conceptual baggage into the game.

There's one single thing we have to accomplish yet: how to get back a value from an asynchronous call? Well, as we've seen above, is really just g.send value, so we can easily update the previous example.The answer is value.—Let's do something different now and read a file asynchronously:

read_file = ( route, handler ) ->
  ### Given the location of a file, read and decode it using UTF-8, then call the handler
  as `handler error, data`. ###
  ( require 'fs' ).readFile __filename, 'utf-8', handler
  return null

resume = ( error, data ) ->
  ### Send results to generator. ### [ error, data, ]

log_character_count = ( route ) ->
  ### Given a `route`, retrieve the text of that file and print out its character count. ###
  [ error, text ] = yield read_file route, resume
  log "file #{__filename} is #{text.length} characters long."

g = log_character_count __filename

And that's basically it! Using just a little bit of built-in language features, we've managed to deal with the event loop, suspending and resuming from one line to the next!


In the previous section i demonstrated how simple it is to use yield and g.send() to build code that suspends and resumes. It gets even better though when you use a library for that generator-building stuff, and suspend by Jeremy Martin (jmar777) is exactly such a brilliant piece of code. Exporting a single function that weighs in at a mere 16 lines of JavaScript, suspend makes the formulation of suspend / resume functions significantly easier and clearer. Let's take another look at the file reading example above, reformulated suspension-style:

suspend = require 'suspend'

read_text_file = ( route, handler ) ->
  ### A run-of-the-mill asynchronous file reading function; `handler` should be a NodeJS-compliant callback
  function that expects to be called with `( error, data )` on completion. ###
  ( require 'fs' ).readFile route, 'utf-8', ( error, text ) ->
    if error?
      handler error
      handler null, text

#                         argument to `suspend`:
# result of calling       generator function that
#     `suspend`           accepts `resume` as its
#                          asynchronous callback
#        ↓                           ↓
test_read_text_file = suspend ( resume ) ->
  ### The consumer of `read_text_file`, above. It is defined by 'decorating' a generator function (which
  accepts a single argument, `resume`) with `suspend`. When calling a NodeJS-compliant
  asynchronous function, we simple call that function with `resume`as callback, prepend the call with
  a `yield` statement, and upon completion we'll get a pair `[ error, data, ]` back from `yield`.
  We can than proceed to dealing with an error or further process the data. ###
  [ error
    text  ] = yield read_text_file __filename, resume
  throw error if error?
  log "read #{text.length} characters"


Now suspend returns a function, but does not execute it; this is what the call on the last line does. In many cases, you will want to pass in some arguments to your generator. To make this easier, we define a step decorator that does what suspend does, and immediately calls the result. Thus:

step = ( stepper ) ->
  R = suspend stepper
  return R()

test_read_text_file = ( route ) ->
  # Consider to use `=>*` below in order to keep the `this` / `@` context.
  return step ( resume ) ->
    [ error
      text  ] = yield read_text_file route, resume
    throw error if error?
    log "read #{text.length} characters"

test_read_text_file __filename

It's really amazing how clear this syntax is once you've gotten used to the semantics of yield and removed your callbacks. jmar777 remarks that instead of building a full-fledged asynchronous helper libraries with all the bells and whistles, he'd rather stick with the minimalist approach and keep suspend small for the time being; he recommends using async for higher-order asynchronous chores. i can only second that sentiment.

Still, it is fun and quite instructive to see how the most recurrent asynchronous chores can be formulated using nothing but yield, suspend, and resume, so this is what i want to do next.

First, let's define our magic workhorse—a function that promises to deliver the result of n * 2 at some time in the future. It also prints to the command line so we get a feel for what's going on behind the scenes:

double = ( n, handler ) ->
  after Math.random(), ->
    Z = n * 2
    log "double: #{n} -> #{Z}"
    handler null, Z

We've already seen that yield lends itself to serialization, so let's start with just that: We want a function that takes a start value, a stop value and a handler; we'll step over all the numbers one by one, and on completion call the handler with a list of results.

Since each call happens asynchronously and may take anywhere between zero and one seconds to complete, we'll have to serialize the calls so the result list keeps the correct order. And that turns out to be rather simple indeed:

double_numbers_in_serial = ( n0, n1, handler ) ->
  Z = []
  step ( resume ) ->
    for i in [ n0 .. n1 ]
      [ error
        result ] = yield double i, resume
      handler error if error?
      Z.push result
    handler null, Z

Some tasks greatly benefit from complete or partial serialization: when you run thousands of automated web page retrievals, you will want to limit how many open connections there are; when you want to drill into data from a database, future requests may depend on the outcome of earlier ones.

In our case, however, we do not have to be careful about resources, and results are mutually independent. Each call takes a half second on average and leaves the CPU idle for that accumulated time. If we could do that in a more parallelized manner, that would be great. And we can:

double_numbers_in_parallel = ( n0, n1, handler ) ->
  Z                 = []
  active_call_count = 0
  for i in [ n0 .. n1 ]
    active_call_count += 1
    step ( resume ) ->
      [ error
        result ] = yield double i, resume
      active_call_count -= 1
      handler error if error?
      Z.push result
      handler null, Z if active_call_count is 0
  return null

Things do get a tad more complicated as we have to keep track of how many calls are still unfinished. On the bright side, the average time to compute a list of, say, a hundred numbers has just come down from 50 seconds to about a half second. On the other hand, our list is just mumbo-jumbo numbos, the results being randomly distributed over the result list (fine for some tasks, not good for others). It's not really difficult to remedy that without any sacrifice in terms of efficiency:

double_numbers_in_sorted_parallel = ( n0, n1, handler ) ->
  Z                 = []
  active_call_count = 0
  for i in [ n0 .. n1 ]
    idx                 = active_call_count
    active_call_count  += 1
    do ( idx ) ->
      step ( resume ) ->
        [ error
          result ] = yield double i, resume
        active_call_count -= 1
        handler error if error?
        Z[ idx ] = result
        handler null, Z if active_call_count is 0
  return null

All we have to do is remembering the index where each result has to land; we can easily accomplish that by using a CoffeeScript do () -> closure.

Suspension #2

So i forked suspend, rewrote it in CoffeeScript, and added a few utility methods; the thing is called coffeenode-suspend and is available on GitHub and on NPM.

coffeenode-suspend differs from the original in a few points:

  • coffenode-suspend is re-written in CoffeeScript;
  • it works with callback-accepting synchronous functions
  • which means using suspend or step will make your code asynchronous in case it wasn't already.
  • coffenode-suspend will throw errors in the generator by default (instead of returning them);
  • it will send only a single value (not a list with a single value) to the generator if the callback just delivered a single value;
  • it offers utility functions for your asynchronous chores (available as suspend.step, suspend.after, and suspend.eventually).

In essence, you can now write code like this:

{ step } = require 'coffeenode-suspend'
test_read_text_file_with_step = ( route ) ->
  return step ( resume ) =>
      text = yield read_text_file route, resume
      log "read #{text.length} characters"
    catch error
      log "### THIS ERROR CAUGHT IN GENERATOR ### #{error[ 'message' ]}"

Getting those yielded values and catching those errors has just become a tad more like what you know from synchronous programming. And just in case you thought that read_text_file function was asynchronous but in fact wasn't, your code will have transparently become asynchronous and will continue working.

To see more, take a look at the code in examples/coffeenode-suspend.coffy.

Implementation Status

The current version of CoffyScript has been tested with NodeJS 0.11.7; it should also work on versions ≥ 0.11.2 and the upcoming 0.12.x stable versions. The bin/coffee executable sets the V8 --harmony command line flag so you don't have to. If this should break things with part of your code, consider changing that to --harmony-generators.

CoffyScript is as yet experimental—just a quick hack of the CoffeeScript grammar. You should probably not use it to control a space rocket.

Currently, the focus is on getting generators right in NodeJS; other targets (most importantly Firefox, which currently does not fully comply with ES6 generator specs) are not supported and may or may not work.

ES6 also specifies yield*, which corresponds to Python's yield from construct. This has not yet been included; when the feature lands in CoffyScript, it will presumably surface as yieldfrom. Also missing is a loop construct to simplify iterating over generator values, akin to Python's for x in g. Community discussion would indicate that it might get implemented as for x outof g.

A Note on Require.Extensions

After NodeJS's multilinguistic capabilities had gotten enthusiastically embraced by people advocating 'symbiotic languages', the drawbacks of having a single, global require.extensions object manage transpiling languages became apparent.

Fact is, if Language A registers extension .lang and any Language B does so too, it becomes unclear which language will end up dealing with any given file x.lang. Worse, two modules may require two different versions of the same language, and while the NPM module system as such is designed to allow just this, the global require.exensions will mar those efforts. This is bad.

For the time being, the best solution seems to be to pre-compile all your sources written in a secondary language to their target language (*.js in most cases), but if you're like me, you still want to run your sources and compile them on-the-fly. In order to provide a best-effort stop-gap solution, i've edited src/ so that it registers all of CoffeeScript's extensions (.coffee, .litcoffee, and its own extensions (.coffy, .litcoffy, The recommendation is that you use one of the *.coffy extensions whenever you want to use yield, and *.coffee otherwise.

Asynchronicity & How to Cope With It: the Alternatives

yield really starts to shine for a lot of use cases with full language support, such as what you get in Python. Specifically, there are on the one hand lots and lots of builts-ins / standard library functions in Python that routinely avoid building lists; on the other hand, you can transparently iterate over generated values in a for x in foo() loop. Most of the time, you don't have to worry about whether you got a list or a generator, you can just so use it. Doing this in a lot of places makes sense, as it should reduce memory consumption, drive down garbage collection cycles, and also be faster.

Unfortunately, JavaScript isn't quite there yet. NodeJS as of 11.2 does not yet provide a full-fledged implementation of JS Harmony iterators and generators, so JavaScripters can't yet get away with simply writing for x of foo()—you always have to use explicit calls like, generator.send(), generator.throw(), generator.close().

JavaScript might not be as 'iterative' as modern Pythons, but it sure is a lot more asynchronous by nature.

  • Callbacks. Simple, well standardized. CoffeeScript's function syntax makes callbacks a lot more viable for many people, being both easier to write and to read, it's much less of a burden to use functions all the the time. But, of course: the Pyramid of Doom doesn't go away just because functions are easier to type.

  • Events. More expressive than callbacks, as you can subscribe to specific event types, rather than waiting for a single callback handler to get called.

  • Promises. An emerging standard (cf. 'Promises/A+'). Harder to get right than callbacks, as witnessed by all those attempts that didn't get it right (mighty jQuery being one of them—which goes to show just how hard promises are). Promises may be thought of 'specialized event handlers' of sorts.

  • Control Flow Libraries. Packages like Step or async library (and around 200 more).

    Asynchronous control flow libraries typically provide methods to simplify such tasks as: fulfill each subtask in parallel, and return a (list of) value(s) when all have finished; return a value as soon as any subtask has finished; run subtasks in parallel, but limit the number of concurrent asynchronous calls.

  • Transpiling languages with asynchronous constructs, such as GorillaScript, PogoScript, ToffeeScript. Iced CoffeeScript Transpiling languages occupy a middle ground between mere libraries and native language extensions. The justification for transpiling languages is that there are things you just can't push into a library—for example, changing the very syntax, introduce new or improved operators, reordering code—stuff like that.

    While i find transpiling languages very exciting mainly because they allow you to write code for an existing, popular VM with well-known properties and without being bound to (all of) the idiosyncrasies of that VM, there are certain limits to what is desirable or even acceptable as far as the generated code goes.

    PogoScript, as a case in point, allows you to decorate your asynchronous function call, so you can write x = f! a as if f a replaced by f! a was an asynchronous-turned-synchronous function call (i call this 'folded style', the callback part being like 'folded back' into your primary control flow). Of course, within the limits of JavaScript without yield, turning an asynchronous into a synchronous call is not possible without a massive reordering of code and dealing with callbacks and exceptions behind the scenes.

    So while you do get benefits from this approach (like being able to catch asynchronous errors inside a seemingly run-of-the mill try / catch clause), the expensiveness in terms of resulting code complexity is baffling: a single line, a single 'folded' call will expand to ~25 lines of JavaScript. Worse, a single try / catch / finally clause with three 'folded' calls on 6 lines of source will explode to ~150 lines of target JS, forming a pyramid that is up to ten stories deep, all riddled with nested if / else and try / catch clauses. Debugging a chess programm written in Brainfuck is probably easier than to digest this heap of spaghetti. Nice try, but thank you. And thank you Jeremy and everyone for not allowing this to happen in CS. (Disclaimer: not one here to disparage PogoScript or its authors in whichever ways—making this trick work is an achievement to be sure. I'm just saying this hammer is probably not what you wanted to fix your screw.)

    Iced CoffeeScript introduces two new keywords, await and defer, that, used in concert, allow to write quite succinct constructs.

    Turns out the 'folded' calls of some transpiling languages is pretty similar to what you can get with yield.

  • Native Language Extensions (that modify NodeJS or another VM), e.g. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Interesting and certainly potentially able to provide the most powerful solutions to the asynchronous conondrum. But: unless ideas tested and proven by such projects enter the mainstream (read: become part of ES), they won't fly (far). Platform fragmentation has and will be one difficult aspect of JavaScript, and more fragmentation won't cut it. When you have the chance to work within the world's best-deployed software platform / VM, you don't want to lock out yourself for thirty pieces of silver and a few saved callbacks (bad enough yield needs an unstable version of NodeJS).

  • Using another VM altogether—Haskell, Erlang or Go maybe. Ouside of my consideration; but of course, there may be valuable lessons in other VMs, e.g. exception handling in Go, which is completely different from what you would (or even could) do in unadultered JavaScript. Otherwise, it's pretty much that thirty pieces of silver thing for me again.