Releases: lovyan03/LovyanGFX
bugifx: drawRect/fillRect: the behavior of minus width.
bugifx: FileWrapper: deficiencies in determining the need for CS control.
bugifx: StreamWrapper: could corrupt memory when skipping data.
bugfix: ESP8266: Crash on writeImage from flashROM to RAM.
tweak: SAMD21: support adafruit boards.
update: ATOM Display: support resolution change.
bugfix: Unable to use GFX font with ESP8266.
bugfix: floodFill does not work properly after using setRotation with sprite.
bugfix: undef min and max macro.
bugfix: Using ESP32 HSPI does not work.
Add parameter with panel config "end_read_delay_us" for ST7796.
Add support I2C for ESP8266.
Add support OpenCV ( for PC debug )
fix: Crash when drawing PNGs with no data size set.
fix: getTouch(int* x, int* y) does not work properly.
fix: "print" does not work properly at the bottom of the screen
fix: Correct colour cannot be read out with ILI9488.
fix: ESP32 Parallel8 / ESP32-S2 I2C,Parallel8,Parallel16 / ESP32-C3 I2C / ESP8266 SPI / SAMD21 SPI
fix: Reduce SPI speed for M5StickCPlus (countermeasure for individual differences)
add: LGFX_Button class for
add: support SPRESENSE ( under construction. )
Bugfix and Add new functions
- Fixed a problem that the right side and the bottom edge of PNG/JPG/BMP are not drawn when drawing with negative coordinates.
- Fixed a problem that a horizontal line is displayed by magnification dependence at the time of JPEG reduction drawing.
- Fixed a problem with fontHeight(const IFont*) function.
- Fixed a problem that the execution time of delay function becomes inaccurate depending on the setting of ESP-IDF environment.
- Fixed a build error in the ESP-IDF environment due to a flaw in CMakeLists.txt.
Deprecated functions.
- partialOn / partialOff
Add functions.
- drawEllipseArc / fillEllipseArc
- color16to8 / color8to16 / color16to24 / color24to16
- powerSave
- lgfx::millis / lgfx::micros / lgfx::delay / lgfx::delayMicroseconds
In addition.
- Added ifdef for automatic detection of M5StickCPlus.
- Improved the speed of the drawLine function.
Fix: Error compiling with M5Stack / M5StickCPlus since update 0.3.9
Fix: Error compiling with M5Stack / M5StickCPlus since update 0.3.9 #108