All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The plugin DSL is now compatible with Groovy #17
- The name of the generated ZIP file can now be customized #22
- Fix a bug where the plugin was not able to detect the frameworks for some project configurations #8
- You can now declare the name of the Swift package #5. Thanks for the collaboration @JUSTINMKAUFMAN
- BREAKING: By default the name of the Swift package is now the base name of the framework instead of the name of the project.
Fix a bug where target names were not always resolved correctly #1
Fix a bug where the creation of the XCFramework failed if dSYM files did not exist
- Add all architectures of a platform at once
targetPlatforms { iOS { v("13") } macOS { v("10.0") } }
- Better error messages if the plugin is not configured correctly
- Better validation of plugin configuration
The first release 🥳