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210 lines (172 loc) · 6.06 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (172 loc) · 6.06 KB


Windows Useful Commands

Remove all folders inc. subfolders without prompt

rmdir /Q /S foldername

Remove all files via wildcard quite quickly, great for large files

del /F /Q /S *.* > NUL

Copy whole folder structure without files excluding three folders target, .idea, .git

robocopy SourceFolder DestFolder /e /xf * /xd "target" /xd ".idea" /xd ".git" /log:log_robocopy.txt

Tip: very useful in case of project backup, you can exclude other big folders like node_modules etc.

Copy all .yml files in folders including sub-folder structure except empty ones

robocopy SourceFolder DestFolder /s *.yml /xd "target" /xd ".idea" /xd ".git" /log:log_robocopy.txt

Open an Windows Explorer in current path on command line

start .

Maven Useful Commands

The maven goal that only makes JAR package from compiled java sources

mvn jar:jar

The maven goal that makes only WAR package from compiled java sources

mvn war:war

The maven phase that makes all first phases ending with package ie. compile, test, jar

mvn package

The maven goal that makes only installation of the package to the maven local .repository (and then accessible as dependency for other projects or modules)

mvn install:install

Process resources, package into JAR file and finally install it to the maven local .repository

mvn resources:resources jar:jar install:install

Tip: very useful if you have just some updated resources and want to build your BIG app simply and faster ie. except of compile and test goals

Process resources, package into WAR file and finally install it to the maven local .repository

mvn resources:resources war:war install:install

Note: the resources can be usually JAR libraries of 3th party, resources on the classpath (yml, config, properties etc.).

Skip javadoc generation during build

mvn clean install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

Packages all needed files (inc. copying webapp resources) into WAR file and finally install it to the maven local .repository

mvn war:war install:install

Tip: very useful if you have updated only some javascripts or other frontend stuffs and want to build your BIG app simply and faster ie. except of compile and test goals

Clean the release property and backup files eg. pom.xml.releaseBackup,

mvn release:clean

Preparation phase for release when it checks staging area (if exists no modified files) Checks last version from maven-metadata.xml on jFrog to ensure that we are now on correct version (consistency check) Create release version from snapshot ie. modify version in project pom.xml from 1.1.42-SNAPSHOT to 1.1.42 Create tag as release version ie. 1.1.42 Create another development version (snapshot) ie. modify version in project pom.xml from 1.1.42 to 1.1.43-SNAPSHOT

mvn release:prepare

Checkout from SCM URL as remote repository on tagged release version ie. 1.1.42 Deploy/Push the jars or ears to jFrog specified on local settings.xml

mvn release:perform

Tip: tag is basically something like branch but only mark or naming for specified commit so then you can checkout on this tag much more easier way than on commit specified by its number

Checkout from SCM URL as remote repository on tagged release version ie. 1.1.42 Deploy/Push the jars or ears to jFrog specified on passed settings.xml, we might need to access under different user due to privilegies (jFrog has some permissions to approach for specified users)

mvn release:perform -s /path/explicit-settings.xml

IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks

The Multiple Cursors Caret cloning

The commands are issued by pressing Ctrl , then pressing it again and not releasing. While still holding Ctrl, you can press ↑ and ↓ arrows to clone cursor to the line above or bellow.

Multiple Cursors

When holding Alt + Shift, clicking on a location creates a new cursor on that location in addition to all the already existing cursors.

Select All occurrences

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + J

Add occurrence (good alternative for Select All occurrences)

Alt + J

Power Shell Tips & Tricks

Get-Date and Set-Date feature

Set the date in simple way
Set-Date "09/04/2021"   

Returns current set date

Set the date with current time
set-date -date ("09/04/2021 " + (Get-Date).ToString("hh:mm:ss"));

Sync time clock

Resync the clock of machine to current date time
W32tm /resync /force;

Note: you might need to have admin privilegies for set of date or resync feature you can

Execution policy

Returns if your machine has osme restrictions policies in setup

Sample script with usage Date and resync (your_script.ps1)

"--------------START SCRIPT";

set-date -date ("09/04/2021 " + (Get-Date).ToString("hh:mm:ss"));

"Date was updated and now it's waiting 30s before sync!";
Start-Sleep -s 30;

W32tm /resync /force;

"Clock was sync to current date time!";

"--------------END SCRIPT";

You can use above script and call under cmd batch file if you encouter on problem with running of script (policies etc.)

@echo off
powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass %MY_SCRIPTS%\your_script.ps1
timeout 10

Note: don't forget set up your user environment property where your scripts are located ie. MY_SCRIPTS or you can ignore it

Git Tips & Tricks

git config --global <email> && git config --global <username>
git log --oneline

Undo changes, the last commit will be removed
git reset --soft HEAD~1
$ git log --oneline

3fad532  Last commit   (HEAD)
3bnaj03  Commit before HEAD   (HEAD~1)

Networking Tips & Tricks

ssh-agent is a background program that handles passwords for SSH private keys. it runs the agent in background

eval `ssh-agent -s`

The ssh-add command prompts the user for a private key password and adds it to the list maintained by ssh-agent .

ssh-add /.ssh/your_private_key

Tip: basically you have to use the ssh-agent to use private key for remote connection without prompt, it is happening automatically without our force